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Kingsland Red

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We are so wasteful in front of goal , especially when the score is 0-0 (today) or we are winning (West Ham). Unfortunately it is our 'England' players who are at fault.

I feel for Poch, he must have identified the need to expend big bucks on a quality goal scorer and we got Osvaldo who never delivered.

A wasted season and unless we rectify the situation in the summer we will remain someway off the top six position our owners seek.

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We really needed Osvaldo to work for us, but it didn't. It's one season too many for Lambert as a regular at this level in my eyes, he's been poor most of the year bar one or 2 good displays.


We don't seem to have any players with natural finishing instincts in that final third any more. Jay Rodriguez is way too inconsistent at the moment, and Lallana has never been the sort to put his laces through a shot.


Not really sure what the summer will hold, we may regret moaning about our current options...! But we do need someone who can offer us some strength, mobility and penetration through the middle, as it's an utter frustration watching us at the moment.

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I think we have the Arsenal syndrom of always trying to walk the ball into the net and score the perfect goal.

Someone needs to put their foot through the ball but of course the only forward we have capable of that spends most his time either deep or out wide.


Rickie has been totally wasted most of this season. He should be through the middle and up front, when all these balls start pinging into the box Lambert is nowhere near.

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I think we have the Arsenal syndrom of always trying to walk the ball into the net and score the perfect goal.

Someone needs to put their foot through the ball but of course the only forward we have capable of that spends most his time either deep or out wide.


Rickie has been totally wasted most of this season. He should be through the middle and up front, when all these balls start pinging into the box Lambert is nowhere near.


That would explain it :?

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