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Champions League Draw


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All the English teams could possibly be knocked out..All tough games (except maybe Liverpools as Real are shyte this year).


Chelsea v Juventus

Villarreal v Panathinaikos

Sporting Lisbon v Bayern Munich

Atletico Madrid v Porto

Lyon v Barcelona

Real Madrid v Liverpool

Arsenal v Roma

Inter Milan v Manchester United

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All the English teams could possibly be knocked out..All tough games (except maybe Liverpools as Real are shyte this year).

Juande Ramos is a bit of a cup specialist though, so they might not be quite so useless...


Also, I think Real Madrid are the only La Liga team Fernando Torres never scored against when he played for Atletico.

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All the English teams could possibly be knocked out..All tough games (except maybe Liverpools as Real are shyte this year).



im contemplating a piece of that, see what them there odds are.


christ, the press will shat themselves if all english teams get knocked out!!

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I really hope all the English teams get knocked out. Would make it so much more interesting after the last couple of boring CL knock out stages.


Mourinho's Inter should batter United, Ferguson has only beaten Mourinho once in twelve games so far and I'm not convinced he knows how to use Berbatov in a big European tie.


Arsenal - Roma could go either way, probably just tip Roma unless Arsenal bring in a decent defensive midfielder in January.


Liverpool - Real will probably be a boring win for Liverpool, will be the first CL knock out tie for Jaunde Ramos against Benitez. Can only really see one outcome although I'd love to see Real win.


Chelsea - Juventus is hard to call, probably will be a Chelsea win though. Would be good for Ranieri to end Abramovich's chances though.



Villarreal v Panathinaikos

Sporting Lisbon v Bayern Munich

Atletico Madrid v Porto

Lyon v Barcelona

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