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I bet Pap and Barry (dune) cant wait for this


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I did think that but no no I dont, I genuinely belive he is on a witch hunt and like a dog with a bone he wont let go, he writes as if he does not believe an awful lot, questions everything ie conspiracies, Government, terrrorist actions.


It could be devils advoacte but he does not write that way, he comes across as self righteous snob. He of course does not see that hence his appearance and faux beliefs, he wants to be a hippy but he actually is not, he in short he is afraid.


I've said this before, I'll say it again.


I reckon paps and bazs is the same person.

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As they say, you can only beat what's put in front of you.


Bazza played a blinder.


Oh aye, and he got his props with the slippery eel reference (and in this post here).


At the same time, we've a bit of work to do before he gets his promised apology :)

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