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The club is no longer run FOR the fans...............

Fitzhugh Fella

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Sadly I haven't managed to read every post on this thread for two reasons :

A) I'm sitting by the pool in 35*c in the Southern Hemisphere (Christ, I must sound like Dubai_Phil!)

B) There has been too much jobby lobbing by several posters (ironically not the usual suspects!)

Please consider the following :

Poch made 5 changes = idiot !

Poyet made 9 changes = genius !

Follow this logic and we should sack Mauricio and install Gus !

Perhaps, just perhaps, his lot took their 1 good chance and we fluffed at least 3 !

It's a game of football for christ's sake and we've been knocked out in the past by the likes of Port Vale and Stockport so (although Saturday was disappointing) there is no need to question the owners attitude to fans or the manager's lack of respect for the competition !

TBF, I am a bit more relaxed as I'm far away from the sh!t weather etc but I retain my empathy and respect for all Saints fans and particularly FF who clearly has red/white striped blood in his veins although perhaps his view this time is a little OTT !


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Can we win the league, ever, I think not with the present structure. Can we win the cups, of course we can. Because of the tv money survival is paramount. After that we need to go for the cups. Can we win the CL, sentence 1. The structure of the Europa and CL is beyond our squad of probably 15 genuine first teamers. That doesn't include K.Davis, Hooiveld or Guly.


We have done marvellously this year but the FA Cup was our best target fanwise. At £1.3m a place, to the bean counter the money on offer if we slip down the league completely outclasses the FA Cup rewards.


What worries me is the effect on the better players who are chased by the clubs that can compete and win competitions. Why would they want to stay.

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Look at the gates for our cup matches over the past few seasons at reduced prices from those charged for league game. Then look at the gates for league games over the same period at the higher prices. Now tell me what the fans priorities are using those statistics!


We are all upset we lost in the cup. The team put out should have been good enough to beat Sunderland. They didn't because too many of our regulars failed to reach the standards we have come to expect.


Don't blame the owner. She does not pick the team. Just a bad day in the office against a club our first team could not beat at home earlier in the season. It happens.





For me...we lost and I was very upset..


Next day forgotten and moving on rapidly to our next game and hopefully a good win and onwards and upwards.


I am fully behind my beloved Saints..Poch and the boyz.....AND that fully includes the owner MS K Liebherr.


Supported Saints since 1956/7 season and apart from the pathetic Rupert Lowe/Guy Askham ....... NONSENSE..........have always supported the club and various owners.


Like many FRUSTRATED WITH THE GAME AT Sunderland.....but to me ..sad to say....too many of our players were rubbish...


COYS....lets stick it to the Hammers...........and Liverpool .....PLEEEEEESE.

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For me...we lost and I was very upset..


Next day forgotten and moving on rapidly to our next game and hopefully a good win and onwards and upwards.


I am fully behind my beloved Saints..Poch and the boyz.....AND that fully includes the owner MS K Liebherr.


Supported Saints since 1956/7 season and apart from the pathetic Rupert Lowe/Guy Askham ....... NONSENSE..........have always supported the club and various owners.


Like many FRUSTRATED WITH THE GAME AT Sunderland.....but to me ..sad to say....too many of our players were rubbish...


COYS....lets stick it to the Hammers...........and Liverpool .....PLEEEEEESE.


This, get over it and move on, getting boring now

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My opinion has nothing to do with Saturdays result but rather what i think is a realistic view in this era. I don't for one moment think any decisions made at the club are made with consideration to what the fans of our club think and its my opinion that anyone that does think we are thought about is naive. Long gone are those romantic days. Its all about money and nothing more. It has been obvious from the first rounds of both cup competitions this season that we were not seriously interested in either and i am sure that this was a financial decision. Personally i think this says alot about where we are going. Don't get me wrong, i have loved the last 5 years, the ride has been fantastic and this season has been brilliant with the best football i have seen for years from a Saints side. I must confess i worry if those days are coming to an end. Whatever it has been a great ride.

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Personally I have never known the club to have been run "for the fans". I've been going (on and off )for 50+ years and I've never thought of the club being run for me. The club have a team, play football, try to win, try to make the team better. Whether or not I chose to pay my money to go and watch them is up to me, when I don't go they don't miss me, someone else goes instead.

As long as the PL keeps dobbing us 75 million or so every year then it makes no difference. Supporters will go because they like going to watch games but there should never be any illusion that you are an integral part of the club per se.

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Personally I have never known the club to have been run "for the fans". I've been going (on and off )for 50+ years and I've never thought of the club being run for me. The club have a team, play football, try to win, try to make the team better. Whether or not I chose to pay my money to go and watch them is up to me, when I don't go they don't miss me, someone else goes instead.

As long as the PL keeps dobbing us 75 million or so every year then it makes no difference. Supporters will go because they like going to watch games but there should never be any illusion that you are an integral part of the club per se.



I was born in the City, grew up watching them as a kid and was lucky enough to play for them. I have an affinity and identity with my home town club Unashamedly I am a fan. I have had more lows than highs watching and supporting Saints. I do not go to "watch games" I could do that at home. I go to watch my team. The reaction from the result from many of us "fans" from Saturday was that we had been "conned" and that the club showed little respect for both the competition and those that had made the 600 mile round trip by deliberately fielding an understrength team when all the buildup by the CLUB itself was otherwise.


That is why I believe that FF and many others like me are so hacked off. It is an issue of respect that sadly vanished by our club. However, I was delighted to hear young Luke Shaw has at least recognised this and has apologised.


This board may not represent all sections of our fan base but the overwhelming reaction to Saturday was I believe genuine it is not often I heard our fans boo the team after the game at Sunderland. They were not the minority either.

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I was born in the City, grew up watching them as a kid and was lucky enough to play for them. I have an affinity and identity with my home town club Unashamedly I am a fan. I have had more lows than highs watching and supporting Saints. I do not go to "watch games" I could do that at home. I go to watch my team. The reaction from the result from many of us "fans" from Saturday was that we had been "conned" and that the club showed little respect for both the competition and those that had made the 600 mile round trip by deliberately fielding an understrength team when all the buildup by the CLUB itself was otherwise.


That is why I believe that FF and many others like me are so hacked off. It is an issue of respect that sadly vanished by our club. However, I was delighted to hear young Luke Shaw has at least recognised this and has apologised.


This board may not represent all sections of our fan base but the overwhelming reaction to Saturday was I believe genuine it is not often I heard our fans boo the team after the game at Sunderland. They were not the minority either.


Are you Keith Granger or Shane Wheeler?

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Ferchrissakes you've got your overpriced crappy cut and paste tome in the shop and still you are whingeing.I have said for a couple of years you have a political agenda

and you have been very subtle with your digs. Most have missed them but you have started to show your true colours. I am absolutely convinced you would be happier

if we were a parochial club in a lower division where saddoes like yourself, Um Pahars, Chorley etc could wield some influence.

Cortese was right we should have never stocked your book you ungrateful pompous fool.

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Ferchrissakes you've got your overpriced crappy cut and paste tome in the shop and still you are whingeing.I have said for a couple of years you have a political agenda

and you have been very subtle with your digs. Most have missed them but you have started to show your true colours. I am absolutely convinced you would be happier

if we were a parochial club in a lower division where saddoes like yourself, Um Pahars, Chorley etc could wield some influence.

Cortese was right we should have never stocked your book you ungrateful pompous fool.



Just wanted more people to read your views, hence my quick reply

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Sadly I haven't managed to read every post on this thread for two reasons :

A) I'm sitting by the pool in 35*c in the Southern Hemisphere (Christ, I must sound like Dubai_Phil!)

B) There has been too much jobby lobbing by several posters (ironically not the usual suspects!)

Please consider the following :

Poch made 5 changes = idiot !

Poyet made 9 changes = genius !

Follow this logic and we should sack Mauricio and install Gus !

Perhaps, just perhaps, his lot took their 1 good chance and we fluffed at least 3 !

It's a game of football for christ's sake and we've been knocked out in the past by the likes of Port Vale and Stockport so (although Saturday was disappointing) there is no need to question the owners attitude to fans or the manager's lack of respect for the competition !

TBF, I am a bit more relaxed as I'm far away from the sh!t weather etc but I retain my empathy and respect for all Saints fans and particularly FF who clearly has red/white striped blood in his veins although perhaps his view this time is a little OTT !



No mate.


You didn't mention golf.


Back on topic. Football has ignored fans since Sky helped create the EPL.


Fans are what exist in the REAL world of football - Championship downwards. Now we are simply a target market.


We've had 15 or so years to get used to it. The SOUL of football was sold in quiet, but was publicly sold out when SAF took Manure to Japan for a moneyball game instead of putting a team out in the FA Cup.


We have been VERY lucky, we had 7 years of pain and reality, AND to the respect of MOST Saints fans we appreciated our time in the Lower Leagues, the new away days. (Unlike those idiots down the M27 we knew we were in the League we deserved to be in)


We are in the EPL we are a brand our role is to make the games sound good so that NEXT time the TV rights are auctioned Fat Cats get richer.


It is sh1t but that is OUR fault for being football fans.


Don't like it? Go watch the egg chaser in Bath or where-ever. rants, protests, forget it.


You have NO chance against Blatter, Platini & the rest of the planet. Might as well try and debate global warming in the Lounge with GM.


It's sh1t.


So is life

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Ferchrissakes you've got your overpriced crappy cut and paste tome in the shop and still you are whingeing.I have said for a couple of years you have a political agenda

and you have been very subtle with your digs. Most have missed them but you have started to show your true colours. I am absolutely convinced you would be happier

if we were a parochial club in a lower division where saddoes like yourself, Um Pahars, Chorley etc could wield some influence.

Cortese was right we should have never stocked your book you ungrateful pompous fool.


I like the cut of your gib. Great post, needed saying IMO.


In the Don we trust.

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No mate.


You didn't mention golf.


Back on topic. Football has ignored fans since Sky helped create the EPL.


Fans are what exist in the REAL world of football - Championship downwards. Now we are simply a target market.


We've had 15 or so years to get used to it. The SOUL of football was sold in quiet, but was publicly sold out when SAF took Manure to Japan for a moneyball game instead of putting a team out in the FA Cup.


We have been VERY lucky, we had 7 years of pain and reality, AND to the respect of MOST Saints fans we appreciated our time in the Lower Leagues, the new away days. (Unlike those idiots down the M27 we knew we were in the League we deserved to be in)


We are in the EPL we are a brand our role is to make the games sound good so that NEXT time the TV rights are auctioned Fat Cats get richer.


It is sh1t but that is OUR fault for being football fans.


Don't like it? Go watch the egg chaser in Bath or where-ever. rants, protests, forget it.


You have NO chance against Blatter, Platini & the rest of the planet. Might as well try and debate global warming in the Lounge with GM.


It's sh1t.


So is life


It wasn't really meant as a dig at you Phil, just a cheeky riposte :)

Ps. I am a golfer as well, of the enthusiastic/pretty crap variety !

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Tales from the Secret Footballer: p.116, 3rd para.


If thats not the job description Adkins replied to, its damn close and illustrates how close to the pitch business has encroached on the beautiful game. As for Saturday, we rested players, they rested players, we missed 3 sitters, they scored a worldy. Close but no cigar.


As for the Liebherrs, I backed them when they were loaded, and I will back them now as well. Out of gratitude, if not respect.

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But it took a cup defeat to figure it out?


If Lambert hadn't missed that complete sitter would you still be none the wiser?!

I think most people knew this about ten years ago, TBF. Maybe a football historian could shed some light?!




We would all be looking forward to the replay and a trip to Brighton or Hull


Nothing to do with the owners or manager

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Also one question that does seem to intrigue me. Have clubs in the English pyramid, professional ones in particular, ever been "fan-owned". That is, as associations of members who elected their chairmen and its board?


Because every single piece of historic evidence I seem to come across suggests football clubs were companies (mainly Limited) from very, very early on? Even at non-league level.

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Duncan we have all have different views of the club / players etc

its not unique to Southampton, let alone this forum


I know the abuse goes on but you certainly are Premier league status when It comes to folk opposed to your views


"ta for your support but people like Dig Dog or whatever his name is and CB Fry are just pathetic trolls that hide anonymously behind a computer screen insulting fans for some kind of sexual or deviant satisfaction. I should ignore them but sometimes I can't resist letting them know how truly yellow bellied they are. If one of them posted under his (or her) real name at least you could offer them a modicum of respect."


I dont want to fall out with you as your a decent person but on occassions I am going to disagree with some of your views and your OP is just one of these occassions where I dont agree. My initial post on this topic was more to do with yout post title than some on the actual text your posted,

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Also one question that does seem to intrigue me. Have clubs in the English pyramid, professional ones in particular, ever been "fan-owned". That is, as associations of members who elected their chairmen and its board?


Because every single piece of historic evidence I seem to come across suggests football clubs were companies (mainly Limited) from very, very early on? Even at non-league level.


Quite so. I'd also argue that the Liebherrs have been Goldilocks owners. That is, they haven't starved the club of investment and asset-stripped as those miserable tossers did to Coventry, nor have they injected the club with the kind of financial doping that makes us look like a casual plaything of Middle Eastern/Russian potentates. We're also privately owned, not a PLC, which at least prevents the nightmare of having the club reversed into by some chancers running care homes, 'fit and proper' Italians with a criminal record, gunrunners or East European corporate thieves.


This is about as good as it gets for a relatively small club in the Prem - just add some silverware here and there and it's pretty much perfect.

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I find it pretty fricken sad that some of you feel its fine to attack Dincan so personnally, when he has no anonimity as you guys do... easy to be 'hard' from behind the secrecy of the keyboard. Pretty f**king low IMHO.


I disagree completely with many of Duncan's views on ownership as for me I have accepted what football has become and can live with that. Accepting what it has become makes it easier to accept the business focus and the fact that the club will not love you back. To me the thought of Fans on the board and input into key decsions is frightening if we want to challenge established views of our 'natural place' -


Duncan has a more more idealistic view, and yes it could be said to be an old fashioned one, but he has never tried to hide his opinion or his desire for such approaches... he has been honest about his true opinions which is more than can be said for some on here - cowardly WUMs.


Attacking the publishing/books because you disagree with his politics is another pathetic load of garbage - the independent reviews of the books is testament to tehir qualoity... and those guys have probably lost money on all of them - as they believe in providing fans with access to such history....


seriously, this place has become pretty pathetic - the 'dont take the internet so seriously' is the mantra of the cowardly keyboard warriors without the balls to provide their actual names, yet think they are soooo funny writing such shiete. Can only assume they hide behind their avatars, because they would be f**king embarrassed if folk knew they spouted such sheite... they should be.

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With all due respect, apart from knowing Duncan hides behind the name Fitzhugh Fella and writes books about the Saints, I don't know him from Adam and certainly wouldn't recognise him.

I do know various other SWFmembers, but don't always agree with them.

I don't really need to, provided we enter into this forum with respect for each other and accept others opinions, all's well.

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I find it pretty fricken sad that some of you feel its fine to attack Dincan so personnally, when he has no anonimity as you guys do... easy to be 'hard' from behind the secrecy of the keyboard. Pretty f**king low IMHO.


I disagree completely with many of Duncan's views on ownership as for me I have accepted what football has become and can live with that. Accepting what it has become makes it easier to accept the business focus and the fact that the club will not love you back. To me the thought of Fans on the board and input into key decsions is frightening if we want to challenge established views of our 'natural place' -


Duncan has a more more idealistic view, and yes it could be said to be an old fashioned one, but he has never tried to hide his opinion or his desire for such approaches... he has been honest about his true opinions which is more than can be said for some on here - cowardly WUMs.


Attacking the publishing/books because you disagree with his politics is another pathetic load of garbage - the independent reviews of the books is testament to tehir qualoity... and those guys have probably lost money on all of them - as they believe in providing fans with access to such history....


seriously, this place has become pretty pathetic - the 'dont take the internet so seriously' is the mantra of the cowardly keyboard warriors without the balls to provide their actual names, yet think they are soooo funny writing such shiete. Can only assume they hide behind their avatars, because they would be f**king embarrassed if folk knew they spouted such sheite... they should be.

Frank, Duncan is far from an angel on here. I have not personally attacked his books, and i think many find it incredulous that within a week or so of the club taking his book back into the club shop, and the other fan friendly moves, he attacks the club regarding how it treats the fans
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Someone posted this yesterday on TUI about Duncan which I thinks sums him up perfectly.


One has remember that a lot of employees agitate below the parapet whilst the representative has to represent those views to the management. Sometimes the majority demand action when it is impossible to negotiate with an entrenched management, especially when the top man was a former strike leader. (Willie take a bow) Duncan paid a high price for representing his colleagues. Probably his misjudgement was in following custom and practice rather than what was contractually required and was nailed by a belligerent employer imposing the fine print.


Everybody is entitled to their opinion whether it is FF, VW or anyone else. I just don't see the point in the ignorant nastiness that appears regularly on this site. I thought that was what mods were on here to stamp out. It's high time they started doing that. A lot of very good posters have abandoned this site and it is the worse for it. Allowing small numbers of posters to regularly hijack interesting threads just leads to decent posters walking away.

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To be frank (without the chronic misspelling), I think threads like this are uselessly sidetracked by constant moaning about the tone of others' posts rather than the supposedly aggressive posts themselves, which would otherwise be glossed over. Just don't react to them.


So could we get back to the topic...?

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KL did not, thats why she sacked him.



Which you will no doubt be proving to us at some time or other. Same old same old accusations which go contrary to the clubs official statements which basically says they are veiling the truth but various posters know better.

Did KL not say she did her best to keep NC on board ? How does that equate with sacking him then ?


Let me remind you of the contents of the Official Club Statement:


Katharina Liebherr said:

"With great regret we have accepted the resignation of Mr Cortese. He has done a wonderful job at the club and we very much wanted him to stay. A search has now begun for a successor. In the meantime, it is business as usual and we will ensure that the manager, the team and all the staff at the club have all the help and support they need."


Read more at http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/news/article/southampton-fc-appointment-of-chairman-1296942.aspx#GOPtYmY3MmYPgKxK.99

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Which you will no doubt be proving to us at some time or other. Same old same old accusations which go contrary to the clubs official statements which basically says they are veiling the truth but various posters know better.

Did KL not say she did her best to keep NC on board ? How does that equate with sacking him then ?


Let me remind you of the contents of the Official Club Statement:


Katharina Liebherr said:

"With great regret we have accepted the resignation of Mr Cortese. He has done a wonderful job at the club and we very much wanted him to stay. A search has now begun for a successor. In the meantime, it is business as usual and we will ensure that the manager, the team and all the staff at the club have all the help and support they need."


Read more at http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/news/article/southampton-fc-appointment-of-chairman-1296942.aspx#GOPtYmY3MmYPgKxK.99



Really these nuggets of "fact" need to be backed up or kept to oneself.

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Frank, Duncan is far from an angel on here. I have not personally attacked his books, and i think many find it incredulous that within a week or so of the club taking his book back into the club shop, and the other fan friendly moves, he attacks the club regarding how it treats the fans


To be fair, its pretty imporatnt that he CAN have this opinion . Why should Duncan compromise his opinion on fhow he feels fans should be treated, just because the club decide to stock his publications? I would argue that he would have less credibilty IF HE CHOSE to ignore how he felt becoiause they stocked his books.


As I said, I do not agree with him on the ownership questions, I have had plenty of debate on Lowe, On PLCs on Wilde/Crouch and more recently on KL. But the fact remians he his always honest with his opinion. I dont even agree with his OP, but some of the posts have become laced with spite and bitterness that opinion does not deserve. There are some on here who present an opinion not their own just to irritate, yet are treated better... to me that sums up what is sadly wrong with thees sites.

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To be fair, its pretty imporatnt that he CAN have this opinion . Why should Duncan compromise his opinion on fhow he feels fans should be treated, just because the club decide to stock his publications? I would argue that he would have less credibilty IF HE CHOSE to ignore how he felt becoiause they stocked his books.


As I said, I do not agree with him on the ownership questions, I have had plenty of debate on Lowe, On PLCs on Wilde/Crouch and more recently on KL. But the fact remians he his always honest with his opinion. I dont even agree with his OP, but some of the posts have become laced with spite and bitterness that opinion does not deserve. There are some on here who present an opinion not their own just to irritate, yet are treated better... to me that sums up what is sadly wrong with thees sites.



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To be frank (without the chronic misspelling), I think threads like this are uselessly sidetracked by constant moaning about the tone of others' posts rather than the supposedly aggressive posts themselves, which would otherwise be glossed over. Just don't react to them.


So could we get back to the topic...?


Bad Spelling?... nah, bad typing and no chance of editing... ignoring? easier said than done - its why WUMs are so effective, because its human nature to respond, no matter what common sense is telling you to avoid. I have met Duncan on a number of occasions, decent, loyal and passionate about Saints... sure an opinionated bastard, just like the rest of us, but at least honest about it. The point though is that some on here attack him because they KNOW of his job, his background etc which has nothing to do with the debate, and to me that is just cowardly - sure have a go at his opinions, I do, but it should be about his footballing idealogy, nothing else.

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I've been saying for months that players and fans want to win things and that we should try to win the cups. A few months back i was told that this was ridiculous, shouted down and we need to concentrate on the league, we played a weakened team at the league cup game at Sunderland and this was a good thing otherwise it would detract from our push for the champions league. It was champions league or nothing. Now reality has hit home and the fact of the matter is, like some "trolls" said back in october, we aren't going to make the champions league and we will finish midtable then suddenly it's outrageous and disgusting that the club haven't taken the cups seriously.

Players and fans want to win thing, they want memorable days out and they want a shot at glory, this is what sport is all about. What it isn't about is settling for midtable at the cost of all else. To those that are happy we went out of the cups meekly i'll ask you this, are we a sports club or a cash cow? In 30 years time do they want to remember the days we played a cup semi final or final at Wembley or do they want to talk about the time we got an extra £2m quid for finishing 7th rather than 12th?


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Bad Spelling?... nah' date=' bad typing and no chance of editing... ignoring? easier said than done - its why WUMs are so effective, because its human nature to respond, no matter what common sense is telling you to avoid. I have met Duncan on a number of occasions, decent, loyal and passionate about Saints... sure an opinionated bastard, just like the rest of us, but at least honest about it. The point though is that some on here attack him because they KNOW of his job, his background etc which has nothing to do with the debate, and to me that is just cowardly - sure have a go at his opinions, I do, but it should be about his footballing idealogy, nothing else.[/quote']fair point but did you read some of the darn nasty attacks he made on Viking Warrior, who posted nothing that to me seemed to warrant it.

I have had a lot of run ins with Duncan on here, but i dont hold it against him. i dont want anyone to take things personally as it is a forum not the Spanish inquisition as nobody would expect that

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Words of wisdom yet again Dave [ Derry]. Like yourself Dave, I cannot understand why the mods allow the moronic few to spew out their vitriol in virtually every thing they post. You and I both know Duncan and despite some of his opinions, know him to be a thoroughly decent guy, a shame the moronic element on here, pass judgement when they do not even know the man.

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I don't see any value in the OP unless you have a personal agenda with the club and it's owners. I don't - the last five years has been the best time being a Saints fan IMO since 1976 and that's my honest opinion. The only time I will kick up a stink is if the price of my ST seat (one of the most expensive in the ground outside of corporate) is raised higher than is expected for an average seat price in a mid-table club in the Prem - then I will feel ripped-off. Otherwise, I love the football we're playing...think most of the players are identifiable and committed to the club...we've continued with a great Academy that is the envy of UK if not World football...I get to watch away games on TV/streamed...I still enjoy the whole match experience with my friends. What the hell is there to complain about?

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