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Thank Goodness They Took Adams Off


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He can be as non existent as he likes if his play leads to 2 goals that get them a point away from home. Play brilliantly and lose or play 'non existent' and get 2 assists...


Wasnt a real threat all game though was he, which is what I was pointing out but you completely missed.

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Equally you missed the point about him being enough of a threat to set up the two goals that led to a point ?


Nope, first half two assists and got them the point. 2nd half thought he got subbed at half time as he did FA that half...again wasn't a threat all game was he?


First goal ball was sublime, caught Shaw out. Corner assists he is bound to get at Stoke. Thought his delivery from free kicks was poor though.

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MLT used to do less that f-all a game and set someone up. he was amazing to us

adam done very well today against what people call, one of the best midfield in the country


Exactly. Whilst tippy tappy possession football is pretty to watch its end product that counts.

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who provided two assists and won most of his tackles and headers. apart from that, obviously ****.


Exactly.. has a great left foot but also has a malicious intent to damage opponents so we would not want him in our side for sure.

He also rarely lasts more than an hour without disappearing in games.. we saw both sides today.

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Yeah, like his two (winning) goals against the reigning champions last week were also "non-existent" maybe in some people's eyes, none so blind as those that can't see. Oh and Blakey sorry to have upset you and ruined you day yet again, it is honestly not my intention sir, you're entitled to your opinion even if a shade sensitive and defensive. Have a nice day, it's awesome out here, so I hope all is well with you guys. My work here is done.

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Adams was a threat as long as he was on the pitch. His pass for the first looked sublime and will be interested to see how good it was on the highlights.


He helped neutralise Lallana, sprayed the ball around the pitch and was general thorn in our side. Very glad when he went off.

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I am not illiterate but I do think, and always will, that 'methinks' is a ridiculous turn of phrase to use unless perhaps you are a Medievel jester.


Perhaps you'd like to list the perfectly normal words from the English language that you deem ridiculous and we can attempt to avoid them. Are there any phrases that you don't like also? How about "narrow-minded t w a t"? Equally ridiculous methinks.

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Yeah, like his two (winning) goals against the reigning champions last week were also "non-existent" maybe in some people's eyes, none so blind as those that can't see. Oh and Blakey sorry to have upset you and ruined you day yet again, it is honestly not my intention sir, you're entitled to your opinion even if a shade sensitive and defensive. Have a nice day, it's awesome out here, so I hope all is well with you guys. My work here is done.


Years and years of hearing you drone on and on on The Saint radio station years ago, starting every conversation with 'Now I only coach a girls soccer team over here in LA…' is enough to drive any sane person mad.


You couldn't give me enough money in the world to live in that characterless, materialistic, soulless sh!thole I'm afraid.

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Perhaps you'd like to list the perfectly normal words from the English language that you deem ridiculous and we can attempt to avoid them. Are there any phrases that you don't like also? How about "narrow-minded t w a t"? Equally ridiculous methinks.


Try looking it up you w a n k e r

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Niggly is putting it lightly, leaves his foot in every time.


On the other hand, I thought Shawcross and Crouch were very good for them.


Shawcross yes, but Crouch was hopeless in the second half when they needed him to hold the ball up....not that I am complaining of course.

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Try looking it up you w a n k e r


I don't need to look it up - I know exactly what it means. And as you have obviously just looked it up to justify your picky little pointless post, you know what it means too. If you don't mind, I will get back to the subject of the thread, while you fret about the words people should or should not use.

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I don't need to look it up - I know exactly what it means. And as you have obviously just looked it up to justify your picky little pointless post, you know what it means too. If you don't mind, I will get back to the subject of the thread, while you fret about the words people should or should not use.


Ok KP, I really don't mind.

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