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The club is no longer run FOR the fans...............

Fitzhugh Fella

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There were 2 (TWO) players that could be considered as rested. (one if Boruc was ill as some reports have said).

Fonte and JRod not 100% fit. Cork = Wanyama.


If the players fell frustrated it was because they performed like sh*t, and that is what all of them has been saying in all interviews afterwards..

But we did play a weakened team, weaker than any we've used for a league game all season and the Hull game has taken significant priority over yesterday's match, that is what is frustrating so many fans.
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Look at the gates for our cup matches over the past few seasons at reduced prices from those charged for league game. Then look at the gates for league games over the same period at the higher prices. Now tell me what the fans priorities are using those statistics!


We are all upset we lost in the cup. The team put out should have been good enough to beat Sunderland. They didn't because too many of our regulars failed to reach the standards we have come to expect.


Don't blame the owner. She does not pick the team. Just a bad day in the office against a club our first team could not beat at home earlier in the season. It happens.

It's not surprising that crowds are lower whn they know they'll be watching a 2nd string side and/or lower division opposition.
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Look at the gates for our cup matches over the past few seasons at reduced prices from those charged for league game. Then look at the gates for league games over the same period at the higher prices. Now tell me what the fans priorities are using those statistics!


We are all upset we lost in the cup. The team put out should have been good enough to beat Sunderland. They didn't because too many of our regulars failed to reach the standards we have come to expect.


Don't blame the owner. She does not pick the team. Just a bad day in the office against a club our first team could not beat at home earlier in the season. It happens.



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MoPo owes the fans an apology.


FA Cup means something. Something more than mid-table mediocrity. He's let the fans down AND he let the players down - all of whom seemed just as surprised that we weren't going for the FA Cup.


If they don't learn from this then frankly I'd rather take my chances with an English manager. Sorry, but I feel quite strongly. Feel as if the season just ended like a wet fart.


If I'm really honest, I cannot think of anything worse than having fans have an influence over how the club runs. We had that with Wilde, Crouch and so on.


We're run by a rich family who are looking after our club. They've written off millions and millions of pounds to get us where we are, and they've allowed us to enjoy 5 of the best years I've ever experienced as a saints fan.


All this fan-owned club nonsense doesn't' work in this country, and god help us if anyone on this forum had a say on club business. (that's not directed at you FF).


Crouch was doing a very good job when he was incharge. From jam 2008 til end of the season and he put money up to keep us afloat. Don't know why you had to include his name but he would have done well IMO.

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The halcyon days before the Liebherrs. I look back fondly to the Lowe years. His one eye wasn't myopia, he was using it to make sure he kept the fans happy and we were all happy weren't we? His other eye was on the shareholders. Oh and what about the era when we nearly got taken over by a hedge fund. That was Wilde.


The club's never been run for the fans and it's disingenuous to claim otherwise.The best we can hope for is that the interests of the owners and those of fans overlap. They will never align entirely. As football club owners go the Liebherrs have been excellent for us.

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But we did play a weakened team, weaker than any we've used for a league game all season and the Hull game has taken significant priority over yesterday's match, that is what is frustrating so many fans.


And that is why I said that fans are fickle and egoistic and only thinking of now now now.


Managers cant afford that and they have to think of a bigger picture. I guess most fans that think we played a weakened side are on that we should have played Cork/Schneiderlin, am I right?


Well to them I will say that it was our 3rd game in 8 days, the first two played in the heaviest conditions possible and CM is the position that requires the most in football in general and in our system specifically. Why does it not make sense then to rotate that position and bring in two players that were starters at the beginning of the season that made the team go up to third in the league?

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This is going to be a slightly controversial post, but imo since the Liebherr family took over, the club stopped being run "for the fans". Instead it is run for the good of the "business". Normally the two go hand in hand but occasionally, there are times, like yesterday when there is a conflict of interest or a diversity of ambition.


The events at the Stadium of Light have most probably thrown up the most discord on this forum since a Cortese inspired Liebherr bandwagon trampled the flawed Le Tissier dream ticket consortium into oblivion and swept into town to take over. Gawd we were all so grateful. Me included.


I said at the time it is great to be rescued and to have real money at our fingertips (and what a five years we have had), but gone forever are the days where the fans priorities and dreams are a priority. Even Lowe had to keep one eye on keeping the fans happy.


No one in charge at SMS really genuinely cares about our stripes, our traditions or our history. It remains a money making machine that will be sold or kept according to market forces. The fans dreams and hopes are mere side issues. We are supporting a company who happen to be based in our city and there is no going back.


So who is going to Upton Park?


Strange post.


Sure I read a post, not long ago, on here about how our previous long standing regime went as far as insulting a fan on the fan such was his lack of respect for fans.


The events of yesterday?! What events? Losing a cup game with a disappointing performance against a prem side? A long away trip in crap weather following a midweek game.


Where has this arrogance come from?


Apparently, it seems, if we hadn't played Guly yesterday the cup was ours?!


Many (most?) Clubs play their second keeper in cup games to keep them part of the team.


Played first choice defence available.


Played first choice players in Lallana, Lambert, Wanyama, Davis.


The only two surprises / weak links were Guly and JWP. JWP has been involved in most games, started many and was mentioned by England manager this week.

JayRod wasn't fully fit.


That side was picked to win. I would have preferred Morgan and JayRod but won't throw my teddies out over their omission.


Every team has below par performances, after excellent season because we have one, losing to a prem side away 1-0 suddenly MP is called a c£%t and owners are insulting fans!


Lambert and Lallana both missed chances easier than just about any goals they have scored this season - this is main reason we went out.


You will never be happy supporting saints, unless you get your glory day of a cup win. I don't say that as insult, I think it is sad.

When we had that amazing run in league one, and I was posting threads about it, I remember you saying you couldn't enjoy it as knew it will end....


We are old enough to know football goes in cycles, favourite players or managers leave, fortunes ebb and flow. It is fact that the club will lose its current owner, manager and players at some stage - when? We can speculate. Personally I want to enjoy the good times while they last, not sulk about the inevitable downs that will come.


We weren't given choice of 7th or cup win - it doesn't work like that. If it did, I would have chosen cup win - had started dreaming of my kids first cup final.

But, if we finish 7th, it may mean MP is more likely to stay, players stay, better recruits etc...maybe have better chance next season.


The club is serving fans better than for years - the quality of football, the excitement with young players coming through etc.


You mention West ham - surely a good contrast. Would you want their manager, team, owners or stadium move?


This is meant to be a hobby, a pleasure, a passion.


We all get disappointed with bad results, some show it in different ways.


But I really cannot understand why people actively seek the negative. Whatever the topic there are about 7 posters who will always take the negative stance - and actually, bizarrely criticise fans for being biased , optimistic, happy, getting carried away etc - surely that's the whole point? Not an insult!


You, and a couple of the others do also talk sense at time (worded badly - mean football views that even if I don't agree I am interested in reading).


Genuinely think you should take a step back and see if it is adding to your life or not what you enjoy - its only football, there are much better ways to spend your time if its ****ing you off, life is too short.




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MoPo owes the fans an apology.


FA Cup means something. Something more than mid-table mediocrity. He's let the fans down AND he let the players down - all of whom seemed just as surprised that we weren't going for the FA Cup.


If they don't learn from this then frankly I'd rather take my chances with an English manager. Sorry, but I feel quite strongly. Feel as if the season just ended like a wet fart.


Strange post.


Sure I read a post, not long ago, on here about how our previous long standing regime went as far as insulting a fan on the fan such was his lack of respect for fans.


The events of yesterday?! What events? Losing a cup game with a disappointing performance against a prem side? A long away trip in crap weather following a midweek game.


Where has this arrogance come from?


Apparently, it seems, if we hadn't played Guly yesterday the cup was ours?!


Many (most?) Clubs play their second keeper in cup games to keep them part of the team.


Played first choice defence available.


Played first choice players in Lallana, Lambert, Wanyama, Davis.


The only two surprises / weak links were Guly and JWP. JWP has been involved in most games, started many and was mentioned by England manager this week.

JayRod wasn't fully fit.


That side was picked to win. I would have preferred Morgan and JayRod but won't throw my teddies out over their omission.


Every team has below par performances, after excellent season because we have one, losing to a prem side away 1-0 suddenly MP is called a c£%t and owners are insulting fans!


Lambert and Lallana both missed chances easier than just about any goals they have scored this season - this is main reason we went out.


You will never be happy supporting saints, unless you get your glory day of a cup win. I don't say that as insult, I think it is sad.

When we had that amazing run in league one, and I was posting threads about it, I remember you saying you couldn't enjoy it as knew it will end....


We are old enough to know football goes in cycles, favourite players or managers leave, fortunes ebb and flow. It is fact that the club will lose its current owner, manager and players at some stage - when? We can speculate. Personally I want to enjoy the good times while they last, not sulk about the inevitable downs that will come.


We weren't given choice of 7th or cup win - it doesn't work like that. If it did, I would have chosen cup win - had started dreaming of my kids first cup final.

But, if we finish 7th, it may mean MP is more likely to stay, players stay, better recruits etc...maybe have better chance next season.


The club is serving fans better than for years - the quality of football, the excitement with young players coming through etc.


You mention West ham - surely a good contrast. Would you want their manager, team, owners or stadium move?


This is meant to be a hobby, a pleasure, a passion.


We all get disappointed with bad results, some show it in different ways.


But I really cannot understand why people actively seek the negative. Whatever the topic there are about 7 posters who will always take the negative stance - and actually, bizarrely criticise fans for being biased , optimistic, happy, getting carried away etc - surely that's the whole point? Not an insult!


You, and a couple of the others do also talk sense at time (worded badly - mean football views that even if I don't agree I am interested in reading).


Genuinely think you should take a step back and see if it is adding to your life or not what you enjoy - its only football, there are much better ways to spend your time if its ****ing you off, life is too short.





You can write all you want but the manager made a major cock up yesterday and showed a total disregard for the fans. I'm still very angry.

However, we've played some of best football I've ever seen southampton play under him and it's his first major error. Let's just hope he learns from it. But I think fans are justifiably annoyed.

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Yes but they did that on behalf of the fans and were accountable. It was what we all wanted, don't try and re-write history.


Crouch didn't have a say when he was a non exec. He was the appointed chairman and was seeing the club to safety financially and appointed what's showed to be an inspired choice in Pearson. It's a shame lowlife etc ruined that.

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And that is why I said that fans are fickle and egoistic and only thinking of now now now.


Managers cant afford that and they have to think of a bigger picture. I guess most fans that think we played a weakened side are on that we should have played Cork/Schneiderlin, am I right?


Well to them I will say that it was our 3rd game in 8 days, the first two played in the heaviest conditions possible and CM is the position that requires the most in football in general and in our system specifically. Why does it not make sense then to rotate that position and bring in two players that were starters at the beginning of the season that made the team go up to third in the league?

So you don't think we played a weakened team yesterday? What the f**k?
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So you don't think we played a weakened team yesterday? What the f**k?


Did we play a weakened team if were looking from a point where every player would be in form and 100% fit with no fatigue, yes.


Unfortunately that was not the situation and very rarely is.

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The halcyon days before the Liebherrs. I look back fondly to the Lowe years. His one eye wasn't myopia, he was using it to make sure he kept the fans happy and we were all happy weren't we? His other eye was on the shareholders. Oh and what about the era when we nearly got taken over by a hedge fund. That was Wilde.


The club's never been run for the fans and it's disingenuous to claim otherwise.The best we can hope for is that the interests of the owners and those of fans overlap. They will never align entirely. As football club owners go the Liebherrs have been excellent for us.


yea I agree with this, esp the overlapping bit but aren't we becoming subservient? Just asking. Should we not be a bit more vocal in what we want. Our devotion to the Liebherrs is a bit nauseating tbh

Edited by Fitzhugh Fella
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Give it a rest. Opinion is one thing but trying to claim he put the best team in to win the tie is utterly ridiculous.


The players were not too tired to start, and if that was the case, it's because he chose to focus on the Stoke or Hull games instead. Either way you look at it, he didn't care about the FA Cup.


And thinking the players would ever come out and criticise the manager's selection is just naive. Of course they'll blame themselves, do you expect any of them to say 'I wish he'd picked better players for me to play with'?


Davis and Hooiveld in mean right from the start you have woeful distribution, less control of the ball and put yourself under pressure. No Schneiderlin means we're less likely to dominate possession, No JRod means we won't get in behind them. I'm all for giving youngsters a chance but sending on McQueen for Lallana when desperate for a goal late on summed up the attitude. I say desperate for a goal, the fans were, but I seriously doubt MP wanted an equaliser and replay.


One question, a very easy yes or no one.


Do you think the team that was put out there should be good enough to beat the Sunderland that was out there?

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Strange post.


Sure I read a post, not long ago, on here about how our previous long standing regime went as far as insulting a fan on the fan such was his lack of respect for fans.


The events of yesterday?! What events? Losing a cup game with a disappointing performance against a prem side? A long away trip in crap weather following a midweek game.


Where has this arrogance come from?


Apparently, it seems, if we hadn't played Guly yesterday the cup was ours?!


Many (most?) Clubs play their second keeper in cup games to keep them part of the team.


Played first choice defence available.


Played first choice players in Lallana, Lambert, Wanyama, Davis.


The only two surprises / weak links were Guly and JWP. JWP has been involved in most games, started many and was mentioned by England manager this week.

JayRod wasn't fully fit.


That side was picked to win. I would have preferred Morgan and JayRod but won't throw my teddies out over their omission.


Every team has below par performances, after excellent season because we have one, losing to a prem side away 1-0 suddenly MP is called a c£%t and owners are insulting fans!


Lambert and Lallana both missed chances easier than just about any goals they have scored this season - this is main reason we went out.


You will never be happy supporting saints, unless you get your glory day of a cup win. I don't say that as insult, I think it is sad.

When we had that amazing run in league one, and I was posting threads about it, I remember you saying you couldn't enjoy it as knew it will end....


We are old enough to know football goes in cycles, favourite players or managers leave, fortunes ebb and flow. It is fact that the club will lose its current owner, manager and players at some stage - when? We can speculate. Personally I want to enjoy the good times while they last, not sulk about the inevitable downs that will come.


We weren't given choice of 7th or cup win - it doesn't work like that. If it did, I would have chosen cup win - had started dreaming of my kids first cup final.

But, if we finish 7th, it may mean MP is more likely to stay, players stay, better recruits etc...maybe have better chance next season.


The club is serving fans better than for years - the quality of football, the excitement with young players coming through etc.


You mention West ham - surely a good contrast. Would you want their manager, team, owners or stadium move?


This is meant to be a hobby, a pleasure, a passion.


We all get disappointed with bad results, some show it in different ways.


But I really cannot understand why people actively seek the negative. Whatever the topic there are about 7 posters who will always take the negative stance - and actually, bizarrely criticise fans for being biased , optimistic, happy, getting carried away etc - surely that's the whole point? Not an insult!


You, and a couple of the others do also talk sense at time (worded badly - mean football views that even if I don't agree I am interested in reading).


Genuinely think you should take a step back and see if it is adding to your life or not what you enjoy - its only football, there are much better ways to spend your time if its ****ing you off, life is too short.






Sorry Nick - this is a bit of a windbag post, tonight we are dealing with emotions. Not being rude because I accept you have put time and thought into your post and much of it makes sense but.......................sometimes common sense does not add up - just look at MP's team selections.

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The club was never never run "for the fans". Like most football clubs it's a business, and always has been.


No No no. It was once a sport. When I signed on for Saints years ago it was because I wanted to play football. Even today most pros will tell you that you have to enjoy what you do and develop your skills.Lucky you if you are obscenely paid to do so. Years ago the major income was through the turnstiles and less we forget it still is outside the premier league. Yesterday at Sunderland was more than just a defeat it was the attitude of the Club towards fans like me who had busted a gut to go and got disrespect for OUR efforts.


Now I also am a businessman and I know that if I treat my customers (fans) with contempt then they will go somewhere else or just become an arnchair fan frustrated at poor video streams.

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yea I agree with this, esp the overlapping bit but aren't we becoming subservient? Just asking. Should we not be a bit more vocal in what we want. Our devotion to the Liebherr's is a bit nauseating tbh


I understand the fans that went yesterday were vocal both during the match and after the final whistle. I'm no devotee of the Liebherrs. As owners go they have been good. That seems self evident to me when you consider what's been done to Coventry City and countless other clubs. I think the Liebherrs will sell. From an investment perspective it would make sense. The only thing that gives me hope that they may not is the money put into the academy and infrastructure. That adds value but it's also long term.

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I see the morons are crawling out of the woodwork again.


We lost one game in the cup. Yeah, we had a decent chance of getting to the final, but the team we put out should have won - the loss was down to a really poor performance and missing some gilt-edged chances. It's f*cking laughable that people think Poch should make a public apology, and even more laughable to suggest that a squad rotation and a defeat means that our owners don't give a f*ck about the fans at all. We really do have some proper planks among our fans...


The voice of sanity. I hope we stuff Wham as this will at least stop the whinging bedwetters and wrist slitters. Lets get back to PL football and try and push for a as high as we can get ! I reckon Pochettino made a good call !

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This is going to be a slightly controversial post, but imo since the Liebherr family took over, the club stopped being run "for the fans". Instead it is run for the good of the "business". Normally the two go hand in hand but occasionally, there are times, like yesterday when there is a conflict of interest or a diversity of ambition.


The events at the Stadium of Light have most probably thrown up the most discord on this forum since a Cortese inspired Liebherr bandwagon trampled the flawed Le Tissier dream ticket consortium into oblivion and swept into town to take over. Gawd we were all so grateful. Me included.


I said at the time it is great to be rescued and to have real money at our fingertips (and what a five years we have had), but gone forever are the days where the fans priorities and dreams are a priority. Even Lowe had to keep one eye on keeping the fans happy.


No one in charge at SMS really genuinely cares about our stripes, our traditions or our history. It remains a money making machine that will be sold or kept according to market forces. The fans dreams and hopes are mere side issues. We are supporting a company who happen to be based in our city and there is no going back.


So who is going to Upton Park?[/


Football is a business. If we are upset or disgruntled we can replaced as a customer/consumer.

That is just the way it goes.

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This is going to be a slightly controversial post, but imo since the Liebherr family took over, the club stopped being run "for the fans". Instead it is run for the good of the "business". Normally the two go hand in hand but occasionally, there are times, like yesterday when there is a conflict of interest or a diversity of ambition.


The events at the Stadium of Light have most probably thrown up the most discord on this forum since a Cortese inspired Liebherr bandwagon trampled the flawed Le Tissier dream ticket consortium into oblivion and swept into town to take over. Gawd we were all so grateful. Me included.


I said at the time it is great to be rescued and to have real money at our fingertips (and what a five years we have had), but gone forever are the days where the fans priorities and dreams are a priority. Even Lowe had to keep one eye on keeping the fans happy.


No one in charge at SMS really genuinely cares about our stripes, our traditions or our history. It remains a money making machine that will be sold or kept according to market forces. The fans dreams and hopes are mere side issues. We are supporting a company who happen to be based in our city and there is no going back.


So who is going to Upton Park?

Success in the Premiership is determined by the money you have available. That much is certain. And that is backed up by the stability behind the scenes. Cortese went from villain to hero because of our success, but the real success is our players and academy and he just instilled a stability. Look at league 2, the deferential between teams and position from top to bottom is minimal, due to finances not being involved and being more equal. You can look at any model in any country and it all boils down to finances. We are in a halcyon period. Don't knock it. We are supporting the saints and we are 8th in the best league in the world. I'm happy enough.
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One question, a very easy yes or no one.


Do you think the team that was put out there should be good enough to beat the Sunderland that was out there?


Except it isn't that straightforward. On paper, yes the team should have had enough about them to at least get a draw. Yet they played with no tempo or aggression. Aside from the goal we actually defended okay, however MPs best attempt to get us back in it was to take off our best player and replace him with an 18 year old who had never played a minute of first team football. This unfathomable, you can bleat in about fatigue but there was only 10 minutes left. It seemed to me to send out a message that if anyone wasn't sure that we don't really care about the cup then there was the final bit of proof. I'm sure you can explain the logic behind it though.

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Except it isn't that straightforward. On paper, yes the team should have had enough about them to at least get a draw. Yet they played with no tempo or aggression. Aside from the goal we actually defended okay, however MPs best attempt to get us back in it was to take off our best player and replace him with an 18 year old who had never played a minute of first team football. This unfathomable, you can bleat in about fatigue but there was only 10 minutes left. It seemed to me to send out a message that if anyone wasn't sure that we don't really care about the cup then there was the final bit of proof. I'm sure you can explain the logic behind it though.


Actually the point is that we dont know why. Most people judge on that no info, I give another view what MIGHT be the case instead of judging over things we dont know the facts about.

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Like what?


Lots of reasons, who knows....


Fatigue, 3rd game in 8 days where the first two was played in the heaviest condition possible, niggles and light injuries, illness.


It all comes down to the same conclusion. The team that was out there should be good enough to beat that Sunderland side.

They didn´t and it falls down to performance, not team selection.


Good night.

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Lots of reasons, who knows....


Fatigue, 3rd game in 8 days where the first two was played in the heaviest condition possible, niggles and light injuries, illness.


It all comes down to the same conclusion. The team that was out there should be good enough to beat that Sunderland side.

They didn´t and it falls down to performance, not team selection.


Good night.

So all those things just happen to be relevant for an FA Cup tie, but haven't been relevant once for a league game this season?
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I did say the Le Tiss consortium was flawed. But I disagree Vectis, there was a time when the fans opinion counted. Remember the sacking of Branfoot? That was totally because of the fans when voting with their feet scared the **** out of the board. In other words gate receipts ruled the day.


I sympathise but take through the turnstyles is no longer what counts

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I see the morons are crawling out of the woodwork again.


We lost one game in the cup. Yeah, we had a decent chance of getting to the final, but the team we put out should have won - the loss was down to a really poor performance and missing some gilt-edged chances. It's f*cking laughable that people think Poch should make a public apology, and even more laughable to suggest that a squad rotation and a defeat means that our owners don't give a f*ck about the fans at all. We really do have some proper planks among our fans...


This........... a few on here need to STFU they are clueless WUMs


Duncan I'm disappointed that you stirred this up

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Sensible response - thank you for talking like a real fan. But this weekend (and this is why I started this thread) for the first time I found myself asking "actually what is the point"? And then I realised there is none because no one of any importance at the club really cares. The guys who run the media section like Jordan Sibley and Simon Williams care but the people they answer to don't. Since we have had a temporary CEO we have heard nothing, but there again my point is "why should we think we are entitled to hear anything in the first place".


FF, there is a huge amount of emotive rhetoric spouted when folks discuss clubs, owners, etc. Reality is that when you let go of all that baggage and just accept the club owes us nothing... And see it for what it us, a game, a club we CHOSE to support for our own enjoyment, it's a lot easier to enjoy it.


I went 'down' to SOL as one of the 800 odd and as all was disappointed with the performance... We looked tired and heavy footed - and an alternative viewpoint might be that be that an attempt was made to freshen things up... Crap drive home, but the hysterical nonsense on here, fuelled by our 2or 3 resident trolls is comical as it is expected.


Thank feck this site is not reflective of the majority of fans, just the plaything for a few saddos with nothing else to do, who take such delight in spreading their 'opinion'.


The eh club always has and always will make decisions they believe tone in their best interests- some will resonate with fans others will anger them... It's always been like that. Seriously, when the is accepted, we can get on with our part in this, supporting and hopefully enjoying it... It is after all our choice and it's meant to be fun...

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This........... a few on here need to STFU they are clueless WUMs


Duncan I'm disappointed that you stirred this up



Why? It's what I think. I have enjoyed the last five years and been very proud this season but I still feel the fans are way down the food chain these days. It is the same almost everywhere else too I accept. Will it change? No I guess not but I am not going to sit back and say it is wonderful being owned by the Liebherr company just because we have had five good years. For me it would be a lot greater if the fans were at least listened to when it comes to things like design of the kit. We are continually told how much the players value our support especially at away matches but this support is sometimes a one way street as we saw on Saturday. Do you think Pochettino spent one second considering the away fans at the Stadium of Light?


No fans should not have seats on the board and no clubs should not be run for the fans but the fans' views need to be respected in certain areas.

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FF, there is a huge amount of emotive rhetoric spouted when folks discuss clubs, owners, etc. Reality is that when you let go of all that baggage and just accept the club owes us nothing... And see it for what it us, a game, a club we CHOSE to support for our own enjoyment, it's a lot easier to enjoy it.


I went 'down' to SOL as one of the 800 odd and as all was disappointed with the performance... We looked tired and heavy footed - and an alternative viewpoint might be that be that an attempt was made to freshen things up... Crap drive home, but the hysterical nonsense on here, fuelled by our 2or 3 resident trolls is comical as it is expected.


Thank feck this site is not reflective of the majority of fans, just the plaything for a few saddos with nothing else to do, who take such delight in spreading their 'opinion'.


The eh club always has and always will make decisions they believe tone in their best interests- some will resonate with fans others will anger them... It's always been like that. Seriously, when the is accepted, we can get on with our part in this, supporting and hopefully enjoying it... It is after all our choice and it's meant to be fun...


So basically Frank you are saying the fans are irrelevant?

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