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For all the people bemoaning the fact our season is probably going to peter out...


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...and that our manager is supposedly not all that great.


Do you really think we've underachieved given the players we have at our disposal?


Where do you think we *Should* finish? Do you really think our players/team is the 7th or 6th best in the league?


Or are we all still in a mood because of the cups?


Incidentally, for what its worth its very obvious that what has held us back is a thoroughly inadequate centre-forward who's been a major weakness for us this season; the fact that we're way too thin at the back in terms of muscle and the fact that we haven't incorporated one of our two most talented attacking players into the team where he can interlink with our other most talented attacking player.


Other than that, its been a pretty good season. It is of course, only our second season in the Premiership.


We need a new centre-forward. A left-footed left winger with pace and another centre-back to go alongside Lovren.


Oh and Clyne >>>>> Chambers. Chambers is decent but I really, really think Clyne is better defensively and his raw pace gives us more of an option going forward.

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We're a mid-table side, and we've done pretty well to establish ourselves in the top 10. Just quite frustrating that given our comfortable position in the league, we weren't prepared to go all out for a cup.


All the dreams of adding new players are a tad pre-mature too IMO, this summer will be all about who we keep, not who we buy.

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We need a midfielder that can shoot from outside the box. Or from inside it in fact.


Our defense is fine, mistakes will happen and goals will be conceded. Get over the myth.


Our inability to materialize on our dominance in the final third is what is costing us. How many times has a player facing goal gone for a side, backwards or risky pass between defenders rather than getting a shot away??

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...and that our manager is supposedly not all that great.


Do you really think we've underachieved given the players we have at our disposal?


Where do you think we *Should* finish? Do you really think our players/team is the 7th or 6th best in the league?


Or are we all still in a mood because of the cups?


Incidentally, for what its worth its very obvious that what has held us back is a thoroughly inadequate centre-forward who's been a major weakness for us this season; the fact that we're way too thin at the back in terms of muscle and the fact that we haven't incorporated one of our two most talented attacking players into the team where he can interlink with our other most talented attacking player.


Other than that, its been a pretty good season. It is of course, only our second season in the Premiership.


We need a new centre-forward. A left-footed left winger with pace and another centre-back to go alongside Lovren.


Oh and Clyne >>>>> Chambers. Chambers is decent but I really, really think Clyne is better defensively and his raw pace gives us more of an option going forward.


The voice of reason. Agree with this.

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I'm perfectly happy with where we are now. We are much improved from last season. The FA and League Cup have been a disappointment for sure, but whatever. Our season will most probably now start to dwindle and I think we will finish 7th at best and maybe 11th at worst. We still have some big games to look forward to, Spurs, Man City and both Man Utd and Liverpool at home.


My only concern really is the depth of our squad. It's very thin and I really hope that we can significantly strengthen in the Summer. It was good to get rid of dead wood last month, but it does leave us even thinner than we already were. (Watching Sociedad vs Barca right now. I would love Carlos Vela and Antoine Griezmann. They could definitely do a job.)

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You crack me up.


You run with the hare and chase with the hounds as it suits you.


Beginning to wonder if you really are a WUM and not a dissident fan like me.


No. I am consistent. I have one priority for Saints. That is survival in the Premier League. Anything 17th and above. That should be our objective at the start of all our seasons in the top flight and all that matters.

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We need to start building for next year. MP needs a new contract and a commitment from Ms Liebherr that funds will continue to be made available. Much good work has taken place this season (I am deliberately not mentioning the FA Cup) it would be a shame if we start stagnating.

This. Apart from the Sunderland abomination it's been a very enjoyable season. My wish list for next season is a quality goalkeeper, cb, striker, and for MP to take the FA cup seriously (in actions, not words).

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We're a mid-table side, and we've done pretty well to establish ourselves in the top 10. Just quite frustrating that given our comfortable position in the league, we weren't prepared to go all out for a cup.


All the dreams of adding new players are a tad pre-mature too IMO, this summer will be all about who we keep, not who we buy.


That has always been my worry. Plenty on here have jumped on the 'happy NC is gone' band wagon, but the fact remains that had he stayed it would have been the best indication that the support was there to continue the progress. The fact he has gone means no agreement on that IMHO... So suspect sales...but it's all ok as we are Not meant to think about anything better than 9th... Not allowed, best we can ever do .... Blah blah.... And Franny can put carpet back I his bathroom so all is OK.


I just hope that for those who need to feel the love from the club every 5 minutes in no parking charges and other fan platitudes will not be too disheartened in the next transfer window as our best players leave... Even if KL wants to continue, it's often more about the shear weight of personality and drive.


I will be over the moon if someone digs this post out next season and we are in 8th place or better... And will be happy to look like a miserable arse, but I suspect I don have to worry - And that is the saddest thing.

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