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Can't be arsed to trawl through the threads, especially as the twin c**ts of Glasgow and Alpine will be all over them but today was the 1st time in a very long time that I've heard our travelling support vent their spleen with so much poison.


Even after the long drive home I'm still fuming with the club for throwing away a genuine chance of Wembley.




That said, the free park and ride at Sunderland is the mutts nutts.

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Absolutely disgusted with the attitude of MP. We have just thrown away one of the best chances we will have of winning a major trophy. Tiredness etc etc is all ********. If today had been a premier league game Morgan, Boruc, Jay and Fonte would have been out there from the start. Fans travel all that way and MP can't be arsed.



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Boruc was ill; Fonte injured (see his leg?); Morgan everyone said was knackered at Hull, also Cork; Wanyama and JWP have been 1st team regulars; the only weak point was Guly for Jay Rod. I am bitterly disappointed but I do not buy this weak team we don't care bull****, we had 3 really good chances just didn't take them. Thats football!

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Boruc was ill; Fonte injured (see his leg?); Morgan everyone said was knackered at Hull, also Cork; Wanyama and JWP have been 1st team regulars; the only weak point was Guly for Jay Rod. I am bitterly disappointed but I do not buy this weak team we don't care bull****, we had 3 really good chances just didn't take them. Thats football!


Where you get that boruc was ill? You could take his recent Instagram post to suggest he wasn't happy being dropped

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What was the mood in the away end Dave, Ade? I was very disappointed to see the line up but still thought it was a side capable of winning. But the performance was so sloppy and poor, it seemed to reflect the attitude of the manager who really appeared not to give a toss about the cups. It's the first time in a long time I've been angry watching a saints match.

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Boruc was ill; Fonte injured (see his leg?); Morgan everyone said was knackered at Hull, also Cork; Wanyama and JWP have been 1st team regulars; the only weak point was Guly for Jay Rod. I am bitterly disappointed but I do not buy this weak team we don't care bull****, we had 3 really good chances just didn't take them. Thats football!


Fonte would not have been on the bench if he was injured.

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What was the mood in the away end Dave, Ade? I was very disappointed to see the line up but still thought it was a side capable of winning. But the performance was so sloppy and poor, it seemed to reflect the attitude of the manager who really appeared not to give a toss about the cups. It's the first time in a long time I've been angry watching a saints match.


Fuming. Right from the moment the team was announced at the end they certainly made their feelings known. Even the bingo bus brigade were giving it plenty.

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Fuming. Right from the moment the team was announced at the end they certainly made their feelings known. Even the bingo bus brigade were giving it plenty.

As I said in the match reaction Dave I felt for those that travelled, but it was entirely predictable I am afraid, and as such was of little interest to me beyond the point of team selection. Sure I would have liked to have won but if the team are suitably chastened by their poor performance as suggested by the Luke Shaw Twitter feeds and they go and do job on West Ham next week then the world will be back in kilter, or at least the world that revolves around this board. My advice is to get the Bianchi out tomorrow, weather permitting and go and slay a few Strava segments. You know it makes sense!

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As I said in the match reaction Dave I felt for those that travelled, but it was entirely predictable I am afraid, and as such was of little interest to me beyond the point of team selection. Sure I would have liked to have won but if the team are suitably chastened by their poor performance as suggested by the Luke Shaw Twitter feeds and they go and do job on West Ham next week then the world will be back in kilter, or at least the world that revolves around this board. My advice is to get the Bianchi out tomorrow, weather permitting and go and slay a few Strava segments. You know it makes sense!


Off on a long one tomorrow!

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I would love it if no Saints fans attended our next cup game and hit the club where it hurts. As soon as the team was announced I was ****ing fuming, thought to be honest it wasn't a surprise, so glad my head ruled my heart today and stayed at home. Feel sorry for every Saints fan that spent time and money that went to Sunderland today the club really should reimburse them.


Still ****ing fuming with the management teams policy the ****ing ******s.

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Genuinely think the club should refund the fans tickets AND travel expenses. The money is bad enough but for the fans that wasted 2 days of their life (I'm not one of them) traveling to that game and back... well you are quite right to be outraged.


Lambert's miss summed it up. Whilst that can happen to the very best of players, it is indicative of a lack of effort, concentration, preparation and belief. If they had been playing for a place in a World Cup final, I'd wager Rickie would have taken the net off with that.

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Genuinely think the club should refund the fans tickets AND travel expenses. The money is bad enough but for the fans that wasted 2 days of their life (I'm not one of them) traveling to that game and back... well you are quite right to be outraged.


Lambert's miss summed it up. Whilst that can happen to the very best of players, it is indicative of a lack of effort, concentration, preparation and belief. If they had been playing for a place in a World Cup final, I'd wager Rickie would have taken the net off with that.


I agree. This weekend has cost me a fortune!

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Just home, to me it's not the money it is the sheer disregard to the fans by not playing our best available team, no wonder the magic has gone out of the cup. Nothing wrong with the players picked but they were not our strongest team. If we had lost with our strongest team playing then we would have no argument. The cup was ours for the taking.

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Nothing wrong with the team selection. That team should still have won. Tactically this just wasn't the normal saints. No pressing. Poor passing. Nobody stood out positive or negative. Just a meh performance all round. Respect yo the fans who went up though.

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Jos came over to clap the fans, people were literally just telling him to f*ck off. Harsh but not good enough. Was a very frustrating day all round


Well that's one less thing we can criticise Pompey fans for doing. And there was me thinking we were a slightly more intellectual fan base

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You know what he means. Why don't all fans boycott all Cup matches next season? Just a thought but I sure as hell won't be going.


What are you wanting to protest against? A poor performance or the dropping of one first team player - the others were injured according to NickG (don't shoot the messenger). If Lambert had buried that 'unmissable' chance this forum would be a different place tonight but alas it's not and we are out.

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Nothing wrong with the team selection. That team should still have won. Tactically this just wasn't the normal saints. No pressing. Poor passing. Nobody stood out positive or negative. Just a meh performance all round. Respect yo the fans who went up though.
Cannot disagree with much of that. I think the team selection could have been better though - for example the team we had for the last 30 minutes should have started perhaps?
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You know what he means. Why don't all fans boycott all Cup matches next season? Just a thought but I sure as hell won't be going.


Nothing wrong with the team selection. That team should still have won. Tactically this just wasn't the normal saints. No pressing. Poor passing. Nobody stood out positive or negative. Just a meh performance all round. Respect yo the fans who went up though.


The team selection was pathetic.

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What are you wanting to protest against? A poor performance or the dropping of one first team player - the others were injured according to NickG (don't shoot the messenger). If Lambert had buried that 'unmissable' chance this forum would be a different place tonight but alas it's not and we are out.


If the best eleven was picked who says we would have conceded the goal or played that badly? We would have crested more chances too. I expect the club will say they were injured now but I don't buy it and not should anyone.

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Cannot disagree with much of that. I think the team selection could have been better though - for example the team we had for the last 30 minutes should have started perhaps?


Once you lose momentum in sport it's very tough to get it back.

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Well that's one less thing we can criticise Pompey fans for doing. And there was me thinking we were a slightly more intellectual fan base


Big shame IMO. We don't know what was in Jos's mind, but I'm sure he was very sympathetic about what happened today to the traveling support.

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If the best eleven was picked who says we would have conceded the goal or played that badly? We would have crested more chances too. I expect the club will say they were injured now but I don't buy it and not should anyone.


We were shocking Roger, of that there is no doubt. Did you see the Man City vs Chelsea game tonight? Did you see how poor Chelsea were? They were shocking. It was about as one-sized a game as you'll ever see between two Premiership teams but do you think the Chelsea fans are threatening to boycott future cup games? These things happen in life. No club, not even Chelsea can produce at the highest level week-in week-out.

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Made it back. First thing to say is Sunderland have great fans. Chatting in the pub before hand they, like Poyet, had written the game off because "we are in one final and need to stay up. Saints have a great chance to win the FA Cup so you are going to play your best players". How wrong they were! As was said on 606 and by all the fans leaving the ground we did not play our best team and that was madness. Yes it was a good team but not our best. Once JayRod and MS came on Sunderland were in full retreat. Was it worth protecting these players...time will tell but I doubt it. Anyway no one orders an open top bus for a parade when you come 8th in the EPL.

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We were shocking Roger, of that there is no doubt. Did you see the Man City vs Chelsea game tonight? Did you see how poor Chelsea were? They were shocking. It was about as one-sized a game as you'll ever see between two Premiership teams but do you think the Chelsea fans are threatening to boycott future cup games? These things happen in life. No club, not even Chelsea can produce at the highest level week-in week-out.


Chelsea played their best team pretty much and lost to man city prob the best team in prem and their strongest team. We lost to fourth from bottom Sunderland for second cup game this season leaving players out and Sunderland rested nine players. Not quite the same is it!

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We were shocking Roger, of that there is no doubt. Did you see the Man City vs Chelsea game tonight? Did you see how poor Chelsea were? They were shocking. It was about as one-sized a game as you'll ever see between two Premiership teams but do you think the Chelsea fans are threatening to boycott future cup games? These things happen in life. No club, not even Chelsea can produce at the highest level week-in week-out.


Chelsea win trophies.

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