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Should MP drop Lambert for the Palace game!


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What even though he looks jaded and lacklustre...


Saying that he "looks jaded and lacklustre" is a very subjective comment - similar to comments elsewhere about Pochettino's "body language". Sometimes we see what we want to see, or are expecting to see - when the reality is often quite different.

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4/5 of our players have been slightly below par....NOT poor.


Lambert still does a LOT of good work even when appearing to below par...


Like 3/4 second half V Liverpool...legs appeared to have gone walk abouts.:D


Even Morgan and Jay Rod.... OFF THE PACE RECENTLY...I would not drop them either.


Having said that........Poch still has soooooo much passion :Dand he will pick the best side to face Palace.

Edited by ottery st mary
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The delivery to Lambert was poor most of the game. Shaw and Chambers' crosses were often pretty wayward. Playing through the middle doesn't seem to be paying off lately either, and I'm not sure that suits Lambert's game, despite his excellent touch.


For those who say Gaston for Lambert, are you talking about a direct replacement?

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Just can not believe the criticism that Lambert gets on here. Hope he has the sense not to read any of the utter tripe thats written on here


I totally agree. On Saturday he was once again at the heart of all that was good in our performance. It was a surprise to me that he came off at all. It really is difficult to believe that his critics actually go to the games!

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Give me Lambert over jayRod any day of the week. He has a football brain and is still a big presence. JayRod does not have much of either

No, but he does have speed, supreme fitness, and can score a few. I too prefer Lambert but the space between them is diminishing, and they offer different things.

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Lambert was unplayable in L1 & championship. Was good last season, but I feel that this season has maybe been a season too far as a striker.

Playing in the 10 role he is still class almost sheringham esque but he doesn't have the young target man goal poacher working off of him & he is getting nowhere near the goals expected of him.

This is by no means me having a pop at him the guys a legend but I feel maybe it's time to say thanks for the outstanding service and let him move on.


Tin hat donned awaiting incoming.

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Lambert is a true Saints legend. In 4 successive seasons he was instrumental in:


1. winning the JPT

2. Promotion to the Championship.

3. Promotion to the Prem.

4. Keeping us in the prem.


You only have to go back 3 games to remember that free kick against Stoke - brilliant goal.


But since that cup exit our season has just gone stale. A few players have dropped form and IMO why not chop and change a bit. Drop him for one game and he'll come back stronger in the next.

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I am by no means a Lambert sniper, but he looks a yard of his pace compared to the beginning of the season. Perhaps the high tempo of MP's pressing game has worn him out (he is 32)! He might need a rest. As for JRod I know he is in the same poor form, but his pace keeps him in for me. I was thinking GR solely for his hunger to impress (watching clubs), and we need to get goals from somewhere, as we are sliding down badly and we are not technically safe yet!

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people who slag off lambert are mental, we should of been 2-1 up at ht and both the chances we missed were created by lambert.


But surely that's the point. He IS our main striker not a provider. He should be the one getting on the end of these crosses etc but his lack of pace is starting to mean he has to change his game from striker to provider. Hope he does score for England as it may give him some confidence as it appears to me that he is lacking in it.

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people who slag off lambert are mental, we should of been 2-1 up at ht and both the chances we missed were created by lambert.


I dont think you'll find that anyone is slagging RL off, just observing that he is off his game in comparison to how he was a year ago.


He has been immense for us but I think other sides have now got the measure of him and perhaps bringing him on from the bench for a game or two might just make him click again. Bring him on when the other side are a little tired and not so disciplined and maybe that might be enough to ignite his spark once more ala his first England game.

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The problem is he's not a centre forward - he's a second striker - at his best when playing behind someone - dropping deep and wide to pick up the ball - and attacking the space behind a front man - he's also very good at bullying the fullback in the air when the cross comes from deep


But he's not good at leading the line, bullying centre backs or playing on the shoulder of ten centre backs


He was always at his best when playing with Barnard or Connolly in front of him - as one of the front 2 when we played 4-2-2-2 or in the hole when we played 4-2-3-1 with Lallana and Puncheon out wide (depending on how you saw that formation).


He has lost a bit of pace and stamina this season - but mostly the way we are playing doesn't suit him. The front three were great against Fulham - but that was partly because all three were on fire and a Fulham were so bar


I'd be tempted to play 4-3-2-1 against Palace with Jayrod up front, Lallana and a Gaston behind him with a license to roam, Cork sitting in front of the defence and Morgan and Davis pressing.


Lambert would be on the bench if we needed to go more direct in the late stages - going 4-2-3-1 or switch to a diamond midfield to keep the ball and kill the game - in both cases he'd replace Gaston (not sure he can last more than 60 mins or track back and win the ball)


At the moment we dont really have the players to work a 4-3-3 but that is what we are trying to do - and we don't seem to have a plan B either

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No one player is beyond being dropped, even SRL. In saying that I don't see a great deal of alternative options. Whilst he might not be playing as well as he was earlier in the season I still see him as an important part of how the team is set up and how we play. In saying that, as we are treading water in the league with little to play for as such then giving Gallagher some pitch time could be a useful exercise at some point.

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We need to commit more players forward when we attack..... Simples


Liverpool game was a good example of whats wrong with our tactics. We dont want to conceed, i understand that but we are so slow on the break and dont get enough players forward. 1st half Shaw was getting down the left time after time.... 1 saints player in the box. Liverpool break forward and 5 liverpool players in our box


Lambert isnt the problem..... Mopo and his tactics are (imho)

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Give me Lambert over jayRod any day of the week. He has a football brain and is still a big presence. JayRod does not have much of either


Agreed....He also seems to have the ball control of a house brick.


I'm sure I'm starting to see a trend of our players starting to look for options other than passing to Jrod...He fluffs the ball almost every time he doesn't get it in space.....So for me, swap out Jrod for Gaston.

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Even though he's played poorly recently, we have no other options to replace him so he has to play. Gallagher has looked ok when he's come on for us, but he only started the Arsenal game because of our lack of options up top.


Got to keep him in the team for now - even though he's not the player he used to be he's still by far our best striking option, which highlights our need to buy a striker in the summer..

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Lambert doesn't deserve a place at the moment based on current performance - he is not acting as a striker and under different circumstances we would not be able to afford having a player that is not performing. However, what do we have to replace him with? Gallagher is nowhere near ready and frankly so far I've been completely underwhelmed - he's just not showing even a glimpse of class (unlike JWP, Shaw, Clyne and Chambers). And that's it - there's nothing else...pointless playing someone like Gaston in that position - he hasn't got the beef in him to jostle with CB's. No, unfortunately, Lambert is the only option we have.

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