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Seriously - WTF?


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As the title suggests, WTF is going on......in our supporters head?


If you seriously believe that we will start the season without Lambert, Lallana, Shaw, Lovren, Wanyama, Clyne, JRod and Morgan as suggested by journalists whose only remit is to sell copy then you deserve everything you get.


Of course we MIGHT sell 2 or 3, and in my head that's ok because there are legitimate and deserved reasons for the first three on that list, if as rumoured they go to Liverpool, a CL team, and the biggest club in the world respectively.


Any other sales does smack of asset stripping BUT it hasn't happened and I for one and probably many thousands more, rational level headed people believe what I see and not what others want to happen fuelled by their own (usually totally detached) agendas


Get a grip. If you don't trust RKs words fair enough but don't lose your head while all around you are also losing theirs. Give them the time needed and think it through logically people!!!



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People need to show a bit of nerve. The club is under attack from the press and rumours abound.


We will soon have a new excellent manager. We may sell a few of our top players, they want to go and it is almost impossible to stop them.


However, I am confident we will buy in some outstanding top quality replacements once we have our new manager in place.


Next season will be about consolidating our premier status and keeping clear of the bottom three, then we can begin rebuilding again.

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I can understand why a number of supporters I getting a bit uppity.


I successful season comes to an end with 3 Saints players heading off to the World Cup. Then the manager departs leaving a bit of a vacuum. Next a popular international forward is apparently off too for a modest fee with the prospect that the other two of Saints England players will soon be out of the door.


Without any firm news of plans for the future of course rumours fly about the place. It's only natural that fans' heads should be swimming somewhat even if some are shouting "Don't Panic!".

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This, however unlikely could have happened under NC but the difference this time is that I don't have confidence in the new board to make the right decisions. My only hope is that the scouting team and Les take us the right way. If it were left to Ralph and Kat I dread to think what state we'd be in come August.


Very simple question, when we sell Lambert for £4mil who could we buy for £4mil who would be comparable? If the answer is no one then why are we doing it? Deep down I am actually pleased for Lambert and as others have said think he deserves everything he gets but from a SFC point of view how in any way can that be good for us?


This Mr nice guy **** from Ralph is getting on my tits, he's only been here 2 mins. We keep hearing "we've rejected bids" or "turned down offers" whoopie ******* do.


It's funny really how the same statement from 2 different people can have opposite meanings. If NC says "we'll only sell on our terms" I would totally believe him and whilst gutted, would think that we are screwing the buying club for everything we can get out them, If Ralph said the same thing it means we'll reject your mickey mouse first bid but will accept the second so if I pull my trousers right down you can take a run up.


Like I mentioned on a previous thread can you imagine Levy dealing with Ralph? When negotiating multi million £ deals he wouldn't have stood a chance against someone like that. The other clubs know this and are circling like vultures. They wouldn't be so quick to do so if NC was here.

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I reserve my right to be thoroughly psst off about the first three going. This will turn to fkn livid if they go before WC. Why should I 'get a grip'.


A few condescending articles need to wind their necks in.

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I reserve my right to be thoroughly psst off about the first three going. This will turn to fkn livid if they go before WC. Why should I 'get a grip'.


A few condescending articles need to wind their necks in.





It hasn't happened yet and it is pure supposition based on notoriously unreliable sources.


Why are people getting their knickers in a knot over something that hasn't happened and isn't anything they have any control over?


Save yourself some stress and get on and do something positive with your lives!

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I reserve my right to be thoroughly psst off about the first three going. This will turn to fkn livid if they go before WC. Why should I 'get a grip'.


A few condescending articles need to wind their necks in.


'Livid'? You need to work on your anger manangement son, you really shouldn't get so het up about it. Take a deep breath, have a beer (perhaps not right now) spend some time with your kids (if you have them). There is far more to life than spending it getting angry at a sport which is cyclical by it's nature.

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What I'm saying is I know that there are more important things in life, right now sat waiting for my 3yr old daughter to come out of surgery in Southampton general. But spare me all the social worker style speil. I know the sky isn't falling in.

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The thing is if we do sell two or three of our best players and fail to get as good replacements we start to backwards, if we keep the players who have performed we could still move forward. Our two biggest signings failed to perform last season. If Osvaldo and Ramirez had performed up to their playing reputations last year we could well have finished in the top six. The current team is a couple of players away from being a serious contender for breaking into the top 6. But if we lose two or three top players who are not replaced then we will be at best just another mid table team. The club could be on the verge of its best years since the 80s if only it can keep the team together.


Of course this hasn't happened yet so we should wait and see but the recent performance of the club leadership is a concern.

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