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Chambers or Clyne

Saint Garrett

Chambers or Clyne  

186 members have voted

  1. 1. Chambers or Clyne

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The need to keep both, and to keep both sweet, is paramount.


I wonder whether the decision to let Fox go was partly inspired by the progress Chambers has made this season - and the ability Clyne has to fill in at left back should the need arise...

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I honestly couldnt choose right now


Clynes slightely better going forward but not as good crossing, and Chambers is better at crossing and physically bigger and stronger. There isnt much between both defensively I dont think


It really is an excellent position to be in. Chambers could end up as a CB IMO

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Clyne hes a better one on one defender and has pace.


Chambers has a better first touch and aerial ability, but gets exposed when people with pace run at him, also his lack of pace means when we try to counter it affects us, Chambers should only play when we play big teams like Stoke WHUFC etc, for me it Clyne plays 30 league games and Chambers plays 8 and cup games unless injury means he plays more.

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If Clyne could get more of his crosses past the first defender, I'd pick him. Think his crossing has been poor lately.


It definitely seems like it's CCs place to hold on to at the moment, it's a good challenge for Clyne and a great problem for the manager to have.

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i voted for clyne just cause i think his crossing is better, also his pace can cause problems when he runs at the full backs. Chambers is very good though and a very good backup but maybe one day we might try and push one of them up on the right wing? could be worth a try in the pre season friendlies to see how it goes.

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Difficult one to make a call on.


As someone else said, selection could be on the particular opposition.


Heart wants to vote CC as another from the academy. Perhaps he's stronger, most definitely taller.


But Clyne has that extra pace, and danger going forward, so gets my vote (tonight).

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Old fashioned idea I know but.


Clyne was out injured, Chambers came in. Has done NOTHING wrong and is playing very well. Clyne cannot get back in the team...


Lovren is out injured, Maya has come in and each week is playing better and better sure as heck did nothing wrong last night. Lovren on the bench until Jose or Maya have a bad game........ ? :rolleyes:


In the OLD days you lost your place then you only got back in when your replacement had a bad game.


Squad rotation has changed that a lot but with a close knit group this year, I do like the fact that Clyne has not got back in the side even though he would help us break down park the bus teams, do think he is a heck of a lot better option at RB for England......

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Clyne is excellent. In time Chambers could be excellent too. MP is doing a good job to ensure that Chambers reaches his potential and doesn't just warm the bench.


This week I heard Neil Warnock on Talksport saying how good Clyne is and what a lovely lad he is too (he signed Clyne at Palace and he recalls how nice his Mum was). I instantly wondered whether perhaps he is too nice and perhaps isn't being vocal enough about starting games ahead of Chambers, especially in a World Cup year. Anyhow, our three fullbacks will get plenty of game time between them with injuries, international breaks etc.

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Too very evenenly matched players. Clyne has the plus with his pace, but Chambers is so solid as well.


Can't remember being in a position at this level by having 2 top players at full back.

I've a very long memory and we once had Ald Ramsey and Bill Ellerington competing for right back in both the Saints and the England team. Ramsey went to Spurs and secured his England place and Ellerington got pnuemonia and was never the same but he's still alive at 90+ the only one of that 1948 side still with us (I believe)

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