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Where will we finish next season if?


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Poch signs a new deal, we sign a decent goalie, cb and striker and the sporting director is like david dein. We keep all our best players and the club is more fan friendly than cortèse.


add a wide mid to that and I will say 3rd!


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Top 6, competing in and around Everton's level. Without a massive sugar daddy investment and an enormous collapse of a couple of big established powers in this country, we're not going to break top 4 or top 5 anytime soon. Let's not think of that as an achievable short-term target, because it isn't.


6th, 7th and 8th is, and for a self sustaining club such us ours, with some great young English talented blended in, is a great achievement in my eyes. That's why this seasons league performance has to be seen as a positive, it's been largely built around our young players and academy graduates.

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Top 6, competing in and around Everton's level. Without a massive sugar daddy investment and an enormous collapse of a couple of big established powers in this country, we're not going to break top 4 or top 5 anytime soon. Let's not think of that as an achievable short-term target, because it isn't.


6th, 7th and 8th is, and for a self sustaining club such us ours, with some great young English talented blended in, is a great achievement in my eyes. That's why this seasons league performance has to be seen as a positive, it's been largely built around our young players and academy graduates.


8th would be awesome achievement.

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A new GK and CB, better than what we currently have, assuming they hit the ground running, will probably improve the goals conceded column by ooh, 10?


Add a striker on the same basis and we could improve our goals for column by, 10 again?


Top 6.

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I don't think we can count on having another run of spectacular form as good as the one we enjoyed at the start of this season. Other teams have wised up to how to beat our system, and it'll only continue to work if we can eliminate the frequent errors in certain areas, so the signings you're talking about would probably just about even things up and see us obtain 8th or 9th again.

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