Halo Stickman Posted 23 April, 2014 Posted 23 April, 2014 Ah, prestidigitation is great, isn't it? Think I picked that up from reading The God Delusion. Blame Hawkins! However, I'm inclined to agree that this will likely not be solved. It's already starting to disappear from the daily news rotation. There seem to be innumerable unresolved details, chief amongst them the fate of the plane. We've been told that data is authoritative (Inmarsat) without any chance of independent review and despite the fact that nothing has turned up. My view is that one or more nation states know a lot more than they're letting on. To be honest, I had to look it up – it must have passed me by when I read The God Delusion. Mind you, I’ve been referring to the Premier League as the Premiership for the last 10 years, so perhaps I’m just slow on the uptake. Regarding MH370, as I’ve previously said, I normally go for simple solutions as opposed to complicated conspiracies; however, even I’m beginning to think that there may be more to this than the authorities are letting on.
Whitey Grandad Posted 23 April, 2014 Posted 23 April, 2014 Regarding MH370, as I’ve previously said, I normally go for simple solutions as opposed to complicated conspiracies; however, even I’m beginning to think that there may be more to this than the authorities are letting on. Me too. 'Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem' I always say.
Window Cleaner Posted 23 April, 2014 Posted 23 April, 2014 Me too. 'Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem' I always say. Hmm Occam's Razor. However we might be on the threshold of discovery with these bits and pieces that have been washed up south of Perth, probably just more flotsam from the ocean though.
mack rill Posted 23 April, 2014 Posted 23 April, 2014 Was that flotsam or jetsam that was washed up from davey joneses locker?
Whitey Grandad Posted 23 April, 2014 Posted 23 April, 2014 Was that flotsam or jetsam that was washed up from davey joneses locker? Well, if it was from a jet...
Window Cleaner Posted 23 April, 2014 Posted 23 April, 2014 Was that flotsam or jetsam that was washed up from davey joneses locker? Well if it's parts of MH370 it should in theory be flotsam which is a result of shipwreck or in this case a crash. Jetsam is stuff voluntarily thrown overboard....unless of course someone opened the door of the aircraft and bunged stuff out, which would probably be why it's in the drink in the first place.
ART Posted 25 April, 2014 Posted 25 April, 2014 This surely is Malaysian Airlines PART 2 and may open a new lead to where is MH370 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/indonesia/10787013/Virgin-Australia-plane-hijacked-over-Indonesia.html
andysstuff Posted 25 April, 2014 Posted 25 April, 2014 Drunk passenger on board apparently. Panic over. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Gemmel Posted 26 April, 2014 Posted 26 April, 2014 This surely is Malaysian Airlines PART 2 and may open a new lead to where is MH370 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/indonesia/10787013/Virgin-Australia-plane-hijacked-over-Indonesia.html You scare me
Saint in Paradise Posted 27 April, 2014 Posted 27 April, 2014 Another link for you to read:- http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2014/04/22/359566/missing-plane-mystery-solved/ Again who knows if this is or isn't correct???
badgerx16 Posted 28 April, 2014 Posted 28 April, 2014 Another link for you to read:- http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2014/04/22/359566/missing-plane-mystery-solved/ Again who knows if this is or isn't correct??? "The Bush crime family" ? Claiming Dubyah is a criminal mastermind is an insult to criminal masterminds.
Verbal Posted 28 April, 2014 Posted 28 April, 2014 Another link for you to read:- http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2014/04/22/359566/missing-plane-mystery-solved/ Again who knows if this is or isn't correct??? I'm prepared to take a wild guess.
ART Posted 28 April, 2014 Posted 28 April, 2014 New claims just in that MH370 wreck has been found 3000 miles from current search area in the Bay of Bengal Tonights Australian News https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fl9Gt1vxW_A#t=48 http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/missing-flight-mh370-found-exploration-3470569
ART Posted 29 April, 2014 Posted 29 April, 2014 Just been announced on CNN and by Reuters that debris believed to be from MH370 has been found in the Bay of Bengal adding support to previous claims the 15th April Firm says finds plane debris in Bay of Bengal - CNN Tue Apr 29, 2014 8:23pm BST A woman prays for passengers on board the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 at Kechara retreat centre in Bentong outside Kuala Lumpur April 13, 2014. REUTERS/Samsul Said A woman prays for passengers onboard the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 at Kechara retreat centre in Bentong outside Kuala Lumpur April 13, 2014. (Reuters) - A private company said it had found what it believes is wreckage of a plane in the Bay of Bengal that should be investigated as possible debris from the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, CNN reported. The Joint Agency Coordination Centre managing the multinational search for the missing plane dismissed the possibility, saying it continued to believe that the plane came down in the southern Indian Ocean off Australia. The Bay of Bengal is located between India and Myanmar, thousands of miles from the current search area. The wreckage was reported by Australian geophysical survey company GeoResonance. "The company is not declaring this is MH370, however it should be investigated," CNN quoted GeoResonance as saying in a statement. (link.reuters.com/syr88v) GeoResonance says on its website that it offers a unique and proven method of geophysical survey that detects electromagnetic fields suggestive of subsurface deposits. Flight MH370, carrying 227 passengers and 12 crew, went missing in March en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. http://uk.reuters.com/article/2014/04/29/uk-malaysiaairlines-bengal-idUKKBN0DF1QP20140429
Whitey Grandad Posted 29 April, 2014 Posted 29 April, 2014 The northern route seems more likely to me given the last presumed heading of the aircraft. It's the Inmarsat calculations that suggest otherwise.
Gemmel Posted 29 April, 2014 Posted 29 April, 2014 Just been announced on CNN and by Reuters that debris believed to be from MH370 has been found in the Bay of Bengal adding support to previous claims the 15th April Firm says finds plane debris in Bay of Bengal - CNN Tue Apr 29, 2014 8:23pm BST A woman prays for passengers on board the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 at Kechara retreat centre in Bentong outside Kuala Lumpur April 13, 2014. REUTERS/Samsul Said A woman prays for passengers onboard the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 at Kechara retreat centre in Bentong outside Kuala Lumpur April 13, 2014. (Reuters) - A private company said it had found what it believes is wreckage of a plane in the Bay of Bengal that should be investigated as possible debris from the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, CNN reported. The Joint Agency Coordination Centre managing the multinational search for the missing plane dismissed the possibility, saying it continued to believe that the plane came down in the southern Indian Ocean off Australia. The Bay of Bengal is located between India and Myanmar, thousands of miles from the current search area. The wreckage was reported by Australian geophysical survey company GeoResonance. "The company is not declaring this is MH370, however it should be investigated," CNN quoted GeoResonance as saying in a statement. (link.reuters.com/syr88v) GeoResonance says on its website that it offers a unique and proven method of geophysical survey that detects electromagnetic fields suggestive of subsurface deposits. Flight MH370, carrying 227 passengers and 12 crew, went missing in March en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. http://uk.reuters.com/article/2014/04/29/uk-malaysiaairlines-bengal-idUKKBN0DF1QP20140429 http://edition.cnn.com/2014/04/29/world/asia/malaysia-airlines-plane/index.html?hpt=hp_t1 So basically they don't think it is the plane at all
dubai_phil Posted 3 May, 2014 Posted 3 May, 2014 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2619388/What-havent-told-cargo-MH370-Mystery-deepens-missing-flight-claims-loaded-2-3tonnes-items-not-listed-manifest.html Hmm 2.2 tonnes of "Undeclared Items" carried in the cargo hold but nobody says what it was
angelman Posted 3 May, 2014 Posted 3 May, 2014 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2619388/What-havent-told-cargo-MH370-Mystery-deepens-missing-flight-claims-loaded-2-3tonnes-items-not-listed-manifest.html Hmm 2.2 tonnes of "Undeclared Items" carried in the cargo hold but nobody says what it was Isn't there a conspiracy theory that apparently the Israelis know or found out that the Taliban in Afghansitan had captured some drone technology and for some reason or other, the easiest way to flog it to the Chinese was sending it via Malaysia and putting it on one of their daily flights to Beijing. Quite why they would go this route when China shares a border with Afghanistan, and for that matter Pakistan, is anyone's guess. I wonder if they ever traced the 5 people who didn't board the plane and why they didn't.
Saint in Paradise Posted 3 May, 2014 Posted 3 May, 2014 Re the taliban capturing said drone controlling equipment - I am very sure that the equipment the conspiracy people claim to be captured is actually still safe in the U.S. The drones are fully controlled from a U.S. airbase, but even if that "special" equipment was in Afghanistan it would be so protected that the taliban would be unable to get anywhere near it let alone steal it.
Saint in Paradise Posted 3 May, 2014 Posted 3 May, 2014 I must make this clear before you read the message below this ISN'T ME saying this. "Having now seen the cargo manifest with 4.5 tonnes of mango loaded, I’m becoming more convinced that a rodent problem should be considered. As anyone knows who has had a garden or house problem with these creatures, they are very skilled at remaining out of human sight. Within their own family group, provided there is plenty of food around they live socially together. However, introduce another unrelated family and it’s fight or flee. Let’s say there was already a small population of rats happily roaming the cargo hold looking for the odd titbit, then along comes another group loaded amongst the cargo of mango’s at KUL. Not much happened for a while as the newbies kept their heads down, but after all signs of humans had passed, they emerged and then all territorial hell broke loose. One group decided to flee and given their strong sense of smell, had discovered pathways to the upper deck, which was rat free and they could probably smell dinner cooking. The problem was, these pathways needed to be enlarged. Some were filled with cables, others with pipes, none a problem for these creatures as they will chew their way through anything, especially if it’s necessary to escape. So we have Ben, munching his way through an oxygen hose, while Rowland chews on a bundle of wires. If Ben gets their first, then Rowland’s sparks are of great consequence.You have your rapid oxygen fire, you have the lack of crew oxygen. All over in a flash, a lot of heat and smoke but it quickly goes out as there is not much exposed flammable materials.It may have blown a hole in the fuselage, an oxygen bottle may have been ejected, but not enough damage to down the aeroplane, but enough to disable the crew".
ART Posted 4 May, 2014 Posted 4 May, 2014 A further new twist in that 11 Al Qaeda Terrorists have been arrested suspected of involvement in the disappearance of MH370. There is a lot being kept from the public that we still don't know about. There wouldn't be all these conspiracy theories doing the rounds had everything been out in the open. Al Qaeda offers a superb scapegoat if MH370 was shot down and knowing the fact would be far too sensational with repercussions out of control. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2619388/What-havent-told-cargo-MH370-Mystery-deepens-missing-flight-claims-loaded-2-3tonnes-items-not-listed-manifest.html
aintforever Posted 4 May, 2014 Posted 4 May, 2014 A further new twist in that 11 Al Qaeda Terrorists have been arrested suspected of involvement in the disappearance of MH370. There is a lot being kept from the public that we still don't know about. There wouldn't be all these conspiracy theories doing the rounds had everything been out in the open. Al Qaeda offers a superb scapegoat if MH370 was shot down and knowing the fact would be far too sensational with repercussions out of control. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2619388/What-havent-told-cargo-MH370-Mystery-deepens-missing-flight-claims-loaded-2-3tonnes-items-not-listed-manifest.html It could have been terrorism without some big cover up. Maybe the terrorists stormed the cockpit, killed the pilots, turned off the comms and attempted a 9/11 style attack but made a complete hash of it.
ART Posted 4 May, 2014 Posted 4 May, 2014 I stated if the plane was shot down by a country, then this latest Al Qa|eda arrests may be part of a cover up for the authorities not wanting a shoot down exposed for reasons such a fact would have incredible repercussions. MI6 is now supposed to be questioning the Al Queda terrorists into the likehood MH370 was diverted and landed somewhere. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/missing-flight-mh370-jet-linked-3496745
Picard Posted 4 May, 2014 Posted 4 May, 2014 Yesterday off the French coast, a United Airlines Boeing's radio contact was lost and it was slightly off its path. A fighter jet was immediately sent to investigate. This must be standard procedure but doesn't seem to have happened with the Malaysian Boeing. https://translate.google.fr/translate?sl=fr&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=fr&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fpoitou-charentes.france3.fr%2F2014%2F05%2F04%2Fun-rafale-porte-assistance-un-boeing-au-dessus-de-la-cote-atlantique-470795.html&edit-text=
derry Posted 6 May, 2014 Posted 6 May, 2014 Yesterday off the French coast, a United Airlines Boeing's radio contact was lost and it was slightly off its path. A fighter jet was immediately sent to investigate. This must be standard procedure but doesn't seem to have happened with the Malaysian Boeing. https://translate.google.fr/translate?sl=fr&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=fr&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fpoitou-charentes.france3.fr%2F2014%2F05%2F04%2Fun-rafale-porte-assistance-un-boeing-au-dessus-de-la-cote-atlantique-470795.html&edit-text= Standard procedure but the same standards of surveillance don't apply to that part of the world. As for the arrests, probably a convenient time to get rid of trouble makers without awkward questions.
Weston Saint Posted 7 May, 2014 Posted 7 May, 2014 This has got a rather childish thread. Yes I do know someone at a high position in Inmarsat and he confirmed what I wrote, but it appears that some of you know better. I accept this as fact. As for my assertion that I think that some government/body knows something that they are reluctant to disclose is based on personal experience. I was involved in an incident in 1982 out over the South Eastern Indian Ocean just off Java when something happened which I didn’t understand. At that time we commercial pilots were unaware that the US had satellites monitoring that part of the world. It appeared that not many governments, if any, in that part of the world knew those satellites were there, let alone what they were monitoring. I found out some 11 years later, when the information became declassified, that we were monitored throughout the incident. This area is not at war but governments don’t want to let others know their capabilities so we don’t know what is being ‘watched’. It would seem more likely than not that somewhere evidence is not being disclosed to the general public and communication between governments will not be open. If I was being monitored in 1982 it would be a fair bet that MH370 was being monitored too by someone in 2014. On this basis I wrote that I think that somebody somewhere knows something that we are unaware off yet. It is my opinion to which I am entitled, others may disagree but sarcasm and rudeness gets us nowhere.Interesting quote on PPrune (an aviation forum) posted from someone in Western Australia. This comment in relation to someone else posting that even if the military know something they would certainly comment without details "If there is only confidential (military) information available, its existence (or confirmed absence of contact) should have been reported even if no details were." Pardon? It took the Captain of BA Flight 9 (volcanic ash over Indonesia) eleven years to find out from declassified information that satellite monitoring stations in Australia and Guam were following his flight. Capt Moody's comment? "We don't know what they're watching." I'm not sure why you would be expecting anything different in this case if more were known from confidential sources.
Window Cleaner Posted 7 May, 2014 Posted 7 May, 2014 Interesting quote on PPrune (an aviation forum) posted from someone in Western Australia. This comment in relation to someone else posting that even if the military know something they would certainly comment without details Without reflecting too much on the base of the discussion I can tell you that the military don't usually feel the necessity to comment or make available information that they think that they might just as well keep to themselves. That's what creates such a shockwave when you get loose cannons like Snowden and the little knob now calling himself Chelsea Manning. I put in a good few years at S.H.A.P.E and have never felt obliged to share anything that went on there.
Viking Warrior Posted 8 May, 2014 Posted 8 May, 2014 I can confirm the military don't normally comment on information on military aircraft or military information . I recall being stationed in Cyprus in the mid 80's There was an attack on RAF akrotiri by Libyans . It was completely dumbed down . The attack was apparently to hit the an American Spy planes that were based there . It was denied that any such planes existed but you saw one take off at a set time and return many hours later . So the military know far more than they let on . Has always been the case and rightly so
pap Posted 8 May, 2014 Posted 8 May, 2014 I can confirm the military don't normally comment on information on military aircraft or military information . I recall being stationed in Cyprus in the mid 80's There was an attack on RAF akrotiri by Libyans . It was completely dumbed down . The attack was apparently to hit the an American Spy planes that were based there . It was denied that any such planes existed but you saw one take off at a set time and return many hours later . So the military know far more than they let on . Has always been the case and rightly so Ever heard of the USS Liberty, VW?
Whitey Grandad Posted 8 May, 2014 Posted 8 May, 2014 I put in a good few years at S.H.A.P.E and have never felt obliged to share anything that went on there. Superb Holidays At Public Expense?
Smirking_Saint Posted 8 May, 2014 Posted 8 May, 2014 Its never going to be found. For one reason or another.
Viking Warrior Posted 8 May, 2014 Posted 8 May, 2014 Pap I do know I just googled it I will read more later
pap Posted 8 May, 2014 Posted 8 May, 2014 Its never going to be found. For one reason or another. Someone made a FOIA request over in the US. We have determined that the fact of the existence or non-existence of the (MH370) materials you request is a currently and properly classified matter in accordance with Executive Order 13526 ... http://www.earthfiles.com/news.php?ID=2200&
Window Cleaner Posted 8 May, 2014 Posted 8 May, 2014 Superb Holidays At Public Expense? Would have been if it was in such a crap place, small one horse village just outside a small 2 horse town. Good totty though.
pap Posted 8 May, 2014 Posted 8 May, 2014 Pap I do know I just googled it I will read more later This BBC documentary is a good primer*. * it's from those good old days when the Beeb did investigative journalism.
ART Posted 29 May, 2014 Posted 29 May, 2014 So they've been searching for MH370 in the wrong place afterall. The so called beeps were never from the black box. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/flight-mh370-missing-jet-not-3619840 Now 3 months later all the conspiracy theories take on a whole new perspective. Who on this thread got it right, may have the real answers of what happened, where is Flight MH370?
dubai_phil Posted 29 May, 2014 Posted 29 May, 2014 So they've been searching for MH370 in the wrong place afterall. The so called beeps were never from the black box. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/flight-mh370-missing-jet-not-3619840 Now 3 months later all the conspiracy theories take on a whole new perspective. Who on this thread got it right, may have the real answers of what happened, where is Flight MH370? That statement today leaves one BIG question unanswered. IF the pings were not from MH370 BUT they WERE Manmade, what the hell made them?
Window Cleaner Posted 29 May, 2014 Posted 29 May, 2014 (edited) That statement today leaves one BIG question unanswered. IF the pings were not from MH370 BUT they WERE Manmade, what the hell made them? Well if you listen to the US Navy ..their own equipment, not very likely though. Then again during the initial wreckage search various Navies and Air forces bunged a lot of electroinc junk into the drink, sonar buoys in theory, perhaps someone bunged in the odd black box tracker for whatever reason that suited them. Edited 29 May, 2014 by Window Cleaner
trousers Posted 17 July, 2014 Posted 17 July, 2014 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-28354856 A Malaysian airliner with 295 people on board has crashed in Ukraine near the border with Russia, on a flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, reports say.
bpsaint Posted 17 July, 2014 Posted 17 July, 2014 Oh dear oh dear, speculating on Sky News that might have been accidentally shot down by Ukraine.
andysstuff Posted 17 July, 2014 Posted 17 July, 2014 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-28354856 One' an accident, but two in such a short space of time? Something smells fishy and not the other end of the M27
andysstuff Posted 17 July, 2014 Posted 17 July, 2014 Looks like shot down by a SAM. Not sure by thick side of the conflict yet.
Saint_clark Posted 17 July, 2014 Posted 17 July, 2014 One' an accident, but two in such a short space of time? Something smells fishy and not the other end of the M27 You're not suggesting some kind of insurance scam from the airline are you?
aintforever Posted 17 July, 2014 Posted 17 July, 2014 Didn't Russia shoot down a plane over there the other day?
pap Posted 17 July, 2014 Posted 17 July, 2014 Ukraine have got previous:- http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siberia_Airlines_Flight_1812
Saint_clark Posted 17 July, 2014 Posted 17 July, 2014 Didn't Russia shoot down a plane over there the other day? Military craft, big difference really. This is 295 innocent civilians from no doubt countries all round the world. This is a huge event.
Gemmel Posted 17 July, 2014 Posted 17 July, 2014 Ukraine have got previous:- http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siberia_Airlines_Flight_1812 Pap - with the aid of some Spanish sun, a few pints and a nice glass of red, I'm coming down on the conspiracy side with regard to the original plane from this thread. I've given you stick in the past so you can laugh at me now.
aintforever Posted 17 July, 2014 Posted 17 July, 2014 Military craft, big difference really. This is 295 innocent civilians from no doubt countries all round the world. This is a huge event. Big difference, but could be the same people that did it. Or of course a **** up by Ukraine trying to get revenge.
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