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So finishing above Man U is more important than silverware?

Fitzhugh Fella

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Maybe I am getting old, but I cannot believe people are relaxed about today's FA Cup elimination because at least "we won't have to compete in the Europa Cup".


And then astonishment that some think to finish above Man Utd is more important than getting to Wembley is even more unbelievable.


Or am I just a Bovril drinking dinosaur wanting my club to lift a second cup in only 128 years?


And should I accept the fact I am a bed wetter to be annoyed that my club spunked up a great chance of Wembley glory?



Or am I right to be just a bit miffed?

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Maybe I am getting old, but I cannot believe people are relaxed about today's FA Cup elimination because at least "we won't have to compete in the Europa Cup".


And then astonishment that some think to finish above Man Utd is more important than getting to Wembley is even more unbelievable.


Or am I just a Bovril drinking dinosaur wanting my club to lift a second cup in only 128 years?


And should I accept the fact I am a bed wetter to be annoyed that my club spunked up a great chance of Wembley glory?



Or am I right to be just a bit miffed?

hardly anyone is to be fair

just read the various threads

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I couldn't agree more FF. I have no explanation to why a club safe from relegation, and very very unlikely to finish in the top 4, wouldn't go all out to get to Wembley and win something. Very, very disappointing.


Ditto (to the nth degree).

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there are plenty on the other threads who are saying at least we don't have to compete in the Europa League.


Maybe they are giving themselves false comfort but they seem to think winning a major Cup at Wembley is not worth the hassle of competing in a dodgy European Cup.


Seems arse about face to me but like I say maybe it is a generational thing and getting one over Man Utd is all some care about.


Just find that quite astonishing to be frank.

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there are plenty on the other threads who are saying at least we don't have to compete in the Europa League.


Maybe they are giving themselves false comfort but they seem to think winning a major Cup at Wembley is not worth the hassle of competing in a dodgy European Cup.


Seems arse about face to me but like I say maybe it is a generational thing and getting one over Man Utd is all some care about.


Just find that quite astonishing to be frank.

I dont think it is. if so, maybe about 4 posters?

half of those are probably after bites

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A manager and people who have fallen into the ambition ( hazy fantasy) talked of to the press by NC.


Those that were more grounded and said that this clubs realistic ambition was to be a solid mid table club and have a good go at the cups were sneered out by those caught up in the fantasy land that some lived in because someone told them we were aiming for the champions league.

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there are plenty on the other threads who are saying at least we don't have to compete in the Europa League.


Maybe they are giving themselves false comfort but they seem to think winning a major Cup at Wembley is not worth the hassle of competing in a dodgy European Cup.


Seems arse about face to me but like I say maybe it is a generational thing and getting one over Man Utd is all some care about.


Just find that quite astonishing to be frank.


If we really don't want to be in the Europa league then go for the cup and play the youth team in the Europa cup. F+ck me its baffling people are not fussed we threw away a chance of at least a Wembley semi final appearance.

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Not sure about man united but top 8 seems to be mopos main motivation...


Wonder why 8th is more important than a medal???




Maybe it is money, but from this stage on the FA Cup prize & TV money and extra gate receipts start to outweigh the Premier League place money and on this showing you couldn't blame BT if they didn't hand over the TV money for today's showing.

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Considering our league position it is bonkers that we didn't put more value on the cup. We will never be in a better position, safe from relegation, nothing to play for in the league, a strong first team and most top clubs out the cup.


Really starting to lose interest in modern football, it's just about the money now. Very sad.

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I would say that with a small squad Pochettino has decided we will do better to target our resources in the league than 'gamble' in the Cup. Seems logical to me.


We are safe ffs.


As FF points out, 1 FA Cup in 128 years. Something worth addressing.


Seems perverse and ill founded logic to me, not to want to win the greatest domestic cup competition going, especially for a young manager to enhance his CV.

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Maybe I am getting old, but I cannot believe people are relaxed about today's FA Cup elimination because at least "we won't have to compete in the Europa Cup".


And then astonishment that some think to finish above Man Utd is more important than getting to Wembley is even more unbelievable.


Or am I just a Bovril drinking dinosaur wanting my club to lift a second cup in only 128 years?


And should I accept the fact I am a bed wetter to be annoyed that my club spunked up a great chance of Wembley glory?



Or am I right to be just a bit miffed?


there are plenty on the other threads who are saying at least we don't have to compete in the Europa League.


Maybe they are giving themselves false comfort but they seem to think winning a major Cup at Wembley is not worth the hassle of competing in a dodgy European Cup.


Seems arse about face to me but like I say maybe it is a generational thing and getting one over Man Utd is all some care about.


Just find that quite astonishing to be frank.


I would say that with a small squad Pochettino has decided we will do better to target our resources in the league than 'gamble' in the Cup. Seems logical to me.


Very funny!

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We are safe ffs.


As FF points out, 1 FA Cup in 128 years. Something worth addressing.


Seems perverse and ill founded logic to me, not to want to win the greatest domestic cup competition going, especially for a young manager to enhance his CV.


I suppose you are right but only if the FA Cup means as much as it used to do. As I have said I don't think Pochettino wants us to slip down the league, I think he wants to finish strongly and he knows he has a small squad. The Cup could have drained his resources.

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Maybe it is money, but from this stage on the FA Cup prize & TV money and extra gate receipts start to outweigh the Premier League place money and on this showing you couldn't blame BT if they didn't hand over the TV money for today's showing.


I doubt if mopo will be here next season so his motivation is not about making the club money or allowing the fans a trip to wembley + euro tour.


If mopo finishes top 8 he gets a big bonus (thats the word on the street) and he therefore gives no priority or care towards the fa cup


Another 2 fingers to the club and fans.


Seeing mopo slumped back in the dugout today said it all.... Our mopo cares about the Cheddar than winning medals for Saints

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Maybe I am getting old, but I cannot believe people are relaxed about today's FA Cup elimination because at least "we won't have to compete in the Europa Cup".


And then astonishment that some think to finish above Man Utd is more important than getting to Wembley is even more unbelievable.


Or am I just a Bovril drinking dinosaur wanting my club to lift a second cup in only 128 years?


And should I accept the fact I am a bed wetter to be annoyed that my club spunked up a great chance of Wembley glory?



Or am I right to be just a bit miffed?


Just what we need; another thread on the same subject from one of our "look at me" merchants. You people seem to think the cup was ours if we had won today. The team were more than capable of beating a Sunderland team making 9 changes but played crap. It happens. Get over yourselves FFS. It is very disappointing but there is no plot here to deliberately lose today - though some with their personal agendas would like to believe so.


Over and out.

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I suppose you are right but only if the FA Cup means as much as it used to do. As I have said I don't think Pochettino wants us to slip down the league, I think he wants to finish strongly and he knows he has a small squad. The Cup could have drained his resources.


as opposed to today's result which just drains fans - and possibly players - interest and enthusiasm.

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Feel sorry for the 800 supporters who made such an effort and re payed with a performance like that, they should get their money back.

We should have treated this match as our biggest of the season.

What a waste.

I'm so not happy tonight.

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Don't want the League Cup, don't want the FA Cup, don't want the Europa League. With this approach Saints wouldn't win a trophy in our lifetime.


What annoys me most is the lies. If you're not going for the cups, admit it. Don't let fans go to games, pay money for tickets and travel or get their hopes up. Don't send the assistant manager forward to spout lies and drivel to the fans. Sunderland were poor, the game was poor Saints were just as poor but didn't take their chances. Purely about the manager not giving a toss.


If MP is thinking of leaving in the summer, doesn't care about the cups or is just after a stepping stone then please fck off now. We're safe, I'd rather build a team under a manager that wants to win every game. Why the hell have the likes of Cork interviewed about the cup all week then leave him out? Why rest your only good keeper?


The team out there was capable of beating Sunderland and on another day might have, but from minute 1 you could tell their heads weren't right and the drive wasn't there, purely down to the manager and team selection. Idiots can drivel on about players, slag them off and question the squad but they've all proved themselves consistently in the league and all the quality is there. This was just disrespecting the cup pure and simple.


Sums up my thoughts completely.

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I would say that with a small squad Pochettino has decided we will do better to target our resources in the league than 'gamble' in the Cup. Seems logical to me.


How on earth is that logical when we have pretty much already acheived a mid table if not better position in the prem.


It is totally logical to expect us to seriously try and win a competion that very few clubs have a chance of doing. A cup that galvanised Southampton in 1976 and turned us into a respected football club and which acted as a spring board to get us into the top league of which we stayed over 25 years. Not to mention the financial gains and the world wide attention, oh and a little sideline of playing in a European competition not to mention the better players we could entice because of all of the above.


What gamble? There is no gamble only positives, positives and dreams that have now evaporated for any saints fan dreaming of us proudly holding the FA cup aloft.


The above might seem over the top by many but I feel really let down by the club and feel desperately sorry for the hardcore that went up there and were served up by a weakened side, a manager (whom I normally admire) who seemingly couldn't give a toss, a playing performance as if they had just been relegated.


Angry? Frigging right I am angry!

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Last few years we have had excuse after excuse why we couldn't be distracted by the cups. Avoiding relegation was more important, getting back to the PL was more important, avoiding relegation from the championship was more important, getting to the league one play offs was more important, getting back to the championship was more important, getting back to the PL was more important, avoiding relegation from the PL was more important this season for the first time since 2003 we had no reason not to go all out for the cups we were in a good safe mid-table position and had nothing else to play for and yet we didn't bother. It's not the losing that hurts but the total lack of effort to even try.

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Maybe I am getting old, but I cannot believe people are relaxed about today's FA Cup elimination because at least "we won't have to compete in the Europa Cup".


And then astonishment that some think to finish above Man Utd is more important than getting to Wembley is even more unbelievable.


Or am I just a Bovril drinking dinosaur wanting my club to lift a second cup in only 128 years?


And should I accept the fact I am a bed wetter to be annoyed that my club spunked up a great chance of Wembley glory?



Or am I right to be just a bit miffed?


You are correct, the younger clapper is the one thinking we get a medal, an open top bus and access to Europe by finishing 7th in the League.

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I want the fa cup win and I want the Europa cup games. Nothing compares to a fa cup,semi, a fa cup final and a trip abroad with saints.


Yep. Really struggle to understand why people wouldn't want us to have progressed today and aren't p*ssed off that we threw a good chance of at least a wembley semi final appearance. MP seems to think the Europa league is beneath him and us, but there will be quite a few fans who would love nothing more than at least one season in it. Don't hear too many people that went to Bucharest or hamburg saying it was a waste of time and money.

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Yep. Really struggle to understand why people wouldn't want us to have progressed today and aren't p*ssed off that we threw a good chance of at least a wembley semi final appearance. MP seems to think the Europa league is beneath him and us, but there will be quite a few fans who would love nothing more than at least one season in it. Don't hear too many people that went to Bucharest or hamburg saying it was a waste of time and money.


I'm ****ed off too and think it's a stupid decision. However there is another thread (amongst the thousands on the same subject) where some people are calling today one of their lowest as a Saints fan. That I can't understand. It was the 5th round.

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I'm ****ed off too and think it's a stupid decision. However there is another thread (amongst the thousands on the same subject) where some people are calling today one of their lowest as a Saints fan. That I can't understand. It was the 5th round.


These were probably the ones who had birthdays, christening or funerals when we were losing at home to Charlton in the championship which effectively relegated us to l1 or hosting burnley not knowing if we'd have a club in a months time. Of course it's not the lowest time, but I for one think having had a great chance of silverware we've thrown it away due to, to be blunt, apathy from the manager and perhaps a bit of complacency from the players.

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These were probably the ones who had birthdays, christening or funerals when we were losing at home to Charlton in the championship which effectively relegated us to l1 or hosting burnley not knowing if we'd have a club in a months time. Of course it's not the lowest time, but I for one think having had a great chance of silverware we've thrown it away due to, to be blunt, apathy from the manager and perhaps a bit of complacency from the players.


Agreed. I think generally the squad looks nackered as well.

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The champions league or nothing brigade have their wish.


So it will be nothing then.:( Feel sorry for the travelling fans who deserve a refund! Mind, the training video featuring certain players and missing others did give a hint of selection to come. Very disappointing day, but as a Saints fan we get used to that!

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These were probably the ones who had birthdays, christening or funerals when we were losing at home to Charlton in the championship which effectively relegated us to l1 or hosting burnley not knowing if we'd have a club in a months time. Of course it's not the lowest time, but I for one think having had a great chance of silverware we've thrown it away due to, to be blunt, apathy from the manager and perhaps a bit of complacency from the players.


Ha my sons first ever game quite surprised he ever came back for more. You're right though not our lowest point by a long shot (losing to Rochdale at home in league 1 sucked worse) but a missed chance to have a go at the cup with (unusually for saints) no pressure in the league.

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Let's not bother qualifying then.


I agree, if its going to cost us our PL place.


I would rather we won the cup, qualified and made a fist of the PL and the Europa Cup, to be honest. But we need the squad to do it. And after the January window, uncertain ownership and funding, and all the transfer (out) rumours for next summer, I dont think it will be possible

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I got up at 4.30am. Discovered that most of the trains were cancelled but was fortunate to get the only train leaving for London from Woking at 6.30am Poor Le God Third coming could not get any trains from Hersham so he was screwed. Got to Waterloo and then Bakerloo to Picadillly to discover all Picadilly trains delayed.Rushed out of station got a taxi(cost £12) to Kings X. Made the 8.11 to Sunderland by three minutes. Freezing cold and miserable in Sunderland. Climbed to Everest to my seat and watched utter crap. Like all those fans whop made super human efforts to go to the game we expected at least somewhere near the effort by the team. Not often you hear boos ringing out at the end of the game but understandable. At least the Ruddles was £1.69 a pint and boy did I drink a few to erase that dross.


So so disapointing

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I got up at 4.30am. Discovered that most of the trains were cancelled but was fortunate to get the only train leaving for London from Woking at 6.30am Poor Le God Third coming could not get any trains from Hersham so he was screwed. Got to Waterloo and then Bakerloo to Picadillly to discover all Picadilly trains delayed.Rushed out of station got a taxi(cost £12) to Kings X. Made the 8.11 to Sunderland by three minutes. Freezing cold and miserable in Sunderland. Climbed to Everest to my seat and watched utter crap. Like all those fans whop made super human efforts to go to the game we expected at least somewhere near the effort by the team. Not often you hear boos ringing out at the end of the game but understandable. At least the Ruddles was £1.69 a pint and boy did I drink a few to erase that dross.


So so disapointing


Good effort, feel your pain. Just feel numb that this is what football has become.


Why did we back the team all the way down the leagues and all the way back up again if we then capitulate at the final hurdle?


Really good away support at Swindon, Southend, Orient, Tranmere, Carlisle, Hartlepool, Gillingham etc etc etc,


Don't those fans deserve to get something back?


Fecking 12-45 kick off at the other end of the country and 800 people still got themselves up there.


Poor effort today from the club, the manager and the players.

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I got up at 4.30am. Discovered that most of the trains were cancelled but was fortunate to get the only train leaving for London from Woking at 6.30am Poor Le God Third coming could not get any trains from Hersham so he was screwed. Got to Waterloo and then Bakerloo to Picadillly to discover all Picadilly trains delayed.Rushed out of station got a taxi(cost £12) to Kings X. Made the 8.11 to Sunderland by three minutes. Freezing cold and miserable in Sunderland. Climbed to Everest to my seat and watched utter crap. Like all those fans whop made super human efforts to go to the game we expected at least somewhere near the effort by the team. Not often you hear boos ringing out at the end of the game but understandable. At least the Ruddles was £1.69 a pint and boy did I drink a few to erase that dross.


So so disapointing


This post should be read out to the manager and players the next time we have a Cup game

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I think the players will be up for Wham. Moreover, a good win and today will be forgotten.


No it wont. The club have given two fingers to us fans.It is not the fact that we lost at Sunderland but the creation of false expectation by the Club to fans who travelled 600 miles in **** conditions to a late morning kick off. We expected that this game ,quote Llalana "Was game of the season". There was no passion or skill. I could not believe this was the same club that destroyed Hull during the week. MOPO , for whatever reason screwed up here badly. An apology might assuade some of the bad feeling but what have we got to play for now? Oh sorry I forgot more money. How silly

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Strange , finish above Man U and that could get the 'dreaded' Europa league place. If Man city win the league cup and the fa cup final is Arsenal/Liverpool v man city then 7 th would get a place in Europe .


What will we do for the final league game then......

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What if finishing as high as possible in the league provided Mopo with extra funds to strengthen the squad for the following season and beyond? Would that be OK?


Anyway, as some of the enlightened on here have pointed out, the team put out was near full strength. Our talisman Lambert missed an absolute sitter from 4 yards out. The team performance was flat and poor...is that the fault of the manager? Sure, be disappointed, but place the blame fair and square with the pro players on the pitch. Unless yiu have an agenda of course.

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What if finishing as high as possible in the league provided Mopo with extra funds to strengthen the squad for the following season and beyond? Would that be OK?


Anyway, as some of the enlightened on here have pointed out, the team put out was near full strength. Our talisman Lambert missed an absolute sitter from 4 yards out. The team performance was flat and poor...is that the fault of the manager? Sure, be disappointed, but place the blame fair and square with the pro players on the pitch. Unless yiu have an agenda of course.


What was wrong with Boruc? That subs bench had better players on it, why not start with them after all Rodriguez and Schneiderlin were brought on anyway? The question is does the manager have an agenda, the only agenda a Saints fan should have is wanting our team to win every game and give 100%.

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I've been involved with and watched football for near on 45 years and in all that time most pro level teams rotate the squad for cup games to some extent. It should be expected and particularly by the brave souls who travel away. Having Boruc in goal would have made little little difference...I doubt he would have had better game to be fair...Davis made a couple of great saves. No, if blame is levelled anywhere it should be on our midfield and front-line players for such a poor showing. Particularly Lambert who should be crucified for missing an open goal from 4 yards out.

Edited by Saint Fan CaM
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