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Our match of the season is next Saturday

Fitzhugh Fella

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Ahh i get it so the BBC plucked figures out of the sky did they.


"up to" or "an estimated" 200,000 people is still a hell of a lot of people celebrating something no one cares about isn't it pal.


"muted celebrations" Keep 'em coming. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


Are you illiterate as well as gullible? I said muted compared to 76. Keep up pal.

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Are you illiterate as well as gullible? I said muted compared to 76. Keep up pal.


Oh im keeping up, i'm definitely keeping up pal, it you that seems to be struggling and insulting people. So the BBC "estimate" or "up to" 200,000 that came out for Pompey in their muted celebrations would dwarf the amount that would come out for us would it? Are you suggesting Pompey have more passionate fans than us?

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I'm saying it would be more muted this time around.


Am sure plenty would have a mad few days but would it bring nonfootball or even fairweather fans out and truly cut across the whole city like it did in 76? That I doubt.


That's complete nonsense, there would be more people out than in 76, purely because there are more people in the City than there was then.


How many on Southsea common were actually die hard pompey fans? Most would be casuals, neutrals or day trippers just enjoying watching the parade - something like that in a provincial town is a once in a life-time thing, and it's free.

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I think finishing 7 - 10th in the league in only your second season back in the Premiership is a good achievement and represents steady progress to build on.


hopefully we will, but we are not one of the big boys. so keeping our best players will always be tough. When you get a decent batch together all at the same time, play well, you have to take advantage of that are try and win that trophy.

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Any reason why we can't try and win the cup AND do well in the league? Winning mentality and all that...



too many games and too few players. We saw that on Saturday, some of our lads look knackered and we've nothing else in the kitbag. If we want to have a good chance next Saturday we'll have to risk a sub standard side on Tuesday. We have what 14 fit senior pros (over 21s) and 3 kids who play most games, that just isn't enough to expect to win most games.

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Thread shows up much is wrong with football and fans these days. So many seem to prefer cheques to trophies.


I still think it's a minority. And if we progress past Sunderland then the excitement will build. I'd bloody love to see us win the FA Cup. Very jealous of my dad's stories from that summer.

Edited by Golden Balls
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Absolutely. I might be stupid, probably, and missing something, but it seems all the excuses about too many games and resting players have come along with increased fitness and better coaching techniques.


OK the game is faster, but I don't buy it. I think there's just a lot of excuses being made. Especially if a team isn't in the CL. Championship teams have to crawl though 46 games plus playoffs, or in L1 the JPT too and other cup ties, and those players aren't as fit.


I'd hope players still want to play every single game, but that would probably be naive too.


Very narrow minded way to look at it.


Fitter players doesn't mean they're always 100%. Thing is that at such a high level, a loss of 5% fitness is huge. Back in the 80s etc they'd play more games but they would often be playing at 80% or less....against players who are in the same position.


At this level in today's game, every percentage is massive. So resting is required to get the maximum from players who are also playing against players who are at their maximum. Therefore you either need a big squad or prioritise certain games, or both.

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We should be pleased with a top 10 finish but ultimately we have secured that now and should do everything in our power to win the FA cup.


Who the f*ck will remember who came 10th in 5 years time? An FA Cup, however meaningless to some will stay with us for ever.


Stick out our best 11 and smash Sunderland off the park. Roll on the quarter final draw...

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Except it was BBC figures, but dont let that get in the way of your arguement that is about as convicing as Amanda Knoxs defence lawyer.


I like the idea that Strawlock thinks that someone somewhere has the absolute factual headcount of people at street celebrations/free civic events.

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I like the idea that Strawlock thinks that someone somewhere has the absolute factual headcount of people at street celebrations/free civic events.


Cuts both ways, doesn't it pal. Could equally be wide of the mark....


Come back to me when you've got your head around the difference between gross and net spend.


Obviously numbers aren't a forte of yours.

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It is. But I think a lot of people, and partly me are worried the progress could halt in the summer so are keen/desperate to see a cup win to cap off a great few years. We have a chance but obviously it's a pretty slim one. I'm not looking beyond the prospect of a wembley semi final. Even that is a couple of difficult wins away.


Yeah. This could very well be the high point we look back to in ten years time. It would be amazing to get a trophy before we are weakened.

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Pointless argument isnt it? Whether or not the FA Cup means as much as it used to is a red herring. More people will celebrate an FA Cup win and remember it longer than climbing an extra place - and the money generated form an FA Cup win would be far more anyway.

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Cuts both ways, doesn't it pal. Could equally be wide of the mark....


Come back to me when you've got your head around the difference between gross and net spend.


Obviously numbers aren't a forte of yours.


"could" = you dont know.


So rather than take the BBC figures as a guide to Portmouths "muted celebrations" we'll rely on the musing of someone on a mongboard who claims to play the post not the poster. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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It's simple. Put the best side possible out versus Hull. Then put the best team possible out versus Sunderland and the same the following week versus WHU.

It's not that simple. More likely for a key player or two to get injured or even suspended. Not to mention we want the team to be as fresh as possible for Saturday.

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It's simple. Put the best side possible out versus Hull. Then put the best team possible out versus Sunderland and the same the following week versus WHU.


100% this. Let's just keep going. Now if it was Hull Tuesday night semi final or final on Saturday... I would take a different view, but we are a long way off yet!

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It's not that simple. More likely for a key player or two to get injured or even suspended. Not to mention we want the team to be as fresh as possible for Saturday.


The best team possible does exactly that. Injuries etc can't be controlled, ie Lovren and substitute Ramirez in the same minute at Sunderland. The best team from those available.

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Posted on the Hull thread, but here's my take on league vs cup:




But its not that simple is it? Rest players doesn't mean we win the cup?!


I bet there isn't a single poster that would choose a 7th place finish but losing saturday over an fa cup win.


A team performing needs a balance of resting players when needed, giving the best team game time together and keeping squad players involved.


Playing reserves today wouldn't necessarily improve our cup chances. Guess team selection shows MP agrees.


Progression in league means progression as a club and improves chances for future cup - that is not the same as throwing cup for one more league place!


Although cup isn't the same since it dropped its a knockout I would love to go to another cup final, and my kids first.


Do think its very sad when fans show lack of pleasure and passion for an impressive league campaign if it doesn't involve a cup, promotion or successful relegation battle.

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But its not that simple is it? Rest players doesn't mean we win the cup?!


I bet there isn't a single poster that would choose a 7th place finish but losing saturday over an fa cup win.


A team performing needs a balance of resting players when needed, giving the best team game time together and keeping squad players involved.



I don't disagree with what you're saying, though I would suggest that if we were to 'progress as a club' (or go the other way for that matter) we would have other priorities. My point being that this is that rarest of seasons when the FA Cup is virtually the only achievable thing we have to aim for.



Really good blog, agree with everything you say in that!



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