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The meaning of life

Master Bates

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What is the meaning of life? It is the age old question which does not have an answer, or so it seems.


I was thinking about this the other day and came to the conclusion that the meaning of life is nothing more than to ,"better yourself as a person and human being". It is why we exist in many ways, if you really think about it. All living things exist and evolve over time to better understand and cope with the world around them. This helps to explain how we (as people) have progressed so far mentally, socially, politically and technologically. It also goes to show that we still have much to learn about the world and room to grow from our understanding of the world in every aspect.


The meaning of life is to always keep fighting, to strive for more and never settle for less than what you can achieve.


The meaning of life is different for all people. Because each person has different goals and aspirations life, the meaning of life is specific to how that person really wishes to better themselves. It is rather ambiguous but if you really think about it, it makes sense.

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What is the meaning of life? It is the age old question which does not have an answer, or so it seems.


I was thinking about this the other day and came to the conclusion that the meaning of life is nothing more than to ,"better yourself as a person and human being". It is why we exist in many ways, if you really think about it. All living things exist and evolve over time to better understand and cope with the world around them. This helps to explain how we (as people) have progressed so far mentally, socially, politically and technologically. It also goes to show that we still have much to learn about the world and room to grow from our understanding of the world in every aspect.


The meaning of life is to always keep fighting, to strive for more and never settle for less than what you can achieve.


The meaning of life is different for all people. Because each person has different goals and aspirations life, the meaning of life is specific to how that person really wishes to better themselves. It is rather ambiguous but if you really think about it, it makes sense.


How did / has a slug evolved to cope better?

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Everything reason is a philosophical man-made one. The true meaning of life is the survival of the species, nothing more. What we make of it beyond that is entirely what we want it to be. If you want to do the Victorian progress thing, then do so. If you want to minimise your impact on the planet, then do that.


I don't buy all that bettering yourself to the best you can, because we all fall short of that every time we're a tiny bit selfish, or a tiny bit greedy, or we pick up a beer, or we take the rise out of someone who can't defend themselves. Life is what people make it, and nothing more. The pursuit of happiness is a good one, and it doesn't have much to do with accumulating money and property. It's mostly how we feel within ourselves.

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Everything reason is a philosophical man-made one. The true meaning of life is the survival of the species, nothing more. What we make of it beyond that is entirely what we want it to be. If you want to do the Victorian progress thing, then do so. If you want to minimise your impact on the planet, then do that.


I don't buy all that bettering yourself to the best you can, because we all fall short of that every time we're a tiny bit selfish, or a tiny bit greedy, or we pick up a beer, or we take the rise out of someone who can't defend themselves. Life is what people make it, and nothing more. The pursuit of happiness is a good one, and it doesn't have much to do with accumulating money and property. It's mostly how we feel within ourselves.

I would agree with most of this, but surely there is no "Meaning of Life" as such. We just exist. We just are in the same way as all living organisms are. Unless you get religion involved the only driving force within us is just to pro-create and prolong the life of our species. Is there a "Meaning of Life" for a zebra or chimp for example or do they just eat, drink and stay alive?


The BIG advantage that we have over virtually all other species is that we have advanced far enough that we are able to control and direct ourselves to make the decisions that enable us to "Do something" with our allotted life-span, but I think that that is a different thing to "The Meaning of Life". Interesting discussion though. Certainly a bit more thought provoking than the "What Did You Have for Lunch" thread - although I did contribute to that one as well!;);)

Edited by miserableoldgit
Involuntary Pedantry
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I would agree with most of this, but surely there is no "Meaning of Life" as such. We just exist. We just are in the same way as all living organisms are. Unless you get religion involved the only driving force within us is just to pro-create and prolong the life of our species. Is there a "Meaning of Life" for a zebra or chimp for example or do they just eat, drink and stay alive?


The BIG advantage that we have over virtually all other species is that we have advanced far enough that we are able to control and direct ourselves to make the decisions that enable us to "Do something" with our allotted life-span, but I think that that is a different thing to "The Meaning of Life"


I wouldn't consider that to be an advantage tbf. I would much rather be a cat or a bird, I hate being human its rubish.

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Everything reason is a philosophical man-made one. The true meaning of life is the survival of the species, nothing more. What we make of it beyond that is entirely what we want it to be. If you want to do the Victorian progress thing, then do so. If you want to minimise your impact on the planet, then do that.


I don't buy all that bettering yourself to the best you can, because we all fall short of that every time we're a tiny bit selfish, or a tiny bit greedy, or we pick up a beer, or we take the rise out of someone who can't defend themselves. Life is what people make it, and nothing more. The pursuit of happiness is a good one, and it doesn't have much to do with accumulating money and property. It's mostly how we feel within ourselves.


Yep, I'd agree that there probably isn't a 'meaning of life' unless you subscibe to a universal creator with a divine purpose.


For everyone else then the pursuit of happiness is a better idea.


Of course philosophically we can't even prove our own existence so it could be a moot point. When Descartes said 'I think therefore I am', all he could actually prove is there is a thought which may or may not be our own. All quite interesting but ultimately pointless.

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It certainly helps if we can attach a meaning to life,hence people clinging to religion and the promise of an afterlife.When you consider the ephemeral nature and transience of our existence in the grand scheme of things,and try and get some real perspective on it,you start to go mad and realise that it's all pointless in the end.

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What about people who don't have kids?The world is becoming overpopulated anyway,and not everyone is a breeder.


they are using up valuable oxygen and leaving a carbon footprint for no reason at all,they should be ashamed.They have no meaning in life.


Seriously, i think we are basically designed to create more of our own,some people choose not to,others are unfortunate not to be able to,but that does not detract from the fact that we are here to have offspring and continue our species IMO.

kingdom,phylum,class, order,family,genus,species,we are here like all living organisms to preserve those 7 catogories which are the mainstay to life itself.

Edited by saint lard
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We are here to procreate,to beget or concieve offspring,thus enhance the propect of the longevity and creation of our species.IMO.



No, each gene is interested in making sure it is passed on to the next generation. There are some gene families (such as the Hox genes) are nearly the same in all animals.


Our genes do not care about the survival of our species, only about there own survival (although not literally, as they cant think ;))


Anyone interested should check out books by Richard Dawkins. The Selfish Gene and The Extended Phenotype are both very good.

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No, each gene is interested in making sure it is passed on to the next generation. There are some gene families (such as the Hox genes) are nearly the same in all animals.


Our genes do not care about the survival of our species, only about there own survival (although not literally, as they cant think ;))


Anyone interested should check out books by Richard Dawkins. The Selfish Gene and The Extended Phenotype are both very good.


You are obviously much more clued up on this than i will ever be so i won't dare to take issue,but if genes can't think they cannot have any conception of protecting ones self exsistance,whereas we do so the decision making process is done by us to procreate thus create another lifeform.


Not all people choose to do so, but the fact we are equipped to procreate,like most other living organisms,in one form or another,to sustain our species surely means our time on this planet is to do just that,reproduce.


I think i will take a peek at those books you suggested then i might get my head around it and be able to explain what i mean a little better.

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No, each gene is interested in making sure it is passed on to the next generation. There are some gene families (such as the Hox genes) are nearly the same in all animals.


Our genes do not care about the survival of our species, only about there own survival (although not literally, as they cant think ;))


Anyone interested should check out books by Richard Dawkins. The Selfish Gene and The Extended Phenotype are both very good.


Or the blind watchmaker by Dawkins which explains natural selection and genes very clearly.

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  • 1 year later...
Better traction underneath them so they don't slide off slippery surfaces when it's wet.


I k****d 2 slugs this morning, true story, but don't quote that bit.


3 months on and I still cant figure out what this word was meant to be. For the best part of 6 weeks I was happy to go with killed, but I cant see why the swear filter would not like ille ??? Guess I may never know the truth.

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3 months on and I still cant figure out what this word was meant to be. For the best part of 6 weeks I was happy to go with killed, but I cant see why the swear filter would not like ille ??? Guess I may never know the truth.


3 months?? Try 1 year and a few months.


The word killed might have been filtered?

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What is the meaning of life? It is the age old question which does not have an answer, or so it seems.


I was thinking about this the other day and came to the conclusion that the meaning of life is nothing more than to ,"better yourself as a person and human being". It is why we exist in many ways, if you really think about it. All living things exist and evolve over time to better understand and cope with the world around them. This helps to explain how we (as people) have progressed so far mentally, socially, politically and technologically. It also goes to show that we still have much to learn about the world and room to grow from our understanding of the world in every aspect.


The meaning of life is to always keep fighting, to strive for more and never settle for less than what you can achieve.


The meaning of life is different for all people. Because each person has different goals and aspirations life, the meaning of life is specific to how that person really wishes to better themselves. It is rather ambiguous but if you really think about it, it makes sense.


I must have been drunk when I wrote this.


At the moment life sucks very much for me, however I must listen to what I say especially "always keep fighting".

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