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Newcastle fan reaction LOL


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A very open and honest assessment, and IMHO he got it spot on.


I've spoken glowingly about us on the after match thread, but Newcastle's response was pitiful. Lacked any passion and heart, and if I was a Geordie I would be fuming about the lack of passion.


It reminded of the rubbish Continental games you often see, where as soon as the "big" team get their noses in front then it's all over.

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"I'm not having a go, I'not going to nitpick, they were all f'kin terrible.." ( although he does add another nine minutes after that!).


"they would look less likely for their f'kin holidays, less ready for it, if they turned up with their passport, suitcases, and sun cream on..."

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I actually think it was a good assessment of the game. Gave credit to his team where it was due (tbh there goalie and that was about it) and identified MANY areas that need improvement. Think he'd be a good motivational speaker.

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