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Guly a Gonner?

Delboy Dave

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Not surprised I think the prem is a step above his level, as has been said would be nice to see him sign off with a premier league goal and a decent send off from the fans, despite some peoples opinions he was an essential part of the team that got us back to the prem and has always put in a decent shift.

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I would not be surpised if he gets a one year extension as he is still a decent squad player, as shown on Tuesday for his cameo appearance. I don't think he will ever score a lot of goals but that's not really how we use him now. I always remember Spurs last season saying that him going off injured changed the game and enabled Bale to get the winning goal. Tough guy to play against. Frustrating to watch sometimes!

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An ok league 1 player but sadly he's become a bit of a joke. The team allowing him to take a penalty to end his 2 year drought was embarrassing for Guly


Wish him all the best / drink driving aside he seems a decent chap


A condescending post from the long standing GDP basher. Guly has always been better than "ok League 1 player" - show some respect.

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An ok league 1 player but sadly he's become a bit of a joke. The team allowing him to take a penalty to end his 2 year drought was embarrassing for Guly


And Posting stuff like that is embarrassing for you. Or your alter ego, or his alter ego, or what ever the deal is with your usernames and the incredible amount of time you spend on message boards.


Surely it'd be more fun being a troll in real life? Actually winding people up for real... but trying to wind up people online... that's another level of low I guess. Can't even bring yourself to annoy people in real life, has to be virtual.


As I've said before, would love to see a good BBC documentary investigating internet trolls like Glasgow, Alpine, Turkish... who they really are, what happened in their lives to cause this troubled behaviour, is there any hope for them etc etc. It must be something to do with a complete lack in human to human interaction, not being sure how to communicate and function properly as a member of society, so resort to this kind of stuff...


As for Guly, hope he gets a one year extension, just because I like him.

Edited by niceandfriendly
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Good player despite the usual suspects putting him down. I hope he gets a one year extension for next year.I think people forget he was bought has a midfielder but can play a few positions .


Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk



think his time with Saints is past actually, perhaps he could get a couple of years at Bournemouth though.

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Stick him on ignore, I've found it massively improves your web experience...


Taking your advice.

As for Guly, it'd be a shame if he leaves without getting a Prem goal but I can't see him getting a better chance than on tuesday night. As said above he is still a decent option as a squad player and - importantly - seems happy to help out when needed and just be part of the group.

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Guly is a legend IMO - looked like a fish out of water when he first joined -Swindon at home in the JPT stands out. Could tell he wasnt enjoying himself in England and thinking wtf.


Four years on, he says he would be sad to leave. He has his faults but along the way has contributed some vital goals and assists, stuck in there despite being a whipping boy and generally added to the togetherness and ethic of the squad.


If only some more talented players took a similar leaf out of Guly's book...

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Would be happy to see him stay on a year's extension - really a far better player than a few on here make him out to be and yes, a key part in our rise!



Still don't think it's likely to happen. The rise is in the past, courtesy contracts for ageing heroes probably went out of the door with Cortese. They've been costing us a packet and now they're all being shipped out. Expect a good old clear out this summer myself, starting with Gazza and Cropper..neither of them is obviously good enough for the PL.

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Still don't think it's likely to happen. The rise is in the past, courtesy contracts for ageing heroes probably went out of the door with Cortese. They've been costing us a packet and now they're all being shipped out. Expect a good old clear out this summer myself, starting with Gazza and Cropper..neither of them is obviously good enough for the PL.


How on earth would you know that?

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Still don't think it's likely to happen. The rise is in the past, courtesy contracts for ageing heroes probably went out of the door with Cortese. They've been costing us a packet and now they're all being shipped out. Expect a good old clear out this summer myself, starting with Gazza and Cropper..neither of them is obviously good enough for the PL.


lost alot of support for Guly after the drink driving and the cowardly defending of the Pompey goal in Dec 2011. When he turned his back on Joel Ward and allowed him a free header to equalise I knew his time at Saints was up.





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And Posting stuff like that is embarrassing for you. Or your alter ego, or his alter ego, or what ever the deal is with your usernames and the incredible amount of time you spend on message boards.


Surely it'd be more fun being a troll in real life? Actually winding people up for real... but trying to wind up people online... that's another level of low I guess. Can't even bring yourself to annoy people in real life, has to be virtual.


As I've said before, would love to see a good BBC documentary investigating internet trolls like Glasgow, Alpine, Turkish... who they really are, what happened in their lives to cause this troubled behaviour, is there any hope for them etc etc. It must be something to do with a complete lack in human to human interaction, not being sure how to communicate and function properly as a member of society, so resort to this kind of stuff...


As for Guly, hope he gets a one year extension, just because I like him.


Turkish isn't a troll & nor is Alpine.


Glasgow, however, reads much better on ignore.

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lost alot of support for Guly after the drink driving and the cowardly defending of the Pompey goal in Dec 2011. When he turned his back on Joel Ward and allowed him a free header to equalise I knew his time at Saints was up.






Stop being a c**t.


Remember NA bringing Guly on at the siege of Elland Road later in the season precisely because he knew Guly would stand up and be counted.

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Time for Guly to be moved on...he has been a good servant...but there is no need for passengers now


we should be using that wage on a younger player who can benefit the team...time for us to start finding some young gems from Argentina and use MoPo's contacts


cant say hes a passenger as he came on as a sub so I'd say he was part of the match day squad and when available(not injured) he has appeared in the squad regularly

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lost alot of support for Guly after the drink driving and the cowardly defending of the Pompey goal in Dec 2011. When he turned his back on Joel Ward and allowed him a free header to equalise I knew his time at Saints was up.


You claim that you KNEW that despite him staying on for at least 2,5 yrs more?


Yes, you really really know things....just another proof of that here.....

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cant say hes a passenger as he came on as a sub so I'd say he was part of the match day squad and when available(not injured) he has appeared in the squad regularly



Honestly his contribution has been minimal all season, he's in the squad regularly because there is no-one else, we have 14 fit

senior pros at this moment including the reserve keeper. As everything useful has been taken out of the development group already and the rest of it has U21 league games there's no other option than to use the outdated and surpassed. When Dejan and Gaston are fit again we shall see if Guly gets into the matchday 18. I very much doubt it myself.



When they're all fit there's no place for Guly. Desirable Matchday 18: AB KD NC CC LS DL JF MY MS JC VW AL GR JR RL SG JWP SD. So no place for Guly or Jos.

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An ok league 1 player but sadly he's become a bit of a joke. The team allowing him to take a penalty to end his 2 year drought was embarrassing for Guly


Wish him all the best / drink driving aside he seems a decent chap


Calling a current player a joke makes you a ****. Show support for everyone or go home. Yeah, maybe he's not good enough but you can't support a club and not all the players.

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lost alot of support for Guly after the drink driving and the cowardly defending of the Pompey goal in Dec 2011. When he turned his back on Joel Ward and allowed him a free header to equalise I knew his time at Saints was up.






Should I attach significance in to the fact you post a picture of a skate goal rather than one go Guly's? :uhoh:

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lost alot of support for Guly after the drink driving and the cowardly defending of the Pompey goal in Dec 2011. When he turned his back on Joel Ward and allowed him a free header to equalise I knew his time at Saints was up.






Should I attach significance in to the fact you post a picture of a skate goal rather than one of Guly's? :uhoh:

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Top guy, Guly, glad he's stuck with us for this long despite the lack of play time, although he looked really up for his 20 minutes or so against Hull on Tuesday.


Wouldn't be surprised if Reading made a move for him in the summer, assuming they don't get promoted.

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Top guy, Guly, glad he's stuck with us for this long despite the lack of play time, although he looked really up for his 20 minutes or so against Hull on Tuesday.


Wouldn't be surprised if Reading made a move for him in the summer, assuming they don't get promoted.


Why would they do that, don't think Guly was a particular favourite of Adkins'

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I like Guly. After he scored his first goal in League One, I bumped into him in the petrol station just before you join the M3. I gave him a thumbs up and he reciprocated. I felt a special bond from that moment on. :-D


I do hope he gets a Premier League goal before he leaves, something to tell the grandkids about.

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Of course he is a likeable person but unfortunately football does not work like that, similar to barreners in a Dairy Herd. When they have done the job, they have to move on and Guly is in that category. Sadly not good enough to be where we want to be I am afraid.

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Not many you can sign for that price and get that use from. Lot of important goals and part of a huge climb through the leagues. You'd expect more gratitude from fans. Think most do appreciate it and like him.


Great video and brilliant to look back on a fantastic couple of years that Guly has played a full part in, I think the only people in this thread who've got anything other than praise for him are the regular muppets! Yes he mucked up in that Derby game but the other goals he's scored more than make up for that if your going to hold one bad performance against pompey against a player then the whole team from our relegation season should never be spoken of again let alone mentioned as legends like Niemi so often is!

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I like Guly. After he scored his first goal in League One, I bumped into him in the petrol station just before you join the M3. I gave him a thumbs up and he reciprocated. I felt a special bond from that moment on. :-D


I do hope he gets a Premier League goal before he leaves, something to tell the grandkids about.

Never mind your bromance with him, more importantly what car was he driving?

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