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Blackmore: Players angry with Board & Reed

Saint Charlie

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A good journalist would fact-check from someone other than a very obviously biased source. Blackmore's main gripe over the summer was that all of his sources were no longer connected to the club so he was losing his exclusives, it's why he's been banging the Jack Cork drum louder than anybody else.


Even so, what did he say that was so untrue it has caused Jeff to be so enraged?

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1. I don't know and its nothing to do with me but Blackmore said there were no talks and Cork has backed that up many times.


2. I assume in relation to the ambition of the club. Schneiderlin has said recently that he was no longer sure of the ambition which made him want to leave which he nearly did. So when Blackmore said some players were consodering their futures because they had lost faith with the club, he was right.


3. Its relevant because Blackmore said players were frustrated with the club and will leave and he was proved right, five did leave for various reasons.


4. Blackmore said the players were not happy that Fonte, one of the key players, had not been offered a contract. Fonte himself wasnt happy and said so since Blackmore said it. Its not for me to speculate about why players werent happy.


5. The Cortese bit you said before was true.


6. Yes Lallana, who Blackmore spoke to, doesnt like Reed. Lambert said on Sky before the Liverpool game he was a bit worried about the future for Saints because of who was in charge. They might be wrong but Blackmore said some players didnt like Reed and that seems to be true.


If you re read the OP where I summarised some of Blackmore's tweets, there really isnt anything overly ludicrous there.


Re them being a good group of lads Im not sure because I don't know them. None had ever seemed like complete wallies before but then again in football there are massive egos and amounts of money they are chasing and clearly some of the players handled their transfers very badly. No denying that. Probably the same with Tadic, Mane or Forster when a top side wants them.


But this is the point, there was NO EVIDENCE apart from what Blackmore said that these things were true and were anything more than stories made up to justify the exit of players who wanted pay increases and to play for bigger clubs. This is the point, and what he was questioned on consistently during the Summer and couldn't defend.


Blackmore spent his time during May trying to destabilise my club further, with half truths and no evidence. He had the chance a number of times to ask high ranking officials at the club about all the above but never took the opportunity because he knew the information was biased and not complete.


What I don't understnd is why you continue to defend the guy, and you can't see him for what he is, a local hack and Pompey fan.


Let's fact check his stuff:


1. There is no evidence that Lallana et al were annoyed that Fonte and Cork hadnt been offered new contracts by mid May last year.


2. There is no evidence that the majority of the squad disliked the current board.


3. He never told us what this irrepairable differences were. Would have been easy to tell us but decided not to, sp Bo evidence that these existed.


4. The players were a good group who were no trouble. Considering the way Lallana, Lovren and Schneiderlin acted in the Summer there is much evidence to the contrary for this.


5. Things will come out in the wash. Yes they have, from the opposite side, hence why a lot of ex players are bow hated.


6. Players angry at lack of communication. This is one of the most pathetic ones. We asked him many times what the players wanted to hear, what needed clarifying at that specific time and he never released that info.


Why have you naively followed his version as gospel this Summer, what has he said backed up by evidence that has made you trust him unconditionally?

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He is a Villa fan I believe and as a BBC commentator I personally wouldn't describe him as a hack. That is really a term for the likes of Crook.


I can see we will never agree in this. You will never get hard evidence because that isn't how these things work. Equally you have no evidence to suggest he was wrong, just hypothetical questions. Many of the things he said were hinted at by players over the summer since he said them (Fonte, Schneiderlin, Lambert, Cork) and as I have listed above. These were often those with some kind of agenda i.e the ones who wanted to leave or get new contracts. But those were the ones that were involved in the saga and where the story of the summer sat. And thats what the media in football is used for.


See the Harry Kane story this morning which presumably is from his camp to let Spurs know he wants more game time, or a message from Saints that if they publically go after Jay it can work both ways. Its agenda driven media.


But you can't say Blackmore is making things up when he is simply reporting what he has been told directly by players including our then Captain, talisman striker and long term fans favourite defender. If they are lying then thats their problem not Blackmore's.


Of course he is going to report those things, he was told them by senior players at the club (pretty good sources) and at the time it was big news. When you have spoken directly to three or four players involved in the saga then that is a pretty good access level compared to what the Mirror or Talksport had.


For his career and exposure it was a good summer. His job is to report stories, not do a Les Reed survey across all squad members or protect the Saints board. We were a shambles at the start of the summer and he reported it, thats all.


From the national media there have been far bigger culprits of talking rubbish about Saints when they know nothing of what was happening and were not at all connected with anyone involved. Neil Ashton? Or Adam Blackmore? LOL.


For the sake of all this is my last post on the thread so no need to reply. We have our differing opinions which is fine.

Edited by Saint Charlie
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He is a Villa fan I believe and as a BBC commentator I personally wouldn't describe him as a hack. That is really a term for the likes of Crook.


I can see we will never agree in this. You will never get hard evidence because that isn't how these things work. Equally you have no evidence to suggest he was wrong, just hypothetical questions. Many of the things he said were hinted at by players over the summer since he said them (Fonte, Schneiderlin, Lambert, Cork) and as I have listed above. These were often those with some kind of agenda i.e the ones who wanted to leave or get new contracts. But those were the ones that were involved in the saga and where the story of the summer sat. And thats what the media in football is used for.


See the Harry Kane story this morning which presumably is from his camp to let Spurs know he wants more game time, or a message from Saints that if they publically go after Jay it can work both ways. Its agenda driven media.


But you can't say Blackmore is making things up when he is simply reporting what he has been told directly by players including our then Captain, talisman striker and long term fans favourite defender. If they are lying then thats their problem not Blackmore's.


Of course he is going to report those things, he was told them by senior players at the club (pretty good sources) and at the time it was big news. When you have spoken directly to three or four players involved in the saga then that is a pretty good access level compared to what the Mirror or Talksport had.


For his career and exposure it was a good summer. His job is to report stories, not do a Les Reed survey across all squad members or protect the Saints board. We were a shambles at the start of the summer and he reported it, thats all.


From the national media there have been far bigger culprits of talking rubbish about Saints when they know nothing of what was happening and were not at all connected with anyone involved. Neil Ashton? Or Adam Blackmore? LOL.


For the sake of all this is my last post on the thread so no need to reply. We have our differing opinions which is fine.


And this is it.


If they are lying IT IS his problem, as his sources are then bad. It's not his sources problem. That is what I think you don't understand and why Blackmore is more badly thought of now than before the Summer. He was sucked in and now looks a bit of an idiot.


And I'm not comparing him against other journalists, they're all agenda driven liars.


It's a shame you got so sucked in by him this summer and now it's too late to go back and admit you were wrong. I get that, you believed him and he let you down. You were once relatively respected on this site, but after this Summer's debacle it's all fallen apart. New identity needed I think, it sometimes works for the better.

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And this is it.


If they are lying IT IS his problem, as his sources are then bad. It's not his sources problem. That is what I think you don't understand and why Blackmore is more badly thought of now than before the Summer. He was sucked in and now looks a bit of an idiot.


And I'm not comparing him against other journalists, they're all agenda driven liars.


I doubt anyone was lying, particularly those who clearly care about the club and are still here. If you are willing to disregard players coming out and talking about the lack of clarity over the summer and the perception of the direction the club were heading in, it's a pointless argument.


Even Koeman is surprised about how well we have started and spoke about having to lift the group at the beginning. His appointment and his subsequent signings was the key to salvaging the situation.

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I really haven't followed this story from the beginning, but the point 6 regarding the " relationship " between Lallana and Reed seems some what overblown.

I am prepared to believe that Les Reed knew more about behind-the-scenes activity at Board level than Lallana did, and didn't see fit to tell all.

They may have had an exchange of views, and AL didn't like the response he got. ..or maybe he just didn't like being put in his place by one of his bosses?


Many peoples' opinion of Les Reed seems to have been "coloured" by some of his previous actvities, but a lot of tasks are pretty shi**y, and sometimes you get some of it on you. He's certainly come up smelling of roses at SMS.

IMHO Les Reed (a comparatively anonymous figure in the early years) must have learned something from Cortese, and when the aforementioned left - Les seemed well-prepared to take up the challenge.


I think that Les' performance in the last few months has been quite excellent. From the first interview with RK, he seems to have found the right man, and there doesn't seem to have been too much wrong with the " list " that they both shared for possible signings, as has been shown in recent matches. Like him or not..... Les Reed has done an outstanding job at a very difficult time for the club.


I've nothing against Lallana (who'd been with the club well for 14 years). I admired his skill and performance as team captain, but I think he still has a lot to learn about diplomacy in the football world.

We've all had to work with people we don't necessarily see eye to eye with, but must learnt live with them, and there was obviously a clash of personalities...but it doesn't make Lallana right - and Reed wrong.


(For my money anyone who knows how to put Steven Gerrard in his place - can't be all bad).

Edited by david in sweden
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I doubt anyone was lying, particularly those who clearly care about the club and are still here. If you are willing to disregard players coming out and talking about the lack of clarity over the summer and the perception of the direction the club were heading in, it's a pointless argument.


Even Koeman is surprised about how well we have started and spoke about having to lift the group at the beginning. His appointment and his subsequent signings was the key to salvaging the situation.


I agree that no-one saw this coming, the quick gelling etc, and congratulations have to go to the club, manager and players for this.


My biggest problem all through this Summer with Blackmore was this insistence in mid May that players outside of those that didn't have new contracts were angry at the fact they hadnt been offered them over a year before their contracts ran out.


I'm sorry, but that is ********, that is not how life is and is a blatant excuse for the players that left to justify them leaving.


Blackmore backed the wrong side.

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And this is it.


If they are lying IT IS his problem, as his sources are then bad. It's not his sources problem. That is what I think you don't understand and why Blackmore is more badly thought of now than before the Summer. He was sucked in and now looks a bit of an idiot.


And I'm not comparing him against other journalists, they're all agenda driven liars.


It's a shame you got so sucked in by him this summer and now it's too late to go back and admit you were wrong. I get that, you believed him and he let you down. You were once relatively respected on this site, but after this Summer's debacle it's all fallen apart. New identity needed I think, it sometimes works for the better.


I just don't get your point, Jeff. Why was Blackmore 'sucked in' and how does that make him an 'agenda driven liar'? He reported things from perhaps a couple of players perspectives, that he had close links to. Granted, that might not have turned out as fully indicative of the situation among the squad, but that doesn't mean he was duped or that he is lying - only that what he chose to discuss on twitter didn't reflect the entirety of what the squad were feeling or thinking at the time. But when does that ever happen? Have you ever read an article that is written by consensus and canvasses the opinions of every notable senior player, coach, and board member? We only learn fragments of the 'truth' through various media reports, and generally over time, we bestow more credibility on certain journalists.


Personally, I've never for one moment thought that Blackmore was deliberately trying to unsettle things at the club, but there was definitely a story to be had at the club last summer and he was probably closer than most to it. Yes, every journalist has their own preconceptions/subjective opinions on how things are going, and to a degree this will be reflected in their reporting on a subject, but to tar a whole profession as 'agenda driven liars' is massively simplistic. Can you prove beyond doubt that some of the senior players weren't annoyed about Fonte and Cork's contracts and that it had no effect on anything? Probably not, but that wouldn't make you right or wrong.


It makes me laugh as you seem to think you have access to some sort of pure unadulterated 'truth' over the summer (what did the corridors tell you exactly?) which allows you to dismiss Blackmore as a liar, constantly harangue people into apologies and admissions that they were 'wrong', and now goading posters into identity changes (surely revealing of your own agenda to make this forum a slave to your massive, yet bruised, ego). You're not a man of nuance are you Jeff?

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I just don't get your point, Jeff. Why was Blackmore 'sucked in' and how does that make him an 'agenda driven liar'? He reported things from perhaps a couple of players perspectives, that he had close links to. Granted, that might not have turned out as fully indicative of the situation among the squad, but that doesn't mean he was duped or that he is lying - only that what he chose to discuss on twitter didn't reflect the entirety of what the squad were feeling or thinking at the time. But when does that ever happen? Have you ever read an article that is written by consensus and canvasses the opinions of every notable senior player, coach, and board member? We only learn fragments of the 'truth' through various media reports, and generally over time, we bestow more credibility on certain journalists.


Personally, I've never for one moment thought that Blackmore was deliberately trying to unsettle things at the club, but there was definitely a story to be had at the club last summer and he was probably closer than most to it. Yes, every journalist has their own preconceptions/subjective opinions on how things are going, and to a degree this will be reflected in their reporting on a subject, but to tar a whole profession as 'agenda driven liars' is massively simplistic. Can you prove beyond doubt that some of the senior players weren't annoyed about Fonte and Cork's contracts and that it had no effect on anything? Probably not, but that wouldn't make you right or wrong.


It makes me laugh as you seem to think you have access to some sort of pure unadulterated 'truth' over the summer (what did the corridors tell you exactly?) which allows you to dismiss Blackmore as a liar, constantly harangue people into apologies and admissions that they were 'wrong', and now goading posters into identity changes (surely revealing of your own agenda to make this forum a slave to your massive, yet bruised, ego). You're not a man of nuance are you Jeff?




It's a little bit odd how these whispers in the corridors were not mentioned at the time by the unbelievable one.


I might just be done with it all and publish an open letter of apology to Jeff in the Echo.

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It's a little bit odd how these whispers in the corridors were not mentioned at the time by the unbelievable one.


I might just be done with it all and publish an open letter of apology to Jeff in the Echo.


That would look lovely framed on Jeff's corridor.




Edited by Toon Saint
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I think the gist of this thread is some learn and some don't. It was a bit crap back then. I think it knocked the wind out of our sails, but the new crew members have helped those remaining to get the ship back on course and made good head way.


Ship!?! WTF??


I thought we were still driving a bus? :) :mcinnes:

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I've read all this and am somewhat surprised to find that there are people questioning Blackmore's comments in the OP. From what I can see most of them are true or at least have a reasonable chance of being true, albeit there's clearly a bit of spin about the players who decided to leave and their convenient relationship breakdown which helped try and make them look less like money-grabbing mercenaries.


I couldn't really care less about the relative relationships between players and Cortese vs the current board as Cortese's "truths" were based on an unsustainable pie in the sky scenario and if anything he was TOO loyal to the incumbents (whilst at the same time promising things he couldn't deliver), and the current board at least seems to be realistic about what can be achieved.


In short, much of it was true or at least someone's perception of the truth, can't blame Blackmore for reporting that.

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