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Posted (edited)
Farage left private school "proper job" as a commodities trader rather than go to Oxbridge. Now he has his "snout in the trough" as an MEP. Such a massive difference.

agree and it the likes of him and his friends the bankers who got us in this economic mess,i bet he loves the fact hes lining his own pockets at our expense preaching to the gullible but i can see him topping the eu vote has i expect most of the public won,t be bothered to vote and only the die hards and a big protest vote will turn out, but when the uk elections happen ,ukip will have no chance and will probability damage the Tories badly in target seats because of the lose alot of the loss of old aged tories who hate the fact their party has become to liberal and defected in droves.

Edited by solentstars
agree and it was his frieelection happensnds the bankers like him who got us in this mess,i bet he loves the fact hes lining his own pockets at the expense of the gullible and i can see him topping the eu vote has i expect most of the public won,t be bothered to vote and only the die hards will turn out but when the uk ,they have no chance and will probability cost the Tories to lose alot of seats.

Arghhhh, my eyes, my eyes!


Farage is by no means an angel, but the point is the bloke has had a real job working as a stockbroker, running his own business etc. Clegg and Milliband have literally done nothing outside of the political game. At least Cameron had a small stint in PR.

He packed it in to fight for something he was passionate about- not as a 'career move'. He works ridiculously hard, has traveled up and down the country for years speaking in un glamorous town halls and the like, talking to ordinary people and re engaging a vast amount of the public back into politics.

Anyone remember the last time people were hacked off with the Government (Thatcher) and thought the opposition were a waste of space (Michael Foot's Labour)? The SDP came from nowhere and got some shock European and by-election results. They faded just as fast as UKIP will once people ask difficult questions about what they will actually do and how will they make the books balance.


yep i remember that it cost labour at least two elections splitting the left wing vote and had experienced mps ,so i expect ukip will split the rightwing vote and damage the tory party for a little while but in time will ukip fade away.


Some people have such a simplistic view of the world. Not every " banker" caused the financial crash and if you worked in the city you are not " mates" with everybody .Rachel Reeves was a banker, was it her and her mates in the city that caused the blah blah blah.:mcinnes:


Nige (everyone’s best mate down the pub) Farage came to Bath last week and was promptly shown the door when he went to the Bell in Walcot street, a pub that is owned by its customers and one of the best known in Bath. Thankfully it seems a lot of my fellow Bathonians are not taken in by his false patriotism and cheeky chappy approach. As for a real job can it really be compared to what most of us do to earn a crust. Don’t be fooled Farage is in it for Farage.


Putting the policies to one side, Farage seems to give straight answer to questions put to him and does so in a matter of fact way (there are still some he dodges). The others could learn a lot from this approach instead of avoiding the question and trotting out the mantra of the day ad nauseum. That is why he is appealing to more voters - people believe he is (scarily) more trustworthy. He reminds me of Alan Johnson who was pretty candid when it comes to answering questions - he is one of the few labourites I could vote for.


Please forgive my naivety, but if Nigel Farage is so against the notion of a European parliament, then why is he happy to take a salary and extremely generous expenses as a member of it?


Surely somebody who is so vehemently opposed to it would, having won the vote, have chosen not to take office to make a point.

Please forgive my naivety, but if Nigel Farage is so against the notion of a European parliament, then why is he happy to take a salary and extremely generous expenses as a member of it?


Surely somebody who is so vehemently opposed to it would, having won the vote, have chosen not to take office to make a point.


Is that why he is never there?

I see the forum's resident apologist for the establishment has decided to give us a piece of his wisdom, or more accurately a little bit of everyone else's. This is like a Frankenstein'ed version of the various little hit pieces that are out there, except nowhere near as well expressed.


I thought Farage's defence of his expenses situation was considerably more honest than any of the other pigs caught in the trough. I very much enjoyed the Guardianista's banging on about an anti-EU politician not using his discretionary budget for EU purposes. I bet all those who put him in his seat are spitting feathers :)


"You mean Nigel is not spending his money on advancing EU interests!"


Fancy that.


Pap if I posted that 15 months ago you would have called me all sorts, whats changed in your political outlook?


Does anyone else see the irony in people voting for UKIP to give a bloody nose to the privately educated "noses in the trough" set of politicians we currently have when UKIP's leader was privately educated, has only ever been a "commodities trader" and £12,000 of his MEP's constituency expenses disappears each month who knows where?


Even more worrying are the "working class" Labour voters who switch to UKIP. Do they realise that under UKIP's plan for a flat rate of income tax they will be paying 31% income tax - the same as multi millionaire commodity traders ?? Are they gullible or what??


Never mind that under UKIP you will have to pay to see your GP or education budgets are cut. At least gun laws will be abolished so nutters can go into schools and cause havoc as happened in Dunblane and happens fairly frequently in America. There will also be another 3 aircraft carriers swanning around the world doing god knows what.


Nige may appear to be a "good bloke" but his policies in my opinion stink.

Please forgive my naivety, but if Nigel Farage is so against the notion of a European parliament, then why is he happy to take a salary and extremely generous expenses as a member of it?


Surely somebody who is so vehemently opposed to it would, having won the vote, have chosen not to take office to make a point.


It's a question Private Eye ask. Not sure Farage has ever given an answer to it.


He, like many other MEPs from many other parties, says he wants to transform the EU from the inside. There are two or three single-issue anti-EU parties running in the European elections and plenty of Green candidates have that agenda as well.

Please forgive my naivety, but if Nigel Farage is so against the notion of a European parliament, then why is he happy to take a salary and extremely generous expenses as a member of it?


Surely somebody who is so vehemently opposed to it would, having won the vote, have chosen not to take office to make a point.


How else is he meant to ask those awkward questions unless he is there

How else is he meant to ask those awkward questions unless he is there




You know we've progressed a bit beyond the days of town cryers, the pony express and flag signals. It's now possible to use something called the internet, social media, podcasts, media interviews, party political broadcasts, public meetings, etc, etc. There's no reason on earth for Farage to travel to Strasbourg to make his point about the EU. He can make it far more effectively, and to a far larger and more receptive audience, here.


The likely appeal - and he has conspicuously failed to deny this - is that he enjoys the gravy train just as much as any other Euro freeloader, and that he especially loves the largesse of the receipt-free expenses racket.

How else is he meant to ask those awkward questions unless he is there


That would be great if he actually bothered to show up.


Think he had amongst the worst attendance ratings last year. Can't see that being much better this year.

How many times Farage turns up or not doesn't really matter, that's not the over-riding reason why people will vote or not for UKIP.


But it is a potential reason to trust or not trust their leader!

But it is a potential reason to trust or not trust their leader!

Why? People trust him because of the way he talks and comes over in his interviews, unless he's doing something really dodgy with his expenses, no-one is going to care or have the way they vote affected by it.

How many times Farage turns up or not doesn't really matter, that's not the over-riding reason why people will vote or not for UKIP.


Errrm, follow the conversation. It is relevant.


I never said it's a reason they won't. Most people haven't the foggiest how often he attends. Which is why they are utterly clueless if they think voting Farage because they dislike the 'pig in the trough' politician is a good move. He's amongst the worst in the parliament.


His expenses are questionable, and have been questioned. As had his employing of his wife, when he criticised others for employing family and said that wouldn't happen in UKIP.


Odd this, he's starting to sound like every other politician, isn't he?

Errrm, follow the conversation. It is relevant.


I never said it's a reason they won't. Most people haven't the foggiest how often he attends. Which is why they are utterly clueless if they think voting Farage because they dislike the 'pig in the trough' politician is a good move. He's amongst the worst in the parliament.


His expenses are questionable, and have been questioned. As had his employing of his wife, when he criticised others for employing family and said that wouldn't happen in UKIP.


Odd this, he's starting to sound like every other politician, isn't he?

Erm, I have followed the conversation. No-one cares. It's irrelevant.

Having been very interested in politics for over fifty years and even considered going into local politics -but for my wife's chronic illness, I can honestly say that I have never felt so disaffected with politicians.

How they get away with taxing nearly all at over 30% and those on relatively modest salaries at over 50% -yes NIC is nothing but income tax!-beggars belief, and yet those who are on top salaries whinge at 45% income tax when many take most of their income as dividends and can claim 40% relief on pensions is disgusting.

However this isn't the place to discuss the gross inequalities in society and for me to say I will vote UKIP is a very painful choice and shows my utter contempt and disgust for "The Westminster Bubble."

Erm, I have followed the conversation. No-one cares. It's irrelevant.


Well that's clearly not correct.


I care. And other people on here have expressed doubts about he is taking money from the European Parliament, maximising his gain and at the same time criticising others for doing so. Plenty of others have made this point also, I'm not a lone voice on this.


So, yes, people do care and yes it's relevant.

Erm, I have followed the conversation. No-one cares. It's irrelevant.


I agree, most don't but then most haven't a 'kin clue that he's an MEP or what MEPs even do.


Those that I know who are voting UKIP are doing so for one reason only. Immigration.

I agree, most don't but then most haven't a 'kin clue that he's an MEP or what MEPs even do.


Those that I know who are voting UKIP are doing so for one reason only. Immigration.


Well that's as relevant as any other.


The line that because farage is opposed to Europe he shouldn't be in the parliament is laughable. Why do the SNP sit in Westminster, why do welsh nats? Why do lib/dumbs sit in an unelected house of lords?

I agree, most don't but then most haven't a 'kin clue that he's an MEP or what MEPs even do.


Those that I know who are voting UKIP are doing so for one reason only. Immigration.

Yep, it almost justifies his point further (ironically and not deliberately) his voters feel no connection to the output from the European Parliament.


Votes for UKIP will be based on immigration, the subject avoided for too long by all the major parties.



The biggest load of pony I've had the misfortune to read.


But then again what do you expect from someone who swings from the daily mail to the guardian. She is the worst type of gutter journo pretending to be an intellectual. Made up a story that Germaine Geer had a hysterectomy, which had littlejohn or gaunt done would have had lefties calling for castration.


Love to see her face when nigels people army shakes things up later this month, let's hope they do better than she did when she stood for election and lost her deposit.



Love to see her face when nigels people army shakes things up later this month, let's hope they do better than she did when she stood for election and lost her deposit.


People's army shakes things up? Oh dear. When it really matters, at a General Election, they will walk away with nothing.


The only people that seem actually interested or bothered about this election coming is UKIPers as if they are going to make a difference, which they won't.

People's army shakes things up? Oh dear. When it really matters, at a General Election, they will walk away with nothing.


The only people that seem actually interested or bothered about this election coming is UKIPers as if they are going to make a difference, which they won't.


Isn't it funny that the people most pro EU are the ones belittling these elections. I know the EU is fundamentally undemocratic, but surely the people of in, should be bigging up EU elections?

Isn't it funny that the people most pro EU are the ones belittling these elections. I know the EU is fundamentally undemocratic, but surely the people of in, should be bigging up EU elections?


I shall be voting of course, but it's not the same since they stopped you voting for a particular person.

People's army shakes things up? Oh dear. When it really matters, at a General Election, they will walk away with nothing.


The only people that seem actually interested or bothered about this election coming is UKIPers as if they are going to make a difference, which they won't.

agree but there fan boys still believe in the promised land and takeing us back to the 1950s view of the world. pensioners partyfull of old crusty right wing tories of the thatcher era.
agree but there fan boys still believe in the promised land and takeing us back to the 1950s view of the world. pensioners partyfull of old crusty right wing tories of the thatcher era.


I wouldn't mind going back to 1950's educational standards.

Isn't it funny that the people most pro EU are the ones belittling these elections. I know the EU is fundamentally undemocratic, but surely the people of in, should be bigging up EU elections?


Because these elections are worth f**k all. I'll vote Green, and they'll do well because of PR but does it mean anything? Does it f**k.


Only the GE means anything and neither UKIP or Greens will make any impact at all and anyone, of any ilk who thinks otherwise is living in LaLa land.


Also, you make the classic mistake of confusing pro-Europe with pro-EU.

Because these elections are worth f**k all. I'll vote Green, and they'll do well because of PR but does it mean anything? Does it f**k.


Only the GE means anything and neither UKIP or Greens will make any impact at all and anyone, of any ilk who thinks otherwise is living in LaLa land.


Also, you make the classic mistake of confusing pro-Europe with pro-EU.


So what's the excuse going to be when ukip do fantastically in the local elections . Do they mean **** all as well?

So what's the excuse going to be when ukip do fantastically in the local elections . Do they mean **** all as well?


Excuse? Where have I given an excuse? I've stated a naked fact; f**k all matters apart from a GE. UKIP & Greens will benefit from mass protest votes; UKIPs driven by their anti-immigration message, nothing more and the established parties know it.


Keep pretending you're part of some "people's army". I'm sure it's very exciting for you.

agree but there fan boys still believe in the promised land and takeing us back to the 1950s view of the world. pensioners partyfull of old crusty right wing tories of the thatcher era.
UKIP's support? Are you sure?
Excuse? Where have I given an excuse? I've stated a naked fact; f**k all matters apart from a GE. UKIP & Greens will benefit from mass protest votes; UKIPs driven by their anti-immigration message, nothing more and the established parties know it.


Keep pretending you're part of some "people's army". I'm sure it's very exciting for you.

At the moment you're right, it just depends if UKIP can ever harness enough momentum to have an impact on a General Election. Unlikely at the moment, but they're capitalizing on people who are somewhat engaged in politics, but will never vote for any of LibLabCon - that could still result in a decent vote for UKIP at the General Elections.
At the moment you're right, it just depends if UKIP can ever harness enough momentum to have an impact on a General Election. Unlikely at the moment, but they're capitalizing on people who are somewhat engaged in politics, but will never vote for any of LibLabCon - that could still result in a decent vote for UKIP at the General Elections.


Local elections are important, they can make a real difference . Since the Lib/dumbs lost control of our council, things have been better . UKIP are on the march locally, and this will be a base for seats at Westminster. Paul Nuttall spoke very well about this on The Daily Politics today.


Anyway, people will get the chance to see the People's army leader tonight in Southampton. He's on QT , with Shirley Williams and Caroline Lucas, he's going to make mincemeat of those 2. Last week Dimble announced that the old EU obsessed buffoon Ken Clarke was on, but he looks like he's bottled it as Grant Shapps is replacing him.

The biggest load of pony I've had the misfortune to read.


Much like an UKIP a response with grandstanding and posturing but very little in the way of detail to explain what's 'pony' about it? I'll give you some time to scramble around the web to get an answer/opinion you can pretend is yours, i don't even mind if you try to manipulate the answer into something jovial so we can all have a chuckle. :lol:


Caroline and Nigel were the two best tonight. Caroline actually addressed UKIP without chucking out words like racist or idiots and I have a lot more respect for her now even if I disagree with some of what she says. The tory was appalling and the labour bloke wasn't much better. The old woman was OK but a bit behind the times.


I was in the audience tonight (I was the good looking bloke behind the racist and near the drug users). I thought both women on the panel were miles ahead of the rest. Farage, IMHO came across as a nasty dangerous man as the audience member (star of the show) said. Shirley Williams (the old woman) talked more sense and was so much more knowledgeable than the rest and Caroline Lucas (Green) was excellent. Whilst Williams (old woman) eloquently explained the benefits of immigration to the UK, the only negative from Farage was that he didn't like foreign languages on the bus he was on. Everything else was 'this can happen' or 'that can happen' without actually telling us what has happened to the detriment of the UK as a result of open borders with Europe.

Posted (edited)
I was in the audience tonight (I was the good looking bloke behind the racist and near the drug users). I thought both women on the panel were miles ahead of the rest. Farage, IMHO came across as a nasty dangerous man as the audience member (star of the show) said. Shirley Williams (the old woman) talked more sense and was so much more knowledgeable than the rest and Caroline Lucas (Green) was excellent. Whilst Williams (old woman) eloquently explained the benefits of immigration to the UK, the only negative from Farage was that he didn't like foreign languages on the bus he was on. Everything else was 'this can happen' or 'that can happen' without actually telling us what has happened to the detriment of the UK as a result of open borders with Europe.


I got to the bit where you called that berk the star of the show and stopped reading. He was another one who just doesn't get it and is one of the reasons that UKIP will do so well. Caroline summed it up well without patronising people who vote UKIP and put her point across effectively.

Edited by hypochondriac
He was another one who just doesn't get it and is one of the reasons that UKIP will do so well


This is what I'm failing to understand... What exactly is the 'it' that he didn't get?

I got to the bit where you called that berk the star of the show and stopped reading.


This reminds me of The Boxer by Simon and Garfunkel:


"a man hears what he wants to hear

And disregards the rest."

This is what I'm failing to understand... What exactly is the 'it' that he didn't get?


The reason people vote UKIP is because they have genuine concerns about uncontrolled immigration and the influence of the eu on our ability to govern our own country, not because they are all racists. Patronising people and saying they do not know what they are voting for isn't going to work and neither is slagging off UKIP and the people who vote for them.

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