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Your favourite world leader?


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Who is your favourite world leader?


The (Russian-owned) Indy poses this very question on a poll. Farage is partial to a bit of Putin.




Mods: can you set up a poll with the same options as the Indy one please? I think a local take might be rather fun.

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Most leaders of big countries go through the same kind of back scratching deal making, climbing party hierachy trees in order to get elected - which makes them too self serving and dishonest for my taste. Smaller countries tend not to have that problem so much. Helle Thorning-Schmidt of Denmark for me.

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Most leaders of big countries go through the same kind of back scratching deal making, climbing party hierachy trees in order to get elected - which makes them too self serving and dishonest for my taste. Smaller countries tend not to have that problem so much. Helle Thorning-Schmidt of Denmark for me.


Had to Google her, tbh.


Seems a very political animal. Professional politician and married to Neil Kinnock's nipper ( candidate for Aberavon in 2015 ).

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Here is the ones i know off the top of my head:


Tony Blair

Boris Johnson


Merkels (sp?) - she is queen of germany

Kim Jong Ill

Prince Naseem Hamed

Sepp Blatter


I don't know any others so i will be vote for one of these.

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Here is the ones i know off the top of my head:


Tony Blair

Boris Johnson


Merkels (sp?) - she is queen of germany

Kim Jong Ill

Prince Naseem Hamed

Sepp Blatter


I don't know any others so i will be vote for one of these.


All excellent choices. Are you sure you mean Kim Jong Ill, who is now (a) dead and (b) a waxwork? Or do you mean Kim Jong-un - the one who puts people out of their misery with a flamethrower, and therefore something of a risk around waxworked dead relatives?

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Had to Google her, tbh.


Seems a very political animal. Professional politician and married to Neil Kinnock's nipper ( candidate for Aberavon in 2015 ).



Her policies are good but more than anything I like the way she gives it to people straight. When there was all that media gnashing about the selfie with Cameron and Obama at Mandela's memorial party her response was "so what? everybody was up dancing in the stands and we were having a laugh"

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All excellent choices. Are you sure you mean Kim Jong Ill, who is now (a) dead and (b) a waxwork? Or do you mean Kim Jong-un - the one who puts people out of their misery with a flamethrower, and therefore something of a risk around waxworked dead relatives?


not really sure tbh, i just heard her name & assumed she was in charge of stuff

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All excellent choices. Are you sure you mean Kim Jong Ill, who is now (a) dead and (b) a waxwork? Or do you mean Kim Jong-un - the one who puts people out of their misery with a flamethrower, and therefore something of a risk around waxworked dead relatives?


Either of those two or Tony Blair for me.

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Her policies are good but more than anything I like the way she gives it to people straight. When there was all that media gnashing about the selfie with Cameron and Obama at Mandela's memorial party her response was "so what? everybody was up dancing in the stands and we were having a laugh"


So you're naturally a Farage man then? :)

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I liked that American one, the fighter pilot. You know the one... The guy who lead the world in a fight against those bleeding aliens (they were well annoying).


No one does a speech like that guy... His name escapes me though I'm afraid.

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John Connor for me.


Anyone who has the nerve to send his own father back in time to a era before he was even born just in order to protect Humanity from the evil machinations of the Cyberdyne Corporation has to have balls bigger that Bill Clinton's.


I'd argue there is quite a bit of self-interest in that, Charlie.

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Here is the ones i know off the top of my head:


Tony Blair

Boris Johnson


Merkels (sp?) - she is queen of germany

Kim Jong Ill

Prince Naseem Hamed

Sepp Blatter


I don't know any others so i will be vote for one of these.


You forgot :-


o Dwarf Ecclestone

o Donald Trump

o Robert Maxwell

o Vince McMahon

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I liked that American one, the fighter pilot. You know the one... The guy who lead the world in a fight against those bleeding aliens (they were well annoying).


No one does a speech like that guy... His name escapes me though I'm afraid.


Will Smith??

Bill Pullman??

Or the wacky old guy who's son flew the crop duster?

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Will Smith??

Bill Pullman??

Or the wacky old guy who's son flew the crop duster?


Hmn... I was thinking of Pulman but now you mention it, the way that Big Willie ****ed up that one alien was quite impressive. More impressive was his one liner... Pulman may have speeches but our Willie has one liners...


i'm not sure which impresses me most though...

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Hmn... I was thinking of Pulman but now you mention it, the way that Big Willie ****ed up that one alien was quite impressive. More impressive was his one liner... Pulman may have speeches but our Willie has one liners...


i'm not sure which impresses me most though...


Why not just settle for big Willie?

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Hmn... I was thinking of Pulman but now you mention it, the way that Big Willie ****ed up that one alien was quite impressive. More impressive was his one liner... Pulman may have speeches but our Willie has one liners...


i'm not sure which impresses me most though...


He's also got an annoying son that seems to be part and parcel of his roles these days....

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Oh yeah but he is not world leader just yet baby cambridge is next in line tho! Behold, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him, and all tribes of the earth will wail on account of him. Even so. Amen. #babycambridge

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Can you tell me what great things baby Jesus did, apart from becoming adult Jesus?


I can never tell when ur serious! BJ is done great many things! The first thing he done is move a star so that it would be over his manger so wise mens would no where to come. Do you have any conception of what it would take to move a star? A star is a massive, luminous sphere of plasma held together by its own gravity. Even a small star is weigh billions & billions of tonnes! I would like to see boris Johnson or any of ur favourite world leaders move a star!

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I can never tell when ur serious! BJ is done great many things! The first thing he done is move a star so that it would be over his manger so wise mens would no where to come. Do you have any conception of what it would take to move a star? A star is a massive, luminous sphere of plasma held together by its own gravity. Even a small star is weigh billions & billions of tonnes! I would like to see boris Johnson or any of ur favourite world leaders move a star!


There were claims at the time that it was a bottle that led the wise men there.


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I can never tell when ur serious! BJ is done great many things! The first thing he done is move a star so that it would be over his manger so wise mens would no where to come. Do you have any conception of what it would take to move a star? A star is a massive, luminous sphere of plasma held together by its own gravity. Even a small star is weigh billions & billions of tonnes! I would like to see boris Johnson or any of ur favourite world leaders move a star!


Maybe He didn't move the star, maybe He moved the earth! There! You hadn't thought of that, had you?

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I can never tell when ur serious! BJ is done great many things! The first thing he done is move a star so that it would be over his manger so wise mens would no where to come. Do you have any conception of what it would take to move a star? A star is a massive, luminous sphere of plasma held together by its own gravity. Even a small star is weigh billions & billions of tonnes! I would like to see boris Johnson or any of ur favourite world leaders move a star!


All well and good but it was just happy happenstance that Haley's Comet, before it was Haley's Comet, happened to be flying over the manger at the time

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Well, that's the fashionable theory, I grant you and who knows, it might catch on. I've always suspected a complex system of mirrors myself but few (if any) others have reflected in this.


If they don't show up in mirrors then in my experience zombies or vampires are usually involved somewhere, sometimes both.

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Most leaders of big countries go through the same kind of back scratching deal making, climbing party hierachy trees in order to get elected - which makes them too self serving and dishonest for my taste. Smaller countries tend not to have that problem so much. Helle Thorning-Schmidt of Denmark for me.


Nothing to do with her being a bit of a sh*g-piece, of course....


Queen Elizabeth 2 for me. God Bless yer Mam...

Edited by alpine_saint
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