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Gaston looked absolute class today


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He did look good, In fact he's looked good in all of his appearances since around xmas time. Not sure what he's been eating! But he looks a much better player at the mo.


Should start the next game for Rickie, and stick Jay up through the middle.


I disagree. Would play Gallagher. J rod isn't half the player up there on his own for us.

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He did look good, In fact he's looked good in all of his appearances since around xmas time. Not sure what he's been eating! But he looks a much better player at the mo.


Should start the next game for Rickie, and stick Jay up through the middle.


No.. Rodriquez is lost as a lone striker.. and he's also been poor of late.

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Ramirez was as guilty as the others in the Saints inability to get shots on target and until this is resolved we will never turn possession into wins.


I think that's harsh mate. He created chances for himself and basically ran the game. The second one wasn't easy at all. Think we need to look at his strengths. Lallana consistently muffs his final ball or shooting.

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I know Davis has many fans and has been in good form this season, but the fact is we dominate possession most games and too often don't do enough with it.


Before the season I thought the trio of JRod, Lallana and Ramirez could start working really well together. That's what I want to see.


I agree give him a chance in the next few games, as we desperately need to sort out the last third.


Yep, s Davis doesn't give us much going forward. Was very impressed with gallaghers movement and runs vs arsenal. I'd give him run out. Drop lambert.

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Yep, s Davis doesn't give us much going forward. Was very impressed with gallaghers movement and runs vs arsenal. I'd give him run out. Drop lambert.


I never thought I'd see the day! ;)


But I agree, we do need more movement in that striking position at the moment.

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I hate to admit it clarkey but he looks done. Mind u lallana was rubbish in last two games. Gallagher looked better than j rod as a front man IMO. Missed easy chance but movement was very good. Gaston can pick his runs out. He's pacey too.

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Poor Gaston, he finally comes good this year after last year's amazing successes for the team....He must be looking around and wondering where all his team mates went!


Humour or irony? Either way, I have no idea what you are on about.


I think the return of Gaston and Lovren is going to make it an entertaining run in.

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Humour or irony? Either way, I have no idea what you are on about.


I think the return of Gaston and Lovren is going to make it an entertaining run in.


I think he meant he was sorry for Gaston that his teammates wasn´t at their best when Gaston looked very lively..

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Good to see him come good. Maybe he will cut it.


Disappointing that we have spent c.£47m on massive signings (Osvaldo, Ramirez, Wanyama and even Lovren) who haven't delivered anything like the outlay. In fairness, Lovren looks great - but as a whole our "high end" transfers haven't been worth it.


On the upside - depsite today's disappointing result - we look very good without them!

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Good to see him come good. Maybe he will cut it.


Disappointing that we have spent c.£47m on massive signings (Osvaldo, Ramirez, Wanyama and even Lovren) who haven't delivered anything like the outlay. In fairness, Lovren looks great - but as a whole our "high end" transfers haven't been worth it.


On the upside - depsite today's disappointing result - we look very good without them!


That's funny because on MOTD a couple of months back they said if we wanted to sell Lovern he'd be worth at least double what we paid for him. Still what do they know.

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To their credit Saints fans love a player who's good on the ball, and GR is that all right. However it seems to me that we do seem to concede much more frequently whenever he is on the pitch and that's probably not a coincidence methinks. Before anyone asks, I don't have reams of statistics on hand to prove that point!


As for who in our midfield might be omitted make room for him, it seems to me that the holy trinity of Schneiderlin, Cork and Lallana are virtually undroppable at the moment and Steve Davis is also very far from the mere 'journeyman pro' some on here now seem to consider him. Indeed, the record shows Davis has actually contributed far more significantly to the cause this season than Gaston has ... or ever will in all probability.


If GR is to become more than the fringe player he now is then I for one want to see a lot more from him frankly.

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To their credit Saints fans love a player who's good on the ball, and GR is that all right. However it seems to me that we do seem to concede much more frequently whenever he is on the pitch and that's probably not a coincidence methinks. Before anyone asks, I don't have reams of statistics on hand to prove that point!


As for who in our midfield might be omitted make room for him, it seems to me that the holy trinity of Schneiderlin, Cork and Lallana are virtually undroppable at the moment and Steve Davis is also very far from the mere 'journeyman pro' some on here now seem to consider him. Indeed, the record shows Davis has actually contributed far more significantly to the cause this season than Gaston has ... or ever will in all probability.


If GR is to become more than the fringe player he now is then I for one want to see a lot more from him frankly.


We'd conceded two before he came on. We don't score enough when Davis is on either.

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We'd conceded two before he came on. We don't score enough when Davis is on either.


Most successful teams need to find a balance between offence and defence - it seems highly arguable to me whether a team that included Gaston every week would really deliver a better balance overall that the one we have found this season already.


Indeed I suspect that our midfield would be regularly overrun - just as it was when GR played in the Chelsea home game earlier this season.

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Most successful teams need to find a balance between offence and defence - it seems highly arguable to me whether a team that included Gaston every week would really deliver a better balance overall that the one we have found this season already.


Indeed I suspect that our midfield would be regularly overrun - just as it was when GR played in the Chelsea home game earlier this season.


Do you ever watch messi? He hardly ever runs. Barca still have enough possession. Not the gaston is in the same league. Gaston plays better in a deeper position like he does for Uruguay.

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Do you ever watch messi? He hardly ever runs. Barca still have enough possession. Not the gaston is in the same league. Gaston plays better in a deeper position like he does for Uruguay.


Why do you think then that even when he has been fully fit to play the manager has still decided to use GR so sparingly?


I'm not one of those who always assumes managers decisions are invariably the correct ones, but in this instance I suspect MP was probably right.

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Play Gaston-Morgan-Vic in CM/CAM position. Vic sitting and protecting defensively, Morgan and Gaston interchanging but I would like to see Gaston a bit deeper against teams that parks the bus. We need someone in Cm that look for that forward pass instead of just pinging it around sideways. It will also open up space at AM position for Adam if he and Gaston doesn´t work the same spaces.

Gaston sitting deep and playing similar to a quarterback would be interesting to see, he can pick up passes and spaces forward better than anyone else in the squad and always moves himself into open positions so he can help Vic out and let him play 5-10 yrd passes instead of the longer ones.

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Good to see him come good. Maybe he will cut it.


Disappointing that we have spent c.£47m on massive signings (Osvaldo, Ramirez, Wanyama and even Lovren) who haven't delivered anything like the outlay. In fairness, Lovren looks great - but as a whole our "high end" transfers haven't been worth it.


On the upside - depsite today's disappointing result - we look very good without them!


You didn't really need to include Lovren or Wanyama in that, both have contributed to us. More so Lovren who is now easily a £20-25m defender, who we got for £8m. Signing of the decade, he's too good for us and he's delivered way more than the outlay suggested he would.

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You didn't really need to include Lovren or Wanyama in that, both have contributed to us. More so Lovren who is now easily a £20-25m defender, who we got for £8m. Signing of the decade, he's too good for us and he's delivered way more than the outlay suggested he would.


if/when we ever sell wanyama, we will get more than £12m for him

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Good to see him come good. Maybe he will cut it.


Disappointing that we have spent c.£47m on massive signings (Osvaldo, Ramirez, Wanyama and even Lovren) who haven't delivered anything like the outlay.


In fairness, Lovren looks great - but as a whole our "high end" transfers haven't been worth it.


On the upside - despite today's disappointing result - we look very good without them!



We do seem to deal in " funny money " fees nowadays, but historically very few of our high-end signings have delivered the goods.....especially strikers....and I'm looking back over 30 years in saying that.

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Seemed like he was playing in the role Davis has been playing in recent games when he came on at the weekend - part of the 3 behind main striker but coming deep alongside the two holding midfielders to collect and start moves off. Has to start against Liverpool, perhaps for Davis, Lambert has been poor but he's the sort of player you want on the pitch

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I didn't get to see the west ham game due to work, but when j rod went up front 2nd half v Fulham he was unplayable. Add to that his performance and direct goal through the middle at home to lpool last season and I'd give him a go Saturday. Gaston in for Lambert from what I'm hearing.


yeah i dunno why j-rod can't be a great number 9, he is big enough & quick enough & goals enough. Maybe his first touch is a bit erratic but other than that sometimes i watch him and think he's like torres, back when torres was good.

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Well plenty of you lot think dropping Steve Davis and playing Gaston Rameirz in his place is the answer to our problems, and he was given 45 minutes yesterday to prove if that theory has any real merit. It seems to me that GR tried his utmost to impose himself upon the game, and he had a few nice touches too, but he also gave the ball away too often as well. A microcosm of his entire time here you might say.


Overall I feel on this evidence even his most ardent fan would struggle to argue he improved us during the second half - indeed we lost control of the midfield again did we not?

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He tried hard yesterday but was poor, spent too long on the ball, gave away possession, got in other player's way, we seemed to go backwards when he came on, admittedly the game was changing at the time anyway, just not sure how much that was down to him.

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Well plenty of you lot think dropping Steve Davis and playing Gaston Rameirz in his place is the answer to our problems, and he was given 45 minutes yesterday to prove if that theory has any real merit. It seems to me that GR tried his utmost to impose himself upon the game, and he had a few nice touches too, but he also gave the ball away too often as well. A microcosm of his entire time here you might say.


Overall I feel on this evidence even his most ardent fan would struggle to argue he improved us during the second half - indeed we lost control of the midfield again did we not?


Gaston needs to play in front of morgan and Wanyama. Really do think Cork, for all his energy, does not offer the strengh Wanyama has which served us reach the heights we scaled earlier


Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

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