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Ralph Krueger Interview

Lallana's Left Peg

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The echo transcript suggests the club need to use youth to compete and to get into Europe. Strange comment imo, need a blend of youth and experienced signings to make that happen. Didn't hear that bit on radio interview so not sure if RK did separate interview for print media or not. Would have been good if blackmore had asked him if the new manager would get significant funds to buy players.


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Equally obvious that player will come in? Glass half full/empty I guess....


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Obviously. They will have to go some to get players in who are better though. Certainly not English players anyway which will dampen my interest somewhat

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When asked about the communication of our strategy within the club he talks about a marketing person from Apple and an "exciting" CFO ( :lol: ) and that Poch and the players can see all that happening. Come on, what manager or player is going to look at that type of thing and think "this club is going places"?


I know it's all stuff that Ralph is more involved in but he can't start linking progress to that type of thing when all anyone cares about at the moment is the first team.

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You do crack me up.


This gentleman is the main reasons I don't come on here anymore and actually 'blocked myself' so I couldn't be tempted.


I actually don't see any reason why he supports Saints at all. Surely Manchester City would be better?


Ho hum - I'll be back at the beginning of the season and it'll be much of the muchness with the usual suspects.

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Thanks for posting this. Just listened to the whole thing.


I work with North Americans, including senior management and VPs. The very best are skilled diplomats, able to dispense truth in a way that offends no-one and paints current efforts in glowing terms. Lest anyone be overly worried, these people are also very effective at their jobs. If you've not had the exposure to it, it can sound insincere from a British perspective - and parts of this interview certainly do reek of management-speak, such as "letting processes run their course", etc. Yes, it's a way to avoid the question, but he's not wrong.


I like RK a bit more each time I hear from him. He'll deflect when he can't answer a question, but gives consistent and clear answers when he can.


On that basis, the big themes of this interview are growth, Europe and player movement. I think we can now accept that we are going to lose some stars, but the new board knows how strong its negotiating position is, will get top dollar and will re-invest.


If players like Lallana want to go so much they'll hand a transfer request in (not happened, but possibly on the cards) then we can't really stop them, but we can justifiably invest loyalty bonuses in improving the club. Same thing with silly money transfers. If someone wants to "do a Carroll", it'd be rude not to snap their hands off if we've a suitable replacement identified.


A positive but realistic interview.


Fair comments. Some of his management speak does grate on me but you make a good point it could be just getting lost in translation.

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When asked about the communication of our strategy within the club he talks about a marketing person from Apple and an "exciting" CFO ( :lol: ) and that Poch and the players can see all that happening. Come on, what manager or player is going to look at that type of thing and think "this club is going places"?


I know it's all stuff that Ralph is more involved in but he can't start linking progress to that type of thing when all anyone cares about at the moment is the first team.


I googled the exciting Marketing women and the internet has never heard of her.


We are a good club to work for though, and the pathway is there...last CFO who created a "difficult" financial situation got rewarded with promotion to CEO!

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A promising interview but raises more questions than answers.


If the goal is to challenge for Europe, it will mean business as usual in terms of spending. Cant see how we can depart too far from previous windows. Found the reference to our 20-man strong scouting division as supposed evidence of our European ambitions slightly odd.


Seems like no player will go before the world cup which is a good thing. But unclear what the new manager's input will be in deciding who is bought and sold as they will not have seen much of us. Les will be having an even bigger say than usual; though the danger is a Forren-type situation where a player is foisted on an unsuspecting manager.


In terms of appointment, most domestic candidates -with the exception of Moyes prhaps- dont seem to have the necessary quality.


Of course, quality is in the eye of the beholder...

Edited by shurlock
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NC had his next manager already lined up lined up in short order. He knew every time who he was going for, and preparations were at least well advanced.


This is back to Rupert Lowe times, and we will get another Steve Wigley.


Well, maybe not, MoPo took most of the coaching staff and Ralfie sacked the rest a couple of days ago.


I got no time for the bloke, he has to earn my respect now by appointing someone who is going to stop the players leaving (seeing as we are in control of transfers...)


Please share the name or names of managers that would meet with your approval.

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Oh, I've just read my post - I didn't mean 'Sour Mash' but the person who cracked him up.


if he did support city he'd only moan about lack of ambition to win the world cup.


Very positive interview though, and given pretty much as soon as he was able. Keeping the promise of transparency. Odd to make the shortlist of managers public though.

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Pochettino has gone and I don't think anything would have stopped him.


I think we will inevitably lose a few high profile managers but I am CONFIDENT that we will appoint a really strong and experienced manager. He will galvanise the team and with a few more high quality acquisitions we will do well next year.

Who knows, we may see and improved Gaston and even a revitalised Osvaldo !

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Thanks for posting this. Just listened to the whole thing.


I work with North Americans, including senior management and VPs. The very best are skilled diplomats, able to dispense truth in a way that offends no-one and paints current efforts in glowing terms. Lest anyone be overly worried, these people are also very effective at their jobs. If you've not had the exposure to it, it can sound insincere from a British perspective - and parts of this interview certainly do reek of management-speak, such as "letting processes run their course", etc. Yes, it's a way to avoid the question, but he's not wrong.


I like RK a bit more each time I hear from him. He'll deflect when he can't answer a question, but gives consistent and clear answers when he can.


On that basis, the big themes of this interview are growth, Europe and player movement. I think we can now accept that we are going to lose some stars, but the new board knows how strong its negotiating position is, will get top dollar and will re-invest.


If players like Lallana want to go so much they'll hand a transfer request in (not happened, but possibly on the cards) then we can't really stop them, but we can justifiably invest loyalty bonuses in improving the club. Same thing with silly money transfers. If someone wants to "do a Carroll", it'd be rude not to snap their hands off if we've a suitable replacement identified.


A positive but realistic interview.


Look everyone, I'm agreeing with Pap.


Listening to the interview I expected the management speak to be received quite badly on here, and it is a unique and specific language (bulls hit is an ingredient, lets be clear).


But I work in a UK enclave of a big old US Multinational, and that kind of phrasing and vernacular is pretty rife, not least in English colleagues. Our European Marketing VP is Canadian and he is just like RK.


Cutting through the corporate speak I liked what I heard. We will try (but not succeed) to keep the players and I have no doubt we will appoint a suitable manager to at least hold our place in the "standings".


And we will invest in the team, even if it is just what we bring in from sales.


Let's see it happen, though, RK. An appointment before the WC starts is a absolute must. I'd like to see it done by Monday, really.

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Ralph seemed a bit rattled by the question about Spurs dictating to the club and seemed to stumble over his words for a while. His reasons for delaying contract negotiations until end of season were pretty unconvincing as well - not sure he even believed himself when trying to justify it. Was also unimpressed by the 'hockey guy' comment in relation to the responsibility for appointing managers. If KL's desire was to make the board more accountable then it does seem strange just how much power now resides with Les Reed.


Apart from that, it was a much better interview than those before. Nice to hear him mentioning Europe as an ambition and even some positive talk of incoming transfers. Let's hope he backs his words up with some action.

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NC had his next manager already lined up lined up in short order. He knew every time who he was going for, and preparations were at least well advanced.


This is back to Rupert Lowe times, and we will get another Steve Wigley.


Well, maybe not, MoPo took most of the coaching staff and Ralfie sacked the rest a couple of days ago.


I got no time for the bloke, he has to earn my respect now by appointing someone who is going to stop the players leaving (seeing as we are in control of transfers...)


Edit. My above post was meant to relate to this post

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I'd like to think that we are going for it (signing better players, holding onto current ones and going for Europe ) but the fact that our talks with Poch didn't last that long and were unsuccessful suggests maybe the board don't share his ambition or want to commit a wedge of cash to do that.


Just my thoughts obviously.

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Really? Just sounded like a load of management speak and waffle to me. Refusing to call it disappointing when everyone knows it is just makes it sound like he is in denial.


Not at all, he was really saying they were NOT disappointed which translates as "not sorry to see the back of him".

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Alpines post are embarrassing. He was critical and panicking at all the things he's now looking back on favourably. He'll do the same in the future with this.


Alpine's just dished up a load of hysterical nonsense that in a few months time (even a few weeks time) someone will dredge up and take the pi ss.


And, as he does every single time, he'll make some comment about how it's easy to say that "in hindsight", conveniently forgetting all the people who told him he was wrong in foresight.


Well he's wrong. "Just like the Lowe days" and we're going to appoint a manager who is "another Steve Wigley" or "Billy Davies stature".


Let's see, shall we. Hindsight starts now.

Edited by CB Fry
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Inundated with high quality applications from across Europe my arse.


We all know we will get someone of Billy Davies's stature.


Loads and loads of Business Management school undergraduate guff*.......


Deep breaths......


Edit 'Doesn't make it wrong'*

Edited by dronskisaint
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Look everyone, I'm agreeing with Pap.


And I'm agreeing with Fry agreeing with Pap.


Goodness, where will it all end?




I like the cut of RKs jib. Its the off season and, as Saints, we all know that means, as per the old Chinese proverb, 'interesting times'.




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Inundated with high quality applications from across Europe my arse.


We all know we will get someone of Billy Davies's stature.


Loads and loads of Business Management school undergraduate guff.......


If Billy Davies or some one of his stature (Billy is only 5 foot nothing but I don't think that our Austrian manic depressive meant that sort of stature) is appointed , then I think it will be more than Alps moaning.


If we don't get Billy or somebody of his ilk perhaps Alpine will STFU until the season gets under way.

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Well that's just not true. I seem to recall have to watch some dire football under Dean Wilkins after the sacking while Cortese was searching for candidates, it was a few games before we got Adkins I recall.

Actually Nigel had been identified when the departure of Pardew was on the agenda, he was top of the list, however with Nigel being the decent chap he is, word at the time was that he wanted to make sure that S*****horpe being a little team with limited resources were suitably compensated correctly for a big rich fish whisking him away (no doubt his exit strategy was leaving the door open for himself just in case), so his arrival in charge of us was delayed.

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Well in his own words it was clear he was referring to players leaving. Not sure why you are arguing, it's obvious that players will leave.


Not sure why you're getting so touchy! There was no arguing from me, just saying what I read on the Echo website.

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I've had a close-up view of Ralph because he spent three years as a hockey coach in my city. He places a high value on things like integrity, commitment and loyalty, and he always shies away from making negative or critical comments, regardless of what he thinks personally. He seems like a very nice guy and he is a very nice guy, but cross him at your peril. Reading between the lines of the interview, it seems to me that they knew Pochettino was gone as much as two months ago, that Pochettino's conduct did not go down well (or Spurs' conduct, for that matter) - to the point at which they are not entirely unhappy that he's gone, that there was a message in there for the players (no matter what you may have discussed with Pochettino, you're not going anywhere - at least until the new manager is appointed), and that they are much more advanced in their planning than most on here gave them credit for.


Fortunately, I think we have a board in place that values substance over image, and I also suspect that their resolve is as steely as Cortese's, but without the "for public consumption" bluster.

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I've had a close-up view of Ralph because he spent three years as a hockey coach in my city. He places a high value on things like integrity, commitment and loyalty, and he always shies away from making negative or critical comments, regardless of what he thinks personally. He seems like a very nice guy and he is a very nice guy, but cross him at your peril. Reading between the lines of the interview, it seems to me that they knew Pochettino was gone as much as two months ago, that Pochettino's conduct did not go down well (or Spurs' conduct, for that matter) - to the point at which they are not entirely unhappy that he's gone, that there was a message in there for the players (no matter what you may have discussed with Pochettino, you're not going anywhere - at least until the new manager is appointed), and that they are much more advanced in their planning than most on here gave them credit for.


Fortunately, I think we have a board in place that values substance over image, and I also suspect that their resolve is as steely as Cortese's, but without the "for public consumption" bluster.


I like this post:thumbup:

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I've been out this evening bumped into a couple of fellow saints fans who mentioned the interview and talked in glowing terms about what Ralph had said, it all sounded very promising. It was interesting to come on here and get almost the exact opposite reaction:?


A lot of people on here prefer to see substance over intent.


It was our intent to keep Pochettino and we couldn't do that so people aren't feeling in the most positive frame of mind.

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Yesterday and today I got sucked into the doubt and what I perceived naivety of the board and the way our club was now being run. Having listened to Ralph Krueger I am happy we have a very intelligent and capable Chairman who will use the team round him to drive this club forward. If we fail it will not be without a fight. That is all we can ask.

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Busy day at work so missed the interview live but thanks to whoever posted the link to the Solent interview.

Eventually had a listen whilst filling a hole in a wall at home. Seemed pretty much as I figured, ok the guy speaks with a foreign vernacular, but he tells you how it is and like in all business he isn't going to put everything on a Neon sign outside St Mary's just for the benefit of the minority.


I think that there are quite a few on here that would be over analysing, on the verge of Suicide If Ralph told us that "on a perfect sunny Summers day the sky was Blue"!

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Hahaha. He can't win.


All the bedwetters on here moaning all week about communication and transparency and then when he offers it you're not happy.


You couldn't make it up.


I think some on here only want statements from the board so they rip it apart and find something else to wet themselves over............

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