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Luke Shaw apologises for the cup exit


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Manager Mauricio Pochettino made six changes for the tie, but Shaw said the players were to blame for the 1-0 loss.

"We're sorry to the fans who travelled all that way to see a disappointing display like that," he said.

"The manager had faith to switch the team and the players should have done better."


"I'm devastated. I wanted to win the FA Cup and so did every other player. "


""It is very disappointing. We wanted to win the FA Cup this year and thought we had a great chance, but that's cup football .."


( Sorry if this has been brought into the various other threads discussing the FA Cup exit )

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TBF Luke Shaw was one the better performers in that game (not that that is saying much) others have more to apologise for than he does. ****ed as I am about the whole thing I 'm kind of over it now. We still have a dozen, no pressure, games of football left before the season ends hopeful the players can play with a bit of freedom and enjoyment pick up a few results (I would dearly like to see us beat WHU on Saturday) and as supporters we might as well just enjoy the football.

Edited by doddisalegend
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Such a clever and witty response, well done you


Thanks, anytime.


Plenty of dismissive sneering on here at anyone daring to express disappointment for our cup exit.


Lets see if any of those bellends want to have a pop at Shaw, shall we?

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Thanks, anytime.


Plenty of dismissive sneering on here at anyone daring to express disappointment for our cup exit.


Lets see if any of those bellends want to have a pop at Shaw, shall we?


Im ****ed off at the whole thing really.


Poch could have rested players at Hull and played a stronger team in the cup.


Also, the players that played should have had enough about them to beat a very changed Sunderland, there performance was so far below their standards, so Im pretty annoyed with them too.

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Boo hoo. Luke Shaw lost a football match. Boo hoo.


I think that's the right reaction, isn't it, forum geniuses?


So Luke Shaw comes out and appologises and you take the pee.

Do you ever start a topic, or just wait to pick holes in anyone else's contributions? And even then not really read them, and try to understand what others are saying.

Point me in the direction of one of your new threads and let me see if I can pick holes.

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So Luke Shaw comes out and appologises and you take the pee.

Do you ever start a topic, or just wait to pick holes in anyone else's contributions? And even then not really read them, and try to understand what others are saying.

Point me in the direction of one of your new threads and let me see if I can pick holes.


Err he wasn't taking the pee out of luke shaw.

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Boo hoo. Luke Shaw lost a football match. Boo hoo.


I think that's the right reaction, isn't it, forum geniuses?


"The manager had faith to switch the team and the players should have done better."


No conspiracy theories to get your teeth into there. And even the players seem to be of the opinion that the fault lay with them - not team selection. I think you've conspired against yourself there Mr Genius.

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No conspiracy theories to get your teeth into there. And even the players seem to be of the opinion that the fault lay with them - not team selection. I think you've conspired against yourself there Mr Genius.


Who said anything about conspiracy theories? Voices in your head, CaM.


Luke Shaw just expressing a desire to win the cup and a disappointment about losing on Saturday.


The exact emotions you held on such contempt the other day.


Great that one of our best players agrees with me, not you. Boo hoo.

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Think everyone is disappointed in the performance.


Some realise a couple of decisions didn't work out but in the main good players underperformed causing a narrow defeat and are gutted that a decent chance of a cup run is gone - fubnily enough pretty much what Shaw said.


Some , such as FF use it to wallow in conspiracy theories, think Lambert missed a sitter as a personal insult to them, And reason to insult owners / manager.


Personally, I saw players good enough to win underperforming, saw JWP/ Lambert/ Lallana miss chances, realise the easy line in press about number of changes included first choice RB and CM returning, Fonte being replaced after articles in same papers about how bad he was cut and read about JayRod not being fit.

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Shaw feeling disappointed is about right, reflects what most fans would feel. I doubt he would be squinnying about MP leaving, 8th placed bonuses and how the club doesn't care about it's devout followers. It's football, you don't always get the result you want and you don't always get the performance from the players. We should know that better than most.

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So Luke Shaw comes out and appologises and you take the pee.

Do you ever start a topic, or just wait to pick holes in anyone else's contributions? And even then not really read them, and try to understand what others are saying.

Point me in the direction of one of your new threads and let me see if I can pick holes.



Well said. CB Fry is just a 'spoiler'.He has his own agenda and very rarely considers others. Having said that I will not put him on my ignore list.

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Are you suggesting you are ITK that Shaw wants to slag off the manager but is afraid to do so? Nah, didn't think so.


That isn't what I was suggesting at all. I was saying that if he did have any sort of disagreement or beef with the manager, he isn't going to be stupid enough to broadcast it on twitter. Luke would not be idiotic enough to say something like the manager's attitude, lack of interest and team selection contributed to our poor performance even if a part of him did feel that way.

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Who said anything about conspiracy theories? Voices in your head, CaM.


Luke Shaw just expressing a desire to win the cup and a disappointment about losing on Saturday.


The exact emotions you held on such contempt the other day.


Great that one of our best players agrees with me, not you. Boo hoo.


Think you're being more than a little economical with the truth there - Luke has not suggested the manager threw the game or picked a side that could not win - in fact he has stated exactly my point that the game was lost by the players. And exactly what nonsense were you spouting? Come on - be truthful with yourself.

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That isn't what I was suggesting at all. I was saying that if he did have any sort of disagreement or beef with the manager, he isn't going to be stupid enough to broadcast it on twitter. Luke would not be idiotic enough to say something like the manager's attitude, lack of interest and team selection contributed to our poor performance even if a part of him did feel that way.


The players are as much at fault as the manager IMHO.


I still cant swallow the whole money issue of finishing one or two places higher, Im dissapointed yes but realistically the team should've been strong enough.


If we are serious of our ambitions we need to strengthen in depth, I do hope KL dips into her pockets in the summer and IMO should have done so in Jan.


Part of me wonders if we would have gone out of the FA Cup so meekley under NC.

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The players are as much at fault as the manager IMHO.


I still cant swallow the whole money issue of finishing one or two places higher, Im dissapointed yes but realistically the team should've been strong enough.


If we are serious of our ambitions we need to strengthen in depth, I do hope KL dips into her pockets in the summer and IMO should have done so in Jan.


Part of me wonders if we would have gone out of the FA Cup so meekley under NC.


The team are at fault too but so is the manager which was my point.

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