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Excited about next season!


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I think we can be proud of what we have achieved this season even after Danigate , losing Cortese and being plagued by injuries at crucial times ! We may lose a few players maybe even our manager , we may not but surely we can't take the hits we have taken this season !

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I think we'll look very, very good next season. Hopefully we'll be better able to cope with injuries, if indeed we get problems like we had this year.




Scoring 1 point for each player to miss a game, the table below shows Arsenal are clear leaders at the top of the injury league.


Interesting table but invalid statistically. For it to tell us what we want to know you'd need some weighting for total number of players and their significance to the team, ie first XI/matchday squad or not. Crystal Palace have the biggest squad in the league and I'd imagine Arsenal aren't far behind. It would also help to add points when injuries put 2 or more starting players out for a game.


Where's it from?

Edited by DuncanRG
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Does Glasgoat's "injury table" take into account who is injured? Did Gazza playing today give us 2 points as both kelv and Artur were missing, or 1 point because you only play one keeper. Also does an injury to jos and lovren count as the same. If so, that's clearly nonsense. The way I look at it you could have your first team play every game with 6 of the stiffs injured each week and be top of the amazing "injury table" despite having a full team every week with none injured. Therefore, I've come to the conclusion that this table is a pointless waste of time.

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Does Glasgoat's "injury table" take into account who is injured? Did Gazza playing today give us 2 points as both kelv and Artur were missing, or 1 point because you only play one keeper. Also does an injury to jos and lovren count as the same. If so, that's clearly nonsense. The way I look at it you could have your first team play every game with 6 of the stiffs injured each week and be top of the amazing "injury table" despite having a full team every week with none injured. Therefore, I've come to the conclusion that this POSTER is a pointless waste of time.


edited for you. Please don't tar me with this brush.

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Winning is great, sure, but if you are really going to do something in life, the secret is learning how to lose. Nobody goes undefeated all the time. If you can pick up after a crushing defeat, and go on to win again, you are going to be a champion someday.


Having a girlfriend is really f**king fun man.



You should try it.

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Every club has injuries. Ours have been no worse than other clubs.


except that the majority of the larger Prem. clubs have stronger squads to cope with such eventualities.


Arsenal started the season without Giroud, and have been without Ramsey, Wilshere and Walcott for long periods and still manage to hold onto a top 4 place.


I like our " first choice eleven " but a quick look at the bench players doesn't fill me with a lot of confidence. We have no strength in depth.


all very nice to have Academy lads coming on, but it'll take a season or so for then to find their feet and become regular choices..... meantime .... we have matches to win.


if we don't strengthen places like; goalies and central defenders in the summer, we could end up at the wrong end of the table come Christmas.


Osvaldo was meant to be the eventual replacement for Rickie Lambert.....now with Jay Rod out, there's no guarantee he'll pick up his form immediately when he does return, but Rickie is still there!


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This shows first team squad members out injured at the moment...




If you click on the link towards the bottom of the page on the season review, there'e a few interesting stats for last season:


Southampton had the lowest average numbers of days lost to a muscular injury at 21, the figure represents one of the lowest recorded in a season.

Southampton were the only Premier League side not to suffer a hamstring injury

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Post #12 is bullsh*t.

I can count 24 players weve used at least, and anyone who follows OptaJoe (twitter), will see that Man City have used least number of players in the league, which is 23.


Based on how post #12 is bullsh*t, I reckon 8 is as well, and technically you haven't answered my question...

I said, to 'what extent', e.g I doubt City care if one of their reserves are injured, same for many other clubs... That table (if legit (and I'm suspicious) doesn't say how many players from the first team etc are injured.

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Near the bottom? We are bottom


Case closed :)




Although that is partly because we only have one set of Premier League quality players!


I'm pretty excited about next season too. Especially once:


We buy a new keeper. (3 decent keepers about to be relegated, snap one up MP!)


We buy a new striker.


We buy a new creative and dynamic attacking midfielder. (Wonder how much Puncheon is going for?!)


We secure our manager on a long term contract.


We hold on to our current team.


A long wish list.


But, I think we'll be in a good position next season to kick on. I am sure we'll secure MP. Once thats done we'll secure our players. But we must be realistic. MP has no options on the bench. We have one team - a very good one - but one upon which which we must build to advance. One that provides tactical options for the manager to influence a game.


If we sell players, if we fail to secure MP, then we will need to look very seriously at our owners and ask whether it is not time for them to sell up and leave. Simple. Cortese had the ambition (ironically his undoing) to secure investment, but he had ambition. We should be looking for a set of owners akin to Man City rather than selling anyone... or accept a finish each year between relegation and mid-table as well as the indignity of being Arsenal's feeder club for youth.


It's time to kick onwards and upwards. Thats down to investment in THIS team and its management. Thats down to our current owners. That leads to excitement.

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Scoring 1 point for each player to miss a game, the table below shows Arsenal are clear leaders at the top of the injury league.



.....but the main difference being that Arsenal can still finish in the top 4 .....because they have strength and depth in their squad that we lack.


.......I won't demean any of " our regular bench players " by name, but the thought that we would be dependant on many of them for more than a handful of games doesn't fill me with confidence........

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.....but the main difference being that Arsenal can still finish in the top 4 .....because they have strength and depth in their squad that we lack.


.......I won't demean any of " our regular bench players " by name, but the thought that we would be dependant on many of them for more than a handful of games doesn't fill me with confidence........


Thats a different discussion. The claim (myth) was that we have had more injuries than anyone else


The truth is weve had far, far less than everyone else

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Thats a different discussion. The claim (myth) was that we have had more injuries than anyone else


The truth is weve had far, far less than everyone else


Show me where anybody says our injuries are worse than other clubs ? No where ! Our injuries have been all grouped together to key players at key times of the season !

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Thats a different discussion. The claim (myth) was that we have had more injuries than anyone else the truth is weve had far, far less than everyone else



Surely the arguement was how the injuries to our key players affected our results, and not how many " injury points " we may have had as a club.


Obviously Arsenal (and Man.City's)..." more experienced squads" have allowed them to continue to hold their standard, whereas our " big dip " in form came ....in the week's following Boruc's injury.


Boruc missed 7 games, but Schneiderlin was also injured in the Chelsea game and was out for 4 matches. Wanyama was injured the following week (v. Villa) and missed 9 games, and after Palace (a)3 games.


Clyne, too was out for 6 games (after Villa match) as was Fonte who got a knock in the same game, and wasn't fit enough to start until 3 games after.


Lovren was injured in the game at Sunderland and was out for 5 matches. and we lost during Shaw's only absence (home game v.Spurs)


"Injury points" - or not, the fact is that our form dropped dramatically in this period because we had a squad less than capable of coping at this level.


Now (sadly) ...there will be quite a few more " points " in this table, now that Jay Rod is out for an extended period, and once again we have no suitable cover.


Let's hope that Boruc is back SOON !

Edited by david in sweden
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There were a number of games during January-December where we had to start with 5 of our first choice back 7 injured, as well as being forced to play our 3rd choice keeper. Teams like Man City or Chelsea clearly have the depth in their squad to absorb that kind of hit, but not us. Not many teams will ever face an injury crisis of that severity, and the only way we can mitigate against it next season is if we go out and spend £150m on an entirely new second XI.

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If you're suggesting all clubs have the same luck with injuries, you're an imbecile.


Everyone needs a bit of luck. Suarez breaks his leg, liverpool's season is very different. Walcott doesn't get injured, Arsenal wouldn't be so far behind. Some people are just scared to admit how much luck is involved, in football or anything else.


But we're 8th. Injuries and still such a good season suggests we've covered it pretty well, especially losing Osvaldo too. Just things to improve on for next season. Depends who you are, you either use it as a positive, or whine about it on 300 threads on an internet forum.


Please stop giving him the benefit of a reply, he knows what's he doing, albeit incredibly poorly. Just ignore him and he'll go away eventually.

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If you're suggesting all clubs have the same luck with injuries, you're an imbecile.


Everyone needs a bit of luck. Suarez breaks his leg, liverpool's season is very different. Walcott doesn't get injured, Arsenal wouldn't be so far behind. Some people are just scared to admit how much luck is involved, in football or anything else.


But we're 8th. Injuries and still such a good season suggests we've covered it pretty well, especially losing Osvaldo too. Just things to improve on for next season. Depends who you are, you either use it as a positive, or whine about it on 300 threads on an internet forum.



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If you're suggesting all clubs have the same luck with injuries, you're an imbecile.


Everyone needs a bit of luck. Suarez breaks his leg, liverpool's season is very different. Walcott doesn't get injured, Arsenal wouldn't be so far behind. Some people are just scared to admit how much luck is involved, in football or anything else.


But we're 8th. Injuries and still such a good season suggests we've covered it pretty well, especially losing Osvaldo too. Just things to improve on for next season. Depends who you are, you either use it as a positive, or whine about it on 300 threads on an internet forum.


Spot on!

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Just for once, I would like to arrive at a thread before it has been trolled......Just once at least!

The only way to achieve that is to start the thread yourself. The Toffee Troll either starts every thread or has so little else going on in his life that he is in like Flynn on every one that he does not start. He seems to be having a bit of an identity crisis in the last 24 hours, forgetting who he supports and pretending that he supports Saints, he will presumably revert to type in the next few days. Quite why the Mods on this Forum (I believe we have such people) do not have the gumption to ban him is beyond me.

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The only way to achieve that is to start the thread yourself. The Toffee Troll either starts every thread or has so little else going on in his life that he is in like Flynn on every one that he does not start. He seems to be having a bit of an identity crisis in the last 24 hours, forgetting who he supports and pretending that he supports Saints, he will presumably revert to type in the next few days. Quite why the Mods on this Forum (I believe we have such people) do not have the gumption to ban him is beyond me.


Perhaps he pretends to support every club in the country and posts on all 92 forums. Has anybody checked?

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The only way to achieve that is to start the thread yourself. The Toffee Troll either starts every thread or has so little else going on in his life that he is in like Flynn on every one that he does not start. He seems to be having a bit of an identity crisis in the last 24 hours, forgetting who he supports and pretending that he supports Saints, he will presumably revert to type in the next few days. Quite why the Mods on this Forum (I believe we have such people) do not have the gumption to ban him is beyond me.


The mods don't need to moderate trolls because the forum is self moderating...

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If you're suggesting all clubs have the same luck with injuries, you're an imbecile.


Everyone needs a bit of luck. Suarez breaks his leg, liverpool's season is very different. Walcott doesn't get injured, Arsenal wouldn't be so far behind. Some people are just scared to admit how much luck is involved, in football or anything else.


But we're 8th. Injuries and still such a good season suggests we've covered it pretty well, especially losing Osvaldo too. Just things to improve on for next season. Depends who you are, you either use it as a positive, or whine about it on 300 threads on an internet forum.


Good word, never more aptly used...

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If you're suggesting all clubs have the same luck with injuries, you're an imbecile.





Nope im not suggesting that, and if you'd taken time to read all my posts you'd see that. Play the post, not the poster mate ;)


See the stats/facts (pic above) from Friday, February 21st. Not all clubs have the same luck. In terms of injuries - some have very very good luck (us, cardiff, stoke, chelsea) and some have very very bad luck (Arsenal, palace, man u, villa)

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Barrie's view! :lol: http://www.barriesview.com/2014/02/the-premier-league-injury-table


He sounds like a massive c*nt this fella! Check this:


Most recently, Barrie correctly predicted Manchester United to win the 2012-13 Premier League at the start of the season, as well as Spain to win both the 2010 World Cup and Euro 2012. Back in the summer of 2010, he went against much of the English media in picking Germany to comfortably beat England in South Africa. Once more, he was right.


Does this remind you of anyone???

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