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2014/15 Kit Revealed - #TheStripesAreBack

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Am I the only one who would be happy with this? I thought it was cool how we had our own brand, and they can't be any worse than the Adidas kits. Most important though, I really hope we get our stripes back.


What?! The own brand kits were terrible.. And the training wear was sooooo bad.. I remember owning the white away kit.. The medium was a tent, wear saint training kit was a disadvantage when playing football.. Hot, clingy.. Just really cheap


It will need to be something special now.


Lots have changed alot since lowe done it.


I would imagine if it was done now it would be a huge improvement .


Most of you are probably unaware that the players shirts worn on a match day are different to the ones you buy in the shops. When the shirts come in the ones the players wear are sent back to be tailored to fit each player exactly how they like it. Especially the home ones as the away come slightly fitted anyway.


This may be another key factor for the change as they can be made correct to start rather than have to make them twice.



As you know cortese OCD went from players sleeping in there own bedding etc everywhere they went , down to each player having there own gloves hats Etc for training. I personally think this is a good idea. Even if it stops one player catching a bug before a big game then its worth it. When there's as much money at stake as there is these days every fine point counts.

What?! The own brand kits were terrible.. And the training wear was sooooo bad.. I remember owning the white away kit.. The medium was a tent, wear saint training kit was a disadvantage when playing football.. Hot, clingy.. Just really cheap

Made by the same people in the same sweat shops in the Far East as Adidas (or any other kit manufacturer). They even used to have Adidas stripes, strange that. Think people imagined we employed a bunch of ladies who sewed them together at St Mary's.


Our last two home kits have been absolutely horrific, so I'm hoping it's a change to something that looks half decent. I'd prefer stripes over what we've got but some sort of nod to the sash or the Rank Xerox kit would be good. Something distinctive yet still with a nod to Saints. Rank Xerox has always been my preference, just not sure if I trust Adidas to not f*ck it up.

Our last two home kits have been absolutely horrific, so I'm hoping it's a change to something that looks half decent. I'd prefer stripes over what we've got but some sort of nod to the sash or the Rank Xerox kit would be good. Something distinctive yet still with a nod to Saints. Rank Xerox has always been my preference, just not sure if I trust Adidas to not f*ck it up.


Its simply a reverse of the Ajax kit, in those terms its impossible for them to mess it up.

Its simply a reverse of the Ajax kit, in those terms its impossible for them to mess it up.

I'd much prefer it with a collar though, that's what the original design had (a good one too, with red with and black in it).

true, hope it remains all red

I reckon it won't, the new CEO will know that a very simple way to get fans on side will be to release a stripes kit. Add a tagline to it like "giving the fans their kit back" or some such gubbins and it's a PR dream. I'll be amazed if we don't see stripes or Rank Xerox next term. I don't mind a deviation from the norm at all, I just think our last 2 season's kit have been really poor, I genuinely can't stand this season's home (the away kit is really nice though).

I reckon it won't, the new CEO will know that a very simple way to get fans on side will be to release a stripes kit. Add a tagline to it like "giving the fans their kit back" or some such gubbins and it's a PR dream. I'll be amazed if we don't see stripes or Rank Xerox next term. I don't mind a deviation from the norm at all, I just think our last 2 season's kit have been really poor, I genuinely can't stand this season's home (the away kit is really nice though).


Can we have our normal badge back as well, none of this gold rubbish!


We have nearly always had shiit kits but then so have most of the other teams in this Country, Newcastle gave never dared mess with their barcode effort, why did we? I do understand they have to make it shiit or average to keep the punters buying them but please the only kit I wear now is the sash number. The old Man Utd Draper home one is ok but thats it, in the 90's we really had such bad kits they were good.


I hope we don't get our stripes back. We should look forward, not back. For me stripes are, meh - same as Sunderland or Stoke - and I feel little affinity to them.


I'd favour a better version of this years solid red or a sash (recognising that sash and a sponsor are difficult to achieve)

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I hope we don't get our stripes back. We should look forward, not back. For me stripes are, meh - same as Sunderland or Stoke - and I feel little affinity to them.


I'd favour a better version of this years solid red or a sash (recognising that sash and a sponsor are difficult to achieve)

Sent from my RM-821_eu_euro1_276 using Board Express


Same as Liverpool then? Or Crystal Palace? Stripes have been with us for years, they suit us and they are us in spirit.

Same as Liverpool then? Or Crystal Palace? Stripes have been with us for years, they suit us and they are us in spirit.

Absolutely ! Not really bothered who manufactures them. Would just be nice have our true kit design back !!

I hate to break more bad news to you. But next year we will be blessed with the return of the "saints" own brand kit.


Thanks to none other than mr cortese


Well that's tangible cobblers.


Now KL will hopefully be introducing a less dictatorial style of management of the club with the strongly rumoured appointment of John Williams as CEO, I reckon we could be in for a return to the red and white stripes sooner rather than later.


Williams is a longtime Saints fan and I'm sure most of us would like to see the stripes come back. The red kit did smack a little of NC's determnation to do things his way regardless of what anyone else thought. As much as I have enjoyed most of this spell in the Prem I still can't get used to the red kit.

  • 1 month later...

not that i care about it particularly but The9 seems to be in self imposed excile so needs someone to start it of. There is one kit and one kit only that will be popular with 99.9% of the fans and may even persuade me to part with my cash on a saints shirt for the first time in about 25 years. A 2014 version of this please Kat.






With a completely Red back or with the stripe on there as well Turks?


(I agree BTW - something in this vein. I'm an Anti-Striper but this was always the cleanest & neatest we had until the Sash)


In my opinion that's the best kit we've ever had, nothing else really even comes close. And like Turkish i might actually buy a kit for the first time since the 90s if it turns out to be that one.

Tuesday 25th February 2014 and Turkish finally gets something right.


Note it down guys. It is also the first time I have whole heartily, unequivocally agreed with turkish. He has been direct, and straight to the point!


Every season we have a pointless thread about potential kits. This needs to change.


Every season we need a thread which states "Give us the kit above ffs!" - How much do they pay the marketing team.



I have got this hockey shirt when I went to see the Oilers play the then newly formed New Jersey Devils at the Continental Arena (then part of the Meadowlands). Gretzky was immense and the Devils just managed to stay in business thanks to my support


We've all been saying it for years...


...so it wont happen.


Heaven forbid the club give us something we want.


It will be moronic populist sop to stripes, meaning we look like (Stoke / Sunderland / Exeter / Brentford)*


*delete as applicable.

not that i care about it particularly but The9 seems to be in self imposed excile so needs someone to start it of. There is one kit and one kit only that will be popular with 99.9% of the fans and may even persuade me to part with my cash on a saints shirt for the first time in about 25 years. A 2014 version of this please Kat.







:rule1:.......is there any credence in the suggestion that designing a shirt..... that the majority of the fans might like ......and possibly want to buy .....could be a profitable arguement?


NO :suspicious:.....sorry ....Tuesday is common sense day in my house.

I'm getting confused now. There was outrage when we departed from stripes' date=' are we now saying that we don't want to return to stripes either and instead want to return to our unique designs from specific past seasons?[/quote']


CAREFUL:mcinnes: ..........you're beginning to make sense now......you're sure to come in for reams of criticism.


Given Katharina's seemingly strong awareness of some of the things that irritated fans under Cortese, and given her apparent desire to rectify them, I wouldn't be surprised if a well-organized campaign was successful.


I'd prefer the old-style stripes but I'd vote for this because it could quickly become distinctively "us" again. I still haven't got over paying seventy quid for an indistinctive red top in November.


P.S. to LostBoys: That must have been 30 years ago, yes?


Patrick are still going. Their current sportswear looks terrible and they don't even sell Keagan-kid or Michelle Platini boots any more.



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