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Man City 4-1 Saints - Post-match reaction


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Can't believe Glasgow hasn't startes this yet.


Excellent performance first half, offside goal really knocked us, and second half we never really looked like getting back into it.


Most disappointing thing was JRod's injury IMO.

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It was a good performance in that first half, but once again we're killed by the lack of depth in our squad - and big sides like City will just exploit that for fun. I still believe that if we have a full 11 to choose from, who are on form and fit...then we're a match for anyone, but the reality is that it's not possible to keep that going over the course of the year.


To progress this squad we need to keep together what we have, and evolve the CB, GK and ST positions further so we're not so hopelessly out of our depth when we get just a few knocks. It will be an interesting summer, that's for sure.

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Controlled the game first half. Apart form the score of course. Get to half time at 1-1 and things might have been different but lino was obviously wearing blue today.


All that possession didn't result in enough shots though. Same story all season.

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I still view this season overall, and this game, as really positive indicators for our future. As we continue to improve the squad slowly, by buying a few key players and promoting others from the Academy, we're making sustainable improvements, not trying to achieve anything too much too soon. Our squad depth is clearly not quite right yet, but just think how much better and more consistent we can be if it continues to improve.


There's a lot of potential in this club.

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Without JRod we have no pace in the team. And every time we get an injury to one of the first 11 we are in trouble - we have no strength in depth outside of rightback and possibly central midfield. Boruc missing proving the point as well.


We need a centre forward, a right winger, a left back, centre back and another goalkeeper at a minimum over the summer.


Let's hope we can get rid of Osvaldo and Gaston in the summer for more or less what we paid for them and replace them with players that will actually give something to the team. Fingers crossed they both have great world cups!

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There was real injustice here. That blatantly offside goal simply shouldn't be allowed in a modern league. It changed the game...

On the plus side, when you look at how superbly we competed against the most expensive team in the premier league: add back our main goalkeeper, another great striker, and a little more squad depth, and we should be able to make something special happen next year. (Unless, they buy away Lallana and Shaw. Please no.)

Schneiderlin, Davies and Cork are as good a midfield as the PL has. Amazing to see them take over today. Our confidence and class, even a goal down away at City, was something beautiful to behold. We go away heads held high.

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Same story we've seen so many times this season, dominate the first half but let down by errors and lack of depth in the squad.


Gazza is just doing his job, but he simply is not good enough for this level. How anyone on here can say otherwise is beyond me, not brave enough for the third and in no mans land for the fourth. Not that it cost us the game, we simply weren't good enough once we lost J-Rod.


Praying for the guy and his World Cup dream, but seen enough football games to know that doesn't look good. Concerned for the striking options now till the end of the season.

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Result is no real surprise, but yet again manner of it leaves a bitter taste.


Dubious penalty (or so I read) , but we come back from that to collapse in first half injury time.


Rodriguez is biggest concern .


Proves yet again how thin the squad is, and how lamentable our gk options are.

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Out played them in the first half. Terrible decision by the lino and then another bad goal 60 seconds later, really did knock the stuffing out of us. The players must have gone in at half time think how the hell are we 3-1 down.


Could not lift ourselves on the back of the end of the first half. All that effort and nothing to show for it, must be so hard at a place like that. We looked leggy in the second half and feel that City had another gear if needed.


All in a very good show from the lads, but that one decision changed the game completely!

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Gazza is just doing his job, but he simply is not good enough for this level. How anyone on here can say otherwise is beyond me...


I'm pretty sure no one has actually said they think he is good enough for the Prem... some people have confused the fact that some of us don't think he deserves some of the really quite harsh criticism aimed at him.


He made mistakes today, no doubt. He also made some good saves. Fonte conceded a terrible penalty, and we also defended poorly at times. All of that deserves some criticism, not just Gazza.

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Very disappointed and upset by the injury to JRod - I just hope it is not as bad as it looked.


Everything else is secondary really. We played well in the first half but did not test Hart enough. We need another fast striker to bring on in these circumstances.


The linesman who gave the offside was dreadful.


Gazza does not look good enough for the PL to me (again).

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We always needed to score 4 or 5 at the Etihad with PG in goal and that was never going to happen was it?!

Really hope we get a top class keeper and CB to push on. Must be very frustrating for lallana et al to keep possession for long periods and get knocked back constantly by soft goals. It is for me! Fonte was daft putting his leg out also what was that about?

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I still view this season overall, and this game, as really positive indicators for our future. As we continue to improve the squad slowly, by buying a few key players and promoting others from the Academy, we're making sustainable improvements, not trying to achieve anything too much too soon. Our squad depth is clearly not quite right yet, but just think how much better and more consistent we can be if it continues to improve.


There's a lot of potential in this club.


Agree. Quite annoying that the Gazza discussion seems to have overshadowed that the team has battled quite valiantly and kept their heads cool in a difficult game. Result in no way reflects what went on in the game and it should be seen as an indication of our bright future. Loads of fringe players coming in and doing a job for the team, tactical concept works against City as we kept possession and were positive with the ball. With Niemuc in goal (a Boruc/Niemi cloning) and Ramirez to take over from JRod we could have caused them some trouble today...

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Result is no real surprise, but yet again manner of it leaves a bitter taste.


Dubious penalty (or so I read) , but we come back from that to collapse in first half injury time.


Rodriguez is biggest concern .


Proves yet again how thin the squad is, and how lamentable our gk options are.



Nothing dubious about either penalty, their second killed us off though and Silva was at least 2 yards offside for the last pass.

Criminally bad linesmanning again, the FA really, really has to do something about all these game changing gaffs by officials.

Thought we played well enough, nothing at the sharp end and of course we had the clown at the blunt end.

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Gazza HAS to go , terrible terrible keeper ! Played great first half but their offside goal killed us , with a new Keeper, centre back and striker plus keeping most of the current team we can push on higher up the table next season !

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Whilst the possession stats in the first half may look good we never really troubled the Man City defence.


It's been said a thousand times on here but we need a lot more incisiveness and speed going forward if we are to have any chance of breaking down the top teams. City were quite timid in the first half but we couldn't take advantage.


Also some of the decisions didn't do us any favours but that's life.


Gazzaniga is not up to the job (but we already knew that anyway).

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It was a good performance in that first half, but once again we're killed by the lack of depth in our squad - and big sides like City will just exploit that for fun. I still believe that if we have a full 11 to choose from, who are on form and fit...then we're a match for anyone, but the reality is that it's not possible to keep that going over the course of the year.


To progress this squad we need to keep together what we have, and evolve the CB, GK and ST positions further so we're not so hopelessly out of our depth when we get just a few knocks. It will be an interesting summer, that's for sure.


Agree with this completely. Even the players who are fit enough to be starting at the mo are very tired against good sides after an hour and understandably so. Currently not enough strength in depth for a second wind in these games to relieve a bit of pressure on the regular first teamers.


Remarkable season, been the better side for long periods at OT, Etihad, Anfield & WHL.

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Same old Saints on a bad day.


Dominate the game, then over 2 minutes switch off and let in two goals. Goalkeeping errors compound the poor result.


Hope jay Rod is ok. I really do hope hes OK.


We need a new top goalkeeper in the summer and then slip Boruc into cover.


Still.... We will do a typical Saints and thrash Cardiff next week!

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Remarkable season, been the better side for long periods at OT, Etihad, Anfield & WHL.


This is something to build on. I know our possession and lack of chances has been criticised, and rightly so at times, but in context, it shows great progress and is absolutely something to be positive about.

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Need a better back up keeper.


There, I said it.




As posters above have said, better #1 might not be bad either.


Boruc is good when he's available, but his absence really cost us today.

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I still view this season overall, and this game, as really positive indicators for our future. As we continue to improve the squad slowly, by buying a few key players and promoting others from the Academy, we're making sustainable improvements, not trying to achieve anything too much too soon. Our squad depth is clearly not quite right yet, but just think how much better and more consistent we can be if it continues to improve.


There's a lot of potential in this club.



this 4-1 flattered city, 2nd goal was class

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So frustrating. We played so well in the first half but that incredible mistake from the lino for their second goal killed us. If he had made the right call there and we had gone into the break level the game would have been completely different.


Fingers crossed for J-Rod. That looked bad, and he knew it.

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Ha Well! I lost a fiver but optimism has always been my strong point! FOY. The less said about that clown the better. Use his initials in whatever way you wish but it's still F... Off You useless ....!Some you win some you lose but against 13 men it's rather difficult.

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Without JRod we have no pace in the team. And every time we get an injury to one of the first 11 we are in trouble - we have no strength in depth outside of rightback and possibly central midfield. Boruc missing proving the point as well.


We need a centre forward, a right winger, a left back, centre back and another goalkeeper at a minimum over the summer.


Let's hope we can get rid of Osvaldo and Gaston in the summer for more or less what we paid for them and replace them with players that will actually give something to the team. Fingers crossed they both have great world cups!

We may not have strength in depth across the team but we do have some positions well covered, RB and DM even CB isnt as bad as some would have you believe.

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We were playing Man City and played very well in the first half.

We are all gutted and angry about Jay Rod's injury.

Poor decision from the linesman for the second goal.

Regardless how crap Gazzaniga was, he's still one of ours for now.


It was just one of those days.

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The media will seem to have the attitude of "oh well, City would have won anyway".


On BT Sport David James, Mcmanaman and Hargreaves were all of the opinion that"yeah 2nd was miles offside but doesn't matter cos Saints would have got thrashed anyways."

Bunch of absolute min@ges.

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That isn't even remotely close to being a difficult decision!


Probably the ref's fault really as he should have told the linesman that there was another touch, which he may not have been able to see. It wasn't offside from the initial pass, but was once the 2nd Man City player touched the ball through to Nasri.

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4-1 flattered City and we'll never know just how much the (clearly!) offside second goal impacted upon the result !

Schneiderlin was immense IMO and was ably assisted by Cork and JWP, Rickie and Adam good in first half but everything fell a bit flat in the second !

Expectations were zero beforehand but the least you expect from the officials is that they get the easy decisions right !

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We were playing Man City and played very well in the first half.

We are all gutted and angry about Jay Rod's injury.

Poor decision from the linesman for the second goal.

Regardless how crap Gazzaniga was, he's still one of ours for now.


It was just one of those days.


This plus the wife went back to the shop for beer.

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The penalty given to Man City for the dive was disgusting as was the offside goal. These match officials are paid professionals but they display incompetence that would lose a person their job in any other walk of life. Wait for the apologies from the Professional Referees body, but don't hold your breath...../

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Ha Well! I lost a fiver but optimism has always been my strong point! FOY. The less said about that clown the better. Use his initials in whatever way you wish but it's still F... Off You useless ....!Some you win some you lose but against 13 men it's rather difficult.


I actually think Foy had a good game. Got both the penalty decisions correct IMO.

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