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Stupid Racist Nonsense


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And was playing at a time when there were a number of candidates who could do the job, but unfortunately he was behind Beckham and Shearer in the queue.


Tony Adams, a domestic stalwart with Arsenal (and their captain for almost 15 years) was only England Captain 15 times.


Most of the England squad would probably be in with a shot of Captaining their Club team, however only one can do it at a time for the National team.


Non story for me, but he's got the publicity he and his publishers probably wanted!

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"It's alright to have black captains and mixed race in the Under-18s and Under-21s but not for the full national side - there is a ceiling and although no one has ever said it, I believe it's made of glass."


I love a mixed metaphor :D


Is Sol really complaining that the captain of the Men's England football team has never been a woman?

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Would be refreshing if someone from "Kick it Out" or something similar would release a statement along the lines of:


Sol Campbell does nothing for our cause by playing the race-card in a cynically commercial manner. We have no evidence whatsoever of institutional racism within the FA or of political involvement in team selections.


Instead, you get unthinking simpletons like Blisset and Roberts trying to defend this nonsense.

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i notice the best actor oscars went to white-faces last night. As far as i can tell Sol was not even considered.



Weren't they the ones pretending to be gay though ? always gives you an advantage with the judges, they do seem to like a bit of gay cowboy. Want to win an Oscar ? Make a film about gay cowboys, never fails.

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Maybe I'm institutionally racist, but when he talks he reminds me of Garth Crooks. Supercillious. No matter how simple the point he's making is Sol hands it down with all the eclat of a proverb.


Maybe Sol is an intellectual giant, the great philosopher of our age. He seems to think so certainly. I bet his book is fascinating, I only worry that it would be mostly over my head.

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The reason Sol would make a poor captain of any team is simple:ARROGANCE.


Beckham may have had his knockers - film star life style, poncy manner whatever. But he could still captain a team.


Imagine if the team captain was as self-serving and arrogant as Campbell. No sensible manager would choose to godown that route methinks.

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In the interview I heard yesterday he describes his England performances as fantastic. There is no denying he was a good player in his day I don't remember him being fantastic. I do remember him being made to look like a lumbering cart horse by Salas, Gomes, Ronaldo amongst others on a few occasions. That interview right there is the reason why he was never permanent captain, any player that describes themselves as fantastic and deserved to be England captain for 10 years ahead of some other very good candidates proves exactly why they shouldn't be. Upset and playing the race card because others don't rate him as much as he rates himself.

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Egg would be their leader if he wasn't held back by the colour of his skin. We are all victims.


I was dragged to this little punk concert at the O2 the other day. The main singer was called Beyonce and she was banging on about feminism and equality. Then at the end she introduced her all female band, backing singers and dancers. It was very confusing.

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I was dragged to this little punk concert at the O2 the other day. The main singer was called Beyonce and she was banging on about feminism and equality. Then at the end she introduced her all female band, backing singers and dancers. It was very confusing.


Not confusing surely - just someone wanting to have it all - using every tool in their box to self-promote. They're not smart enough to spot the irony.

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Trust me Tony, I was confused at just being there. They didn't mention any of this Beyonce concert stuff in the wedding contract. It seemed to work though, the girls around me were going mental at all that stuff. Then Beyonce said that she wanted to be 'a naughty girl' and did a kind of lap dance. Just 15 minutes earlier her video thing was going on about how woman were not to be used as sexual objects. This lap-dance was the most enjoyable irony of the night. Far more enjoyable irony than the society of black laywers moaning about racist discrimination, while themselves discriminating.

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In the interview I heard yesterday he describes his England performances as fantastic. There is no denying he was a good player in his day I don't remember him being fantastic. I do remember him being made to look like a lumbering cart horse by Salas, Gomes, Ronaldo amongst others on a few occasions. That interview right there is the reason why he was never permanent captain, any player that describes themselves as fantastic and deserved to be England captain for 10 years ahead of some other very good candidates proves exactly why they shouldn't be. Upset and playing the race card because others don't rate him as much as he rates himself.


If he thinks they were fantastic then he's living in a fantasy.

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if you met paul merson one time in birmingham when paul merson was hammered, and paul merson told you that sol campbell used to date martin offiah the rugby player, would you tell people bout it or would you be discretion? Just hypothetically speaking.

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