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Billy Sharp


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I'm amazed Leeds have been wallowing in Championship obscurity for this long. They've got a 39,000 seater stadium they could easily fill in the Premier League. Could be competing with the likes of Newcastle, Spurs, Saints and Everton given some decent investment.

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Interesting to see him tweeting lots of pictures today wearing a current Saints FC training top.



Doncaster's season being finished it's perfectly normal that he's back with us and as the vacations don't start until nearly the end of May he has to turn up or not get paid I suppose..

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Its not impossible that somebody in the board rooms would view having 3 strikers on the books, for whom we paid fees and are paying at least some of the wages, as pretty bad business.


No reason at all that Billy and Mayuka wouldn't make useful squad players.

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Its not impossible that somebody in the board rooms would view having 3 strikers on the books, for whom we paid fees and are paying at least some of the wages, as pretty bad business.


No reason at all that Billy and Mayuka wouldn't make useful squad players.


Neither of them being very good is a fairly valid reason.

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Its not impossible that somebody in the board rooms would view having 3 strikers on the books, for whom we paid fees and are paying at least some of the wages, as pretty bad business.


No reason at all that Billy and Mayuka wouldn't make useful squad players.


If we are relying on either of those 2 next season, then we are ****ed.

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Neither of them being very good is a fairly valid reason.


how good do you think our 4/th/ 5th/6th choice strikers will actually be this season?


Would love to think they will be a lot better than Mayuka and Billy, but not holding my breath on that.

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Its not impossible that somebody in the board rooms would view having 3 strikers on the books, for whom we paid fees and are paying at least some of the wages, as pretty bad business.


No reason at all that Billy and Mayuka wouldn't make useful squad players.

Billy could hardly get a game in the Championship last season (22 in total). Decent bloke and all but really he is not up to PL level, never was and never will be. Neither for that matter is Mayuka, I'm sure it must have been his twin brother who shone for Zambia.

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Billy could hardly get a game in the Championship last season (22 in total). Decent bloke and all but really he is not up to PL level, never was and never will be. Neither for that matter is Mayuka, I'm sure it must have been his twin brother who shone for Zambia.


Shining for Zambia isn't particularly difficult, African football is oft devoid of any tactical nous. He who runs the fastest winneth.

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how good do you think our 4/th/ 5th/6th choice strikers will actually be this season?


Would love to think they will be a lot better than Mayuka and Billy, but not holding my breath on that.


What makes you think we need a 5th and 6th choice striker? It depends on the system we play. Last year 3 would be enough, playing one up front with J Rod, Lambert and Osvaldo all able to lead the line. If we are going 3-5-2 then 4 strikers are probably needed but never 6.


Sharp and Mayuka are surplus to requirements, neither comes close to Premier League standard, let alone top half.

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6 goals in the Championship last season. I really don't understand people desperate for Sharp to play in the Premier League.


I think its because he seems nice and is on Twitter.


On the topic of those who did well for us in L1 and the Champ its interesting how many of them who have left have not exactly set the world alight. Can't thinknof a single one who has been a really good signing for anyone. Chaplow, Hammond, Richardson, Sharp, Martin, Harding, Fox - all bit part for their teams or have already had more than one move.


Richardson just signed for Rotherham.

Edited by Saint Charlie
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We never got to see Billy Sharp in the Prem, and many wrote him off. For what it's worth I don't think he'd get many goals as a starter, but did however look like a poacher and would have been a decent option off the bench last year.

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We never got to see Billy Sharp in the Prem, and many wrote him off. For what it's worth I don't think he'd get many goals as a starter, but did however look like a poacher and would have been a decent option off the bench last year.


Hardly likely to have taken off Rickie or Jay to being Sharp on though? Can you imagine the uproar if NA or MP had done that? And in the PL you get far fewer clear chances.


Since he left us his form has been poor, if he gets a look in during pre season then he will be lucky. Would rather Gallagher got the minutes as in a coupld of years he might be good enough to start each week at PL level.

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