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Cost cutting continues...

Unbelievable Jeff

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It looks like our office in London is being terminated, an office we have held since the takeover. Perhaps this is where NC used to work in London, however I was led to believe our Global Sponsorship Manager worked there. Hopefully this is just sensible cost cutting, but it does seem to be another area of expenditure that we are cutting back on...

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It looks like our office in London is being terminated, an office we have held since the takeover. Perhaps this is where NC used to work in London, however I was led to believe our Global Sponsorship Manager worked there. Hopefully this is just sensible cost cutting, but it does seem to be another area of expenditure that we are cutting back on...


Seems unnecessary to have a London office when all the senior management are based in Southampton (or Switzerland) and the train ride is only 90 minutes.

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It looks like our office in London is being terminated, an office we have held since the takeover. Perhaps this is where NC used to work in London, however I was led to believe our Global Sponsorship Manager worked there. Hopefully this is just sensible cost cutting, but it does seem to be another area of expenditure that we are cutting back on...


Where in London was this office?

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The removal of a number of players in January


To describe that negatively as cost cutting is bizarre. The players that left were surplus to the first team squad and them leaving didn't weaken our squad strength, the only departure that did was Osvaldo and he left due to non footballing reasons (and is still technically a Saints player). It is cost cutting, but it potentially frees up money to be better spent elsewhere on players that improve the first team in the summer.

Edited by Matthew Le God
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Wow, as I am searching for a new office in London for my work, I am very familiar with the market rates. They have shot up in the past 6 months so if we had a break option / rent review due, I am not suprised we decided to exit the cash black hole that is Mayfair



And roughly how much will we be saving here then, quite a lot I expect.

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Wow, as I am searching for a new office in London for my work, I am very familiar with the market rates. They have shot up in the past 6 months so if we had a break option / rent review due, I am not suprised we decided to exit the cash black hole that is Mayfair


Its where most of the hedge funds are based - not people you want to be in rent competition with.


Farringdon is good for transport links (Thameslink and Crossrail), decent area, reasonable rents.

Edited by buctootim
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To describe that negatively as cost cutting is bizarre. The players that left were surplus to the first team squad and them leaving didn't weaken our squad strength, the only departure that did was Osvaldo and he left due to non footballing reasons (and is still technically a Saints player). It is cost cutting, but it potentially frees up money to be better spent elsewhere on players that improve the first team in the summer.


For once, you're right. It made no sense leaving players who were never going to feature taking a wage and rotting in on the training ground. Never understood Corteses stance to refuse to pay a % of their wages whilst out on loan.

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I can have a pretty good estimate if Jeff or anyone else knows the address, or even better, the size


A rough estimate for even the shabbiest zones will do for me thanks.

Anyway from other posts I have surmised that Manchester Utd's London office cost them about 80£ per square foot/annum.

Ours which was opposite would be smaller, much smaller.

Edited by Window Cleaner
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I am most definitely ITK on this and it's interesting to see which posters are completely full of ****.


First off....


1) We have not held in London since the takeover. We've had it about 18 months.

2) NC never worked there. He visited on a couple of occasions.

3) GR didn't use it (what would he use it for anyway?)


The office was set up for two reasons. Primarily, it gave us a London presence which is important as many of the head offices of the companies we were looking to tie into Sponsorship deals are based in London. As another poster has said, many other PL teams have London offices, also in Mayfair. Man Utd's office was opposite the Saints' office. Second, but less important, two of the Sponsorship team at the time were London based anyway.


However, the London 'presence' hasn't delivered the returns the club were expecting. Additionally, one of the two London based members of the team has now been fired anyway.

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I am most definitely ITK on this and it's interesting to see which posters are completely full of ****.


First off....


1) We have not held in London since the takeover. We've had it about 18 months.

2) NC never worked there. He visited on a couple of occasions.

3) GR didn't use it (what would he use it for anyway?)


The office was set up for two reasons. Primarily, it gave us a London presence which is important as many of the head offices of the companies we were looking to tie into Sponsorship deals are based in London. As another poster has said, many other PL teams have London offices, also in Mayfair. Man Utd's office was opposite the Saints' office. Second, but less important, two of the Sponsorship team at the time were London based anyway.


However, the London 'presence' hasn't delivered the returns the club were expecting. Additionally, one of the two London based members of the team has now been fired anyway.



So that would be Jon Don Carolis or someone else ?

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I am most definitely ITK on this and it's interesting to see which posters are completely full of ****.


First off....


1) We have not held in London since the takeover. We've had it about 18 months.

2) NC never worked there. He visited on a couple of occasions.

3) GR didn't use it (what would he use it for anyway?)


The office was set up for two reasons. Primarily, it gave us a London presence which is important as many of the head offices of the companies we were looking to tie into Sponsorship deals are based in London. As another poster has said, many other PL teams have London offices, also in Mayfair. Man Utd's office was opposite the Saints' office. Second, but less important, two of the Sponsorship team at the time were London based anyway.


However, the London 'presence' hasn't delivered the returns the club were expecting. Additionally, one of the two London based members of the team has now been fired anyway.


Cheers - always good for a proper ITKer to clear the mongboard's Augean stables.

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Man Utd's office was opposite the Saints' office.


That was the problem, big sponsors used to walk down the hallway with bags of cash & then have to make decision to turn left for 20 times league champions & Champions League winners, or turn right for 2010 Johnstone's Paints trophy. I heard this from sky sources.

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Cheers - always good for a proper ITKer to clear the mongboard's Augean stables.



Indeed, looks like we got the London Office when we acceded to the dizzy heights of the EPL. Ties in with the Global Sponsorship Executive who has been with the club since October 2012. If he pulled in the deals with Eterna and Sunseeker then I guess he's earnt his crust.

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That was the problem, big sponsors used to walk down the hallway with bags of cash & then have to make decision to turn left for 20 times league champions & Champions League winners, or turn right for 2010 Johnstone's Paints trophy. I heard this from sky sources.

Turn left for forking out a £120m cheque - or right for a Mercedes minibus, some free watches and a photoshoot on boat.

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I am most definitely ITK on this and it's interesting to see which posters are completely full of ****.


First off....


1) We have not held in London since the takeover. We've had it about 18 months.

2) NC never worked there. He visited on a couple of occasions.

3) GR didn't use it (what would he use it for anyway?)


The office was set up for two reasons. Primarily, it gave us a London presence which is important as many of the head offices of the companies we were looking to tie into Sponsorship deals are based in London. As another poster has said, many other PL teams have London offices, also in Mayfair. Man Utd's office was opposite the Saints' office. Second, but less important, two of the Sponsorship team at the time were London based anyway.


However, the London 'presence' hasn't delivered the returns the club were expecting. Additionally, one of the two London based members of the team has now been fired anyway.


Thanks for clearing that up.

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I am most definitely ITK on this and it's interesting to see which posters are completely full of ****.


First off....


1) We have not held in London since the takeover. We've had it about 18 months.

2) NC never worked there. He visited on a couple of occasions.

3) GR didn't use it (what would he use it for anyway?)


The office was set up for two reasons. Primarily, it gave us a London presence which is important as many of the head offices of the companies we were looking to tie into Sponsorship deals are based in London. As another poster has said, many other PL teams have London offices, also in Mayfair. Man Utd's office was opposite the Saints' office. Second, but less important, two of the Sponsorship team at the time were London based anyway.


However, the London 'presence' hasn't delivered the returns the club were expecting. Additionally, one of the two London based members of the team has now been fired anyway.


By GR, I mean Gareth Rogers. He used it as a hot desk when in London I believe. Apologies on the length of the office, I misunderstood what I was told.

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For once, you're right. It made no sense leaving players who were never going to feature taking a wage and rotting in on the training ground. Never understood Corteses stance to refuse to pay a % of their wages whilst out on loan.


How has Guly lasted this long, it will feature on an Arthur C Clarke in a few years I am sure.

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Said in jest but I presume that passes you by, how he has remained when we have cut costs is an absolute mystery,



It's not a mysery at all, he has a contract up until the end of June, I don't think we can loan him out in the UK because of WP considerations and as for an Italian or Spanish club giving him an equal amount of money...well forget it. That's the problem with players who need work permits, you can't loan them out(in the UK) without the new club getting a new permit. West Ham got a WP for Traoré, he didn'tsign for them and Everton had to get a new one.




If a player is moving to another club on loan then the new club must make a fresh application before the player can play for them. If the player does not meet the criteria and the club have requested a panel, the panel will be arranged.

Edited by Window Cleaner
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It's not a mysery at all, he has a contract up until the end of June, I don't think we can loan him out in the UK because of WP considerations and as for an Italian or Spanish club giving him an equal amount of money well forget it. That's the problem with players ho need work permits, you can't loan them out(in the UK) without the new club getting a new permit. West Ham got a WP for Traoré, he didn'tsign for them and Everton had to get a new one.

Getting a work permit for Guly made me laugh out load there ha ha!

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It looks like our office in London is being terminated, an office we have held since the takeover.

Perhaps this is where NC used to work in London, however I was led to believe our Global Sponsorship Manager worked there.

Hopefully this is just sensible cost cutting, but it does seem to be another area of expenditure that we are cutting back on...



maybe..... part of the " Cortese vision " that he didn't tell anyone else about?

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So, in summary, is this 'cost cutting', ( which to me implies external budgetry pressure ), or just choosing to stop spending on something we no longer need, ( allowing us to potentially direct the funds elsewhere ) ?


makes sense binning off unnecessary overheads if ur selling up IMO. Makes the books look good.

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I am most definitely ITK on this and it's interesting to see which posters are completely full of ****.


First off....


1) We have not held in London since the takeover. We've had it about 18 months.

2) NC never worked there. He visited on a couple of occasions.

3) GR didn't use it (what would he use it for anyway?)


The office was set up for two reasons. Primarily, it gave us a London presence which is important as many of the head offices of the companies we were looking to tie into Sponsorship deals are based in London. As another poster has said, many other PL teams have London offices, also in Mayfair. Man Utd's office was opposite the Saints' office. Second, but less important, two of the Sponsorship team at the time were London based anyway.


However, the London 'presence' hasn't delivered the returns the club were expecting. Additionally, one of the two London based members of the team has now been fired anyway.


Would you like to comment on the budgetary pressure on the Physiotherapy dept. Comment I've heard " Nicola gave us a budget and left us to it but now etc"

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I know the cost, and it wasn't as much as you'd think as it was only a 3 person office (around 3k per month).


It must have been tiny then. Easily £100 per sq ft (quite possibly more, with the hike in rates) so at £3k per month, it was 360 sq ft. A modest office with room for a visitor is 150 sq ft. Add in two open desks, a printer, and somewhere to hang a coat and it would be full!

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Would you like to comment on the budgetary pressure on the Physiotherapy dept. Comment I've heard " Nicola gave us a budget and left us to it but now etc"



Well that sounds as if it would make sense really, I mean physios know what they specifically need and CEOs probably don't.

What's been happening then, I know you're dying to tell us. (Without attributing anything to club unnamed club sources of course :scared:)

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