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The 2014/2015 'New Forest Derby' Thread


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AFC Bournemouth are now tantalisingly close to the Championship play-offs with just a few games to go. It'd be great to have a Premier League derby with them, albeit a relatively friendly one. Even though they had a bit of bad feeling towards us in League 1, I know the majority of Saints supporters will join me in wishing our Dorset-ish neighbours the best of luck in the run-in. Seeing as we don't have a huge amount to play for any more this season, maybe a few of us will even go along to Bournemouth to cheer them on.



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Don't really feel anything either way regarding Bournemouth, but always find it a bit weird that Saints fans would want them to do well.


Eddie Howe has done a brilliant job for them.


It's not really that weird, is it? They're a local club who've never been a rival. It's a bit like hoping Eastleigh get to the Conference.

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It's not really that weird, is it? They're a local club who've never been a rival. It's a bit like hoping Eastleigh get to the Conference.
Not really, they're more than happy to give it all the "Scummer" this and that in regards to us, don't think Eastleigh do that as far as I'm aware.
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They'll hate this thread haha


Ha haaa! I'm back. Well I think it was only me and someone called Oscar who were left on here keeping the AFCB end up after our disastrous three games against you a couple of seasons back....


Yes, well its going alright, more and more solid at the back, Grabbs and Kermo fantastic up top and Surman seemless in midfield. Don't think we'll make the play offs though as we'll probably lose at Yeovil on Saturday! Nice to see Adam and Jack at the ground tonight enjoying the match and hospitality...I think we have tried to take the former hostage!


Nice thread though - quite 'unpatronising' as compared to most comments to do with us ;)

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Nice thread though - quite 'unpatronising' as compared to most comments to do with us ;)


We can't have that!


When it was announced over the PA system at St Mary's that Bournemouth had been promoted from League 2 in 2010 a big cheer and applause went around the stadium. The Cherries are our little cousins we look out for and want to do well.


Patronising enough? :p

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Living in a BH postcode I can tell you their supporters are in the main twts. They are wannebe skates who give it scummer this and scummer that nonsense. It never used to be like this (I've been in Poole 20 years) its really only since twitchy became a skate. They hero worship twitchy , which is another reason to hate them. Every Boscombe fan I've ever known any length of time is always Liverpool & Boscombe or Chelsea & Boscombe. There ain't many who are Boscombe through and through. Our game at SMS I saw loads of lads I know out side the encore , and most of them supported other clubs. That's the way it is down here.


Not only are they wannabe skates, but they are following their business model. They are throwing serious money around in wages and spending well above their level. Last time they did this well ,they were throwing massive wages around under twitchy and it ended in tears and its going to be the same this time.


Eddie Howe has done a decent job, but he's a bitter skate. He showed no class when we done them a couple of years back . There are some in the train i get to saints who'd like to see him replace MP if he left, but im not too sure. Remember he bottled it at Burnley and ran home to mummy. It would be funny laughing at some of the Mini Me Skates if he came to us, but im not so sure id want him.


If people had to hear the bitterness against us I hear, you wouldn't want them promoted. Most of them respect skates and hate us.

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Got no ill feeling towards Bournemouth no matter how their fans act or sing to be honest.


I think of them as an Eastleigh or a Sholing really, a smaller club that you hope do well.


Hope they get into the Prem, would much prefer them there than Wigan, QPR, Derby or Reading that's for sure!

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Despite the fact that their supporters seem obsessed with creating some kind of rivalry with us, I'd love for them to get promoted, I've always liked the club. Fingers crossed.


Additional benefits of the Cherries in the Prem would be the look on the faces of the fishy few, and a lovely 6 points. :)

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Would be great to see them come up, just as long as no one, and I mean no one, tries to engineer some weak pun on "El Classico" for our derbies with them. I hate that.


Oooh! Thats a good idea! "El Classico" or maybe "El Classissimo".

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Living in a BH postcode I can tell you their supporters are in the main twts. They are wannebe skates who give it scummer this and scummer that nonsense. It never used to be like this (I've been in Poole 20 years) its really only since twitchy became a skate. They hero worship twitchy , which is another reason to hate them. Every Boscombe fan I've ever known any length of time is always Liverpool & Boscombe or Chelsea & Boscombe. There ain't many who are Boscombe through and through. Our game at SMS I saw loads of lads I know out side the encore , and most of them supported other clubs. That's the way it is down here.


Not only are they wannabe skates, but they are following their business model. They are throwing serious money around in wages and spending well above their level. Last time they did this well ,they were throwing massive wages around under twitchy and it ended in tears and its going to be the same this time.


Eddie Howe has done a decent job, but he's a bitter skate. He showed no class when we done them a couple of years back . There are some in the train i get to saints who'd like to see him replace MP if he left, but im not too sure. Remember he bottled it at Burnley and ran home to mummy. It would be funny laughing at some of the Mini Me Skates if he came to us, but im not so sure id want him.


If people had to hear the bitterness against us I hear, you wouldn't want them promoted. Most of them respect skates and hate us.


Great post.


Lots of vitriol from Bouremouth fans when we ended up in the same league as them and that after we had gone down there in droves to support their " Cherry Aid " when they were going down the pan.


Thoroughly agree with the Eddie Howe comments . I hope Reading still pull it off purely because of Nigel Atkins.

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If people had to hear the bitterness against us I hear, you wouldn't want them promoted. Most of them respect skates and hate us.


I can understand that, but their fans being bitter towards us makes no difference to the many Saints fans who have always liked Bournemouth and semi-supported them over the years.

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I have no problem with the idea of us liking them, but them not liking us so much, that's always the way when there is one team locally that's been dominant. You see it in the UK teams as well, many (not all) England fans are more happy for the other UK teams or Ireland to do well, they enjoy seeing us fail. I'd find it more unnatural the other way around. Why would we have anything against a team in our shadow? How could a team in our shadow not be keen to get one over on us once in a while and bring us down a peg or too. It only makes sense.


Like most people from the Southampton area, Bournemouth is a place that has positive connections for me; long summer holidays and days on the beach and then later on, tacky nights out with mates. Bournemouth was always one of my choices on Championship Manager too, a fun team to try to bring up the leagues.


I hope they come up and I don't care if they have fans who don't like us, I'm not that precious.

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It is a sign of our dominance over the last 40 years that Brightpn, Bmf and 'Them' are so bitter towards us. The only time we were not dominant was that blip from 2004 to 2011.


Still, Bmf in the Premier would be a novelty and would hopefully make 'them' feel even more inferior.

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Living in a BH postcode I can tell you their supporters are in the main twts. They are wannebe skates who give it scummer this and scummer that nonsense. It never used to be like this (I've been in Poole 20 years) its really only since twitchy became a skate. They hero worship twitchy , which is another reason to hate them. Every Boscombe fan I've ever known any length of time is always Liverpool & Boscombe or Chelsea & Boscombe. There ain't many who are Boscombe through and through. Our game at SMS I saw loads of lads I know out side the encore , and most of them supported other clubs. That's the way it is down here.


Not only are they wannabe skates, but they are following their business model. They are throwing serious money around in wages and spending well above their level. Last time they did this well ,they were throwing massive wages around under twitchy and it ended in tears and its going to be the same this time.


Eddie Howe has done a decent job, but he's a bitter skate. He showed no class when we done them a couple of years back . There are some in the train i get to saints who'd like to see him replace MP if he left, but im not too sure. Remember he bottled it at Burnley and ran home to mummy. It would be funny laughing at some of the Mini Me Skates if he came to us, but im not so sure id want him.


If people had to hear the bitterness against us I hear, you wouldn't want them promoted. Most of them respect skates and hate us.

Good post, pretty much how it is these days.
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Living in a BH postcode I can tell you their supporters are in the main twts. They are wannebe skates who give it scummer this and scummer that nonsense. It never used to be like this (I've been in Poole 20 years) its really only since twitchy became a skate. They hero worship twitchy , which is another reason to hate them. Every Boscombe fan I've ever known any length of time is always Liverpool & Boscombe or Chelsea & Boscombe. There ain't many who are Boscombe through and through. Our game at SMS I saw loads of lads I know out side the encore , and most of them supported other clubs. That's the way it is down here.


Not only are they wannabe skates, but they are following their business model. They are throwing serious money around in wages and spending well above their level. Last time they did this well ,they were throwing massive wages around under twitchy and it ended in tears and its going to be the same this time.


Eddie Howe has done a decent job, but he's a bitter skate. He showed no class when we done them a couple of years back . There are some in the train i get to saints who'd like to see him replace MP if he left, but im not too sure. Remember he bottled it at Burnley and ran home to mummy. It would be funny laughing at some of the Mini Me Skates if he came to us, but im not so sure id want him.


If people had to hear the bitterness against us I hear, you wouldn't want them promoted. Most of them respect skates and hate us.


This. This is exactly what most of them are like. I am from Poole initially and they are, in the main, a sad bunch of muppets who don't much like us. Which seems odd given that we gave them a hand when they were going down the pan.


Still if they come up it would be beautiful doing them twice in one season...You know if we get a striker that is.

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A friend lent me his season ticket last night so I went with another season ticket holder. Sat in their noisy stand so had to keep my head down with the barrage of anti-scummer songs and chants! They were very good. Swarmed over Reading giving them little time to think, passed it around quickly, used the width of the pitch well and were quick on the break. Their style reminded me of the way we played when promoted from the Championship. When we played them in League 1 it was very much men against boys. They are a physically much stronger team now.


They're on a good run at the moment and I may have seen them at their best. But on that showing if they don't make the play-offs this season they're going to be up there next year. God knows how they would cope with actually going up though.

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It'd be great to have them in the premier league! I wonder if they were to win the play offs at Wembley they'd invade the pitch again and sing about going to St Marys? I really enjoyed our 3 games against them in League one that season and it was great to see them trying so hard and so enthuisatic even if they were totally outclassed in every game. They did get finally get their goal that they were desperate for in the third game which was a nice touch. It would be great to see their fans rewarded with a few games against us and would be lovely for them if they were to get the chance to play us again next season, get a few pictures with the Ted Bates statue, buy some memorobila in the megastore etc. It'd be proof that dreams do come true for their fans.

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Wasn't it Derby a few seasons ago although the skates did have a very good go at trying to break that record


Yes it was Derby after they knocked us out of the play-offs to get promoted. They only managed one win and eight draws all season, and went down with a GD of -69.

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Yes it was Derby after they knocked us out of the play-offs to get promoted. They only managed one win and eight draws all season, and went down with a GD of -69.



But Derby had no real intention of trying to stay up, they were there for the money and the PPs. Didn't they loan out their entire first team group or something to save money and make a record profit ?

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A few predictably patronising posts.


However, I'd love it if they came up. Always been a 2nd team and good for South Coast football. Would be even better if it's at the expense of Arry. Plus, like it or not, it will be 2 good games for atmosphere and build up.


I worked in Bournemouth for a couple of years and although they throw the word scummer about, there's a lot of saints fans down there who get very little abuse. It's not a hatred they have.


Good luck to them.

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Dont like Eddie Howe one bit! The way he treated Burnley was poor & a close friends son (who now plays in L1) was treated shockingly by him when he was at Burnley. Howe lied & made promises only to let the lad go & then stab him in the back for standing up for himself.

I would rather Bournemouth than QPR, but that is saying very little indeed!

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Would be the smallest club ever in the prem surely? I would absolutely love them to make it though.


Not sure they would be. Not really sure what actually constitutes a small club, always thought it was the population of the city or town the club was in. Population of Bournemouth is nearly 200,000, not much less than Southampton with a population of 250,000. If Yeovil were to reach the premiership that would be small club.

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But Derby had no real intention of trying to stay up, they were there for the money and the PPs. Didn't they loan out their entire first team group or something to save money and make a record profit ?


Erm, nope! No idea where you got that idea from. They're a big enough club to be making a go of it in the Prem, why would they come up 'just for the money'?

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Not sure they would be. Not really sure what actually constitutes a small club, always thought it was the population of the city or town the club was in. Population of Bournemouth is nearly 200,000, not much less than Southampton with a population of 250,000. If Yeovil were to reach the premiership that would be small club.


They have a pretty big catchment population wise , but their support is shocking. Poole, Christchurch, ferndown, wimborne, Wareham, not to mention the outskirts of Bournemouth itself , kinson,Winton,southbourne,westbourne,boscombe. Poole and Bournemouth is basically one conurbation with good transport links to dean court. Living and working in BH postcode for 20 years I've probably only met a handful of genuine supporters, the rest support a big club as well.


Eddie Mitchell was as shady as they come and this new owner has Gaydamak written all over him. It is not some sort of fairy story this, they're following the twitchy /storrie business model, with a little less money. They are buying players there's no way they can afford.

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