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Jelly fish

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In the course of a conversation with my 4 yo grandson yesterday, he asked me if we could eat jelly fish.


I know what a well-travelled lot you all are - have any of you eaten it? My grandson needs to know!


I believe they have tried this in Japan where there are plagues of Nomura jellyfish in certain areas. Even the Japanese were not keen. I when I was a boy we used to pick them out of the water in dustbin lids and then leave them on the promenade to dry out. Next day there was no trace of them.



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I believe they have tried this in Japan where there are plagues of Nomura jellyfish in certain areas. Even the Japanese were not keen. I when I was a boy we used to pick them out of the water in dustbin lids and then leave them on the promenade to dry out. Next day there was no trace of them.




Probably some well-meaning soul putting them back in the water every time.

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