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All I know is that my life expectancy gets longer every day :)


There are plenty of life expectancy websites such as http://www.death-clock.org/ and I have tried several as part of my pension planning. My prospects (64 now) range from +30 to -13 years. If I lost a stone I might get to 98. You have to try several and pick the one that gives you the best answer ;)


Pension planning, eh? One of the only times when being a smoker actually pays – less life expectancy equals better annuity rates. Trouble is you have to supply a doctor’s certificate stating that you’ve smoked at least 10 a day for the last 20 years or something, which is difficult when you’ve been telling your doctor that you’re a non-smoker for the last 20 years or something. :(

Hey Whitey, when I read that link I was struck by the following and wondered whether it was accurate:




The following link shows how the National Statistics Office eliminates the problem of childhood death figures skewing their results.

There are some interesting graphs of life expectancy since 1841 under the Trends in Average Life Span section




I guess that makes sense, the issue back then was lack of the medical advancements we now have. Once adults established a decent immune system, they didn't have to worry too much about the chronic diseases which are rife today caused by people stuffing their faces with sugar and chemicals everyday.

Pension planning, eh? One of the only times when being a smoker actually pays – less life expectancy equals better annuity rates. Trouble is you have to supply a doctor’s certificate stating that you’ve smoked at least 10 a day for the last 20 years or something, which is difficult when you’ve been telling your doctor that you’re a non-smoker for the last 20 years or something. :(


Nobody will be buying any more annuities. If you want to live longer you'll give up now. Try the life expectation websites and see how much difference smoking makes. I found that losing 14lbs gives me an extra 4 years.

I guess that makes sense, the issue back then was lack of the medical advancements we now have. Once adults established a decent immune system, they didn't have to worry too much about the chronic diseases which are rife today caused by people stuffing their faces with sugar and chemicals everyday.


Smoking, innit.

Smoking, innit.


Not everyone smokes but everyone eats. Staggering how many chemicals are in the ingrediants list on anything processed and the amount of sugar involved is way more than a body can comfortably process on a daily basis.


Not to mention the **** which is all over fruit and veg and in animal products.


People are basically slowly poisoning themselves.

Yes I do find it hard to exercise due to the knee being well ****ed through many years of playing regular decent level sport . Being fit in the forces etc but I do my best to keep as physically active as I can dispute the discomfort I'm planning on walking around Orkney again later in the year in 8 days . Grit and determination will get me through . Yes I could have a heart attack but that will be down to work related pressures if anything . I just wish I could have the knee replacement . I gave told the consultant delaying it for another 5 years will be counter productive as by then I will be on crutches and using a bloody wheel chair . Which I will avoid at all costs . I don't want a knee replacement in 5 years time when I'm 67 . Yet i know if folk who are 50 obese and totally unfit who gave them . Bloody hell I was still running combat fitness tests and marathons at the age of 55 .

I want to be fitter and keep fit but it becoming very difficult running when your running bone on bone . . Oh and I gate swimming


Maybe a bit of exercise will stop you being so angry, fatso.


Thanks grey crab .


I'm 6 ft and weigh 14.5 stone . Never been fat . I'm not angry just fed up with the mamby pampy state telling me what I can eat and what I cannot eat .


I was angry Sunday . When some ****t crunch my car in tesco,s car park and didn't even leave a note ****

Thanks grey crab .


I'm 6 ft and weigh 14.5 stone . Never been fat . I'm not angry just fed up with the mamby pampy state telling me what I can eat and what I cannot eat .


I was angry Sunday . When some ****t crunch my car in tesco,s car park and didn't even leave a note ****


That'll learn you. Next time shop at Waitrose.

Thanks grey crab .


I'm 6 ft and weigh 14.5 stone . Never been fat . I'm not angry just fed up with the mamby pampy state telling me what I can eat and what I cannot eat .

But they haven't though have they? They've just told people what the optimum amount of fruit and veg is to lower the chances of getting heart disease and lung cancer. They make sure the information is available and then leave it up to the individual to decide.


This whole thing of being told what to eat is your own paranoid delusion. It simply hasn't happened, yet you've referred to it a few times. Tell me, who exactly is telling you what you can or cannot eat? Last time I checked, there was more choice of food available to us all now then there has been at any time in history and you're allowed to eat any of it. There's no scare story, just helpful advice to people who want to avoid chronic disease. You aren't exactly helping yourself to shake off that moron tag with posts like that. Stop being fed up over a situation invented in your own head and go and enjoy a sausage roll.


knowledge is being shared, nobody is being made to eat or not eat anything, knowledge is a good thing, but it's your choice to use it or ignore it. Just because you aren't interested doesn't mean ignorance should be encouraged.

Posted (edited)

Norway saint your some character I will give you that I'm neither a moron or paranoid . The complete opposite .

i did add in an earlier post that I may have used the scare story in the wrong context . The initial story may have been a recommendation . But subsequent radio broadcasts and supposed experts started to point out the negative effects to our health if we didn't eat the 5 a day or the suggested 7 .

Today we had the next group of experts going on about how bad e cigarettes are. This is from a proposal that the welsh assembly may ban these in public places . I recently upped dated our company policy banning these at work as the advice is that the use of them normalises smoking . There is a suggestion that some of the vapours give of toxic substances and maybe harmful to health .but not evidence had confirmed one way or another so far . But these will soon be a prescription only item to ensure they are properly regulated .


oh I don't smoke before you suggest I give up .


Who said I wasn't interested . I was provoking a debate that's all , I have a healthy diet and at the weekend I enjoy a few pints of real ale but my diet is good and if the same scientists analysed what I eat they would be impressed . I eat a fair amount of fish and I have not had fish and Chips for at least 2 months . I do have salads a couple of times a week along with pasta and once in a while a Scottish breakfast . But I do eat a bowl of porridge with honey before I go to work each morning If I'm up in time


so what is Norway saint eating .any of the following


Smalahove - This is a traditional meal that is made from the head of a sheep. It is salted, smoked, and boiled for a very long time.

Lutefisk - This is a traditional meal for many Nordic countries. It is made from dried cod or klippfisk.

Fiskesuppe - A common fish soup that is milk based. It contains vegetables such as onions, potoatoes, and carrots.

Svinekoteletter - This favorite is pork chops that have been braised and served with fried onions and potatoes.

Svinestek - This is a kind of roasted pork that comes with vegetables, potatoes, pickled cabbage and gravy.

Fårikål - This is a stew of mutton that contains cabbage, salt and pepper and is served with potatoes.

Stekte pølser - These are fried sausages. They are served with potatoes, vegetables, peas and gravy.

Edited by Viking Warrior
Posted (edited)

The oyebode study did not explore the mechanisms behind the health benefits of fruit and veg. It could be down to their vitamin and mineral content. Other explanations include the benefits arising from the fibre content of plants.


I think more detailed research with a much wider sample group should be undertaken .


Catherine Collins, a dietician at St George's Hospital in London, says the results may have been biased by the fact that people who eat more fruit and vegetables tend to be more financially well off and have healthier lifestyles in other ways. "I don't think they can totally exclude [such biases] from their data. So it isn't necessarily a causal relationship," she cautions.

Edited by Viking Warrior
Whitey I wish there were waitroses up here . They do a decent quality of food even if it is slightly dearer


Ironically, their fruit is generally poor, compared to Tesco and Sainsbury.

(Results taken from exhaustive studies in the Portswood area.)


Tell me Norway do you class yourself as a jotunn or one of those individuals quoted on norse mythology and folk lore ?

must be might isolated life you lead dwelling in caves and not being able to access your 5/7 portions of fruit . Do you live in Trollveggen by any chance


Norse folklore is a very interesting subject, as are the northen isles and faroes folklore stories and the subject of Selkies






Before this turns into a pointless norwaysaint vs VW diversion, I want to pick up on a couple of things that were mentioned earlier.


Firstly, and importantly IMO, this isn't just about longevity. The issues of day-to-day health and life expectancy are often connected in some ways, but equally there are many, many areas where they are not.


Some people have terrible habits and nutrition but do indeed live a long time - I'm not sure about their quality of life however if they're going to the Dr all the time or generally don't feel as fit and well as others. Some smokers live much longer than non-smokers... people are different and so the various things we do to our bodies affect us in different ways.


Others live healthy lives, keep active, eat well, rarely go to the Dr, feel great, but can drop dead at 50... sh!t does indeed happen. We have lots to learn.


But I actually don't particularly care about my life expectancy. I eat well because I want to feel good every day, not just live a long time. For me, living is about feeling good and making the most of every day, not stretching it out as far as I can. And I know, having lived at least 30 of my years not eating particularly well, that the last 6/7 years of my life I have never felt better having changed my diet (along with exercise and other things).


Secondly, it never ceases to amaze me how people judge the 'quality' of food. Take at my work for example. We have a fruit delivery from a local farm, most of which is organic. A lot of staff think it's poor quality because there is usually a few items which have marks on and aren't completely blemish-free 'like in Asda' (which is over the road)... but actually this stuff is infinitely better quality because it hasn't been subjected to pesticides and artificial growing conditions etc.


Most supermarket fruit and veg is going to be pretty similar in terms of how it is grown and therefore its 'quality'... the things that the supermarket generally influence will be the time from grower to market, and how it is treated on the way, but its origins are generally similar, unless you specifically buy a 'local' line or organic.


Finally, IMO, whilst Lord D and others may feel that everyone knows about this stuff, I can categorically state that they don't from first hand knowledge. And even if they do, the degree to which people recognise the importance of nutrition, and understand the various different aspects of nutrition, varies massively. As a result, I think any publicity for studies like this is worthwhile... those who want to can ignore it and so be it... but for many others, I hope it inspires them to learn more about what they're eating.

Just start advertising bananas and spinach on X Factor breaks and I'm sure people will buy into it.

Sadly very true. Too many people are governed by what they watch and read, rather than what they learn for themselves.




sorry about the Norway V Me diversion , I took exception to being called a moron and being paranoid


This is the lounge and we all have differing opinions , many of our veiws are taken out of context,


both adrian and yourself are right about advertising spinach and bananas during x factor it may work


PS I love spinach with a poached egg, one of the best vegatables around


As for the 5 or seven a day it can be quite costly for a low income family to sustain


Take for example tesco satsumas £1.50 for 8 = 4 portions

so in one week it would cost you 13.12 to feed 1 person 5 portions of satsumas a week on average so a family of 4 would need to spend a minimum £52

just on fruit each week

Posted (edited)

I think one story that is significantly more worrying than the 7 a day story is the annoucement the govt are going ahead with plain branding cigarette packaging


Its not that aspect that is worrying but the following statistics


Public Health Minister Jane Ellison said about 200,000 children aged between 11 and 15 start smoking in the UK every year - about 600 a day.


Those statistics are deeply worrying,


There has been that much health care advice over the decades about smoking, I can remember being at school decades ago being warned about the bad effects of smoking

Even when I started my medical training when I first joined the army medical services, I had to work in a chest hospital , emptying sputum pots etc,

nursing and caring for patientsswho had chronic bronchitis, empyhsemia and lung cancer. going into theatre to learn about operating techniques seeing those tar laden lungs. Still dispite my parents both smoking , I never had the urge to take it up andf have had a healthy life style even if i do like the odd beer or two these days or when I get to St Mary's


anyway Are those statistics correct, who is buying Children these cigarettes given that it is illegal to purchase fags for those who are under age



Millions have been spent on anti smoking campaigns but how effective has it actualy been given that 600 children start smoking each day

Edited by Viking Warrior

VW, I'm not sure that's the best place to start to try and cost it out... you would need a balanced mixture of veg, not just one particular item which happens to be relatively expensive compared to other options.


It also depends on what else you spend your money on... we make smoothies and soups and other things at home for options for breakfast and lunch, which is cost-effective compared to some people who think nothing of buying breakfast and/or lunch on their way to work and spend anything up to £10 a day (and probably more, especially in London). We also rarely eat meat which saves a lot of money too, but we get all the nutrients from a range of wholefoods.


I'm not trying to set myself up as an example, everyone will work it out for themselves if they want to. But it is entirely possible with a bit of thought.


I look at it like this: Apart from oxygen (and pollution at the moment!), food is the one thing we consume all day everyday. As a result, it is the one single thing that has the most influence on our lives, and yet for many people it is the thing they try to spend as little as possible on, and rely on medicine to 'fix' them when they get ill. I view food as a form of medicine... permanent medicine, that will look after me if I 'take' the right stuff.


Finally, pople say they can't afford good food, but what many of them mean is that they CHOOSE not to spend more than a certain amount on it, and would rather spend on holidays, clothes, Sky subscription, technology or whatever else. That's their choice, but they should be a bit more honest with themselves about it IMO.


The smoking thing is an interesting one and probably for a separate thread.




I agree it is about having a balance mixture of veg and fruit and I do try to do that, it was just a very basic example of cost I used as 4 apples cost 1.50 for 4


Also I endorse your last paragraph


"Finally, pople say they can't afford good food, but what many of them mean is that they CHOOSE not to spend more than a certain amount on it, and would rather spend on holidays, clothes, Sky subscription, technology or whatever else. That's their choice, but they should be a bit more honest with themselves about it. "


At the end of the day it is about common sense and striking the right balance, i believe I eat the right food maybe I should have more fruit maybe I already eat to much fruit and veg.







At the end of the day it is about common sense and striking the right balance, i believe I eat the right food maybe I should have more fruit maybe I already eat to much fruit and veg.




Maybe you should eat more or maybe you eat too much fruit and veg? You're saying you're not sure how much you should eat? Well, you're getting some guidance, some advice. So what's the problem?

Posted (edited)

I certainly dont eat to much Ludwig thanks for your concern . I have never said I have a problem with what I eat.


I have enough medical knowledge and health promotion knowledge to know what is good and what is bad for me.


anyway heres the NHS Choices guidance

Fruit and vegetables don't have to be fresh to count as a portion. Nor do they have to be eaten on their own: they also count if they're part of a meal or dish.



What counts towards 5 A DAY?

As well as fresh fruit and vegetables, the following all also count towards your 5 A DAY.


•Fruit and vegetables cooked in dishes such as soups, stews or pasta dishes.

•Beans and pulses. These only count as one portion a day, no matter how many you eat. That's because although they are a good source of fibre, they contain fewer nutrients than other fruits and vegetables.

Frozen and canned fruit and veg

•Frozen fruit and vegetables.

•Tinned or canned fruit and vegetables. Buy the ones tinned in natural juice or water with no added sugar or salt.

•Dried fruit, such as currants, dates, sultanas and figs.

•Fruit and veg in convenience foods, such as ready meals and shop-bought pasta sauces, soups and puddings. Some ready-made foods are high in salt, sugar and fat, so only have them occasionally or in small amounts. You can find the salt, sugar and fat content of ready-made foods on the label. For more information, see Food labels.

Drinks and 5 A DAY

•One glass (150ml) of unsweetened 100% fruit or vegetable juice. Juice counts as a maximum of one portion a day, even if you have more than one glass. This is mainly because juice contains less fibre than whole fruits and vegetables. Crushing fruit into juice also releases the sugars contained in the fruit, which can cause damage to teeth.

•A smoothie containing all of the edible pulped fruit and/or vegetable may count as more than one portion but this depends on how it’s made.

Edited by Viking Warrior
I have enough medical knowledge and health promotion knowledge to know what is good and what is bad for me.

Make your mind up. Is knowledge good or some horrible scare story?




Read my earlier post re the context of my thread title


If I could change the thread title I would. FFS this is getting tedious, I was trying stimulate a debate instead I get abuse .

are you some dietician or just the spokeperson for vegetarians are us


There is a contradition in that NHS Choices state Tiined fruit as long as they are in their own juices etc are okay but in the Odeboye reasearch she say that tinned fruit can increase your chances of heart disease etc by I think it was 1.7 % ( I need to go and look at the paper again)


Enjoy your mockery Buctootim,


NHS Choices is pretty generalised advice - tinned fruit can vary massively, some have added sugar and all sorts, others only come in their own juice as they were from the plant. Hence my point about doing your own research and looking at what you buy. NHS Choices can only give general advice however so it has to appeal to the lowest common denominator, and hence only a short comment about in its own juice... quite correct but only a very small part of the story.


To be fair to VW, the thread would probably be helped by sticking to the subject and not picking on him or whoever. But hey, that's just Saintsweb. :)


I was talking to someone who knows quite a lot about this and he said that the only reason we're now being told to eat 7 portions if fruit/veg is because the Muslims don't get enough nutrients etc because they don't eat meat.


I genuinely have nothing against the Muslims. They're free to live here, have their mosques and special shops, but when we need to start eating more fruit to suit them then that's when its gone too far. It should be THEM adapting to us, not the other way round.


Now THAT is a silly comment... I hope it was a joke but I fear not.


I eat hardly any meat and get all the nutrients I need because I know what I need and I know where I can get it. My wife had a blood test before we first started trying for a baby and was told that she had ideal levels of nutrients in her blood, better than many meat eaters, because we take an interest in what we eat. The whole 'if you don't eat meat you don't get enough iron' or whatever thing is cringe worthy.


That said, as I commented earlier, a lot of these stories are prompted by the fact that some people seemingly need to be told what is best for them because they are incapable of working it out for themselves.


Viking I think its a bit much trying to lecture us about food and now fags. You were the guy who couldn't even wait for a few minutes for his luggage , before lighting up a crafty one in the craphouse. Those in glass houses ECT.

I was talking to someone who knows quite a lot about this and he said that the only reason we're now being told to eat 7 portions if fruit/veg is because the Muslims don't get enough nutrients etc because they don't eat meat.


I genuinely have nothing against the Muslims. They're free to live here, have their mosques and special shops, but when we need to start eating more fruit to suit them then that's when its gone too far. It should be THEM adapting to us, not the other way round.




I enjoyed that aricle thanks Minty


A very sensible and balanced article


I love this bit You don't count chips, I countered, because they are made from potatoes (he did know that)



Also I have been on a purely fruit and veg diet for several days now sticking religiosly to my 5 a day recommendations


I have lost 4 pounds and will soon be down to 13 stones,. and not far of my optimum mega fit weight of 12 st .6lbs when i was in my mid 20's a few decades ago


Only trouble is I spend too much time on the loo


Need to eat prridge to clog me up

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