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New Striker in the Summer


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With the departure of Osvaldo, we are looking very short of strikers. I can see Lambert becoming more peripheral next season as he doesn't have the legs any more. Rodriguez doesn't suit the lone striker role and Gallagher is still one for the future.


So who should we get with the Osvaldo money. It would be great to see Lukaku at SMS as he would fit the role and is still young, but I can't see that one happening.


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Lambert needs replacing for sure. It's a shame Osvaldo turned out to be a lunatic and couldn't prove himself, because if he had turned out alright we could have taken West Ham's money for Lambert and ran.


Had Cortese been around, think we would have been able to shift Lambert for £8m and got a loan in till the summer when we could have reassessed things. The vacuum didn't help.

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Who could we have got on loan from January?


Don't know but I think we were serious about or close to getting a loan in - MPs comments certainly suggested so. Either way, I would have preferred our chances with Cortese around even if it was only a makeweight till the summer. A good number of prem teams got loans in.

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Been obvious for months that Lambert is the weak link.


Change the record. J rod can't hit a barn door at mo and Morgan can't shoot for toffee or a Davis or lallana to lesser extent. Osvaldo has been the real let down not the guy that most responsible for is being in prem.

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Assuming Osvaldo doesn't return, we need to be looking for 2 if not 3 strikers. Relying on JRod ans Sam G is a rexipe for disaster.


And you're saying this based on two games?!?!

He came on today after 2-0 as well, when even the rest of the team had given up by then.

Pathetic really.

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Change the record. J rod can't hit a barn door at mo and Morgan can't shoot for toffee or a Davis or lallana to lesser extent. Osvaldo has been the real let down not the guy that most responsible for is being in prem.


Morgan, Davis, Lallana? What are you on about? Last time I checked they had other responsibilities - and are not expected to get goals in the same way as Lambert.

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Change the record. J rod can't hit a barn door at mo and Morgan can't shoot for toffee or a Davis or lallana to lesser extent. Osvaldo has been the real let down not the guy that most responsible for is being in prem.


Well, yes, osvaldo was a tit


But Lambert has been pretty ineffective to anyone who can actually understand a football match regardless of what he has done in the past.

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Don't know but I think we were serious about or close to getting a loan in - MPs comments certainly suggested so. Either way, I would have preferred our chances with Cortese around even if it was only a makeweight till the summer. A good number of prem teams got loans in.
Well I don't know either. How many strikers were out there at the level that we'd want that were available and willing to join us on loan in Jan? Which loans happened in the Prem this Jan that we should have gone for?
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Change the record. J rod can't hit a barn door at mo and Morgan can't shoot for toffee or a Davis or lallana to lesser extent. Osvaldo has been the real let down not the guy that most responsible for is being in prem.


Morgan and Lallana both made equally vital contributions to Saints getting promoted and yet you obviously don't think they should be immune from criticism.


I want to enjoy the memory of Rickie Lambert's fantastic contribution to my team being promoted too; but the one thing thats threatening to stop me and everyone from doing that is the fact that he's been an absolute dead weight around the leg of our team for the past six months.


Carrying an impotent, ineffective, immobile centre-forward has been a major, major weakness for us this season.


You can whinge and moan about me not showing him respect. You can bury your head in the sand. Just don't complain when your team has 60+% of possession and still can't score.

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there are a host of potential strikers out there but its a lottery as to who fits who adjust and clicks whod have thought italian international would turn out to be bollix brazillian world cup hopeful/shoein damino turned everyone down and then was so **** he was moved on for beer money unless we buy 4 or 5 40m+ strikers like city its just luck lyon couldnt ship lovern out fast enough and hes been our best signing. to add to the list that been on other posts id throw in Nicolas Blandi from Boca


napolean wanted lucky generals we need lucky strikers at the moment

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He's been a fantastic servant to this club, for what its worth I still think he will have a part to play next season, but SRL's obvious decline may be a more fundamental problem than merely another run of poor form I'm afraid.


So its two strikers required in the summer then, one to replace Osveldo and another to lift the load off Lambert. Whether we are still shopping for players at Waitrose next summer, or are reduced to checking out the shelves at Aldi is a question I doubt anyone on here can answer.


Given our patchy record with 'big money' signings, less may well equate to more perhaps.

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I think Lambert still has a role but it will be reduced next season. He could do a cracking job coming off the bench when we are chasing or looking to sure up a game.


Although he was a ****, our attacks appeared more fluid with Osvaldo up top.

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Been obvious for months that Lambert is the weak link.



Not to those who don't want to see it, All I keep reading are references to his past contributions, they mean nothing today whatsoever. If England turn up in Brazil and actually play Lambert as a striker we will be the laughing stock of the footballing world.

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Not to those who don't want to see it, All I keep reading are references to his past contributions, they mean nothing today whatsoever. If England turn up in Brazil and actually play Lambert as a striker we will be the laughing stock of the footballing world.
He's obviously not going to go to Brazil as our first choice striker and we're obviously not going to be a "laughing stock".
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Morgan and Lallana both made equally vital contributions to Saints getting promoted and yet you obviously don't think they should be immune from criticism.


I want to enjoy the memory of Rickie Lambert's fantastic contribution to my team being promoted too; but the one thing thats threatening to stop me and everyone from doing that is the fact that he's been an absolute dead weight around the leg of our team for the past six months.


Carrying an impotent, ineffective, immobile centre-forward has been a major, major weakness for us this season.


You can whinge and moan about me not showing him respect. You can bury your head in the sand. Just don't complain when your team has 60+% of possession and still can't score.


Completely agree, when Gallagher played the first half vs Arsenal you could see how his movement opened up gaps for other players. We're desperate for a mobile striker who can pull defenders about. Lambert decline since about November has been really sharp, he literally just lumbers about now, no doubt he still has the vision and the technique but he's a passenger. I normally defend Pochettino but he needs to give young Sam a few more starts and the club needs to make a striker a priority this summer

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Been obvious for months that Lambert is the weak link.


Only strikers with more assists this season are Suarez and Rooney.


Only arsenal, Liverpool, man u, man c, and Chelsea have players with more assists and goals.


Although goals are low by his standards he is ahead of many other strikers.


"For months"? It was only this month that people were raving about his Fulham performance.



There is some negative rubbish on here lately, this, the myth of reserves playing Sunderland (still confused by this forum - JayRod is rubbish at moment and should be dropped / MP owes us apology for dropping JayRod lol), slagging of Sam Gallagher (young player who may well read this forum) after one good performance and hardly chance to impress yesterday, refusing to acknowledge Ramirez is good player and probably one who worked harder than most and always wants possession yesterday.

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Lambert needs replacing for sure. It's a shame Osvaldo turned out to be a lunatic and couldn't prove himself, because if he had turned out alright we could have taken West Ham's money for Lambert and ran.



the PC phase is " phasing out ". Of course RL's not finished, yet and I still expect to see more goals from him, but clearly 32 is past the prime age for the average Prem. striker.


A LOT of people were writing him off last season, but (even though it was down to fate)... he's proven that a game or two in the national side wasn't beyond him, but we need a massive talent to replace him and someone who will hit the ground running and not take 6 games to score his first goal and need time to " gell with the team" .....that's a real task.


Has to be someone signed in the summer who can train with the squad for a while before season starts and get aclimatised to the Saints set-up PDQ.


I haven't forgotten young Sam G. either....but 50 years as a fan has taught me that our young, and developing goal-scoring heroes of yester year.. going way back..(Martin Chivers, Mick Channon, MLT, Alan Shearer) all took a season-and-a-half to become established before they got to be a regular starter. I agree that Sam looks a great prospect, but don't anyone think he's going to become next season's RL.

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Not to those who don't want to see it, All I keep reading are references to his past contributions, they mean nothing today whatsoever. If England turn up in Brazil and actually play Lambert as a striker we will be the laughing stock of the footballing world.


He's fourth choice but I think he'll still perform for England if/when called upon. He has a very different job in that team and is more than capable of doing it.


It's a shame but it does look like we're going to need a complete overhaul of our strike force in the summer. We might see more of Gallagher, we might see Rodriguez coached to play through the middle but no matter what we're going to need at least two players in. It won't be easy.

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He's fourth choice but I think he'll still perform for England if/when called upon. He has a very different job in that team and is more than capable of doing it.


It's a shame but it does look like we're going to need a complete overhaul of our strike force in the summer. We might see more of Gallagher, we might see Rodriguez coached to play through the middle but no matter what we're going to need at least two players in. It won't be easy.

At least two forwards in? We'll definitely bring in one, if we get in two that will be fantastic, don't think we can really expect more than that.
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He's fourth choice but I think he'll still perform for England if/when called upon. He has a very different job in that team and is more than capable of doing it.


quite right RL does look a bit slow in the 100 mph pace in the Prem. but expect a little bit more time when playing in 100 deg. F. heat. in Brazil.


His (RL) passing is normally excellent (as seen with two assists for in one of his England games).

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RL has a lot to offer,but as the lone striker he should have more mobility to his game


We cam move the ball around and attack quick enough but you see a lot of the time we attack out wide and nobody is in the box,by the time he is there so are 4-5 opponents to defend.


Maybe he needs to drop into the hole behind a more mobile striker,no doubt about it he can see a pass and can create,but he needs someone to be doing that for him but because of his mobility issues he is never going to be the type of striker that is on the last man looking for that killer ball.

We only seem to attack from wide



Also those who thought Remy was a waste of time to look in the summer look foolish now,he has had a great season and would be a great addition to us,he looks exactly the type of player we need up front,pity his wages would be the problem

Edited by pangy
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At least two forwards in? We'll definitely bring in one, if we get in two that will be fantastic, don't think we can really expect more than that.


Honestly, if that's ALL we do I'll be happy enough (although a CB and LB cover wouldn't hurt, nor a 'Gaston-type' AM). We need a replacement for Lambert, who still has a place to play, just not a regular starter and we need quality competition to give us options. Some games might suit JRod and two others up front and drop Lallana a bit deeper and more central, for instance.


We're very one-dimensional at the moment and that, IMO, is purely because we have such limited starting options in attack.


Although unlikely, I'd make Remy a priority.

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Only strikers with more assists this season are Suarez and Rooney.


Only arsenal, Liverpool, man u, man c, and Chelsea have players with more assists and goals.


Although goals are low by his standards he is ahead of many other strikers.


"For months"? It was only this month that people were raving about his Fulham performance.



There is some negative rubbish on here lately, this, the myth of reserves playing Sunderland (still confused by this forum - JayRod is rubbish at moment and should be dropped / MP owes us apology for dropping JayRod lol), slagging of Sam Gallagher (young player who may well read this forum) after one good performance and hardly chance to impress yesterday, refusing to acknowledge Ramirez is good player and probably one who worked harder than most and always wants possession yesterday.


Normally I agree with you Nick, but being a stat man yourself Ill level some back. Its important to remember that Lambert has only contributed assists or goals in games against bottom ten opposition with the exception of Spurs. Now, I get the point that contributions count against any team etc but personally if we are looking to progress then you need to be effective against the better teams aswell.


The way we play requires a focal point, this was identified in the summer but unfortunately the experiment failed. I would much rather that we had a striker that was firing better infront of goal or even was able to get into goalscoring positions more often. Saint_Garrett put up some analysis of our chances, rarely do we create anything meaningful which I think is due to lacking a quality CF to be the peak of our tactics.


Yes Lambert is a hero, yes I am very thankful for what he has done for us but unfortunately yes, he has been ineffective for months now. Which the obvious exception of Fulham who A. Were woeful and B. was only effective when he dropped into the midfield.

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Honestly, if that's ALL we do I'll be happy enough (although a CB and LB cover wouldn't hurt, nor a 'Gaston-type' AM). We need a replacement for Lambert, who still has a place to play, just not a regular starter and we need quality competition to give us options. Some games might suit JRod and two others up front and drop Lallana a bit deeper and more central, for instance.


We're very one-dimensional at the moment and that, IMO, is purely because we have such limited starting options in attack.


Although unlikely, I'd make Remy a priority.



I would imagine that due to QPR being clueless he is probably on £70k a week plus,something that will probably be beyond us,he will stay at Newcastle I would imagine

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Not to those who don't want to see it, All I keep reading are references to his past contributions, they mean nothing today whatsoever. If England turn up in Brazil and actually play Lambert as a striker we will be the laughing stock of the footballing world.


On current form maybe but the reality is his current state means he is far more fitted to the England team then to Saints.


IMO he will do a far better job in a three lions shirt then he has done for us

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At least two forwards in? We'll definitely bring in one, if we get in two that will be fantastic, don't think we can really expect more than that.


I'm only thinking about whether Guly leaves - you're right that it'll only be one or maybe two for first XI contention. I'd include Mayuka as one in if he comes back into the fold.


I suppose you don't want to stitch an entire new piece onto a team which has grown organically over the past few years...but if Lambert's not right that's all you can do.

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I'm only thinking about whether Guly leaves - you're right that it'll only be one or maybe two for first XI contention. I'd include Mayuka as one in if he comes back into the fold.


I suppose you don't want to stitch an entire new piece onto a team which has grown organically over the past few years...but if Lambert's not right that's all you can do.

If we get a decent Osvaldo replacement (£15-20M), maybe take a punt on a Mayuka type for circa £2-3m, still have Lambert involved in some way and Gallagher with a year's more development, that's good for me.
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I still don't think Mayuka was given a fair crack.


He had a decent pre season if I remember ? he is still young so maybe sending him on loan was the plan to get him some game time/experience.or maybe MP thought he was just crap

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We desparately need another striker. Feel sorry for Lambert who has really no back up as the lone striker. The mess up was Osvaldo who would have been our number one striker with Lambert taking the back seat. Age is sadly catching up with Rickie and it is unfair to expect him to produce 90 mins a week.


To say he has been poor for months is nonsense too. JRod has hardly been anything special the last few games.

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I'd take Borini off Liverpool's hands for them. With their front line of Suarez, Sturridge, Courtinho and Sterling all playing top form chances are unlikely to be available for him so he may want first team football. He's been looking like a decent player for Sunderland IMO.

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I would imagine that due to QPR being clueless he is probably on £70k a week plus,something that will probably be beyond us,he will stay at Newcastle I would imagine


You're probably right, but if we're serious about our stated ambitions, we'll have to start considering wages like that sooner or later. We're going to limit the quality we can attract if we don't, not to mention how difficult it will be to hold onto homegrown talent when the big boys come knocking.


I'm not advocating reckless spending, but a few key players on that sort of money wouldn't bother me if they improved us sufficiently.

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I'd take Borini off Liverpool's hands for them. With their front line of Suarez, Sturridge, Courtinho and Sterling all playing top form chances are unlikely to be available for him so he may want first team football. He's been looking like a decent player for Sunderland IMO.
be careful what you wish for, he's lamer than a lame duck that has been run over by a truck
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I'd take Borini off Liverpool's hands for them. With their front line of Suarez, Sturridge, Courtinho and Sterling all playing top form chances are unlikely to be available for him so he may want first team football. He's been looking like a decent player for Sunderland IMO.


The issue there is Borini is **** other than that yes lets take him.

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Very true. It's disgusting the way some posters have turned on Lambert, he's been unbelievable for this club. He's clearly off form, his control, passing and shooting are way off normal standard.


Isn't that exactly what people are saying? It's hardly disgusting, it's pretty factual and nobody has 'turned' on Lambert, but most people can see he isn't performing anywhere near the standards he previously set. It's also pretty clear that this has been the case for some time and shows no sign of a sudden turnaround. That's not turning on him, that's not neglecting the huge, huge contribution he has made and it certainly doesn't mean he is any less of a Saints legend, it just means his performances are tailing off and now is the time to look to strengthen the position he plays.


If we never look to add players better than we already have - legend or not - we will go backwards.

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Lukaku, Benteke, Michu, Remy. All players that we should push the boat out for if we really want to push on. Although there are bound to be European players that will crop up that I'm not aware of - any of those 4 would finish the amount of chances that we create!


4 players who I would be happy to hire there. We need 'a finisher' - someone who is even a lazy sod, doesnt track back but waits for the ball to come to him, but is deadly before goal. Remy caught the eye last night.

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I said 'some posters', you said 'people'. That's the difference. I think the views of some specific posters are ridiculous. I don't think it's a common held view amongst all forum members or all Saints fans, thankfully.


Feel free to name those that are frankly 'disgusting' then Adrian as I dont really see many TBH. No more than those that believe godlike status exempts players being out of form.

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Very true. It's disgusting the way some posters have turned on Lambert, he's been unbelievable for this club.


Adrian you're one of the better posters on here in my opinion; but the way you've spun that is completely unfair on the people who have different opinions to you. If I may be so bold, I'm going to speak for the posters you're referring to.


We haven't 'turned on' Lambert. You make it sound like we've got some kind of vendetta against him or that our problem with him is personal or malicious when a sensible poster like you should really know that its nothing of the sort. We don't dislike the guy and we aren't ungrateful for the contribution that he's made to the team and the club throughout the past four years.


All we're doing is giving an honest answer when people start threads and post things like "where are we going wrong?/why can we dominate possession but not score?".


When you take off your Saints-supporting spectacles and look at our team objectively I'm afraid you can come to conclusions which might well not fit the rhetoric and propaganda that I feel a lot of our fans would like to believe.


Lambert has scored two goals from free kicks, two penalties, two goals from corners. Other than that he has knocked in that sitter against Tottenham which Lallana laid on a plate for him; and scored against the bottom club Fulham. That is all of two goals from open play from a dedicated centre-forward in a 4-5-1. You can defend him by saying that he drops back and gets involved in the build-up play well, but again, that isn't what the centre-forward in such a system should be doing. Time and again he finds himself out wide, putting decent balls into the box but of course there's no-one on the receiving end because he himself is meant to be the target man. He never arrives late at the back stick to bullet in a header, he's never smacking the ball about on the edge of the box, or trying shots from range. People are defending Lambert by criticising J.Rod and trying to shift the blame, and whilst Rodriguez might not be deadly, Lambert hasn't look like scoring in the slightest.


People who criticise people like me for having unflattering opinions of Lambert's performances this season act like we're ungrateful, lack loyalty and that we've forgotten what Lambert has done in the past.


That's pretty much the point; we really haven't. We remember it clearly. And because we're able to remember it clearly, we can see equally clearly how much of a different player he is now.


No-one wants to say this Adrian; but looking at it objectively, watching our last three matches in which we've failed to score from open play in four and a half hours of football, Rickie Lambert is a huge, huge weakness.


Its like The Simpsons. Lets not besmirch the memory of something great by dragging it out for another season when its obvious to everyone its well past its peak.

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I have said it before, if MP stays we will be looking for a striker that has stamina and mobility! the poster that said "someone who is even a lazy sod, doesnt track back but waits for the ball to come to him" is not in tune with the style MP wants. We press as a team, and it starts from the strikers.


I don't think Bony is a good fit for this reason as well, and question if Remey will do the hard work of pressing the opposing teams CB. Lukaka and Benteke are both good fits in that they are young and mobile enough to fit our style, but will cost too much to pry them away. Michu also looks to have the stamina to play our pressing style, but Swansea would not let him come to us for cheap, if at all. But these are the obvious choices in the PL that even we can see are quality, therefore don't you think the big clubs will be also be in for them.


The rumor mill suggest we are in for Rafa Silva (20) of Braga. This looks more realistic , he can play across the front and would not break the bank, will have the energy for our pressing style and can mature with the other young stars we have. This continues with our ethos of buying young players that have bags of potential to become superstars. So that opens a world of players we will have never heard of, or even considered, it means we have to gamble on getting that gem before the big clubs snatch up the obvious.


I have been encouraged by the signing of Osvaldo, not for what he became, a big numpty, but for our ambition to get a ready made, mature (age wise) goal scorer. We broke our transfer record to do that, may we hope that KL has the ambition to do that again. It would be foolish to tackle the PL with all kids (but not impossible), and we have shown we are no fools, the purchase of Ossie has hinted that MP wants some experience up front to complement the younger players. So I hope we can find and afford both, a young superstar in the making and a more mature proven goal scorer, but both will be expected to work hard at the pressing game, it is the style we have committed to under MP.

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