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The New Manager Thread


Who do you want as manager?  

572 members have voted

  1. 1. Who do you want as manager?

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I think the suggestions in here just go to show there are some quality unemployed managers out there that we've heard about let alone the ones who are employed or haven't really heard of.


I'm excited it's a bit like waiting for Christmas, Ralph would make a good Santa.

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Think it's a disservice anyway. Saints are a solid team playing good football, Everton played some good stuff too. He liked creative players like mirallas and Pienaar. Wasn't all negative. I mean we wouldn't turn down mourinho would we?!


The punt up to Cahill or Fellaini was always great viewing. I'm with Kevin Sheedy on this one.


Still he'd be able to work wonders with a team like ours that has no strikers.

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Its no point being entertained all season and losing is it, this place would be in melt down. The new manager needs to have one objective and that is to win games of football. Sure I don't want to see allardyce or his style but at the end of the day you can play all the pretty stuff you want and lose.

The board will choose I hope the person who is best suited to winning games however that may be.

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I doubt it will nbe Thomas Tuchel


He was being considered for the spuds job but he has said he is taking a year out


I'm very pleased that we've reached this agreement," said Tuchel, who intends to take a year out.



Indeed , high unlikely, OP was just citing his intention for a punt at the bookies though (or so I thought). Their lists are ridiculous anyway, Bielsa signed on at Marseille on Saturday last, still 20/1 for the Saints job though.

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His abilities to 'polish rough diamonds' and give 'youth a chance' are simply not enough to warrant being the 'only choice' to replace MP. His style of play I'm afraid is a thing of the past. Utd's approach under Moyes was very similar to his approach at Everton -and I can best describe it as attritional. Very little speed in their play and their approach was to be resolute, to try and bully teams, to be strong defensively and to be strong at set pieces. Over the years, he was able to buy in players at Everton that suited that style and so it was successful. At Utd, he never got that chance, and the personnel they had there didn't suit that style so it didn't work. I fear the same would be the case at Saints.


Nothing against the bloke; I just don't think his style of play is anything close to what Saints have been trying to implement so I just can't see him being appointed.

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Moyes here would be like Fat Sam at West Ham, totally the wrong fit for the club.


Although Allardyce has kept his job by promising more attacking football. I look forward to seeing how that pans out...


Whichever manager we choose, he'll need to bring in some new players, so a draw in the transfer market would be key. Of the managers that aren't a good fit for this club, i wonder if Moyes has the biggest draw to do that. Laudrup perhaps...


Either way, whomever we choose, there'll be a mix of whelmed and underwhelmed people on here. I will simply back the new gaffer and wish him the best.


Unless it's Hughton...

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Van Gaal is already manager at Man U I believe although he's still manager of the Dutch side until after the WC.


my god. The Red tops would go into utter and complete melt down if Roy got another job now

I reckon one of the journos would actually commit murder with their outrage

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Thomas Tuchel I'd think.


Yep. Random punt based on a few things I read about his training methods, and the hope that we continue to be forward thinking in our approach.


Now, what was that expression about a fool and his money......?

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I doubt it will nbe Thomas Tuchel


He was being considered for the spuds job but he has said he is taking a year out


I'm very pleased that we've reached this agreement," said Tuchel, who intends to take a year out.


Think it is up in the air to be honest, I think he maybe taking a year out but if a club interests him and he would like to join then that club pays Mainz the year remaining on his contract.


"Tuchel, who has been the Mainz head coach since August 3, 2009 - twice leading the club to Europe during his tenure - has been linked with other clubs but nothing is yet known of his future plans." from a couple of weeks ago in a german newspaper http://www.dw.de/thomas-tuchel-leaving-mainz-05/a-17628183

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It's the bit, and what RK mentioned as well, that concerns me a little:


Shortly Southampton will anounce their shortlist and only then will we know if the fans welcome him with open arms after witnessing a season of dynamic and attacking football.


Does this mean that we as fans are going to be officially gauged for our thoughts on potential new managers? While that is nice, not sure that that is the best or strongest way forward.

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Interesting comments about Moyes not playing the Southampton way? What is the Southampton way? It's the way of the manager isn't it?


I still think Moyes is the safest bet and I guess he will be hungry to re establish himself with a good young team. 18 months ago we would have all sacrificed a limb to have him instead of the disloyal Argy.


.... And as for the idea of Hoddle, the disloyal Englishman, returning Dalek, you are so having a laugh!!

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Cannot see it being Garcia. It's agent waffle, trying to big himself up.


He failed to do what he came to do at Brighton - which was promotion. Not too many of their fans are bothered.


It simply won't happen because it would make RK look an utter helmet given his comments y/day ''so many high profile managers'' etc.

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It's the bit, and what RK mentioned as well, that concerns me a little:


Shortly Southampton will anounce their shortlist and only then will we know if the fans welcome him with open arms after witnessing a season of dynamic and attacking football.


Does this mean that we as fans are going to be officially gauged for our thoughts on potential new managers? While that is nice, not sure that that is the best or strongest way forward.


I think that whole "we will make the shortlist public" quote will prove to be nothing beyond a case of bad phrasing on RK's part.

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Cannot see it being Garcia. It's agent waffle, trying to big himself up.


He failed to do what he came to do at Brighton - which was promotion. Not too many of their fans are bothered.


It simply won't happen because it would make RK look an utter helmet given his comments y/day ''so many high profile managers'' etc.

it really would be another wigley moment. straight after lowe said we were one of the most attractive jobs in the country

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It's the bit, and what RK mentioned as well, that concerns me a little:


Shortly Southampton will anounce their shortlist and only then will we know if the fans welcome him with open arms after witnessing a season of dynamic and attacking football.


Does this mean that we as fans are going to be officially gauged for our thoughts on potential new managers? While that is nice, not sure that that is the best or strongest way forward.


Short list pre-supposes at least 2 names,or so you'd think, otherwise it would be choice or manager elect or something; then refers to them in the singular...him, rather than them. Doesn't make much sense really, as to the reference of a season of dynamic and attacking football..well that just seems to be tacked on at the end for good measure.

Now personally I think Uncle Ralphy takes you all (or us all) for a bunch of morons. Shouldn't have swallowed all the FF's books and MLT bolloaks so easily lads. Other than that perhaps his command of English isn't all that great..who knows.

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It would be odd to announce a shortlist. There's always rumours and leaks, but official?


Maybe it would be to gauge reaction. Huge criticism of a candidate could put them off. Happened with Hoddle and that wasn't even official.


You'd think Moyes would be on the shortlist anyway. If we get a list of Garcia, Mackay, Lennon then we know we're in trouble!



Perhaps the online vultures (bookies) could do a bet to make the short list if it's to be officially announced, sort of each way

bet, I'm sure that it would help them to make ends meet.

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Whether it turns out right or wrong, I don't understand why anyone thinks that way right now based on no information. Seems to be lots of people's hunches designed to say 'see told you so' later on, despite being based on very little.



Certainly for me, the sooner Krueger wanders off into the sunset and a real football CEO is appointed the better I'll like it, absolutely no confidence whatsoever in the man, he's just a gab artist.

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To release a short list to the public would be breaking new ground for sure. The most interesting thing to see would be the conundrum that some posters on here would face as they battle their wits about not having enough information from the club, yet trying to balance that with having too much information from an "Amateur board"


Anyway, a short list would be VERY interesting!!

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It's the bit, and what RK mentioned as well, that concerns me a little:


Shortly Southampton will anounce their shortlist and only then will we know if the fans welcome him with open arms after witnessing a season of dynamic and attacking football.


Does this mean that we as fans are going to be officially gauged for our thoughts on potential new managers? While that is nice, not sure that that is the best or strongest way forward.


Even by fanzine standards that is an astonishingly craap story

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It's the bit, and what RK mentioned as well, that concerns me a little:


Shortly Southampton will anounce their shortlist and only then will we know if the fans welcome him with open arms after witnessing a season of dynamic and attacking football.


Does this mean that we as fans are going to be officially gauged for our thoughts on potential new managers? While that is nice, not sure that that is the best or strongest way forward.


I mentioned this yesterday. Certainly raised a few doubts in my mind about him.

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In my opinion the 'Southampton way' will be a pre condition of any new manager. I personally think this will exclude a whole raft of popular names including Moyes. In fact anybody with a different philosophy. I think it will be another high quality coach that is already experienced and wants to play the Southampton way, fitting the present staff perfectly.

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The comment about making a shortlist available to the public was a throw away comment IMO - a case of RK's mouth running faster than his brain. Not reading anything into it.


but you'd agree that it's something he'd best not to do...isn't the first time really, he just waffles on,says a lot of crap and hopes no-one picks up on the implausibility of it all.

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You get real too


We HAD the best


He left because he wanted a Club with AMBITION, and one willing to give him funds to do the job


SFC, under KL, no longer has serious Ambition


We lost a Great CEO for the same reason


So, as I said, You get real


Perhaps the penny will drop when you are all completely underwhelmed with the Calibre of KL's Managerial appointment


Anyone who thinks it will be a Top Manager to drive us on is being deluded.


KL's next "5 year Project" has been somewhat watered down from her Fathers quest to take us to the top

You can get as angry as you like about KL's plans for the future but she owns the club lock stock and barrel and can do exactly what she likes. One of the drawbacks of being privately owned is we lose the right of protest when things don't go the way we want. Under Lowe he was at least answerable to shareholders, but technically speaking SFC is no longer our club.

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I quite like RK. I think we all just need to get used to his way of communicating and perhaps remember that he is probably on a steep learning curve. He's no idiot. IMO we will get a continental coach rather than a British manager type. But what do I know?

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It would be odd to announce a shortlist. There's always rumours and leaks, but official?


Maybe it would be to gauge reaction. Huge criticism of a candidate could put them off. Happened with Hoddle and that wasn't even official.


You'd think Moyes would be on the shortlist anyway. If we get a list of Garcia, Mackay, Lennon then we know we're in trouble!


Don't think moyes should be on the short list. We shouldn't be throwing the style of football we've adopted out the window to accommodate a manager. We should be looking to short list managers who fit that approach. Don't think he's a good fit with our approach of giving academy players opportunities either.

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but you'd agree that it's something he'd best not to do...isn't the first time really, he just waffles on,says a lot of crap and hopes no-one picks up on the implausibility of it all.


He made a self-deprecating remark to Blackmore about talking too much - I can live with that. If anything it makes him affable.


The most important thing from yesterday is that he began to crystallise what success looks like i.e. European football. It now gives everyone a very clear benchmark by which to judge MP's replacement, players sales and new signings. Here's hoping what you call 'waffle' is just a harmless exuberance.

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