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Clyne on Poch and Uncertainty in Squad

Saint Charlie

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Interesting quote:


"I guess the dressing room has been a bit on edge. No one really knows where their future lies. Whether they will be back next season or not."


Again, surely the Club could be doing more to prevent players from feeling like this? Of course Lallana and Shaw are different but this sounds like an overall perspective.

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The board are failing on almost every front. Embarrassing that they can undo our fantastic team spirit built over the last four years in little more than four months. That's almost every first team player that has come out and spoke of the uncertainty and lack of direction at the club. Where is Ralph? Implementing any leadership models? Nope, on his hols in Canada! You couldn't make it up.

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To put the quote in context..

He, however, is more focused on next season with the Saints. Clyne also believes that, far from unsettling the dressing room, the widespread interest in club’s stars has inspired the players.


He went on: “Its always flattering to know that big clubs are looking at you. Its shows that you are progressing as a player and that you are being recognised for what you are doing on the pitch.


“I guess the dressing room has been a bit on edge. No one really knows where their future lies. Whether they will be back next season or not.


“But it has also made the players perform better, knowing there has been people watching us and with a World Cup around the corner. People have been trying to get into the England squad for it. I’m sure it has actually helped.”




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Don't be hysterical mate, we are told often that the board will be doing everything in the best interests of Saints, what more could they have done? Didn't you (or Clyne) see Reeds statement? And weren't you (or Clyne) listening when Poch said he has another year on his contract anyway?

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Interesting quote:


"I guess the dressing room has been a bit on edge. No one really knows where their future lies. Whether they will be back next season or not."


Again, surely the Club could be doing more to prevent players from feeling like this? Of course Lallana and Shaw are different but this sounds like an overall perspective.


Surely some of this is natural if teams are linked with our players and some want to leave? The uncertainly created by endless speculation is partly out of the club's control.

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All pretty shambolic and amateurish. I can accept us knowing sod all but the players? Just a strange way to work.


I agree and to me it is starting to seem like the board isn't as au fait with Football as it perhaps thought it was.

Having said that surely Les Reed should be able to educate them ?

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Surely that's natural if teams are linked with our players? The uncertainly created by endless speculation is partly out of the club's control.


Not to that extent IMO. When you consider what Cork said re his contract too then its pretty disappointing.


End of the day the players make the team. I would rather the Board focused on them than us as fans or kits and leadership models etc.

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Don't be hysterical mate, we are told often that the board will be doing everything in the best interests of Saints, what more could they have done? Didn't you (or Clyne) see Reeds statement? And weren't you (or Clyne) listening when Poch said he has another year on his contract anyway?



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Surely some of this is natural if teams are linked with our players and some want to leave? The uncertainly created by endless speculation is partly out of the club's control.


The club started that speculation by freely announcing that there will be a fire sale. They've played this like amateur idiots and have created this complete media hive, and to be in this position - after our best ever PL season - to have players saying they don't know what the future holds, is nothing short of a shambles. What a waste of a great opportunity, just tossed into the open sea.


Someone needs to get a flaming grip on it.

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Not to that extent IMO. When you consider what Cork said re his contract too then its pretty disappointing.


End of the day the players make the team. I would rather the Board focused on them than us as fans or kits and leadership models etc.


Agree its a matter of degree.

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Also interesting that there have been a lot more comments from players outside of club channels than we used to get. Most of them aren't over complementary.


Yeah, it's because the club have no handle on absolutely anything. It's a media free for all.


They've come into this thinking it's going to be like running any other business, and have completely ignored the media side of it all. Show your hand to the media, say the wrong things (i.e. - "we have inherited a difficult situation'' ''discussions with clubs start at the end of the season'') and you enter yourself into a **** storm. So well done to them for that.

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The club started that speculation by freely announcing that there will be a fire sale. They've played this like amateur idiots and have created this complete media hive, and to be in this position - after our best ever PL season - to have players saying they don't know what the future holds, is nothing short of a shambles. What a waste of a great opportunity, just tossed into the open sea.


Someone needs to get a flaming grip on it.


This is the key point for me. Who the hell is in charge, who has the final say? If I was a player, i'd be wanting out.

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This is the key point for me. Who the hell is in charge, who has the final say? If I was a player, i'd be wanting out.


Well Gareth Rogers is CEO. The man who acted as Chief Financial Officer at a club where the financial situation was described as "difficult" and then got promoted.

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Well Gareth Rogers is CEO. The man who acted as Chief Financial Officer at a club where the financial situation was described as "difficult" and then got promoted.


That appointment never ever felt right to me, especially seeing as he was also leaving at one point.

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I heard it was a bit like this before Katrina's other businesses (MALI Group) disappeared down the plug hole.


The Mali group has not disappeared down the plug hole. One of the several companies under the group was liquidated. The rest is all fine isn't it?

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The Mali group has not disappeared down the plug hole. One of the several companies under the group was liquidated. The rest is all fine isn't it?


Nope...Check again........Just a shadow of it's former self.......

Add the faffing around with inappropriate Board appointments, failure to convince our manager and players that there's going to be anything left here to hang around for, suggests to me, we're about to go the same way.

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Nope...Check again........Just a shadow of it's former self.......

Add the faffing around with inappropriate Board appointments, failure to convince our manager and players that there's going to be anything left here to hang around for, suggests to me, we're about to go the same way.


I have checked. Can't find much to support that statement so you are going to have to help me out. All this board bashing is a tad premature IMHO

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Boy, are we missing Cortese.


The board must have a brief to deliberately screw things up, no one is this incompetent.

For someone brought in to improve commercial issues, Kruger is making a right pigs ear of things


Oh, he's on fire.


It's all your Christmases come at once, ain't it Alpine?


I think we're due a snidey comment about their only priority being bringing stripes back. In your own time.

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Well, after the end of en excellent season and having sided with those that encouraged patience and trust in the board I decided to sit and wait on events. Sure there was plenty of paper talk about the lack of ambition at Saints and that we could expect to see plenty of departures in the coming months but without any insight myself I assumed plenty would be going on to try and keep things together.


It is starting to look as though I was rather naive. MP is obviously on his way to what can only be described as a graveyard of managers. The heart of the team seems to be looking elsewhere to fulfil their ambitions and the squabbling among the fans is well under way.


The evidence to hand so far makes me think I'll be spending the coming season wondering how many points will be needed for 17th place. All rather disappointing really.

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Boy, are we missing Cortese.


The board must have a brief to deliberately screw things up, no one is this incompetent.

For someone brought in to improve commercial issues, Kruger is making a right pigs ear of things[/Quote]


As RK tells us though we should be excited by the opportunity and 'electricity' in difficult moments. No doubt his holiday in Canada has allowed him the time and space to develop a new model of leadership that will motivate our players to maximise their untapped potential.

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As RK tells us though we should be excited by the opportunity and 'electricity' in difficult moments. No doubt his holiday in Canada has allowed him the time and space to develop a new model of leadership that will motivate our players to maximise their untapped potential.
You seem a bit obsessed about him being in Canada - how long has he gone for? What is he doing over there?
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St garret et al . How do you know it is a shambles are you just shooting from the hip hoping some bullets hit homr .


It's not the boards fault . Your perception is the club is a shambles . But none of us really know . But one the one common denominator in all this is the media frenzy that is going on . Playing to Levy 's tune . Pooch us doing himself no favours . The press have been wrong time and time again .If he goes then hurry up and go . But I still think this media crap has a bit to go and a part of me still thinks he might stay . The longer it drags in .


I will not blame any of the board apart from Les .


I'm curious as to why doddy and co were released as I took that as a sign that the club were listening to MP demands but then again it might have been coincidental and nothing to do with MPs requirements .

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Wow, this is really clutching at straws Saint Charlie. The article is about being linked with other clubs, and if other clubs were to come in and buy players then they don't know if they'd be accepted or not.


What I love most of all is that all through Cortese's reign they declined to respond to speculation (positive or negative). We have made one statement saying our players are not for sale and we wouldn't welcome any bids and then silence, yet now this is unprofessional? We never announced when we had received an offer for Oxlade Chamberlain, so why now?


I actually think this is the most difficult Summer for a Saints board ever, with so many teams wanting our players, our manager wanting to move on and improve himself, all against the backdrop of a 'difficult' financial situation (we just have to be sustainable now and stay within FFP). Then add to that the ridiculous over-reaction by a lot of fans who seem to have VERY short memories when it comes to being a smaller club and you can see they've got a lot to deal with.

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You seem a bit obsessed about him being in Canada - how long has he gone for? What is he doing over there?


Duncan told us he was away in Canada yesterday. Somebody mentioned that it might be due to some sort of celebrations for the Winter Olympics.


I'm assuming as Chairman he must have been kept abreast of latest developments so just seems an absolutely absurd time to be out of the country, especially as he is missing out on most of the 'electricity' surging through the Southampton Saints right now.

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Duncan told us he was away in Canada yesterday. Somebody mentioned that it might be due to some sort of celebrations for the Winter Olympics.


I'm assuming as Chairman he must have been kept abreast of latest developments so just seems an absolutely absurd time to be out of the country, especially as he is missing out on most of the 'electricity' surging through the Southampton Saints right now.

So 'Duncan' mentioned it in passing a now you rattle on in every post, unsubstantiated hysteria on a par with Alpine.
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Duncan told us he was away in Canada yesterday. Somebody mentioned that it might be due to some sort of celebrations for the Winter Olympics.


I'm assuming as Chairman he must have been kept abreast of latest developments so just seems an absolutely absurd time to be out of the country, especially as he is missing out on most of the 'electricity' surging through the Southampton Saints right now.


When should he go on holiday then? How about at the beginning of July when everyone will want players bringing in? Or in 2 weeks when the search and interviews are on for a new Manager.

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When should he go on holiday then? How about at the beginning of July when everyone will want players bringing in? Or in 2 weeks when the search and interviews are on for a new Manager.


When it is convenient and best for the club, which is evidently not now.

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When should he go on holiday then? How about at the beginning of July when everyone will want players bringing in? Or in 2 weeks when the search and interviews are on for a new Manager.


Unbelievable Jeff.


Much was made of the fact that the season began on the Monday following the united game.


Seriously, you only have to look at activity at other clubs to realise that the big strategic decisions are made in the first few weeks of postseason and the rest of the summer is spent implementing them. That the players are away is utterly irrelevant - they're not setting the direction of the club.


If anything, this is the absolute worst time for anyone at strategic level to be away. Never mind that in our case, resolving the manager situation, our number one priority, was deliberately postponed till this time.

Edited by shurlock
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All the players are worried about is change as most humans are.


I bet rooney is well p*ssed off he signed a new contract and expected to be made captain but that's all gone down the plug hole as Van Gaal will be tearing him a new one and VP is a definite for the captain.


Our players knew where they stood with Pooch but now they need to prove themselves again to the new one, will he bring in new players into my position etc etc.


They need to harden the feck up and be professional and earn their money, yeah its sad the boss is leaving but they always do, they should be professional enough to deal with it like they did with Adkins got booted.


I bet

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