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However all of this is nothing compared with the greatest achievements of the EU which has for 60 years been the foundation of peace between European neighbours after centuries of bloodshed. It furthermore assisted the extraordinary political, social and economic transformation of 13 former dictatorships, now EU members, since 1980.*- certainly not.


Actually, I think you can thank nuclear weapons and NATO for that. The EU was around to profit after the former Soviet and satellite states willingly signed their sovereignty away, but maintaining the peace? Nah, and I think we're starting to see the exact opposite in Ukraine.


What the EU has actually done is put people under many different nationalities and viewpoints under one undemocratic yoke, whether it makes sense or not. Take the worst anti-Polish rant you've ever heard in Southampton, and I'll find you a more extreme one from somewhere else in the EU. My Latvian housemate hated black people, Russians and the Poles. Didn't see anything wrong in any of it ("Polish peoples. They are not nice peoples."). Repeatedly used the n-word to describe black people, despite being told it wasn't good for use here.


Peace is more an achievement of Oppenheimer, those who worked on The Manhattan Project, and the resulting Cold War than the efforts of the EU.

I'm voting UKIP.


I want to see an independent Britain which is governed at a national and local level, not a huge superstate of un elected commissioners so far detached from reality, hell bent on this mad project. I strongly believe in a fair controlled immigration policy that doesn't discriminate my family in NZ over a Bulgarian, and protects us from unsustainable population growth.


I'm also attracted to UKIP on other issues like a rejection of HS2, building on greenfield sites, no wind farms, and a general long term vision of a smaller state. Distaste for things like inheritance tax etc.


LibLabCon sowed this field themselves, and i'm really hoping i'll be able to see their faces after a UKIP win on Thursday. I'd also love to see the media have to east humble pie. But it's no doubt going to be very close, and i'm sure UKIP will have lost a lot of potential votes through the constant negative headlines over the last couple of weeks.

Very well said.

I`m just fed up with paying £55 million each and every day to an organisation whose accounts haven`t been signed off for 19 years. Just think what we could do with £55 million each day.


So there!!


The Guardian's pre-election analysis.






Using that average of the last five polls on UK Polling Report, we come out with the following forecast



Ukip would be the evening's winners, with their 28.2% of the vote translating into 23 seats (+11) making them the joint biggest UK party.



Labour's 26.6% would give them 8 more seats taking them to 22, which would make up for a poor showing during the last elections.



The Conservatives' healthy 25 would be cut by six to nineteen. The BNP, as expected, would be wiped out and the SNP would take an extra seat in Scotland.


I like political quizes.



Which party leader said "British jobs for British workers"?


Who said they were sympathetic to suicide bombers and would probably be one ?


Which Tory dressed as a nazi?


Which labour politician said that west Indian mothers care more about their children.


Which London mayor made racist remarks to a Jewish journo?



Labour have an ex Nazi in Milton Keynes, as well as plenty of BNP, the Tory's have ex BNP standing as councilors, A Lib Dem councillor last month was charged with racially aggravated assault, Labour have an awful track record with child offences etc etc. You really have been brainwashed by the media.


It would not surprise me one bit if Tory HQ, and maybe the other parties, are feeding the likes of The Guardian these stories (not this one you posted, couldn't even be counted as a story). Win win, the Guardian doesn't have to bother researching/digging up stories, and the other parties get a nice steady flow of UKIP bashing leading up to the election. I suppose a simpler explanation is if you look at a paper like the Times for example, the profiles of their journalists behind a lot of the stories are friends, ex advisers and so on of the Osborne/Cameron clique. Last week a youth UKIP member left the party, clearly to up her profile, no official role or importance in the party, yet the Guardian thought it was justifiable to have it on the front page. It's really become hysterical.


I really don't know where i'd put my money on for the result though.



My heart wants to say UKIP, but the constant smearing will surely have had a negative effect, in particular for young/women voters who perhaps more so then others don't want to feel they're voting for 'a nasty party', despite the fact that on the issues of local or European governance they'd probably be on UKIP's side, as with controlled immigration or no controls etc.


I can't see the Tories winning. Just think they've disenfranchised too many of their core vote to turn it around. A lot of my family have blue blood running through them but are turning to UKIP for the Euros. So that leaves Labour. Surely it would have to be a miracle for them to win a European election with a campaign which has opted to sweep the main issue under the carpet. I suppose Ed has mumbled about giving a referendum in the 'future' if more powers are given away. Which is ridiculous as the whole reason for electing MEP's is they vote on issues put forward by the commission, which largely involve 'giving more powers away'. They've been more than comical on immigration, pulling out the classic 'we need to have an open and honest debate' as about their best soundbite campaign line on that issue. At least the Lib Dem's have been honest about where they stand- problem for them is it's pretty clear the majority of Brits don't want even more integration and continued open borders, i'd be tempted to wage a bet the Greens push them into a humiliating 5th place, that would be very funny.

Labour have an ex Nazi in Milton Keynes, as well as plenty of BNP, the Tory's have ex BNP standing as councilors, A Lib Dem councillor last month was charged with racially aggravated assault, Labour have an awful track record with child offences etc etc. You really have been brainwashed by the media.


It would not surprise me one bit if Tory HQ, and maybe the other parties, are feeding the likes of The Guardian these stories (not this one you posted, couldn't even be counted as a story). Win win, the Guardian doesn't have to bother researching/digging up stories, and the other parties get a nice steady flow of UKIP bashing leading up to the election. I suppose a simpler explanation is if you look at a paper like the Times for example, the profiles of their journalists behind a lot of the stories are friends, ex advisers and so on of the Osborne/Cameron clique. Last week a youth UKIP member left the party, clearly to up her profile, no official role or importance in the party, yet the Guardian thought it was justifiable to have it on the front page. It's really become hysterical.


You accuse others of hysteria and yet launch into a swivel-eyed hysterical rant just because it's really hard to tell the BNP and UKIP apart?


And the hook-line-and-sinker guff about the evil media? Well done for swallowing a party line even the UKIP apparatchiks don't actually believe. Repeating the discredited nonsense about The Times? Yet another example of your peddling party propaganda mindlessly.


Please, if you have to vote for the BNP in blazers and find yourself under the same political roof as a cretinous bunch of racists, xenophobes and homophobes, at least give the impression of thinking for yourself.

You accuse others of hysteria and yet launch into a swivel-eyed hysterical rant just because it's really hard to tell the BNP and UKIP apart?


And the hook-line-and-sinker guff about the evil media? Well done for swallowing a party line even the UKIP apparatchiks don't actually believe. Repeating the discredited nonsense about The Times? Yet another example of your peddling party propaganda mindlessly.


Please, if you have to vote for the BNP in blazers and find yourself under the same political roof as a cretinous bunch of racists, xenophobes and homophobes, at least give the impression of thinking for yourself.


Google search for "BNP in blazers":-




Some top quality "thinking for yourself" there, Verbal.

I`m just fed up with paying £55 million each and every day to an organisation whose accounts haven`t been signed off for 19 years. Just think what we could do with £55 million each day.


So there!!


Well good news then. You dont. Its less than a quarter of that.



It describes the last few months perfectly, with the obvious caveat that the article can only cover a fraction of the smears aimed at UKIP. A good spread, though.


The closing paragraph is very neat:-


Fortunately, I suspect the public can see what most of the press cannot. Most people continue to realise that Nigel Farage is not Adolf Hitler, that some idiot council-candidate whose said something rude about gays does not presage some anti-gay pogrom, and that our country has serious challenges of sovereignty and border control to deal with, which the main parties have to date shown themselves utterly incapable of addressing. Every member of UKIP could reveal themselves to be not on-board with gay marriage and support the right to broadcast early recordings of ‘The Sun has got his hat on’ on regional radio, yet still the questions of why Britain is no longer in control of its own border policy or law-making would remain unanswered by the main political parties.


"You can argue about the economics, but it's much less inflammatory than Gordon Brown's 2007 speech in which he referred to "British jobs for British workers". That was a line taken directly from the old National Front. If you're not going to vote UKIP because of its posters, you definitely shouldn't have been voting Labour the past few years."


"Oh, that's right. References to immigration are only racist if UKIP makes them. Sorry, we forgot."





You accuse others of hysteria and yet launch into a swivel-eyed hysterical rant just because it's really hard to tell the BNP and UKIP apart?


And the hook-line-and-sinker guff about the evil media? Well done for swallowing a party line even the UKIP apparatchiks don't actually believe. Repeating the discredited nonsense about The Times? Yet another example of your peddling party propaganda mindlessly.


Please, if you have to vote for the BNP in blazers and find yourself under the same political roof as a cretinous bunch of racists, xenophobes and homophobes, at least give the impression of thinking for yourself.


Swivel-eyed rant? I'm merely asking why is it the others do not come under the same fire from the press when their candidates muck up? And you refuse to address the points i was actually making. All you want to go on about is the f*cking BNP, when if you actually had an ounce of balanced common sense you'd be able to see that the two parties are completely apart.

Swivel-eyed rant? I'm merely asking why is it the others do not come under the same fire from the press when their candidates muck up? And you refuse to address the points i was actually making. All you want to go on about is the f*cking BNP, when if you actually had an ounce of balanced common sense you'd be able to see that the two parties are completely apart.


Aren't former BNP members actually banned from UKIP? Even if they get a blazer?

Aren't former BNP members actually banned from UKIP? Even if they get a blazer?


Yeah that's right, you have to declare you haven't been in the BNP just to become a member.

All you want to go on about is the f*cking BNP, when if you actually had an ounce of balanced common sense you'd be able to see that the two parties are completely apart.


There's a good reason BNP are 'banned' from UKIP - you can only tell them apart by their dress codes.


Look, if you want to join the 'broad church' of UKIP just be in no doubt you're in the same pews as hordes of racist scumbags. Don't take that as gospel from me - look at the comments by former UKIP members who've left in disgust.

There's a good reason BNP are 'banned' from UKIP - you can only tell them apart by their dress codes.


Look, if you want to join the 'broad church' of UKIP just be in no doubt you're in the same pews as hordes of racist scumbags. Don't take that as gospel from me - look at the comments by former UKIP members who've left in disgust.

So you vote for a party based on who else supports them and not based on key issues of the election? That doesn't make any sense.
"You can argue about the economics, but it's much less inflammatory than Gordon Brown's 2007 speech in which he referred to "British jobs for British workers". That was a line taken directly from the old National Front. If you're not going to vote UKIP because of its posters, you definitely shouldn't have been voting Labour the past few years."


"Oh, that's right. References to immigration are only racist if UKIP makes them. Sorry, we forgot."






Great plan. Call the largely tolerant British public racist. That'll work.

I wouldn't call UKIP racist but it clearly has become a refuge for racists by focusing almost only on the immigration issue.


What about all those people that have been unfairly tarnished with the tag, but still want to vote UKIP anyway? They're rightly going to be annoyed at all this unnecessary labelling, even by association, and will be difficult to get back next year.

There's a good reason BNP are 'banned' from UKIP - you can only tell them apart by their dress codes.


Look, if you want to join the 'broad church' of UKIP just be in no doubt you're in the same pews as hordes of racist scumbags. Don't take that as gospel from me - look at the comments by former UKIP members who've left in disgust.


If you actually went out and met thousands of UKIP candidates, councillors, and campaigners across the country you'd realise in the vast majority of cases they're just passionate people who give their time fighting legitimate concerns millions hold, which none of the three main parties want to address. Yes you'll get the odd weird one, the odd nasty one, but that's the same across the board. I don't see myself as a better human for holding a different political view to someone, and the longer you go on trying to lump millions of honest decent people as 'scumbags', the more stupid you make yourself look. Shouldn't really rise to your bait, but there you go.

What about all those people that have been unfairly tarnished with the tag, but still want to vote UKIP anyway? They're rightly going to be annoyed at all this unnecessary labelling, even by association, and will be difficult to get back next year.


It would be great if people stuck by their beliefs and voted UKIP next May. I'm all for shaking up the Londoncentric politics that we have trust upon us.


I had to do a L2 English speaking & listening assessment for some students today and the subject was the elections and almost everyone of them said UKIP was about stopping foreigners coming to the UK. Some certainly do feel it's given credence to their, frankly, racist views and others simply haven't picked up on any other policy or message.


Perhaps we need UKIP to do well, and similar parties across Europe, to jolt Brussels into changing the EU as most agree reform/overhaul is needed and soverign governments certainly aren't going to do anything.

It would be great if people stuck by their beliefs and voted UKIP next May. I'm all for shaking up the Londoncentric politics that we have trust upon us.


I had to do a L2 English speaking & listening assessment for some students today and the subject was the elections and almost everyone of them said UKIP was about stopping foreigners coming to the UK. Some certainly do feel it's given credence to their, frankly, racist views and others simply haven't picked up on any other policy or message.


Perhaps we need UKIP to do well, and similar parties across Europe, to jolt Brussels into changing the EU as most agree reform/overhaul is needed and soverign governments certainly aren't going to do anything.


I hope you put them right, its not about "stopping foreigners" ,but controlling our own borders. Something that the lib/lab/con agree with, except for 26 countries. In all the nonsense about racism, I've not heard one politician call for open unrestricted immigration from anywhere else in the world. That's what makes the establishments attacks so dishonest, had they said "open unrestricted immigration from other EU nations is a price worth paying for membership of the EU" , than that's a legitimate discussion to be had ( one I disagree with). But they don't, they don't want the man in the street to know that they can't control immigration, so try and muddy the waters.

:mcinnes: FFS,


Ukip have not suggested closing the border. They just want quality and quantity controls put in place by the UK parliament. Their immigration policy is the same for everybody, unlike the liblabcon that treat Africans differently than Germans. The ukip policy for German,French and Dutch nationals is exactly the same as the establishments is for Africans, Asians and south Americans.


IMHO I think we should control our borders in much the same way as Australia does theirs. I dont think that it is wrong to ensure those that come here to work are needed and skilled in the jobs that they are asked to do. Closing borders however is rediculous and frankly short sighted and borderline racist.


There is no chance Id vote Ukip though, their policies archaic.

IMHO I think we should control our borders in much the same way as Australia does theirs. I dont think that it is wrong to ensure those that come here to work are needed and skilled in the jobs that they are asked to do. Closing borders however is rediculous and frankly short sighted and borderline racist.


There is no chance Id vote Ukip though, their policies archaic.

What is "archaic" about their policies? Their policy isn't to close borders entirely.
I hope you put them right, its not about "stopping foreigners" ,but controlling our own borders. Something that the lib/lab/con agree with, except for 26 countries. In all the nonsense about racism, I've not heard one politician call for open unrestricted immigration from anywhere else in the world. That's what makes the establishments attacks so dishonest, had they said "open unrestricted immigration from other EU nations is a price worth paying for membership of the EU" , than that's a legitimate discussion to be had ( one I disagree with). But they don't, they don't want the man in the street to know that they can't control immigration, so try and muddy the waters.


The vast majority cannot differentiate between EU and non-EU immigration and be in no doubt, up here, when people talk immigration, they mean Islam. Immigration from the EU barely registers.


Is it racist to say we should now be seriously looking at who comes into the country?


The whole open borders thing was just stupid to begin with. As a small island we shouldn't be at 50m people let alone 63m. By 2035 they expect it to be around 73m-76m.


Like I said I don't think it is racist to say maybe we should now be looking at limiting the population increase. It is stupid not to look at it.

The vast majority cannot differentiate between EU and non-EU immigration and be in no doubt, up here, when people talk immigration, they mean Islam. Immigration from the EU barely registers.


Different places, different pressure points and barely relevant to the pragmatic concerns of immigration. The couple from Marchwood I met, ex-Shirley, didn't move out of their old area because of Islam. They explicitly told me that the level of incoming EU immigrants was the key factor behind their move.


The funny thing is, the Tories themselves were banging on about quotas themselves, playing to some of the same crowd they're now decrying, all the while avoiding the elephant of EU immigration, which they can do nothing about.


I think awareness has grown surrounding the nature of EU immigration. Many of the British public know it's unrestricted, that it's not based on merit, that increased demand is driving prices up, that a wider labour market is creating pressure on wages and competition for jobs.


Doubtless, you'll have some people who'll always go "it's the Muslims, innit?", but the concept of theoretically unlimited EU immigration is a message that UKIP has successfully conveyed.

Different places, different pressure points and barely relevant to the pragmatic concerns of immigration. The couple from Marchwood I met, ex-Shirley, didn't move out of their old area because of Islam. They explicitly told me that the level of incoming EU immigrants was the key factor behind their move.


The funny thing is, the Tories themselves were banging on about quotas themselves, playing to some of the same crowd they're now decrying, all the while avoiding the elephant of EU immigration, which they can do nothing about.


I think awareness has grown surrounding the nature of EU immigration. Many of the British public know it's unrestricted, that it's not based on merit, that increased demand is driving prices up, that a wider labour market is creating pressure on wages and competition for jobs.


Doubtless, you'll have some people who'll always go "it's the Muslims, innit?", but the concept of theoretically unlimited EU immigration is a message that UKIP has successfully conveyed.


I disagree. I've met no one who has said they've an issue with it but then I live in a town that has had a big Polish population since WW2 and the biggest social club in the town is The White Eagle Club so perhaps it's just accepted more. There is also a long history of seasonal foreign workers on the farms around the town which again, perhaps, has influence a more tolerant line.


Stoke, however, is certainly different as it's almost universally a "Muslim thing". I've been genuinely gobsmacked by some of the stuff I've heard over the last couple of weeks.

Posted (edited)

Looks like the" rent a mob " Romanians have been caught out.




Meanwhile its starting to dawn on the establishment that twisting ukips policies is counter productive.




Blunkett also warned of issues in cities , what would the establishment be doing if Nigel said the same?




Blunketts a disgrace, tarring The Roma all with the same brush. Would he rather Germans lived in his city, maybe they would fit in better, they're used to toilets and other mod cons. Lol. #establishmentdoublestandards

Edited by Lord Duckhunter
Looks like the" rent a mob " Romanians have been caught out.




Meanwhile its starting to dawn on the establishment that twisting ukips policies is counter productive.




Blunkett also warned of issues in cities , what would the establishment be doing if Nigel said the same?




Blunketts a disgrace, tarring The Roma all with the same brush. Would he rather Germans lived in his city, maybe they would fit in better, they're used to toilets and other mod cons. Lol. #establishmentdoublestandards


This might be my favourite image from the whole campaign.



This might be my favourite image from the whole campaign.




Just as funny is Jon snow trying to get a Romanian who fled from behind the iron curtain to the UK to monster Nigel. A big build up from snow " you owe your life to the uk and how do you feel about nigel farage, only for her to mess up snows story by agreeing with Nigels point. Snow being an establishment man seemed taken back, " so he's right" he asks " of course " was her reply. Going on to add she would not particularly like to live next to them either.

We recognise the value of the original goal of the founders of the European Communities, who sought to remove the threat of another war between European states. This has been distorted by vested political and economic interests into a union dominated by economic interests, which lacks democratic control, and promotes the goals of multinational corporations which are interested in profit not people, and which runs counter to the professed core values of the Union.


"I support a referendum on our membership of the EU because I am pro-democracy, not because I'm anti-EU - and because I want to see a radical reform of the way Europe operates."


"Thanks to the bureaucratic and remote way which the EU works, many people today are no longer sure what is it for. So the challenge now is to make those institutions more democratic and accountable - and to develop a more compelling vision of the EU's role and purpose.

A referendum would allow the space for that debate about the future of the Union to occur, and to ensure that the goals of the European project really are in the best interests of EU citizens."


Which party?

Has someone really put their time into producing that :lol:


I wonder how many millions have been spent on smearing UKIP?


If you ever wanted an example of how "free" your media is, and how easy it is for a single message to be propagated everywhere, these elections fit the bill quite nicely.

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