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Would You Care If Pochettino Left Tommorow?

Pastor Patrón

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To all those who want shot of poch, who exactly do you think we would get instead?


btw the way, boruc and spider started today so whose fault was it this time.


Great question. I remember Pochettino being the resounding choice of all Saints fans for weeks before he was appointed.

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Sorry Glasgow, I'm going to be a little pedantic over this. This isn't evidence. It is supposition that things possibly happening behind the scenes are providing a basis for. The Fa cup match has been done to death, I know, but MoPo put out a side that should have beaten Sunderland. Unfortunately they didn't perform. The fans backlash also doesn't suggest anything other than an optimistic fan base. The rest may or may not be as you suggest, but I just don't buy it. Silence from the club over contracts seems policy these days so maybe talks have been happening. The Spurs and Madrid links seem to be paper talk. Nicola leaving would have been the acid test but he is still here. The language issue has also been done to death and hasn't been any different since he arrived - certainly wasn't leaving then. As for the falling out with the players, after that performance it was more than likely harsh words and extra training. Not necessarily a bad thing imo. Strachan stopped talking to the players for days after a bad result, remember, long before he left. Please don't unfriend me for this though ;-)


Thank you for the reasoned response - i appreciate that.


Like you say, all supposition.... But isnt everything until mopo leaves or signs a new contract? In the meantime we just speculate.


I have not seen many signs to suggest he will stay beyond the summer and not seen anyone offer much either?

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Still can't understand why some think that the fact that he's not in contract negociations is a big deal. His current contract takes him up until June 2015 so what's the rush. Who do you think would be negociating with him, the owner ? yes, she looked really interested in the game this afternoon. When we get a CEO then things might move on a bit, for the time being everything is vague.

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To all those who want shot of poch, who exactly do you think we would get instead?


btw the way, boruc and spider started today so whose fault was it this time.


How about Javier Aguirre? He took over from the great mopo when Espanyol were rock bottom of la liga. He turned them around, kept them up and now has them sitting nicely in mid table.


Espanyol are playing some great football with a very very average squad

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Your thread isn't that dissimilar to the one started by 110 persaint, who just went a little bit further and called on the club to sack Pochettino. That post got him banned.


110 Persaint was banned months ago and somehow the ban got lifted. Others are not far from the same treatment.

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How about Javier Aguirre? He took over from the great mopo when Espanyol were rock bottom of la liga. He turned them around, kept them up and now has them sitting nicely in mid table.


Espanyol are playing some great football with a very very average squad


Since you often suggests that Pochettino inherited a great squad and much of the success is due to Adkins work.....wouldn´t that suggest the same for Aguirres success?

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Poch is obviously doing a great job despite his f*ck up last week so anyone should be concerned if he were to leave.


In this league it is a fine line between mid table security and relegation candidate, that line is often a talented manager. Better squads than ours have been relegated before.

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Since you often suggests that Pochettino inherited a great squad and much of the success is due to Adkins work.....wouldn´t that suggest the same for Aguirres success?


Umm no not really. Over the summer Espanyol lost/sold a number (12-14) of good players (we didnt) Javier signed half a dozen players for peanuts while we spent nearly £40m

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Umm no not really. Over the summer Espanyol lost/sold a number (12-14) of good players (we didnt) Javier signed half a dozen players for peanuts while we spent nearly £40m


So with basically two players (which both been out for quite long periods) the manager has raised us from 14th to 8th with a height as high as 3rd as long as we didn´t have injuries.

Seems like someone makes some outstanding work at the training ground...


12-14 good players....Ok same old exaggerating......Verdu, Wakaso and perhaps Amat could be called good players out of that list...


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So with basically two players (which both been out for quite long periods) the manager has raised us from 14th to 8th with a height as high as 3rd as long as we didn´t have injuries.

Seems like someone makes some outstanding work at the training ground...


12-14 good players....Ok same old exaggerating......Verdu, Wakaso and perhaps Amat could be called good players out of that list...



I think youre just trying to argue for the sake of it?


I was asked for a possible replacement, i gave a name (Javier Aguirre) and a few reasons why.


You have tried to turn that into a Javier Aguirre vs mopo vs Adkins arguement?

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Great question. I remember Pochettino being the resounding choice of all Saints fans for weeks before he was appointed.


I want MoPo to stay and build a team - his team.




I was wondering on the train home after today's disappointing result if Cortese had him in mind for a couple of seasons to steady the ship into 8th place then sack him and take someone else who would fire us onwards and upwards into Europe. Certainly seemed that way and was reflected in his contract - isn't he a free agent in the summer, or is it next year?? Regardless, he was not signed on as a long term prospect. And NC talked openly about removing him if he wasn't up to the task.


Made me reflect that MoPo has only really achieved 8th place or so at this level (admittedly he did have the financial rug pulled from him at Espanyol). So is MoPo expendable? Probably, and almost certainly was in NC's plan.


Bottom line? I hope he stays, but I wonder if he was only ever due to be here for a short term fix. He's unproven in building a team at this level, and I would love to see him given the chance, but I do think he's messed up over the past week or so, especially over the FA Cup and his pretty poor defence of his team selection. And, its probably time he stopped bluffing and gave post match interviews in English (INLCLUDING THE FA CUP). Time to take the hit as the leader, and not hide behind our high achievers.

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I think youre just trying to argue for the sake of it?


I was asked for a possible replacement, i gave a name (Javier Aguirre) and a few reasons why.


You have tried to turn that into a Javier Aguirre vs mopo vs Adkins arguement?


Haven't you made it that by naming him as an alternative?


Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk

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I can't honestly say I would be all that fussed. He's done a solid 7/10 job but his heart clearly isn't in it anymore and I think he's taken us as far as he's going to. It just feels like the rest of the season is a stay of execution so they might as well sort it out sooner rather then later and get someone settled in for next year.




Would I care if you and certain others left this forum for ever.


No. I am really getting so p!ssed off with these repetitive negative threads.


Just get a reality check for fuk's sake.

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I think youre just trying to argue for the sake of it?


I was asked for a possible replacement, i gave a name (Javier Aguirre) and a few reasons why.


You have tried to turn that into a Javier Aguirre vs mopo vs Adkins arguement?


I think you might want to read your post #105 again then. Wasn´t me that started comparing MP and Aguirre and yet again you fell into the same old belittleing of our own manager by calling him "the great mopo".


Why do you feel such a compulsive need to do that all the time?


Here´s a suggestion. For your next profile if you have trouble finding out a good nickname, you should use Baron von Münchhausen.

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Poch is obviously doing a great job despite his f*ck up last week so anyone should be concerned if he were to leave.


In this league it is a fine line between mid table security and relegation candidate, that line is often a talented manager. Better squads than ours have been relegated before.


For what it is worth I agree 100% with this.


Perhaps IF Saints started buying players and then start paying said players £300,000 per week (:scared:)

that is the time to think they can compete for the title. Until that day arrives just be pleased we are where we are.

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We're in just about the highest position we can reasonably expect to be.


Apart from maybe Everton, who can we look forward to overtaking next season...?


I seriously wonder how some posters get through their week with such negativity in their lives...

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I think him to be an excellent manager but imo the club need to make him feel wanted (new contract) and show him they continue to mean business(money to spend in the summer).


This post, plus the offering of S. Clarke re the Club reaching a ceiling where MP might feel less enthused to continue (unless further funding and certainty continued) is the nub of the Manager and Clubs short term future. MP is an excellent Manager, and it would be ideal if a new contract was offered and accepted. There is though that nagging doubt a parting of the ways could follow this summer. The witchunt and hysteria stirred up in the past week from several "well known" odd bods is quite demoralizing/funny in equal measures. It's been a great season and there's still a lot of attractive football to be played by SFC.

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Except about a third of people have said they wouldn't be bothered, so you choose just to try and derail it like a sulking child because you don't agree?


Post 32 and only 2 people have agreed, those being alpine and Glasgow. That's not a third, and ones a wum and the other is a manic depressive. Face it, every normal fan recognises that he's done a great job and would miss him.

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and that's an infraction.


You see the thing about sanctions is that those in authority to impose them are under a moral obligation to use their powers in a calm and impartial manner, or not at all.


I must say the impression you have left me with re this sorry episode shipmate is that the real reason you've decided to ban someone is not because what has been 'dished out' is any worse (or essentially different) from what has been received, but rather because you don't happen to agree with a particular view expressed.


When you start prohibiting people from expressing themselves because their views are unacceptable to your way of thinking ... well ask yourself is that a road you really want to go down?

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You see the thing about sanctions is that those in authority to impose them are under a moral obligation to use their powers in a calm and impartial manner, or not at all.


I must say the impression you have left me with re this sorry episode shipmate is that the real reason you've decided to ban someone is not because what has been 'dished out' is any worse (or essentially different) from what has been received, but rather because you don't happen to agree with a particular view expressed.


When you start prohibiting people from expressing themselves because their views are unacceptable to your way of thinking ... well ask yourself is that a road you really want to go down?


If is is a banning for holding opposing views then I would agree with you but I don't think it is.


I like to think it's a realisation that we were getting too close to the point when a few individuals could wreck this forum through aggressive and abusive comments to posters trying to have a rational debate, derailing of almost every thread to a negative agenda and monopolising the forum with repetitive threads started not to express a real view but in the full knowledge of the response they will provoke - classic WUM actions.


I'm normally a calm and rational person but admit last night to an angry rant. If it has helped to start cleaning up this forum and reclaiming it for the majority I am pleased.

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