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Don't have the benefit of too much personal history of this place but see many posts stating it was much better in the past, not dominated by a few trolls etc. but is this true?


We all know the internet is an angry place and football can bring out the worst in us so was it ever really nicer in the past?


Assume there are comparison analytics and that the forum is far busier than ever before and so more potential posters. Wonder if this is reflected in increased posts or people generally aren't posting for fear of ridicule?


I find the place, and many of the posters fascinating in many ways but can't deny it often changes my mood for the worst, but so can Twitter. Suspect that would have been the same 5 years ago though and tis the rose tinted spectacles syndrome.


Yes, people always look back and see their era or a previous time as better to suit their own personal agenda, it is a natural and basic defence mechanism, dont like what you read so thiknk of it as rubbish. It was probably exactly the same 5 years ago but with someone else saying the same thing as you.


Ive been posting since 2007 and nothing has changed. Every 3-4 months you get threads about "sorting the site out"


All negative posters are "trolls" and ruin the forum,. Its been that way since the start


I reckon recently there are too many members advising that your posts are ill conceived; rather than putting a coherent alternative.

Not worth getting stressed about, it's only fun anyway. As FF has discovered - we change nothing.

Ive been posting since 2007 and nothing has changed. Every 3-4 months you get threads about "sorting the site out"


All negative posters are "trolls" and ruin the forum,. Its been that way since the start


I've been on here since Noah's flood, and yes that's true. However there has been a tendedny recently for a handful of posters to dominate nearly every thread in a way that didn't use to happen to the same extent.


I've got nothing against you Glasgow, nor Barry Sanchez/Dune or Turkish, and I wouldn't accuse you of trolling, but the 3 of you really do need to get another life! Never mind the content, the sheer number of posts you 3 make is just way over the top.


Back in the older days there were lots of nudge nudge wink wink threads where ITK posters who referred to each other by first names would hint at all the off field stuff having been told by their Shareholder pals.


Now that they have little info and are just one of us plebs they don't like the forum anymore and don't post.


Thats the only difference.

the sheer number of posts you 3 make is just way over the top.


Collectively our total is less than some individual posters..... Trousers, Batman for example


Take away posts from the match threads and i average about 4 posts a day


I post more on match threads to help those with no tv or radio links keep upto date


To be fair, 96.7% of my posts stem from my unhealthy obsession with Pompey's demise. I do envy them sometimes, what with them being shareholders of their own club an' all.


It's true that it's pretty much the same as it's always been. There has always been a group of posters who are here all the time and post on every thread, drawing complaints from everyone else. Ten years ago it was the likes of those two brothers, Scott and somebody, but there have been others. At the moment, you can't read a thread without it being filled up with exactly the same posts from the little gang of posters like Barry/Dune (who has been addicted to this place for as long as I remember), Turkish, Glasgow, etc), but it's not new. That sort of thing is all part of the forum and always has been.


In a few years when the novelty has worn off for them, they will probably take their turn to be the ones complaining about the next wave of forum-spammers. This place was full of people posting stupid, irrelevant or trolling stuff when I first came here about 14 years ago and all that changes is who's doing it and who's complaining. If internet addicts posting **** on forums annoys you too much, places like this really aren't for you. I've always gone to other places if this place gets too unbearable.

Collectively our total is less than some individual posters..... Trousers, Batman for example


Take away posts from the match threads and i average about 4 posts a day


I post more on match threads to help those with no tv or radio links keep upto date


If you wrote this I can only assume you believe it?? I think you will find though that you post more than 4 times a day on average, I would be surprised if it wasn't more than twice that number [excluding match day threads].


There are certainly a minority of posters that seem to take over and unfortunately they seem to be so dull [ on the whole],so the forum will always be limited by this..


Of course it's changed .....a bit, anyway. Some.....may have passed away, and new people join, but many of the regulars are still here.


Some of the worst " offenders " who came on line and insulted others - instead of addressing the issue in the OP -back then .... have since been banned by the Mods.

However, there is a feeling that the angry tone of some " newer" contributors is merely the same people " re-appearing " under a new pseudonym.


Starting threads "for fun" isn't a new phenomenon, but there are other parts of the site that are " non-football " that some haven't found yet.


Sadly, many who used to supply good viewpoints or start " interesting threads " seem to have given up in despair and gone elsewhere.


IMO some of the newer/younger contributors do lack a bit of patience when it comes to the issue of team selection / team building.

It's not easy to form a working group in any organisation who can work and train together and produce results immediately and fans (rather like some club chairmen get impatient quickly).


As a fan of an older generation.(I watched my first Saints' game in 1959), perhaps I'm a bit more philosophical than most and realise that it does take time to get results.


I always return to (one of) the famous McMenemy quotes... " as a manager, you can never win. If we get a result, the fans say ..the team played well....If we lose, it's my fault 'cos I picked the team "


Coming after the FA Cup humbling at Sunderland, I'm bound to remark that our two best chances fell to (argueably) our best two players; Lallana and Lambert but reading some of the insulting threads in the last 48 hours - you'd never know it. Consider if you will that the expression " a bad day at the office " originated in the business world but means much the same in football. They might have won it for us.


Still right now, I'm still glad to be a Saints' fam (in 8th place) than a Sunderland one (in the relegation zone).


Glory (in the title of the OP) will come again with our next win, and once again fans will express their joy - except the " fans " who are never happy with anything, or anyone.

Collectively our total is less than some individual posters..... Trousers, Batman for example


Take away posts from the match threads and i average about 4 posts a day


I post more on match threads to help those with no tv or radio links keep upto date


I do read a lot of your posts Glasgow,(though not agreeing with everything) but perhaps you should look at the maths you quoted.


In the 2,555 days (since 2007)... you have posted over 18,000 times. That's an average of more than 7 times a day.


Even if you do post more on the 40 or so match days each season, that means you post nearly 30 times each match day - Can that be correct?.


I wouldn't want you to stop posting, but maybe you'd attract a bit less notoriety, if you were a bit more "selective" when you did.

I do read a lot of your posts Glasgow,(though not agreeing with everything) but perhaps you should look at the maths you quoted.


In the 2,555 days (since 2007)... you have posted over 18,000 times. That's an average of more than 7 times a day.


Even if you do post more on the 40 or so match days each season, that means you post nearly 30 times each match day - Can that be correct?.


I wouldn't want you to stop posting, but maybe you'd attract a bit less notoriety, if you were a bit more "selective" when you did.


30 per match thread sounds about right - as I said I post a bit more to help those without TV and radio links.


I did some analysis on my post count a few weeks ago - below are my findings (MS = Mupet show)




I too have virtually given up posting on here. It for me also has become the site of reasoned, sometimes funny, discussions, of opposing views, overtaken and dominated by a few trolls. Who's combined d!ckheadedness is slowly ruining the main forum site. Now I realise it is better that this openness to all posters is continued, rather than the site of that lot down the road,

who ban all who don't toe the line with their particular agenda.

However, with this freedom comes responsibility. Please all you mongs and trolls have a little self respect, don't show the world what utter idiots you are, don't be complete wassocks all your lives.

Posted (edited)

I remember a halycon time for this forum. Back in it's glory days when Steve Grant was nothing more than a mod, before the days of infraction points and subscriptions. That was the glory time for this forum. We used to have seating plans for away games so everyone knew where each other was sitting, every home game and so away games the build up thread title was "Who's got a ticket for *insert clubs name* game?" with exictable post after excitable post talking about how much they were looking forward to it. Great posters who dont bother any more and you can see why like Essruu, JB, Alfreds Girl, Partrick Bateman, Paul Allen, Aids Victim, saintpaulkiptanui. It wasn't without it's trolls, SRS being the big name on that score but the good posters who dont bother any more and you can see why used to deal with him and knock him down with the aplomb of sachin tendulkar picking off a loose spin delivery and despatching it over square leg and the boundry into the celebrating crowds massed in the stands. We had the era of the ITKer, with the nudge, nudge "i cant say too much but........" posts. It also wasn't without it's controversy either, Crouchie and his threats to sue and of course Amygate. Oh yes, that was the golden period of saintsweb. We were like a family then and it was a much better place to be, before saintsweb became this corporate machine that didn't give a toss about the posters and were only interested in racking up posts counts and subscritptions. What this forum has become is another sad inditement of modern football i'm afraid.

Edited by Turkish
30 per match thread sounds about right - as I said I post a bit more to help those without TV and radio links.


I did some analysis on my post count a few weeks ago - below are my findings (MS = Mupet show)




The fact that you actually analysed your postings like this does tell us all we need to know. Very funny though!


Well I find the same wind ups on every single thread by the same people day in and day out hilarious, can barely stand because I'm laughing so much on some days.


Such wackiness.


This is one of the best fans sites in the country. I have been here and its predecessors since about 2001 and it is consistently a good site.


As for 'trolls', I just think people need to loosen up a bit. 'Bat a troll back' they should be able to take it, but why get angry ?


The forum has a few "types" of posters always has, always will -


1) Half glass full types

2) Half empty types

3) Apologists – defend everything and everyone at the club regardless

4) Stalkers - post about other posters more than SFC

5) No opinion posters / fence sitters

6) The rest


I remember about 5 or 6 years ago, a thread developed on religion, Christianity, and lose of faith. It contained the usual silly comments and nut job reactions, but all in the good humoured respect that gets us along. It developed to the point where people opened up to some innermost secrets and revelations, and I understand it proved quite cathartic to one or two.

That thread would be impossible now. For one thing it wouldn't get to more than 1 post without some moron trolling in with both barrels blazing, and more pertinently, no one would feel safe to unload their personal lives and feelings, in the knowledge that some complete moron would troll in running roughshod over every thread.

As I said before, please have some self respect take some responsibility for yourselves.


As "every" thread is trolled by the usual 3/4 can you provide any specific posts that are trolling posts?


Its all very confusing as specifics are never given when requested.


For example I was called a troll and a liar + a thief for posting about Mopos 8th placed bonus. Posts followed saying I should be banned for life and jailed. 24 hours later a number of other ITK posters came forward with the same info - I expected a few apologies for the abuse but nothing?


I am consistant with my posting - I post the same on here as I do on other Saints forums. A number of people who post on here also post on other Saints forums, its interesting that the exact same posts that get abused under Glasgow_saint get praised and agreed with by the exact same posters simply as they dont know its me posting.


it was ok in 2001 and it is ok now. The muppet show has about 5 regular contributors who are doing a sterling job. On the main board, I do believe that irregular posters don't understand what Glasgow/Barry and Turkish are doing and get drawn into their self-obsession. Glasgow refers to them as 'we' - a team.


I wonder if they offered to restrict themselves to three posts a day without starting any threads for a month would make life more interesting - what do you say guys?


Let's put it this way, I started posting on Saints Forever in October 2003, and this is the first time I've gone literally weeks without even looking at this board. If it wasn't for the nutjob thread I probably wouldn't look at all.


Same boring tripe from the same boring posters jumping all over every single thread and loving it when we fail.


Probably won't be paying my fiver this year.

Let's put it this way, I started posting on Saints Forever in October 2003, and this is the first time I've gone literally weeks without even looking at this board. If it wasn't for the nutjob thread I probably wouldn't look at all.


Same boring tripe from the same boring posters jumping all over every single thread and loving it when we fail.


Probably won't be paying my fiver this year.


Post FA Cup final 2003 then. We can see when you became a fan.

Post FA Cup final 2003 then. We can see when you became a fan.


Er, the date you join an internet forum is not the date you became a fan. Being a fan existed before internet forums. Life existed before the internet.

Er, the date you join an internet forum is not the date you became a fan. Being a fan existed before internet forums. Life existed before the internet.


TSW existed before the 2003 cup final

Er, the date you join an internet forum is not the date you became a fan. Being a fan existed before internet forums. Life existed before the internet.


Unfortunately tpbury some don't have a life outside the internet.

Anyway this is the most I've written on any thread in a long time, and as I don't consider it worthwhile anymore to pay my £5 this is my last post of the day. I'll return to the nut job thread occasionally, because it provides constant humour, and gives you a warm feeling, not that warm feeling you get when you laugh to much when your old either.



It does make me laugh how the people who moan about this place, claim it's not worth the money and people don't have lives are the ones who seem to take it all so very seriously and are rather upset that it's not how they want it to be. There has been a couple of foul mouthed rants on here today and all because the forum doesn't suit them.

There wasn't some great time when it was amazing, but it definitely was preferable to this. You'd have arguments, *****ing and some utter idiots, but people were more daft, wrong or weird, than obsessive trolls. Being negative, positive, thick whatever is one thing, but having trolls take over every single thread is another entirely, and that's what destroys the place. They seem to live on here and take perverse delight in any reaction.


Summed up by the first 2 responses to this thread being Glasgow and Barry.


FWIW I don't include Alpine in that category. There's a big difference between negativity, panic etc and the relentless trolling of the others.


Says the person who wrote I would be murdering people of colour to get a laugh, classy and you still have not apologised for it, how many of these trolls as you put it are rude and write anything near to as despicable as you did?


Just look at the number of posts attributed to the posters above - some in their many thousands. That says it all really!! An opinion on everything and they like to share it. It does get a bit monotonous seeing the same points made several times a day, day after day, often with insults and petty point scoring. My favourite thread is the "back from the game" one" as the comments made are from people who were actually there and of course "League One Minus 10" which is always a quality read and one which many of the above seldom comment.

The forum trolls ruin every thread but the accusers cant provide any examples? :facepalm:


How about your actual post count? Not the bullsh it you came up with earlier. 10 today, 32 yesterday and a magnificent 71 on Saturday. The fact that some other numpty has picked up on the garbage on facebook (what a joke) and probably started by you, doesn't give your habitual lies any validity.


Go on post your series of Poch photos on this thread. Its the only one you haven't. you know you want to.

Posted (edited)
It does make me laugh how the people who moan about this place, claim it's not worth the money and people don't have lives are the ones who seem to take it all so very seriously and are rather upset that it's not how they want it to be. There has been a couple of foul mouthed rants on here today and all because the forum doesn't suit them.


Hahahahahahah me too! Cracks me right up! LOLOLOLOL

Edited by Wrensup
How about your actual post count? Not the bullsh it you came up with earlier. 10 today, 32 yesterday and a magnificent 71 on Saturday. The fact that some other numpty has picked up on the garbage on facebook (what a joke) and probably started by you, doesn't give your habitual lies any validity.


Go on post your series of Poch photos on this thread. Its the only one you haven't. you know you want to.


So its not what we post but simply we post to much? As I pointed out earlier Glasgow + Barry together is less than posters like Trousers and Batman alone


What you dont like (lets be honest) is we post about the things you want to ignore or avoid - things that dont fit in "wonderland" where everything at SFC is perfect


there is a see, hear and speak no evil policy on here..... we add some balance to the fluffy / fantasy world posts


It was better before all the funny posters got banned, but it's still fine now. If you don't like someone just scroll past their posts or ignore them.

So its not what we post but simply we post to much? As I pointed out earlier Glasgow + Barry together is less than posters like Trousers and Batman alone


Barry has amassed 6.5K posts in just over a year. That's 13 posts a day. Makes a mockery of 13 being unlucky for "some".

This is the 2nd thread in a few days about the nasty "trolls" that ruin every thread. but still no examples of these troll / ruin forum posts
you really are a relentlessly dull bellend.

It was at its peak before it became Saints Web...can't remember the old URL...back in the day when Keith ran the site.


Less bed wetters.

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