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MP's reaction WHU 3 V SAINTS 1.


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here i am..........



Disappointed, we were controlling game at 1-0 then they scored two quick goals

very disappointed today

Our style is to have possession, they were defending deep, we created lots of chances

should have had a handball given to us

unlucky not to get a 2nd goal at 2-1

Adam and gaston created chances in 2nd half

unlucky with refereeing decisions today

clear that each team has their own style, we have our own, west ham have the right to play their style

we let in 2 soft goals today

Gaston did very well today

lovren and sam gallagher now back fully fit for next game and back for the run in

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If you feel that he has underachieved and that he's a poor manager, where do you feel we ought to be in the league? To what extent do you feel we are underachieving?


Im ambivalent on mopo right now, didnt like his approach to the cups and dont buy into the mopo to Real Madrid super manager overhype.


I predicted high 6th to low 10th this season so as it stands we are neither under nor over my expectations.


I like some of the high tempo stuff, but that come at a price it seems. Ultimately its not sustanable unless your squad is packed with quality (barcelona)


For me the form of late has been poor - 4 wins in 17 and knocked out of both cups.....

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Rome wasn't built in a day GS. I am more than happy with where we are, Katerina looks interested which is a big plus imo, I'm sure we'll strengthen again in the summer. For now though, mid table obscurity will do just fine. 4 or 5 years ago that was unthinkable. What I'd really like to say GS is, go and crawl back underneath your bridge like the annoying little troll that you are. Oh how everybody loves to log onto this forum after a negative result to see your avatar plastered all over the front page. BORING!!! ****ing picnic wasp.

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