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Hi all,


Firstly, apologies if I have posted in the wrong area. And sorry that my first post is a request!


I am a final year student at university and I am working on a project exploring the impact on the fans of the increasing cost of attending Premier League football matches.


After yet another year of increased ticket prices on average in the Premier League (BBC Cost of Football Survey, 2013) I am interested in the fans’ feelings, and how this has effected their overall matchday experience.


The study focuses on the effect this increasing cost has had on the value for money being delivered to fans, as well as the fans’ own perception of what value might be.


I have attached a link to a questionnaire below and would be very interested in your responses. It should take no more than 5 minutes to complete.




Your help with this and any feedback is greatly appreciated. If you have any further questions, please give me an email on the address provided in the survey.


Thanks for reading, and good luck with the remainder of the season!



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