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Katharina Leibherr


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That's a bit disrespectful to her, I feel.


It seems fairly common knowledge that they want to keep Mauricio and offered him a deal some weeks ago.


If he doesn't want to be here, fine. Same for any player.


This club needs a period of stability and if it can be provided in the Premier League, that is superb.


You don't need to look too far for examples of clubs who have it far worse than us.



Lets judge her based on her own era, by that I mean post-Cortese.


Also I'd find it incredibly hard to ever tear into the Liebherr duo after everything they have done for us in the last five years.

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Have I missed her " we tried very hard to keep him " spiel



PLEASE sell the Club .... Your " Project " is nothing like what your Father's was

You're showing a fair amount of disrespect commenting on a lady that none of us know and her ability to follow her late father's intentions. Football messageboard or not, wind your neck in.
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Have I missed her " we tried very hard to keep him " spiel



PLEASE sell the Club .... Your " Project " is nothing like what your Father's was


Actually you disrespectful little **** that is exactly what her Fathers project was.


Cortese's remit from Markus was to make us a mid table Premier league team.


Cortese said he couldn't stop there.


So yet again you have made yourself look like a bell end

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Have I missed her " we tried very hard to keep him " spiel



PLEASE sell the Club .... Your " Project " is nothing like what your Father's was


Wasn't the five year project to get to the PL? correct me If I'm wrong but that has been achieved. Doubt ML had time to put another plan after that together and if he did I doubt he told some knob like you what the plan was......

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Blaming Katherina at this early stage is just ridiculous. Just wait and see what happens, that is all we can do as a fan. No person is better than the club. We thought all was gone when Adkins got the sack, but look what happened the following season! We only went and probably had the best season a Saints fan has seen in a long, long time.

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I guess I could be mistaken, and I'm sure there is some counter argument, but wasn't it Kats money, albeit inherited, that got us out of league 1, through the championship and up to 8th in the top flight? If you want to know ever least sinew and get statements from the club every two minutes then what you need is a fan owned club, but I seem to recall that window of opportunity closed.

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Have I missed her " we tried very hard to keep him " spiel



PLEASE sell the Club .... Your " Project " is nothing like what your Father's was




Saint RICHMOND, please go away, YOU simple-HEADED retard.

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Pretty sure it was the trust fund that Markus left Nicolina that we've used since league one, overseeing the 5 year plan. Maybe only now Katharina is having to dip into her pocket?


She only became the owner last year. Prior to that the Club and following the sad death of Markus the club was owned and run by the Trustees and Estate of Markus Liebherr, that is not the same thing. She may have put money in last summer, that is open to conjecture. Swiss inheritance law is complex and it takes a long time before the probate process is completed and ownership is passed. I even suspect that Cortese was one of the trustees, but of that I cannot be sure. KL also wanted to keep Cortese, something else that is clear, but on her terms which were not what Cortese wanted.

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Have I missed her " we tried very hard to keep him " spiel



Yes along with her :


" no point keeping someone who doesnt want to stay"

" many applications received already"

" few irons in the fire"

" take our time and get the right man"

" radio station and catering the envy of the Premiership"

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Cortese's remit from Markus was to make us a mid table Premier league team.


Hi Gemmel....interesting, I don't think I've seen Markus's "end game" target posted on here before? (perhaps it has and I've missed it?). I've always wondered if we'd ever know whether or not Katherina was matching or curtailing her father's vision for the club.


If it's it's true that Markus never saw us being more than a mid-table club (and I have no reason to doubt what you say) and Katherina is simple following her father's wishes, then we were never going to be in a position to retain our best players, Pochettino or Cortese as they have higher aspirations than the club that Markus bought and that Katharina inherited.

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Have I missed her " we tried very hard to keep him " spiel



PLEASE sell the Club .... Your " Project " is nothing like what your Father's was


On a board with an ever increasing quantity of mongs, bedwetters, and downright f***ing squeezers, you sir, have just taken the cake.

Regardless of what happens this week, next month, between now and August, the club will continue.


Pull your head in.

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I'm actually quite shocked at the response to this post. Don't shoot me... yet!! :)


Firstly, I don't agree with Richmond that you can at his stage round on Liebherr and criticise her as he has done. As people have pointed out there are many good things for which we can express major gratitude to the Liebherr family. Now is the time for watching, waiting and hoping, not rash petulance. Nevertheless, there are many here criticising Redmond who, if they are honest, have made more than their fair share of rash petulant criticisms of the club.


Secondly, I can understand to some degree Richmond's frustration at the thought that just as things were looking really very good we may have lost the manager that has put us into such a great position as we now find ourselves (though much credit has got to go to many others including our academy coaches). I challenge anyone to honestly say they aren't wondering whether if Cortese were still here, Poch wouldn't even be talking to Spurs (with the exception of the ITKers who always know everything and should be worshipped for their incredible insight).


In short, though Redmond may have spoken far too rashly, I'm sure we ALL feel very saddened at the likelihood that Poch will leave and a little frustrated that the unbelievable dream that we have been having could be under threat - the dream that we maybe had an owner, director and manager who all shared the fans aspirations; the dream that maybe, just maybe, we culd, like Atletico Madrid in Spain, rise up to challenge the elite of English football.


For that reason, I'm suggesting that maybe we can cut the guy a bit of slack and let's wait and see what happens and hope and pray that this Krueger guy will have more of a clue about football than we suspect and that the dream might not be over - that Katherina may actually be making right decisions, that Cortese may have been pushing the club to get somewhere far faster than was realistic and that those in charge of OUR club do still have aspirations to achieve more than mid-table mediocrity.


In short, I am saying that Redmond has been rash in saying what he has said at this time, but such rashness is perhaps the result of an aspiration that I hope we all share - that Southampton FC will continue to push onwards and upwards and to become a force to be reckoned with in English football. Now is neither the time for rash statements, but nor is it the time to round on a fellow fan who we don't know and give him hell.

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That's a bit disrespectful to her, I feel.


It seems fairly common knowledge that they want to keep Mauricio and offered him a deal some weeks ago.


If he doesn't want to be here, fine. Same for any player.


This club needs a period of stability and if it can be provided in the Premier League, that is superb.


You don't need to look too far for examples of clubs who have it far worse than us.



Lets judge her based on her own era, by that I mean post-Cortese.


Also I'd find it incredibly hard to ever tear into the Liebherr duo after everything they have done for us in the last five years.


Katharina "honoured" her Father's Five Year Plan ( Project )


Once that finished, it was "her rules" , which did NOT aspire to anything like Markus's


OK, she may want to keep Pochettino, but that of course depends on HER plans for the Club.


That was the same scenario as for Cortese. She said she tried to keep him, but Failed for the same reason as she has Failed with Pochettino, AMBITION


IMHO, Cortese wanted to continue Markus's "dream" of advancing SFC further UP the Football scale, which of course means/meant more INVESTMENT in Quality Players


It should be painfully obvious to everybody that those aspirations are NOT shared by Katharina Leibherr


That is why Cortese "left", that is why Pochettino is leaving, and that is why Players will follow suit


Pochettino is only "in advanced talks" with THFC because SFC gave them permission ( there are Rules that even they have to follow ), so they did not try very hard, or most


likely, the New Project offered to Pochettino was just a watered down version of Markus's original Dream


Funny thing about Les Reed, I've always said he has the "Albatros" syndrome

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Actually you disrespectful little **** that is exactly what her Fathers project was.


Cortese's remit from Markus was to make us a mid table Premier league team.


Cortese said he couldn't stop there.


So yet again you have made yourself look like a bell end


Mods please add Bell End Points to the agenda for the next curry session. Granted I may be gone within a week for hitting the maximum allowance but others could be culled now if you agree to backdate. Special consideration for insulting the Liebherrs would be fine by me.


2 BEPs for Richmond.:mcinnes:

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While Richmond did his argument no favours by his OP prose - which was clumsy and palpably angry and petulant - the vituperative backlash fails to notice that there is more than a kernel of truth in what he says.


Kat inherited her late father's dream - but it is becoming clear that she does not share that dream or the will to drive it forward. The lack of focus and direction since she took over, and now the imminent fire - sale, all point to the possibility of her balancing the club's financial books prior selling the club after a 'decent interval' has passed after Markus' death. Cannot blame her - why should she persist with something she's not really interested in, doesn't really understand, and, medium to long term, is very high risk financially?

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The lack of focus and direction since she took over, and now the imminent fire - sale, all point to the possibility of her balancing the club's financial books prior selling the club after a 'decent interval' has passed after Markus' death.


RK's words about being here for 'at least' this coming season have hardly filled me with positivity about KL's long-term plans either. Is he in it for the long-term or is this job a quirky addition to his C.V. before resuming his career in Hockey? No ones intentions are clear.

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While Richmond did his argument no favours by his OP prose - which was clumsy and palpably angry and petulant - the vituperative backlash fails to notice that there is more than a kernel of truth in what he says.


Kat inherited her late father's dream - but it is becoming clear that she does not share that dream or the will to drive it forward. The lack of focus and direction since she took over, and now the imminent fire - sale, all point to the possibility of her balancing the club's financial books prior selling the club after a 'decent interval' has passed after Markus' death. Cannot blame her - why should she persist with something she's not really interested in, doesn't really understand, and, medium to long term, is very high risk financially?


She seems a tad slow in putting the club up for sale if that's her attitude?

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Actually you disrespectful little **** that is exactly what her Fathers project was.


Cortese's remit from Markus was to make us a mid table Premier league team.


Cortese said he couldn't stop there.


So yet again you have made yourself look like a bell end


I would like to see anyone 'plan' for mid table!!!

To plan for mid table is to dice with relegation in this league.. Without our manager and best players what do you seriously predict will happen?

We are playing with fire....

If we don't push on now we never will...

If people are happy without the aspiration to play with the big boys that's up to them...

Personally I preferred Cortese's ambition and vision not to say his ruthless management....

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Is this Stalinist Saintweb? Is no discussion, let alone dissent, of The Glorious Owing Family allowed?


Get ready to rescind the BEPs in time...


Yes. BEPs are managed with an iron fist particularly where the aristocracy is concerned.

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While Richmond did his argument no favours by his OP prose - which was clumsy and palpably angry and petulant - the vituperative backlash fails to notice that there is more than a kernel of truth in what he says.


Kat inherited her late father's dream - but it is becoming clear that she does not share that dream or the will to drive it forward. The lack of focus and direction since she took over, and now the imminent fire - sale, all point to the possibility of her balancing the club's financial books prior selling the club after a 'decent interval' has passed after Markus' death. Cannot blame her - why should she persist with something she's not really interested in, doesn't really understand, and, medium to long term, is very high risk financially?

Similar post from you on a par with Richmond's opener. You labour under the impression that you know more about a deceased man's dreams and plans than his own daughter. Weird.
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