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It's a shame that not many Premier League clubs lend themselves to drug-inspired names.


The best I have is Evertoke.


Any others?

I'm agreeing with you. What I'm saying is the authorities don't want random testing brought in as they are aware there will be a huge problem.

Sorry, I missed your point, but I agree, the sweet FA will do just that and the Premier League will do nothing that might tarnish the brand until football finds a Lance Armstrong or someone uncovers football's equivalent of cycling's Festina affair.

It's a shame that not many Premier League clubs lend themselves to drug-inspired names.


The best I have is Evertoke.


Any others?


Nope. FC Four-Twente?

It's a shame that not many Premier League clubs lend themselves to drug-inspired names.


The best I have is Evertoke.


Any others?


In the early 90s my mates and me had a custom team we created on Sensible Soccer called Tripout City. It included players like E'in Rush, Gary Speed and Diego Marijuana, among others which I can't remember now (Can't imagine why that would be! ;) )

Apart, of course, from the fact that cocaine is a Class A narcotic and as such, it is an offence to possess or deal in it in this country.


It could also be argued that cocaine is performance-enhancing.


Google Ben Cousins. Phenomenal footy player but arguably played his best footy when heavily on illicit drugs.


Doping with EPO and transfusions improves endurance and speed at threshold. Both useful to footballers especially in the final 15 mins of a gruelling game where that edge can mean beating a tiring opposition.


Doping with anabolic agents improves power and acceleration - very useful for explosive attacking runs, jumping for headers and bruising defending.


So I conclude that it is naive to think there is little or no football doping, given the ££ involved, the egos and the lack of policing.

In the early 90s my mates and me had a custom team we created on Sensible Soccer called Tripout City. It included players like E'in Rush, Gary Speed and Diego Marijuana, among others which I can't remember now (Can't imagine why that would be! ;) )


You are not the only man to have enjoyed (and written about) a bit of Sensi.



Football isnt like endurance or power sports - where drugs give a significant advantage, especially in the build up to major events. Skill and tactics play a much larger role in football and playing every week rules out doping for a major competition. Im sure lots of players take recreational drugs - but I don't see why that's a problem for football particularly - cocaine / cannabis will likely have a negative effect on performance if anything. .




I agree, but Pirlo recently had this to say.


I don't know enough about performance enhancing drugs to know whether there are any out there that fit the bill for this, but it's interesting that Pirlo suggests it.



I agree, but Pirlo recently had this to say.


I don't know enough about performance enhancing drugs to know whether there are any out there that fit the bill for this, but it's interesting that Pirlo suggests it.



Juventus 1994-1998 read up on it... Walking pharmacies all of them.


What I would like to know is just what the 'Legal Reasons' might be which mean the club can't be named.


You can't cover up crime with a super-injunction, surely? This isn't someone having it away with his wife's sister...


Baseball doesn't exactly look like sport number 1 for drugs being an enhancement, but it now has a time known as the drug era. So with as little motion in this sport it must be an advantage to footballers.

Posted (edited)
Baseball doesn't exactly look like sport number 1 for drugs being an enhancement, but it now has a time known as the drug era. So with as little motion in this sport it must be an advantage to footballers.



Baseball was all about steroids and HGH I think, the more muscle you have the harder you can hit the ball...in theory at least.

I think in the case of the "major English club" it was more about recreational drugs used by officials. Juventus FC had a major performance enhacing drug system in the 90s but as the drugs weren't on the banned list for football at that time only the administering doctor got any punishment.

Edited by Window Cleaner
Just had a vision of them snorting washing powder...


Funnily enough they'd have been better off smoking it... I was working in Portsmouth for a charity when the cleaners found half a dozen or so cannabis resin 8-bars ("what's this?") in some washing powder that had been donated by our dear customs and excise.. They obviously hadn't found all the consignment! Not being a smoker it didn't bother me, but I reckon some of my colleagues were upset not to find it!

Funnily enough they'd have been better off smoking it... I was working in Portsmouth for a charity when the cleaners found half a dozen or so cannabis resin 8-bars ("what's this?") in some washing powder that had been donated by our dear customs and excise.. They obviously hadn't found all the consignment! Not being a smoker it didn't bother me, but I reckon some of my colleagues were upset not to find it!


Normally nine bars. Reckon they may have taxed it.;)

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