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So. When can we officially be in "meltdown"?


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The phrase that was so favoured by the press and so lambasted on here now seems perfectly apt.


Think about December last year, only 6 short months ago. NC was in charge, MP was delivering results, we were moving up the table despite a couple of bad patches. Our star striker had scored on his England debut. Our hometown hero Captain was the envy of many other teams fans. Our leftback was being hailed as the future of football. Our "route to first team" coaches lauded as running the best academy in the land.


Now we have lost our hardball chairman, replaced by someone who, on current trends, isn't doing so well.


We have sacked 2 of our youth coaches with no rationale being given.


We have lost the Adidas deal for kit next year and risk running out in a cobbled together job.


The much hoped for global brand sponsor befitting a top half Premier League side turned out to be one more suited to a Championship side.


The manager and his team have jumped, take with them a lot of the hopes we all had for building on last season. The names touted to replace them have been somewhat worrying.


All 3 of our England players are almost certainly off, or if not majorly unsettled. Plus a few of our other stars and youth are being talked about in the media as off.


We are 6/1 to be relegated.


Meltdown? I think now is the time to accept it and say yes we are in meltdown.

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On current evidence, the 'anyone but Cortese' brigade are bloody idiots. I was very critical of some things he did, but he seemed to have the best interests of the club at heart.


But, I think we're now seeing why he packed up and buggered off.

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When a poor manager is appointed and it's clear incoming funds aren't being reinvested.


In that situation it's fine to panic, moan, predict relegation and so on. But unfortunately it won't make one bit of difference regardless and the best action will remain supporting the new guy and trying to help the club remain in the premier league until another owner comes along.


The thing I don't get - RK said two days ago the new manager will be consulted on all tranfers. We don't have to sell etc.. Then this happens. It's pretty poor timing and sorry but does currently make them look like mugs. They really have to pull out a good managerial appointment and re-invest all the money + what the kitty would have been to make this look any good!

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I agree Pancake.


IMHO the change in the leadership of the Club has caused more damage than I initially thought. The new Board certainly haven't picked up the momentum promoted by NC and progress has come to a grinding halt, something that the shallow, saccharine platitudes of Kruger fail to gloss over. The Club is now in decline, only a week after its best ever season, and before anyone jumps down my throat with accusations of pant-******ing, it is a considered opinion. Often negativity causes it's own momentum and the main perpertrators are the media. NC had a few run ins but learned how to deal with them (from the relative safety of L1 and Championship status), the current Board appear to have no idea how to deal with them and the subsequent speculation and furore that surrounds any story adds weight to the notion that we are defenceless and rudderless, until it becomes a reality - which it appears to be in the process of now.


We all know what they need to do to placate the fans and provide some leadership to alleviate this perception of meltdown. Whether they can remains to be seen.

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I always try and look behind the words and stay positive.


But right now I simply cannot see any scenario except


1) We have been lied to

2) KL is Asset Stripping and will probably sell the club AFTER the first PL payment is made in October

3) The New Board will all pocket a hefty handout

4) Many fans will try and use the public statements to sue the club for Misrepresentation having bought Season Tickets

5) Nottarf Krap will ring to the sounds of WTFILN

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It sure feels like the world is against us at the moment.


I don't begrudge Rickie his move to his boyhood club I really don't - He's been brilliant for us for 5 seasons and I'll happily wish him every success in his final seasons at the top.

But the board are just not managing the messages to the supporters at all well, they are not managing the media "sheet storm" well either and are almost giving encouragment to open season at SMS.

I do not blame them entirely for Poch moving on but they need to start acting tough (or at least give the impression they are) - Right now everything seems to be rudderless.

I am and remain a Pro-Cortese Saints fan, and I wish that some of his acumen and cojonies was driving the club message right now.

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I always try and look behind the words and stay positive.


But right now I simply cannot see any scenario except


1) We have been lied to

2) KL is Asset Stripping and will probably sell the club AFTER the first PL payment is made in October

3) The New Board will all pocket a hefty handout

4) Many fans will try and use the public statements to sue the club for Misrepresentation having bought Season Tickets

5) Nottarf Krap will ring to the sounds of WTFILN


That is a very pessemistic scenario. I think we bumble on next season, scrapping int he bottom third like we always have done in the past. We are not about to implode.

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Until we know who the new manager is and what squad we end up with at the end of the transfer window, no.


At the moment it's all unknown, while we might be selling players we have no idea who/if they'll be replaced with yet. While we don't have a manager, we don't if the new one will be better or worse.


We're certainly in limbo, but not meltdown.


Some our fans must walk around in adult nappies the way they're carrying on.

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Losing MoPo for me was always going to happen. Never got the sense he was here for the long run (but replacement is key)


Lambert going is just about acceptable given his age, his service and going back "home" (think £4m is a piff take though).


Resigned to losing Shaw, but think he is one of the least influential of our players, (and his head has already been turned).


Then after that I would begrudgingly accept any one of Lallana, Lovren, Morgan.



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Losing MoPo for me was always going to happen. Never got the sense he was here for the long run (but replacement is key)


Lambert going is just about acceptable given his age, his service and going back "home" (think £4m is a piff take though).


Resigned to losing Shaw, but think he is one of the least influential of our players, (and his head has already been turned).


Then after that I would begrudgingly accept any one of Lallana, Lovren, Morgan.




This is about right :)


I'd like to add that if we get a manager of the Mackay/Lennon variety then my meltdown health bar will decrease. Unfortunately I can't imagine too many decent managers coming near us at the moment.

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Losing MoPo for me was always going to happen. Never got the sense he was here for the long run (but replacement is key)


Lambert going is just about acceptable given his age, his service and going back "home" (think £4m is a piff take though).


Resigned to losing Shaw, but think he is one of the least influential of our players, (and his head has already been turned).


Then after that I would begrudgingly accept any one of Lallana, Lovren, Morgan.






That sums it up perfectly for me too.

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Cortese sold Chamberlain in League 1. I don't see any difference between that and now, other than the fact that we have 4 or 5 Chamberlains to sell. If they go, it just means we have 4 or 5 times as much money to reinvest.


IF the money isn't being reinvested, or being spent poorly then I will be concerned. Right now we have lost a manager who is clearly not bothered about us and a 32 year old striker who has given us by far the best 5 years of his career and we've still made a profit.


We are financially stable, we have an excellent youth set up and a decent Premier League squad. Life is really not that bad.

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Cortese sold Chamberlain in League 1. I don't see any difference between that and now, other than the fact that we have 4 or 5 Chamberlains to sell. If they go, it just means we have 4 or 5 times as much money to reinvest.


IF the money isn't being reinvested, or being spent poorly then I will be concerned. Right now we have lost a manager who is clearly not bothered about us and a 32 year old striker who has given us by far the best 5 years of his career and we've still made a profit.


We are financially stable, we have an excellent youth set up and a decent Premier League squad. Life is really not that bad.

its not selling lambert.

its about all the departures in one go


it will be hard to integrate so many new faces on the training ground, be it coaches/manager and players and have a remotely successful season

next season is all about staying up

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its not selling lambert.

its about all the departures in one go


it will be hard to integrate so many new faces on the training ground, be it coaches/manager and players and have a remotely successful season

next season is all about staying up


You mean tabloid rumours you assume will ALL come to fruition?


Spurs did something similar last summer and they plummeted from 5th all the way down to 6th. That was despite sacking their manager and spending the Bale money very poorly. New faces doesn't have to mean poor performances. Lovren and Wanyama slotted seamlessly into the side last summer.

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When we sell Lallana, Lambert, Morgan, Dejan, Chambers, Clyne, Shaw, JRod, Wanyama, Cork, appoint Chris Hughton as manager (who signs Johan Elmander and Van Wolfswinkel to play up front) and then we watch Kat take her billions and disappear leaving us in financial ruin.



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When we sell Lallana, Lambert, Morgan, Dejan, Chambers, Clyne, Shaw, JRod, Wanyama, Cork, appoint Chris Hughton as manager (who signs Johan Elmander and Van Wolfswinkel to play up front) and then we watch Kat take her billions and disappear leaving us in financial ruin.Then.


...........it's then that the gallant White Night ....Sir Nicola Cortese comes riding to the rescue........NO.. I can't take that....

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