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its a pathetic town. its my nearest town and im embarrassed by the place. how on gods green earth it finished 9th last year in the most desirable place to live in england is beyond me. cos its got london rail links and an airport doesnt make it appealing in my opinion.


when the new leisure centre type place opens next year that will no doubt quickly become the white elephant the swan centre became

To my shame , I was born there.


Although I'm still waiting for them to put up a plaque in my honour.


To my shame I was born in Portsmouth. I will contact the council about your plaque next week, where would you like it to be placed?

Chandlers Ford has had it's day.

It peaked between 1977 and 1990


I'm going to take a wild, stab-in-the-dark guess that you lived there between those years.

To my shame , I was born there.


Although I'm still waiting for them to put up a plaque in my honour.


Although the Ford is near Eastleigh it could not be further apart.Dont worry Hatch the Ford courses through your veins.

Crestwood is better. Quilley means scum in Arabic, or something.



Whilst a lot of the criticism levelled at Eastleigh is rightly justified i find this comment very offensive and inaccurate.

I think you will find that the actual translation is "Quilley- meaning "wordsmith" in ancient Aramaic.

Kindly get your facts right in the future.




PS. I have lived in and around the borough for 38 of my 41 years and it has turned into a complete dung heap. The only redeeming features being any freinds and family that still live in the area.

Guest Dark Sotonic Mills
I hate Eastleigh with passion. Scum everywhere. Also, every garden seems to have a shopping trolley.


Don't forget the f*cked fridge and the stained mattress.

Although the Ford is near Eastleigh it could not be further apart.Dont worry Hatch the Ford courses through your veins.


There are actually 4 fords which could lend their name to Chandlers Ford. They are all bridged, or culverted now. Leigh Rd, Winchester Rd (near the HSBC bank) and down near the Monk's Brook pub. Not sure where the fourth is located.


Further tales tell of a French merchantman who stayed in the village, his name was Adam Le Chaundler. Ramalley, where the cemetery is, is named after Ramillies which is a Belgian or French (?) town and some soldiers are purported to have set up camp there. They planted wild garlic which still grows there to this day.


Whilst a lot of the criticism levelled at Eastleigh is rightly justified i find this comment very offensive and inaccurate.

I think you will find that the actual translation is "Quilley- meaning "wordsmith" in ancient Aramaic.

Kindly get your facts right in the future.




PS. I have lived in and around the borough for 38 of my 41 years and it has turned into a complete dung heap. The only redeeming features being any freinds and family that still live in the area.


Eastleigh has deteriorated since the motorway made commuting easier and the population was burgeoned by people moving in from out of the area. You'll actually find that people who I call 'old Eastleigh' are very much unchanged and still friendly and helpful. Those who have moved into the area owe no loyalty or allegiance to the town and it's people, hence it has become a shadow of what it used to be.


If you go out drinking in the town (who'd want to, I hear you say) go into the Working Men's clubs or those pubs which are slightly out of the centre. That's where you'll find decent people and no drunken youth wanting to 'make you 'av it'!


I had a drink or ten with Channon Windmill last night, Happy Christmas Pete, he has heard that Weatherspoons are looking at the Home Tavern!


I'm not ashamed of Eastleigh or 'old Eastleigh' people, but I'm hacked off with the new Eastleigh people!

its a pathetic town. its my nearest town and im embarrassed by the place. how on gods green earth it finished 9th last year in the most desirable place to live in england is beyond me. cos its got london rail links and an airport doesnt make it appealing in my opinion.


when the new leisure centre type place opens next year that will no doubt quickly become the white elephant the swan centre became



That's because it was the borough, not the town.


The place never recovered from me leaving in 1979. :p


The local economy took a major nosedive when the money generated from my beer drinking was moved else where :cool:


As an ex resident and also a Quilley Old Boy :o with many friends and family still living in Eastleigh and surrounding areas it saddens me when I am back home on visits to see the place slowly dying a painful death (not that there was ever much life in the old place anyway :( ) with shops closing left right and centre and chavvy little scroats roaming the streets. Will The Woolworths building become the biggest Charity shop in England when Woolies closes for good :smt042


I'm sure there are worse places in the country though ;)

The place never recovered from me leaving in 1979. :p


The local economy took a major nosedive when the money generated from my beer drinking was moved else where :cool:


As an ex resident and also a Quilley Old Boy :o with many friends and family still living in Eastleigh and surrounding areas it saddens me when I am back home on visits to see the place slowly dying a painful death (not that there was ever much life in the old place anyway :( ) with shops closing left right and centre and chavvy little scroats roaming the streets. Will The Woolworths building become the biggest Charity shop in England when Woolies closes for good :smt042


I'm sure there are worse places in the country though ;)


What years were you at Quilley? You may well know some of my friends parents!

What years were you at Quilley? You may well know some of my friends parents!


Ouch :(


Probably be their Grand Parents if the amount of teen pregnancies is anything to go by ;)


1969 -74 ish and then to the more civilised BP for a couple of years to try and get an education :grin:

Ouch :(


Probably be their Grand Parents if the amount of teen pregnancies is anything to go by ;)


1969 -74 ish and then to the more civilised BP for a couple of years to try and get an education :grin:


Know the surname - Denness, at all?

I remember Martines from a few years back


Eastleigh has always been pretty rough in the evenings


A lot of the 'night club clientele' were not actually Eastleigh people, but yes, their behaviour did give Eastleigh a bad name.


Try the 'old Eastleigh' people, Ericofarabia seems just a tad younger than me and as an Ex inhabitant will tell you about the decent people of Eastleigh. The thing is that Eastleigh and it's night time problems is not an isolated problem and, as such, it's a massive shame that town centres across the country have become no-go areas inhabited by people who do not give one moment's thought to the consequences of their selfish behaviour.


It's one thing to go out and have a good time, maybe even getting drunk, but what happens nowadays is beyond the pale.

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