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Being in the wrong place at the wrong time - Chance/luck or something more?

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I've always thought that life was pretty random, but over the past few months I've discovered that Mrs Spudders has a knack of being caught up in dramas and incidents. I don't mean drama causes by her (like sometimes you find people seem to get off on creating their own drama) this is totally random stuff that happens around her that she has no influences over.


Like yesterday morning she popped to the shop and an elderly lady fell over in front of her and smashed her face and arm up, so the Mrs called 999 and waited with the old lady whilst the ambulance came.


A few weeks ago her mum tripped down a step and ripped her leg open (i'm not talking a graze, this was down to the flesh over a significant area of the leg), she called 999.


Whilst she was on holiday in America she was in a Disney store that got held up at gunpoint as it had a jewelers right next to it (It was open plan) so they got guns pointed at them as well, the end result was she saw the jeweler get shot in the head and die.


They were all pretty shaken up after the above event so stayed in for a couple of days, the next time she went out was to pop up the local shop to get some wine. Whilst there, that store was held up at gunpoint, this wasn't even in a bad area that they were staying!!!! What are the chances of getting held up at gunpoint once, let alone twice in a week?


I've never had to call 999 in my life, I just asked her how many times she's done so and she started listing off different events ranging from those mentioned above, to calling in a naked man jumping over a fence next to a school, witnessing someone breaking into a car, a girl running into/through a glass window...... and so on. :scared:


Why is it that 'stuff' just seems to happen to some people more than it does others?


I'm not sure, pure luck I would say... but more importantly, where does Mrs Spudders live? And could you please tell us where she is planning on going each day so we can avoid those places. Ta.


My sister is a bit like your wife, she has had to call for the police and ambulances a lot, twice she has witnessed people dying and has found it really upsetting one was a colleague who just collapsed the other was an older man who was walking with his wife through a park and he had a heart attack. She said only one other person stopped when the wife was screaming for help (this was in a park in the city centre of Southampton) and the other person didn't know first aid so couldn't help my sister with CPR but called the ambulance and looked after the wife. Good on your wife for stopping to help people, there are plenty of times that stuff happens and people will just walk past as they don't want to get involved or even worse is bring out the phone to film the drama. I'm sure the people she helps feel very lucky to have a helpful stranger there.


Not exactly the same, but wherever i go i seem to encounter young ladies being sexually harassed. It's a bit strange, like a curse or something. It's been happening ever since i hit puberty :?

My sister is a bit like your wife, she has had to call for the police and ambulances a lot, twice she has witnessed people dying and has found it really upsetting one was a colleague who just collapsed the other was an older man who was walking with his wife through a park and he had a heart attack. She said only one other person stopped when the wife was screaming for help (this was in a park in the city centre of Southampton) and the other person didn't know first aid so couldn't help my sister with CPR but called the ambulance and looked after the wife. Good on your wife for stopping to help people, there are plenty of times that stuff happens and people will just walk past as they don't want to get involved or even worse is bring out the phone to film the drama. I'm sure the people she helps feel very lucky to have a helpful stranger there.

She gave the old lady a call last night to check she was ok as she took her phone number, which I think the lady thought was really sweet. The Mrs said to me "I know you think I'm probably weird wanting to know she was ok...." I'm sure I'd be the same, but the reality is this stuff never happens to me, I've never been in any kind of situation like that. Good on your sister as well :) Maybe it's just girls this stuff happens to?

Have you ever considered the possibility that she could be talking out of her arse?


Also there are other people to verify these events, ie her family were all on the holiday, I have seen her mums leg injury, I was with her yesterday evening when she called the old lady.


I'm one of those people that **** seems to happen too.


I have, just to restrict it to the last year on my current contract:

Had a guy on site die from a heart attack, on a safety boat.

Had a druggy break into my office and threaten me with a knife to get somethign to sell for drugs.

Had a joy rider drive his car into the scaffolding on site

had a boat sink, which we had to rescue

Had a concrete capping beam and sheet piles collapse leaving a big hole

Been flooded with a 1 in 1000 year flood/tidal event.

Recieved complaints that our works were making a womans wall get wet and dry, and now she thinks her house is haunted, (we must be putting flood defences on an old indian buriel ground).

Had eastern europeans ****ting and ****ing on the site, not workers, but locals.

Been 'raided' by the DHSS looking for soemone I have never heard off that I employed as a Tele-sales Representative (and they wouldn't get it through their heads that, on a Civil Engineering construction site, that is wrong on so many levels)

Been involved in searching for three dead bodies in the river, from missing persons to suicide

Rescued a Fawn, (that's a baby deer to some of you) from the River, only to have the RSPCA inspector say that if it was healthy, they would only put it down. (Luckily she explained, in words of one sylable, that I had to be careful it didn't escape before she arrived on site. And, do you know what, it did escape).

Been to a nightclub and had my foreman dancing with the a beatiful, tall leggy blond with big bosoms, who would not look out of place in a magazine, apart from the fact that she is 7 foot tall.


Some people just have interesting lives.


^^^^ that's a fair bit, but I'm not sure that sort of stuff equals interesting? You can have interesting stuff going on without it being negative or stressful I'd have though?

I'm one of those people that **** seems to happen too.


I have, just to restrict it to the last year on my current contract:

Had a guy on site die from a heart attack, on a safety boat.

Had a druggy break into my office and threaten me with a knife to get somethign to sell for drugs.

Had a joy rider drive his car into the scaffolding on site

had a boat sink, which we had to rescue

Had a concrete capping beam and sheet piles collapse leaving a big hole

Been flooded with a 1 in 1000 year flood/tidal event.

Recieved complaints that our works were making a womans wall get wet and dry, and now she thinks her house is haunted, (we must be putting flood defences on an old indian buriel ground).

Had eastern europeans ****ting and ****ing on the site, not workers, but locals.

Been 'raided' by the DHSS looking for soemone I have never heard off that I employed as a Tele-sales Representative (and they wouldn't get it through their heads that, on a Civil Engineering construction site, that is wrong on so many levels)

Been involved in searching for three dead bodies in the river, from missing persons to suicide

Rescued a Fawn, (that's a baby deer to some of you) from the River, only to have the RSPCA inspector say that if it was healthy, they would only put it down. (Luckily she explained, in words of one sylable, that I had to be careful it didn't escape before she arrived on site. And, do you know what, it did escape).

Been to a nightclub and had my foreman dancing with the a beatiful, tall leggy blond with big bosoms, who would not look out of place in a magazine, apart from the fact that she is 7 foot tall.


Some people just have interesting lives.


There's a book in there somewhere, or a film, or a serial in a magazine. Can I be the action hero star?


Drama seems to follow me around. Just lurching from one stressful clusterf*ck to the next, that said I'm not 100% positive that I play no role in this.


More prevalent, seems to be my ability to locate myself in the immediate vicinity of the TFL Crazies.


I have been screamed at for offering a lady a seat - I thought she was preggers, though didn't actually say as such. Caught between stations, no escape, very painful.


Just last week encountered two on the same day. A woman telling me off for playing games on my iPad, as she does not allow her son to play games (he was sat next to me) and it was unfair on him. If I was playing something inappropriate for a child to see, I may have understood, but I was playing Threes (Cracking little game if you havn't tried it, does eat all your free time though).


On the way home from work I was berated by an elderly gentleman for him having to stand up, and I was told I should offer him my seat. I was in total agreement with the gentleman, and would happily have given him my seat - if I was not stood up myself :mcinnes:


People in the office think I make this stuff up now with how regularly I seem to encounter these folks, when no one else does. Maybe it's my face.


Older posters may remember a Channel 4 sitcom from about 30 years ago called Chance In A Million, which starred Simon Callow and Brenda Blethyn. Callow's character, Tom Chance, was just like Mrs Spudders, except more so (I obviously don't mean this in a physical way, unless there are things that Spudders isn't telling us). Wherever he went odd things happened to him; he was entirely accustomed to this and brushed it al off with the line "Coincidence - happens to me all the time..."


I have a story but am working at the mo. Here is the trailer and main stars.


1) A 17 year old Japanese girl in a Britney Spears style school uniform.

2) Me late for work.

3) A sex pest

4) A packed train

5) 35 degree heat

6) A sex attack


Full story to follow when I have time later.

^^^^ that's a fair bit, but I'm not sure that sort of stuff equals interesting? You can have interesting stuff going on without it being negative or stressful I'd have though?


Ok, how about this then.


I was the first aider on the scene when a crane went over on a job in Havent and a feller lost his leg. The crane missed me by about a metre, and I had to talk to the feller trapped, who was the banksman, until he was uncounscous so the doctor could cut off of his leg.

My dog died last year and I got hit with a 2 grand bill as my pet insurence only covered 4000 of the 6000 bill.

I am paying back the taxman this year as, by some fluke of nature, their computer didn't continue with my allowence for a company car, yet as they told me within 3 days less of a full year after the computer **** up, the will not write it off. Out of 36000 employees, mine was the one malfunction.

i was the site manger when Kate Winslett and her sister B eth opened the lecture theatre at Reading university, and someone stole the toilet from the ladies when she had a pee.

When I was 6 I was in Hospital and Gary Glitter came to visit the hospital. Although I was touched when he sat on my bed, I was never touched, but the boy in the next bed was, (i must have been one UGLY child).

I could go on, but like I said, some interesting, some stressful, some funny.


When I was 6 I was in Hospital and Gary Glitter came to visit the hospital. Although I was touched when he sat on my bed, I was never touched, but the boy in the next bed was, (i must have been one UGLY child).

:lol: Some crackers there. You sound almost disappointed about this one! ^^^^

:lol: Some crackers there. You sound almost disappointed about this one! ^^^^


Well, not so much stressful, more sad at the lack of oportunity to gain fame and riches in later life by use of the legal route.

Or, to be truthful, perhaps a chubby, asthmatic, curley haired little boy just didn't do it for him. I was one UGLY child. n

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