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Shameless Swanley. Ever seen a mindless thug push a bespectacled, grey-haired, 25-stone man to the floor before kicking him

ferociously in the head until he was senseless? Try an early evening in the Lullingstone Castle.


Perhaps such barbaric acts are normal for 6.45 on a Tuesday evening in this particular Swanley boozer.


Certainly no-one in the pub seemed concerned, even at the height of the attack, the pool balls were still being potted, mindless

conversations continued and the kids didn’t even look up from their homework.


As the ancient songs from the vintage TV blared out, covering most of the obscenities and violence, I couldn’t help but overhear

one conversation behind me.


He (the instantly likeable chap) said: “Well, should I come round yours or not? If I’m on for some then I’ll come, if not I’ll stay and

get p***ed.”


She (the one with dyed red hair) said: “I’ve got to make tea and put the kids to bed. I was thinking of watching a DVD.”


He said: “Look, am I on or not, cos I can always stay and drink.”


She said: “You really don’t know me yet, do you?”


And off they went into the night with her two kids, though the same door which the man beaten senseless had finally managed to

drag himself through some minutes earlier.



In that article there is a link to his review a year earlier.


ALSO this story for Tokyos and Spudders :lol:


Warning - somethings once seen can't be forgotten :scared:





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