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Has anyone noticed the new procedure with paying monthly, regardless of where you sit it will cost £45 each game. Does anyone know if this will still be through Zebra finance?



Don't think that's right, there is a fee of £45 per ticket if you want to pay by instalments it's not 45£ per game.

Has anyone noticed the new procedure with paying monthly, regardless of where you sit it will cost £45 each game. Does anyone know if this will still be through Zebra finance?


They mean you pay a one off payment of 45 quid. Prices after that are still the same:


"Fans wishing to spread the cost of their 2014/15 Season Ticket can do so over a ten-month period for a fee of £45 per ticket.


Read more at http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/tickets/season-tickets/index.aspx#mr5YiF5TrGTJvRuh.99"


Some serious thought will have to go into this. I have to buy 3 tickets and not only do I have the price rise to contend with, but my eldest will be over 17 this time around. On top of that, there are 5 of us who go together & only 1 will now be under 17, that means we won't be able to sit in the family section together, so that will also incur extra cost.

Ho Hum.....

Not to bad, just hope they dont put the price of beer up again, surely they can't go even higher than £4 for a bottle of sh1tty Carling.


TBF you don't have to drink in the ground. The beer is crap and overpriced nd you're standing in a concrete room, not particularly very pleasant.


Can't say I'm delighted with the increase, but i'll probably still renew. It's a fecking lot of money though to watch 19 games of football.


Will have to seriously consider this year. I have a 300 mile round trip every game by car or train it is not a cheap day. The mrs will not be happy when I tell her the price.

Its a shame although I suppose I could always move back but I suspect a divorce will be dearer than watching the football but then again watching it could cost me a divorce.


I'll be renewing, even though prices are really high :/ I'll be using a bit of student loan/all the money I've been saving up!

However, should I renew in Block 3 or move to Block 7?


Block 3 for me is much more banterous :/ but Block 7 has a much better view (I've experienced both)...

Which one would you say is better value for money?


I'll be renewing purely for the guaranteed away tickets. If they just had an away ST I'm not sure I would bother with the home one.

Shrewd or cynical move by the club to get renewals confirmed before any transfer activity ?



Perhaps we need the money :rolleyes:. I don't know when the PL hand over the cash but we've 22 million in outstanding transfer fees to pay, plus you seem to get better terms if you pay up more quickly, or was that just an excuse, sorry reason, for getting a loan from Vibrac. 15000 STs bought and paid for in May will give us over 10 million in the coffers.

Posted (edited)
You can't expect our german owner to subsidize the fans shes only worth 3.6 Billion pounds.



Once again this fallacy that KL is incredibly rich. The whole Liebherr famlily is said to possess 3.6 billion dollars (and that's only an estimate because no-one really knows) KL has nowhere near that amount of money, probably not even a billion.. The late Markus gave his equal share in those companies away and built up his own business which has now been liquidated.

Edited by Window Cleaner
Block 3 for me is much more banterous :/ but Block 7 has a much better view (I've experienced both)...

Which one would you say is better value for money?

£131 difference between the two, the view from block 3 is still good (as long as you're not right at the front) and you could put that saving towards some away games. I'm not convinced being sat right on the halfway line is £131 better, to be honest.

Once again this fallacy that KL is incredibly rich. The whole Liebherr famlily is said to possess 3.6 billion dollars (and that's only an estimate because no-one really knows) KL has nowhere near that amount of money, probably not even a billion..

i think it's more like Liebherr group was estimated to be worth enough that markus's equal share of his father's company would have equated to 3bn assuming his investments had kept pace since his disposal of shares in the family company.

i think it's more like Liebherr group was estimated to be worth enough that markus's equal share of his father's company would have equated to 3bn assuming his investments had kept pace since his disposal of shares in the family company.



But he gave them away, it's well documented. Forbes shows the Willy+Isolde branch as having an estimated wealth of 3.6 billion dollars. That's been built up over the years from some major,major companies. All that Markus did was a bit of Common Rail Engineering. The fact that the companies have all been liquidated without much further ado just shows how relatively minor they were. Markus was a wealthy man but probably not a billionaire.

Perhaps we need the money :rolleyes:. I don't know when the PL hand over the cash but we've 22 million in outstanding transfer fees to pay, plus you seem to get better terms if you pay up more quickly, or was that just an excuse, sorry reason, for getting a loan from Vibrac. 15000 STs bought and paid for in May will give us over 10 million in the coffers.


Well I'll be renewing irrespective of the motives of the club. What else is there to do on a Saturday at 3pm ( or 5:30pm or Sunday 12:45 or Wednesday 7:45 or any other time dictated by the media)

But he gave them away, it's well documented. Forbes shows the Willy+Isolde branch as having an estimated wealth of 3.6 billion dollars. That's been built up over the years from some major,major companies. All that Markus did was a bit of Common Rail Engineering. The fact that the companies have all been liquidated without much further ado just shows how relatively minor they were. Markus was a wealthy man but probably not a billionaire.


it's not well documented. it's documented, probably translated, and then regurgitated repeatedly. internets.

The cynic in me says that they're releasing the prices earlier than usual as they know people aren't going to like what happens over the summer.



And yet Krueger has said that no player that Mauricio wants to keep will be sold.

And yet Krueger has said that no player that Mauricio wants to keep will be sold.


Maybe he won't be the manager then :lol: won't matter to him who's sold when he's out...

Isn't that more than buying the tickets individually?


Its not that the tickets for each game cost £45, its that £45 is added to the cost of the season ticket as an "admin fee" if you decide to pay in 10 monthly installments.

Its not that the tickets for each game cost £45, its that £45 is added to the cost of the season ticket as an "admin fee" if you decide to pay in 10 monthly installments.


Ahhh ok, cheers. Well thats gone down by a fiver! W00t for price reductions ;)

The commercial operations at German clubs is on another level to those at Premier League clubs. There is also almost an implied deal between clubs and their season ticket holders that, in exchange for cheap tickets, they'll spend a fortune on all sorts of club merchandise.


If you think clubs in this country take the **** with replica shirts being replaced every year and costing a fortune, the Bundesliga goes one step further. Dortmund brought out a "winter" replica shirt, which was ever so slightly different from their normal home shirt, and they had a different shirt for the Champions League. The cheapest of those at the start of the season was €65.


True Steve, but if one were playing devil's advocate, one could say that you need a season ticket to see every game guaranteed, but you don't need to buy a shirt; it is not obligatory, even if it is (as you imply) a rip-off. I would much rather have cheaper season tickets and expensive shirts that I can just ignore.

True Steve, but if one were playing devil's advocate, one could say that you need a season ticket to see every game guaranteed, but you don't need to buy a shirt; it is not obligatory, even if it is (as you imply) a rip-off. I would much rather have cheaper season tickets and expensive shirts that I can just ignore.
But they're able to offer cheap tickets because so many buy the megastore tatt, plus get in the ground an hour early and eat and drink all game. If people didn't than they wouldn't be able to compete at the level they do.
True Steve, but if one were playing devil's advocate, one could say that you need a season ticket to see every game guaranteed, but you don't need to buy a shirt; it is not obligatory, even if it is (as you imply) a rip-off. I would much rather have cheaper season tickets and expensive shirts that I can just ignore.

The point is that the German commercial model ensures that ticket prices are kept low because their fans spend loads on merchandise (far more than we do in this country). If fans didn't spend that money on merchandise, as you imply you don't/wouldn't, the ticket prices would have to rise to plug the gap. It's almost an implied social contract between the clubs and their fanbase.


I looked back over the years at some of the prices I paid for my Season Ticket.

Notes 1/ Some of those prices are Early Bird prices and

2/ while we were in CC & L1 my Chapel seat was classified as "Family").

Dell - Milton Road directly behind the goal.

96/97 £289

97/98 £306

98/99 £340

99/00 £391

00/01 £408

St Marys - Chapel directly behind the goal

01/02 £413

02/03 £451

03/04 £444

04/05 £473

05/06 £473

06/07 £447

07/08 £380

08/09 DNR (Lowe came back)

09/10 £240 (L1 Family Centre)

10/11 £277 (L1 Family Centre)

11/12 £380 (CC Family Centre)

12/13 £576.50

13/14 £604

14/15 Next season will be £628


So in 10 years my ST for PL Football has risen 32% which is less than inflation I believe.

Posted (edited)

i have investigated some other clubs to see what they're doing, i can't find everyone tho :(


Fulham - Reduced Prices

Sunderland - Reduced Prices

Newcastle - Price Freeze

West Brom - Price Freeze

West Ham - Price Freeze

Stoke - Price Freeze

Spurs - Price Freeze

Man Utd - Price Freeze

Everton - 0.5% increase

Liverpool - 1.9% increase

Arsenal - 3% increase

Crystal Palace - 16.5% increase

Edited by Bearsy
I so resent being gradually priced out of supporting my team.


Very much this. I can afford it but can't justify it plus the added f**king about with KO times means watching line streams for home games and only going to the northern/midland aways.


I can watch every game in near perfect HD. ST for years but going to consider as point of principle as anything else. Awash with money and expect fans to stump up more. And more depressing the amount of mugs who say 'not bad'.


I'm happy with that ! Although I'd still pay even if it went up by a oner nothing beats being in that crowd after a cracking win !


People say the prices are high but it's 19 matches and lasts nine months, what do you pay for a two week holiday or for your daughter's wedding dress? By the way, my first season ticket 1948 or 9 was £5. Yes that's not a mistake, £5. But the max wage for every player was £7 a week, Tom Finney and Stan Matthews included

People say the prices are high but it's 19 matches and lasts nine months, what do you pay for a two week holiday or for your daughter's wedding dress? By the way, my first season ticket 1948 or 9 was £5. Yes that's not a mistake, £5. But the max wage for every player was £7 a week, Tom Finney and Stan Matthews included


With any luck your daughter won't be getting married every year...:lol:


At the end of the day, if you're happy enough to pay for a season ticket and are not too fussed about the prices, then that's all well and good with me. It's your money and the club needs loyal fans to fill the ground week in week out.


What I can't hack though is people whinging about the prices of season tickets, shirts etc and then just blinking well going out and stumping up the cash anyway. What's the point in that?


Very disappointed although not surprised in the price rise. With the huge rise in tv money they don't need to milk us for every last penny. But of course they will. My ticket edges towards £700. Crazy. The need to renew by May 30th takes the **** too. It was end of June last season. Are our best players leaving?


Either way I was going to be paying more next season because I no longer qualify for a Young Adult ST, but the thought of paying nearly £700 (with the admin fee) for the same seat I paid £550 (with the admin fee) for this season does turn my stomach a little bit. But like others have said, we're going to pay it anyway so why bother moaning? Just sit back and try to relax as you get f*cked by a big Capitalist fist.

The point is that the German commercial model ensures that ticket prices are kept low because their fans spend loads on merchandise (far more than we do in this country). If fans didn't spend that money on merchandise, as you imply you don't/wouldn't, the ticket prices would have to rise to plug the gap. It's almost an implied social contract between the clubs and their fanbase.


Yes, I see what you mean. Would make an interesting sociological study wouldn't it? Knowing that you don't (legally) have to buy something but knowing at the same time that not doing do could force ST prices up. Really fascinating.

Yes, I see what you mean. Would make an interesting sociological study wouldn't it? Knowing that you don't (legally) have to buy something but knowing at the same time that not doing do could force ST prices up. Really fascinating.


Of course if ticket prices were lower there would be more money available to spend on merchandising...

Of course if ticket prices were lower there would be more money available to spend on merchandising...

This is Great Britain remember greed is King we could empty the Club Shops every Saturday and they would still put up the prices.


That reduction of 700 season ticket sales last year, mentioned above could largely be down to the cack handed eviction of many long term ST holders from Chapel block 20, we have only seen a handful of folks we use to sit with last year this year.

This is Great Britain remember greed is King we could empty the Club Shops every Saturday and they would still put up the prices.


That reduction of 700 season ticket sales last year, mentioned above could largely be down to the cack handed eviction of many long term ST holders from Chapel block 20, we have only seen a handful of folks we use to sit with last year this year.


There were plenty of other reasons for fans not renewing and I imagine it was a lot more than 700 as there will always be new ST holder too.

There were plenty of other reasons for fans not renewing and I imagine it was a lot more than 700 as there will always be new ST holder too.

That 700 is a net loss. We've got around 20,400 season ticket holders this season, compared to more than 21,000 last season.

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