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  Glasgow_Saint said:


Scarf ace


  Bearsy said:


Edit: someone photoshop his neck tie for a saints scarf pls


Couldn't do that, but I can't resist a good pun.



  Turkish said:
Are you joking? He got death threats?!!!! Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!! We really do have some proper mental fans.
Have a look on twitter! Have to really worry about the mental condition of a chunk of our support. Plus, as with transfer info etc, people seem to take everything they read on social networking sites as gospel, getting through life must be such a struggle for them.

Read one comment saying his mother should've been sterilised and him aborted, saying that is arguably worse then having a few extra scarves in my opinion

  Bearsy said:
I know this guy as well! He used to go round Boots nicking the plastic gloves out of boxes of hair dye. Sad to hear he's moved on to scarves.


I hope he doesn't steal my doctor's plastic gloves that he uses to give me a rectal examination. Swine!!!

  BarneySFC said:
Read one comment saying his mother should've been sterilised and him aborted, saying that is arguably worse then having a few extra scarves in my opinion
:uhoh: F****ng hell, you've got to wonder about the mental stability of some of our support.

I left my scarf on the side in the Sportsman pub after the game, and it was still there after I came back from the toilet, so I am going to say we have loads of honest fans as well!!

  Ekelund24 said:
I left my scarf on the side in the Sportsman pub after the game, and it was still there after I came back from the toilet, so I am going to say we have loads of honest fans as well!!


Stories like this are truly heartwarming. Why do the media focus on the one story of a bad egg who steals scarfs when there are so many tear jerker stories of honesty like this?

  Tokyo-Saint said:
Stories like this are truly heartwarming. Why do the media focus on the one story of a bad egg who steals scarfs when there are so many tear jerker stories of honesty like this?


I was trying to lose it, f'ing club trying to turn us all in to scarfers!!

  Sour Mash said:
Have a look on twitter! Have to really worry about the mental condition of a chunk of our support. Plus, as with transfer info etc, people seem to take everything they read on social networking sites as gospel, getting through life must be such a struggle for them.


A chunk of our support? You reckon there are only mentalists confined within the city of Southampton? Check it out mate, they're everywhere.

  niceandfriendly said:
A chunk of our support? You reckon there are only mentalists confined within the city of Southampton? Check it out mate, they're everywhere.
Fair point, an example of football just being a reflection of modern society I guess........
  Bearsy said:
What face mask did everyone get? Would someone send me one? I would love to have I.e Guly facemask!


I can do you a scarf for a tenner.........or 3 for £20. :scared:


I spoke to a female Saints fan in the ground who said their entire row was scarfless when she got there, this led to me nipping to our seats to collect ours.


I was completely trollied though, so not be the most reliable source.

  The9 said:
I spoke to a female Saints fan in the ground who said their entire row was scarfless when she got there, this led to me nipping to our seats to collect ours.


I was completely trollied though, so not be the most reliable source.


Didn't go myself but apparently some rows were scarfless when people got there, as well as people not getting masks, but they just asked the saints staff in and around the ground and they gave them one. Whether they'd been nicked or just weren't put on every seat in the first place I don't know!

  Saint Rees said:
Didn't go myself but apparently some rows were scarfless when people got there, as well as people not getting masks, but they just asked the saints staff in and around the ground and they gave them one. Whether they'd been nicked or just weren't put on every seat in the first place I don't know!


Crikey - Saints really were going to great lengths to make sure the fans enjoyed the day! ;)

  Bearsy said:
There are some things people just shouldn't joke about, terrorist attacks, child rape, scarf theft. I wouldn't be surprised if this moron gets a football banning order, and it would totally serve him right.




Take a look halfway down this page, from the sickipedia forum. Some yank twat getting all upset about a few peaches geldof gags, its almost funnier than the main board.



  LatvianMichaelOwen said:
I went to college with the lad in question, he's been on Facebook touting match tickets before (not at face value).


It is an outrage, he should be beheaded.


I'm the lad in question.


To clarify a few things, I'm not a scum bag nor a thief.


I was sat in the players seats on Saturday, which weren't fully used by the players and were being sold at the TO for any fans that made the journey without tickets. I picked up about 4-5 scarves for the lads I was with and at HT I took them downstairs and a cleaner was there so I asked if I could have a bag from her too put them in.


A girl approached me and asked for a scarf and I said "no", my friend went onto say "they were our groups scarves he's just carrying them"


After the game (I stayed down in Swansea for the weekend) we had a beer in town and I received a few text message saying my photo was on twitter from the girl at HT!


A couple of lads grassed me up to this girl so I decided to go along with the joke so put a status up on twitter saying "40 scarves for sale £5 each"


Surely any person with an ounce of common sense would've realised I didn't have 40 scarves, but instead I received over 175 notifications on my twitter through till Sunday lunchtime whereby I decided to put a tweet just saying it was a joke!



I ran out of battery on my phone around 8pm and was having a night out so I didn't realise till the next morning that I received text messages, emails, phone calls, FB messages and tweets about me being a "scum bag" "I should be out down at birth"

All over some free scarves from some Saints fans with a very low IQ.


The thing that baffled my friends and I was how on earth I would've managed to get 40 scarves out of the ground without being noticed or stopped?


What I did find amusing was, how because the players seats weren't full that there were a fair few fans that came over to these seats and took the spare scarves! This includes someone that actually runs coaches to away games and I saw him with a bag full!


My friends didn't actually use up their scarves so I came home with a spare one, if anyone has any kids that didn't get one or would like my scarf, leave their email address on this forum and I'll contact you and get it posted.







yeah i don't believe a word of that!


Lol at scarface suddenly back-tracking cos he's heard that we shopped him to the po-po! BWAAAAARK! What no i never had 40 scarves for sale i only had like 4 or whatever and i was only holding them for my mates or something! What, is ur mates not got necks of their own? Yeah that sounds soooo likely, scarface :rolleyes:


If i was the po-po i would be checking his fireplace for stolen scarf embers.

  ianthesaint said:

The thing that baffled my friends and I was how on earth I would've managed to get 40 scarves out of the ground without being noticed or stopped?


This, for me, is definitive.


If we were playing West Ham though, a 40 scarf heist would indeed be possible. You could have rolled them up into temporary balls and bunged them toward any West Ham player. Would have hoofed it out the ground on instinct.

Posted (edited)



Does anyone remember like a year or so ago, someone, I think it was spudders, started a thread bout someone stole his scarf in London while he was in a pub or something?


I will try and find the thread to see if we can spot the tell-tale finger marks of scarface on this crime!


Are any of the witnesses from this earlier crime still posters on here?

Edited by Bearsy
  Bearsy said:
yeah i don't believe a word of that!


Lol at scarface suddenly back-tracking cos he's heard that we shopped him to the po-po! BWAAAAARK! What no i never had 40 scarves for sale i only had like 4 or whatever and i was only holding them for my mates or something! What, is ur mates not got necks of their own? Yeah that sounds soooo likely, scarface :rolleyes:


If i was the po-po i would be checking his fireplace for stolen scarf embers.






  Bearsy said:
ok sorry it does kind of make sense now. I have seen some of them lads at SMS before.


The one in pink boo's when Guly comes and on and screams "GET IT FORWARD" each time we make a backwards or sideways pass.

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