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have you seen the scum on twitter ( the wazzdag@Waldo12RED) thats been selling 40 odd scarf's he had stolen at the match yesterday.....you can find a picture taken on twitter of him...also earlier in his tweets he has left his number to get some tickets for the match!! hope someone gets to him the scum bag!!

I asked specifically for a Guly mask and the nice young lady obliged!!


Let's be honest, we're all friends here! How many of Saints away bros wore their SFC face masks last night when getting busy with their ladyfriends? Be honest here pls!


Edit: also, who made their woman wear a Guly/Morgs etc


I presume that when he's finally caught, arrested and convicted he'll be placed into a special wing in nick fitting the heinous nature of the crime.


Out of interest, how does one:


a) manage to steal 40 scarves in the first place?


b) manage to get out of the stadium without being noticed?


Are you sure he's not just winding everyone up? When I saw all the outrage on twitter about individuals not getting scarfs and tweeting everybody associated with Saints, I was tempted to stick a tweet like that up.


I'm not condoning what he done, but every seat had a scarf, apart from 2 rows at the back. People were told they had 100 empty seat that had scarfs put on them, and when the game started they would find out what seats they were and take the scarfs up to where the people without them, were.


When they game started, he picked up a few from these empty seats.


Yes he's still a **** for trying to sell them, but I think this has been blown out of proportion.

Are you sure he's not just winding everyone up? When I saw all the outrage on twitter about individuals not getting scarfs and tweeting everybody associated with Saints, I was tempted to stick a tweet like that up.
I reckon its a wind up, never fails to amaze me how much people take seriously anything they read on the internet, 40 scarves :lol:


On an associated point, did anyone else find those face masks made them feel like they were tripping out a bit? :scared:

Well if he only picked up a few how come he has 40 left?



Probably a few like Battle of Britain pilots, few meaning relatively low percentage of the total number I expect. If there were say 3000 then 41 is a few.


Does anyone seriously believe he left with 40 scarves!! He had about 5, I saw him leave with them, he was in a big group of which no one else had one, might've been his friends, but also saw loads of people picking up spare ones at half time, no one is berating those families that had a couple each?


Someone had taken the scarf off my seat. Wouldn't have bothered me that much if it wasn't for the fact I'd told my kids about them and they wanted it. Luckily a kind couple gave me theirs so now the kids have one each. Someone also stole the Luke Shaw mask that I'd put by my seat.


Bit weird Saints fans stealing from other Saints fans, not really in the spirit of the day.


Guly masks were at a huge premium yesterday, most people seemed to want one.

Out of interest, how does one:


a) manage to steal 40 scarves in the first place?


b) manage to get out of the stadium without being noticed?


I saw him in the ground, he didn't seem to have 40 scarves, although the size of his gut suggests he could have been hiding half that many under his shirt.


According to South Wales police a short, chubby man with strawberry blond hair was cautioned in Champers nightclub in Swansea last night for offering free Saints scarves with every free blow job in the gents. When the police apprehended him he had two scarves on him, has to be the same bloke...


For those not on the twittersphere can someone please post a link to all the carnage that's kicking off? Interested to see whats happening.

More to the point why were there 100 empty seats, disgraceful support.


Apparently 50 tickets were on sale yesterday due to being returned (probably complimentary tickets not used by players, staff etc) not sure about the other 50.


There was a large block of seats in the middle that were untaken (almost as though a coach had broken down) all with scarves, so there were loads going spare should anyone have wanted an extra.


The guy has gone back on twitter (hours ago now but no one else has mentioned it here directly) and admitted he was joking about having 40 scarves. Or selling any. They were just his mates scarves he was carrying - 4 or 5 of them as Steve Grant mentioned above.

Loving the outrage from some people (OP especially) when they had no facts about the story!


I know this guy as well! He used to go round Boots nicking the plastic gloves out of boxes of hair dye. Sad to hear he's moved on to scarves.

The guy has gone back on twitter (hours ago now but no one else has mentioned it here directly) and admitted he was joking about having 40 scarves. Or selling any. They were just his mates scarves he was carrying - 4 or 5 of them as Steve Grant mentioned above.

Loving the outrage from some people (OP especially) when they had no facts about the story!

It just shows how weirdly mental a large section of our support is and worryingly how much people take from random rumours on social networking sites, makes you think what you could turn into fact with a few well placed posts here and there!


I think some of the people posting names and phone numbers on here and sending death threats on twitter seriously need to take a good hard look at themselves.

I know this guy as well! He used to go round Boots nicking the plastic gloves out of boxes of hair dye. Sad to hear he's moved on to scarves.


It will be the plastic fish soy sauce containers in packs of sushi next. This kind of aimless kleptomania always escalates...


I've bought a seven bedroom mock tudor mansion in the East Midlands entirely off the profits from selling on those little pens from next to the catalogues in Argos.


You can typically get eight or nine out from one store visit. But only if you have the cat - like reflexes of a gentleman thief like what I am.

It just shows how weirdly mental a large section of our support is and worryingly how much people take from random rumours on social networking sites, makes you think what you could turn into fact with a few well placed posts here and there!


I think some of the people posting names and phone numbers on here and sending death threats on twitter seriously need to take a good hard look at themselves.


Are you joking? He got death threats?!!!! Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!! We really do have some proper mental fans.


There are some things people just shouldn't joke about, terrorist attacks, child rape, scarf theft. I wouldn't be surprised if this moron gets a football banning order, and it would totally serve him right.



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